64 Matrik: Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 15, No. 1, Februari 2021

P-ISSN: 1978-2853

E-ISSN: 2302-8890


Homepage: https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jmbk/index

Vol. 15 No. 1, Februari (2021), 64-74

Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Contract Employees

Ida Bagus Ketut Surya1), I Gede Putu Kawiana 2), I Gede Riana3),

I Gede Rihayana4)

1,3 )Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia

2) Faculty of Economics and Business, Hindu University, Bali, Indonesia

4) Faculty of Economics and Business, Mahasaraswati University, Bali, Indonesia email: [email protected]


DOI : https://doi.org/10.24843/MATRIK:JMBK.2021.v15.i01.p06


This study aims to analyze the effect of intrinsic motivation on job satisfaction and OCB and the effect of job satisfaction on OCB. This study also aims to analyze the indirect effect of intrinsic motivation on OCB through job satisfaction. The study was conducted at the Secretariat of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of Badung Regency. Data were collected by means of questionnaire using five scales, distributed to 143 contract employees. Before being fully disseminated, data quality testing was carried out using SPSS 20 to ensure the questionnaire was valid and reliable. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis with WarpPLS. The results shows that intrinsic motivation plays an important role in increasing job satisfaction and OCB. Additionally, job satisfaction is also proven to be able to increase OCB. Furthermore, intrinsic motivation indirectly has an important role in increasing OCB through job satisfaction.

Keyword: intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

Determinan Perilaku Kewarganegaraan Organisasi Karyawan Kontrak


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi intrinsik terhadap kepuasan kerja dan OCB serta pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap OCB. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung motivasi intrinsik terhadap OCB melalui kepuasan kerja. Penelitian dilakukan di Sekretariat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kabupaten Badung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner menggunakan lima skala yang disebarkan kepada 143 karyawan kontrak. Sebelum disebarluaskan secara lengkap, dilakukan pengujian kualitas data menggunakan SPSS 20 untuk memastikan kuesioner valid dan reliabel. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial dengan WarpPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kepuasan kerja dan OCB. Selain itu, kepuasan kerja juga terbukti mampu meningkatkan OCB. Selanjutnya, motivasi intrinsik secara tidak langsung memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan OCB melalui kepuasan kerja.

Kata kunci: motivasi intrinsik, kepuasan kerja, perilaku kewargaan organisasional (OCB)


Currently, determinants of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) have become one of the centers of attention in organizational behavior research (Mi et al., 2019). As a form of work behavior, OCB often links the various roles of work attitudes as the main predictor of fostering work behavior. Producing employees with positive work behavior demands that organizations have employees who are not only able to behave in-role but also behave extrarole (Na-Nan et al., 2020). In general, in-role behavior is only associated with routine tasks related to rewards, on the other hand, extra-role behavior sees employees as social beings who want to go beyond their duties without formal rewards. Ng et al. (2019) states that extra role behavior is part of OCB which is highly appreciated when it is carried out by employees, even though it is not formally described but can increase the effectiveness and survival of the organization (Singh and Srivastava, 2016). OCB is a positive behavior that not only affects the individual who does it, but also the organization as a whole (Prasetio et al., 2017). Newman et al. (2016) explain that organizations cannot succeed and survive without having employees acting beyond the role of in-role duties, which are often termed good citizens.

Singh et al. (2020) explain that there are three important factors to the growth of OCB. First, individual characteristics (including job satisfaction, commitment, motivation, and personality). Second, organizational characteristics (including organizational culture and climate, organizational support, and group cohesiveness). Third, leadership characteristics (including support and behavior of leaders and exchange-LMX leader members). In general, OCB occurs because of various things, such as employees getting satisfaction at work (Cahyani, 2020). In addition, OCB can also appear when employees have strong work motivation (Ibrahim, 2014).

Motivation theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs plays a central role in predicting employee job satisfaction (Robbin and Judge, 2017: 128). Maslow (1970: 68), explains that an unsatisfied need is a perceived deficiency that can initiate a series of events that lead to the intention to behave. Riana, et al. (2018) state that motivation is important because it is a dynamic force capable of activating cognition. From a number of motivation theories, the selfdetermination theory – SDT (Ryan and Deci, 2000) can be used to identify the types of work motivation that can influence the strength in triggering certain behaviors. SDT is a psychological approach that emphasizes the importance of encouraging self-development by regulating individual behavior. Ryan and Deci (2000) state that employees who are intrinsically motivated tend to show reinforcement in resilience, creativity, and self-esteem. Ibrahim (2014) states that motivation can arise and develop from oneself and due to environmental factors. Based on the shaping sources and individual orientation in a behavior, STD distinguishes motivation into two, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

A number of research results indicate that motivation has a significant effect on OCB. Akmal and Aslinda (2014) and Panggalih and Zulaicha (2012) state that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on OCB. This informs that the higher the work motivation of employees, the higher the desire of employees to become good citizens. Highly motivated employees can direct themselves to develop work attitudes and behaviors, such as job satisfaction and OCB (Zhao et al., 2014). Furthermore, Kreitner and Kinicki (2014: 172) explain that motivation is a very complex individual characteristic that is difficult to define and measure with certainty. Work motivation is one important factor in increasing employee job satisfaction. Motivated employees tend to be more creative at work so that they can more easily achieve job satisfaction (Yamsul et al., 2013 and Hutabarat et al., 2014). A number of researchers (Ahmed et al., 2010; Hira and Waqas, 2012; and Khalid et al., 2011), state that employees who feel valued and cared for can more easily feel satisfaction at work.

Job satisfaction is one of the attitudes that have been extensively researched in the field of organizational behavior to understand organizational outcomes (Krishnan et al., 2010). Robbins and Judge (2017; 45), stated that job satisfaction is an employee's perception of how well the work being done provides things that are considered important and positive. A number of research results state that motivation has a significant effect on job satisfaction (Khalid et al., 2011 and Singh and Tiwari, 2011). Job satisfaction is also an important predictor in increasing employee effectiveness (Riana et al., 2018). According to Anwar et al. (2015), employees who feel satisfaction at work can increase various efforts that may be done in the workplace. In addition, satisfied employees tend to make a positive contribution to creating a more conducive organizational climate (Noermijati and Primasari, 2015). On the other hand, dissatisfied employees have the potential to oppose organizational policies, create noise at work, and can even engage in counterproductive behaviors (Nurak and Riana, 2017).

Riana, et al. (2018), explained that job satisfaction refers to the positive attitude of employees towards the tasks that are assigned by the organization so that employees do various things possible to maximize the desired satisfaction. Satisfied employees can make a maximum contribution to the organization (Riana, 2015) so that it has the potential to increase extra roles. Research by Liao et al. (2012) proved that employees who are satisfied can increase their desire to do OCB. Likewise Connect et al. (2012) stated that satisfied lecturers tended to have higher OCB. Furthermore, a number of other studies have stated that there is a strong influence between job satisfaction and OCB (Ng et al., 2019; Garg et al., 2019). Research conducted by Mushtaq et al. (2014) stated that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between motivation and OCB. The success of solving various human resource problems can result in an effective organization because motivated and more satisfied employees tend to be more cooperative and thus more productive in the workplace. This study aims to analyze the effect of intrinsic motivation on OCB with job satisfaction as a mediator.

Thus, the hypothesis in this study as follows.

H1: MOT has a positive and significant effect OCB.

H2: MOT influence positively and significantly to JS.

H3: JS has positive and significant effect on OCB

H4: JS mediated the effect of JS on OCB


This research was conducted at the Secretariat of DPRD Badung Regency with a population of all contract employees totaling 143 (one hundred and forty three) employees. The saturated sampling technique was used in which all contract employees participated as respondents. Quantitative data from primary and secondary sources were collected by conducting questionnaires. The results of distributing questionnaires showed that all respondents answered completely and validly. The questionnaire was arranged based on a number of indicators with question items. The measurement of OCB variable adopted the research (Kumar et al., 2009 and Organ, 1997), using five indicators. The job satisfaction variable adopts the research of Cekmecelioglu et al. (2012), using four indicators. Furthermore, the intrinsic motivation variable adopts the research indicators conducted by (Tremblay et. Al., 2009; Ryan and Deci, 2000) using six indicators. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis of the WarpPLS software. The use of WarpPLS is very helpful in solving structural models that are built to produce a viable model. Furthermore, to test the indirect effect (mediating role) of job satisfaction on the effect of intrinsic motivation on OCB, the variance accounted for (VAF) formula (Hair et al., 2013:224) was used.


The majority of contract employees as respondents were male, namely as much as 81.8%, with the most age at the interval of 21-30 years (53.8%) and the age interval 31-40 years (32.9%). Meanwhile, based on the length of service, the majority of contract employees have worked between 2 - 5 years (90.9%) with the majority of the latest education being high school and equivalent (49.7%). As many as 36.4% of contract employees with Bachelor (S1) and equivalent qualification, there are even 2 contract employees with Masters (S2) education qualification (1.4%).

The analysis using the WarpPLS generates the fit and quality indices model, as shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Model Fit and quality indices


Model fit and quality indices

Criteria fit




Average path coefficient













Average adjusted R-squared (AARS)






Average block VIF (AVIF)

acceptable if <= 5, ideally <= 3.3




Average full collinearity VIF (AFVIF)

acceptable if <= 5, ideally <= 3.3




Sympson’s paradox ratio (SPR)

acceptable if >= 0.7, ideally = 1




R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR)

acceptable if >= 0.9, ideally = 1





GoF (GoF)

small >= 0.1, medium >= 0.25, large >= 0.36




Statistical suppression ratio (SSR)

acceptable if >= 0.7




Nonlinear bivariate causality direction ratio

acceptable if >= 0.7




Source: Statistical Test Result

Prior of interpretation, the WarpPLS analysis requires validity and reliability checks (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2013; 37). The validity test used the value of combine loadings and cross loading with criteria > 0.30 and p-value (> 0.30; p ≤ 0.001). The results of the analysis show that the model has met the criteria for convergent validity based on combined and crossloadings values (Solimun et al., 2017; 163) as is shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Combined and cross-loadings





Type &

P -







Reflect 0.076
















































Reflect 0.073






















Reflect 0.075































Reflect 0.077











Source: Statistical Test Result

In addition to convergent validity, the model must also meet the criteria for discriminant validity by comparing the average variance extracted (AVE) root value with the correlation coefficient for each variable with other variables in the model (Table 3).

Table 3. Root value of AVE and the correlation between variables





JS - job satisfaction




OCB - organizational citizenship





MOT- intrinsic motivation




Source: Statistical Test Result

Composite reliability criteria are measured using composite reliability coefficients with a minimum requirement of 0.70 and reliability of internal consistency based on the value of Cronbach's alpha coefficients with a minimum requirement of 0.60 (Hair et al., 2010), then the multicollinearity test uses the variance inflation factor (VIFs) of 2.5 at maximum (Ghozali, 2014).

Table .4 Reliability and Multicollinearity Test


Composite reliability coefficients

Cronbach`s alpha coefficients














Source: Statistical Test Result

Figure 1. Result of WarpPLS analysis

Table 5. Path and effect size coefficients and p- values

Variables relationship

Path coef.

Effect size


















Source: Statistical Test Result

Table 5 shows the results of hypothesis testing based on the large p-values (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2013). The direct effect hypothesis test results show that MOT has a positive and significant effect on JS with a path coefficient (ß) of 0.361 and p-values ≤ 001 (strong). These findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between MOT and JS (Heyrani and HamehKhani, 2017). These findings can also further clarify the important role of MOT in improving JS (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Based on the analysis, it can be explained that employees who feel that work is done as part of their personal life is an important factor in increasing job satisfaction (Khalid et al., 2011; Singh and Tiwari, 2011). If employees are successful in completing challenging tasks, the priority of employee attention can then lead to increased job satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to factors that are able to accommodate various individual characteristics of employees, such as providing opportunities for employees to learn new things, creating a more conducive working atmosphere, providing basic needs, and maintaining better working conditions (Hayati and Chaniago, 2012).

MOT also has a positive and significant effect on OCB with a path coefficient (ß) of 0.172 and p-values of 0.017 (moderate). Asmaradita's (2013) states that the stronger the intrinsic motivation, the higher the employee's desire to become a good citizen (Sloat, 1999) in the organization. Gnanarajan et al, (2020) state that there are a number of factors that influence the emergence of OCB, one of which is individual characteristics, namely motivation. Furthermore, Harpen et al., (2005) explained that motivation can be divided into motivation that comes from internal (intrinsic) and that comes from external (extrinsic). According to Liao et al. (2014), intrinsic motivation can increase a sense of mutual help among colleagues who are more intensive in solving problems related to organizational tasks, increase a sense of

community, increase a sense of care and increase the desire to advance the organization, which is largely part of the characteristics of OCB (Ibrahim and Aslinda, 2014).

Meanwhile, JS has a positive and significant effect on OCB with a path coefficient (ß) of 0.280 and p-values ≤ 001 (strong). These results indicate that the higher the job satisfaction is, the higher the OCB will be (Mushtaq et al, 2014). According to Mohammad et al, (2011), JS is an important factor in predicting OCB, meaning that employees who are satisfied with various aspects of their work tend to have higher OCB. Employees who are satisfied with their work also have a strong desire to help colleagues (Robbins and Judge, 2017). Likewise, employees who are satisfied with their work, received salaries, supervision, and are satisfied with colleagues tend to show higher OCB (Cahyani, 2020), such as being willing to help other employees, motivating other employees to achieve better performance, and communicate and interact with fellow employees on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, the indirect effect (mediation) test of MOT on OCB through JS was carried out using Variance Accounted For (VAF), as is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Mediation computation with VAF Source: Statistical Test Result

(indirect effect = (0,361 x 0,280) = 0,10108 and direct effect = (0,10108 + 0,172) = 0,27308)

The value of VAF is calculated based on the coefficient value of the indirect effect divided by the total effect. Based on the path coefficient value, the VAF calculation results obtained = 0.10108: 0.27308 = 37.01%. These results are in the interval of 20% to 80% so that job satisfaction mediates partially (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2013: 81) the effect of MOT on OCB. These results indicate that MOT directly plays an important role in increasing OCB and indirectly increases OCB through JS (Krishnan, et al., 2010). Based on the value of the interaction effect (Figure 2), it indicates that MOT can increase OCB when employees feel satisfaction at work (JS). This is reinforced by the pattern of the relationship between MOT and OCB which is classified in the moderate category with a low Tenenhaus goodness of fit value (Table 1) indicating an important role of job satisfaction in increasing OCB. In addition, another implication of the small goodness of fit is the opportunity to re-examine the determinants of OCB, such as leadership characteristics and organizational characteristics where this study only analyzes individual characteristics, namely intrinsic motivation (MOT) and job satisfaction (JS).


Intrinsic motivation (MOT) is proven to be able to increase employees’ job satisfaction (JS). Meanwhile, employees who have strong intrinsic motivation (MOT) can directly shape organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Likewise, employees who find the work done are fun because it is in accordance with individual characteristics (JS) tends to be able to maintain good relationships with fellow colleagues so that they are willing to help colleagues without

expecting anything in return (OCB). This study emphasizes the important role of job satisfaction (JS) in increasing OCB. The findings of this study also indicate that OCB can be improved when employees are satisfied with various attributes at work (JS). However, increasing employees’ job satisfaction (JS) requires serious attention from management, especially in evaluating the provision of rewards that are still perceived as unsatisfactory and the perceived lack of fairness in the workplace. Furthermore, this study has limitations because it only describes the phenomenon of contract employees at the research location when the research was conducted. In addition, perceptual research tends to change due to a number of factors affecting individual employee characteristics related to intrinsic motivation (MOT) and job satisfaction (JS). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct longitudinal research so that it can be more accurately monitored the determinants of OCB, especially for contract employees.


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