The Role of Perceived Usefulness, Customer Satisfaction, and Emotional Stability, to Continuance Intention of C2c Online Shop in Surabaya
Muhammad Al Hakim Danurwindo, The Role of Perceived Usefulness…109
Vol. 15 No. 1, Februari (2021), 109-122
The Role Of Perceived Usefulness, Customer Satisfaction, And Emotional Stability, on Repurchase Intention Of C2C Online Shop In Surabaya
Muhammad Al Hakim Danurwindo1), Muhadjir Anwar2),
Wiwik Handayani3)
1,2,3) Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" JAWA TIMUR
email: [email protected]

The phenomenon of C2C online shop business that is currently in great demand by customers, resulting in increasing numbers of C2C online shop, and so is the level of competition between companies. The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the factors that influence the high purchasing intention at the C2C online shop on an ongoing basis. The population in this study is C2C online shop customers located in Surabaya, with a research sample of 100 people, namely C2C online shop consumers who have purchased at least 1 transaction within a minimum of 1 year determined by the purposive sampling method. The method used in this study is a quantitative method, with Structural Equation Modelling analysis technique using PLS (Partial Least Square). The results showed that the perceived usefulness and customer satisfaction affected continuance purchase intentions. The perceived usefulness affects customer satisfaction. Emotional stability does not moderate the relationship between perceived usefulness and customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between the perceived usefulness to continuance purchase intentions. The research implies that continuance purchase intentions can increase customer purchase transactions in C2C online stores.
Keyword: continuance purchase intention, customer satisfaction, perceived usefulness, emotional stability, c2c online shop
Peran Persepsi Manfaat, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Dan Stabilitas Emosional Terhadap Niat Beli Online Shop Model C2C Yang Berkelanjutan Di Kota Surabaya
Fenomena bisnis online shop C2C yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati oleh pelanggan, mengakibatkan jumlah online shop C2C semakin meningkat sehingga tingkat persaingan antar perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingginya niat beli pada online shop C2C secara berkelanjutan. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pelanggan online shop C2C yang berada di Kota Surabaya, dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 100 orang yaitu konsumen online shop C2C yang pernah membeli minimal 1 kali transaksi dalam kurun waktu minimal 1 tahun yang ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan Teknik analisis Structural Equation Modelling menggunakan PLS (Partial Least Square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya persepsi manfaat dan kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh pada niat beli yang berkelanjutan. Persepsi manfaat berpengaruh pada kepuasan pelanggan. Stabilitas emosional tidak berpengaruh dalam memoderasi persepsi manfaat terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh dalam memediasi persepsi manfaat terhadap niat beli yang berkelanjutan. Implikasi penelitian menunjukkan adalah Niat beli yang berkelanjutan dapat meningkatkan transaksi pembelian pelanggan di online shop C2C.
Kata kunci: niat beli online yang berkelanjutan, kepuasan pelanggan, persepsi manfaat, stabilitas emosional, online shop c2c
The presence of the Internet can change the paradigm of businesses that initially only market in the surrounding area, to market in a wider and further area facilitated by the internet. Therefore, the internet has emerged as a marketing tool that serves as a platform for domestic and international transactions (Lim et al., 2016).
The Internet offers convenience in several activities related to communication and information, one of which is shopping activities in the online shop. Online business giants in Indonesia such as,,,,, and the like have begun to see a lot of developments. Online business becomes an interesting business, not only for the owner, but also for the user, and the buyer (Muktaf, 2016).
The increasing number of online businesses today, have resulted in a higher level of competition between business companies. Therefore, strategies are needed to have repurchase customers of the online shops. One of the strategies to attract customers is to induce sustainable purchasing intentions in the customer.
The tendency of actions taken before purchasing by online shop customers is called online purchase intentions (Suciana, 2017). As for customers who have the intention to repurchase at least once, it is called the term repurchase intention. One of the factors that causes to have repurchase intentions are the sense of satisfaction that customers have on previous purchases. Customers’ satisfaction will drive them to repurchase on the same online shops they used before (Lin & Lekhawipat, 2014).
According to Suhartini & Handayani (2009), general research on information technology refers to the theory of Technology Acceptence Model (TAM) initiated by Davis (1989). TAM explains that an individual will be able to receive information technology if he/she has felt the perceived usefulness and the perception of convenience. However, according to Revels et al. (2010) the perceived usefulness is a basic factor of references to the use of technology by customers as well as the main cause that makes information technology useful to the public. This is because the significance of the quality offered by information technology to consumers can greatly benefit customers. Thus, the factor that can affect a person's attitude in order to have a repurchase intention in an online shop is the perceived usefulness.
Customers who have benefited after using information technology can easily feel satisfaction afterward. This theory is supported by research conducted by Amin et al. (2014) and Liaw & Huang (2013). Satisfaction is an important factor that can influence a person to make online purchases on an ongoing basis. If a customer has felt the benefits he received from the use of information technology, then satisfaction will appear in the customer, so that the customer makes a repurchase in the future (Siyamtinah & Hendar, 2015).
Another factor that can make a person have a repurchase intention is the emotional factor. Handayani (2018) explains that Emotions are part of affect, where affect in the field of psychology consists of experience, feelings, and emotions. Affect can be an important motivator for a customer's behavior, and have also an indirect effect on consumer behavior by forming cognition.
An online shop customer who has stable self-emotions tends to be easier to feel satisfied after understanding and feeling the benefits of the online shop purchasing. It is in accordance with what Hume (2012) said that emotion is an instantaneous response to something, either good or bad depending on the feeling about it.
According to Mohamed et al. (2014), factors that can strengthen and weaken the relationship between perceived usefulness and satisfaction are emotional factors. So, when a person is feeling good benefits after making an online purchase, then one's emotions will be good with the appearance of satisfaction in him.
The reason for conducting this research is to measure how much the perceived
usefulness, and customer satisfaction is influencing the level of repurchase intention of C2C online shop customers. The problem to be addressed is, whether the perceived usefulness affects the online repurchase intentions, whether customer satisfaction affects the online repurchase intentions, whether the perceived usefulness affects customer satisfaction, whether emotional stability moderates the relationship between the perceived usefulness on customer satisfaction, whether customer satisfaction can mediate the perceived usefulness to repurchase intentions. The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the moderating role of emotional stability on the relationship between perceived usefulness and costumers’ satisfaction; and the mediating role of customers’ satisfaction on the relationship between perceived usefulness and repurchase intentions.
Online shop is part of e-commerce, where the process of buying and selling is done definitely through electronics with computer media or mobile phones (gadgets) as intermediaries for transactions made (Pradana, 2015). The definition of an online shop according to Sunitha & Gnanadhas (2018) is the process of purchasing goods or services made by consumers directly from sellers through the internet. Buyers can visit the online shop anywhere and anytime as long as they are connected to the internet, so as to increase the speed and ease of purchasing. The online shop model of C2C, is is an online business model whose transactions are conducted between buyers and sellers who are each partner of a particular online buying and selling platform provider site (McLaughlin et al., 2017). According to (Pradana, 2015), C2C online shop is an online business activity conducted by an individual (consumer) against other individuals (consumers) in an online shop platform. In this business model, sellers and buyers can freely interact to bargain for goods sold, so that nowadays the online shop C2C is very popular with online shop customers.
According to Mohamed et al. (2014), The intention of continuance online purchase is the desire of the individual to make purchases on the internet for the umpteenth time, where the individual has made online purchases in the past. Koppius et al. (2005), stated that the intention to buy back is the status of customers (who have purchased online at least once) when they want to purchase for the umpteenth time. Wu et al. (2014) suggest that the definition of repurchase intention is the probability that occurs in the subjectivity of a customer to repurchase a product at a particular online shop. Sustainable buying intention or commonly referred to as repurchase intention is the main determining factor of a particular buying action within a person.
Perceived usefulness is part of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory. Researchers used this theory widely to predict acceptance of new technologies, including software (Mohamed et al., 2014). According to Davis et al. (1989), TAM is an adaptation of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and is used to assess the acceptance of computer users (technology), which is measured by the intention and influence of an attitude, the perceived usefulness, and the perception of ease in use against the intention to use. Monsuwé et al. (2004) suggest that the perceived usefulness in the context of e-commerce refers to consumer perception, namely using the internet as a shopping medium, will increase the results of the shopping experience (useful). Koufaris (2002) concluded, that the perceived usefulness determines the future of consumers whether the consumer will visit again and determine the intention of repurchase. The research shows that the perceived usefulness plays a good role in future repurchase intentions. Therefore, the benefits felt by consumers can determine whether the consumer will repurchase
or not. Al-Maghrabi & Dennis (2011) stated in the results of his research, that one of the factors determining repurchase intentions is perceived usefulness. The relationship of perceived usefulness to online purchase intentions among consumers seems to indicate a positive relationship. That is, the more consumers who feel that online shopping is useful in
helping them in their daily lives, the more likely they will have the intention to buy through an online shop in the future. Based on the theoretical study, the first hypothesis is built as follows:
H1: Perceived usefulness directly affects online repurchase intentions.
According to Kotler & Keller (2016:153), customer satisfaction is a person's feeling of happiness or disappointment arising from comparing the performance results of a product or service perceived against their expectations. Customer satisfaction according to Tjiptono (2012:312), is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that a person feels after comparing the perceived perception of a performance (result) with his expectations. Lin & Lekhawipat (2014) explained that customer satisfaction often acts as an emotional response to the evaluation of a service or product. According to Wen et al. (2011), customer satisfaction is considered able to increase repeated purchase intentions, as evidenced in the results of his research that shows that customer satisfaction has a positive influence on online purchase intentions on a recurring basis. Mohamed et al. (2014), argued that satisfaction is considered to have a connection to online repurchase intentions. The results in the study showed a positive relationship of customer satisfaction to the online repurchase intentions. Consumers who are satisfied after the desired needs are achieved properly, it is possible for those consumers to make a repurchase in the future. Based on the theoretical study, the second hypothesis is built as follows:
H2: Customer satisfaction has a direct effect on online repurchase intentions.
Internet users who feel the benefits after their use will certainly be filled with experience during use. If they are satisfied, they will find benefits for themselves. If dissatisfied, they do not find useful benefits for him. However, many studies explain that user satisfaction does have an association with perceived benefits (Shipps & Phillips, 2013). Amin et al. (2014) explored the influence of perceived usefulness on satisfaction in the use of websites on mobile phones. In this study, the perceived usefulness is considered to influence the satisfaction of mobile phone users. The results showed that the perceived usefulness has a positive relationship with user satisfaction and trust. Satisfaction is a type of attitude that arises due to a certain cause, as emotional reactions that occur due to the impact of use or experience (Hsu et al., 2015). Therefore, the benefits of online applications can affect consumer satisfaction (Zhao et al., 2016). Perception of ease and perceived usefulness influence the satisfaction of online shop users. Based on the theoretical study, the third hypothesis is built as follows:
H3: Perceived usefulness directly affects customer satisfaction.
According to Li & Ahlstrom (2016), emotional stability is one of the common personality traits found in a series of approaches to measuring personality. According to Picazo-Vela et al. (2010), among the various personal traits that are measurable and available in the literature, there is an agreement that arises among personal personality researchers, that research related to personality actions can be explained using one of the top 5 personality traits. The dimensions of the top 5 personality traits are Extraversion (Relationships with others), Emotional Stability, Agreeableness (easy to agree), Conscientiousness (beware), and Openness (open). As for emotional stability is one of the dimensions of the top 5 personality traits that are considered capable to give a good reaction of a particular stimulus. Emotional stability is a personal condition, in which a person feels emotional calmness, patience, and the absence of anxiety or depression (Migliore, 2011). According to Hume (2012), emotion is a strong feeling that is caused by a person, an object, or something that happens to him.
Emotion is a reaction that a person feels to something, which can give a good reaction when it feels good, and give a bad reaction if it feels bad too. Conversely, the mood is not usually directed at a person or event. But emotions can turn into moods when a person loses focus on the object that initiates that feeling. As for mood is a feeling that tends to be less powerful than emotions, and does not often have a consensual stimulus (Frijda, 1993). Mohamed et al., (2014), explore factors that can influence a person's ongoing online purchase intentions (repurchase interest). In this study, emotional stability became a moderator variable between perceived usefulness and satisfaction. The results showed that there is a positive relationship of emotional stability as a moderator variable between the perceived usefulness and satisfaction. Further analysis shows that individuals with high emotional stability, feel higher satisfaction with the online shopping experience, as a result of the Perceived usefulness. Based on the theoretical study, the fourth hypothesis is built as follows:
H4: Emotional stability moderates the influence of perceived usefulness on satisfaction.
Often some of the consumers buy an item based on what benefits are obtained after buying the item. Thus, if a consumer feels the benefits after buying a certain item, it will be more able to accept the existence of information technology, by buying back in the future (Gupta & Kim, 2010). In addition to the perceived usefulness felt by consumers, other factors can increase repurchase by consumers, namely the satisfaction felt by them. According to Siyamtinah & Hendar (2015), satisfaction in the current online information system is a special relationship that comes from a series of services or transactions that customers have done with certain online parties. If the customer has ever searched for, purchased, and subscribed to products that originated from the online shop, then the customer has made a repurchase. The continued purchase, due to the sense of benefits that have been obtained from a series of services that have been passed by the Customer, so that it is satisfied. Once satisfied, customers will make a repurchase or subsequent purchase in the online shop. According to Maryanto & Kaihatu (2021), a person's perception condition can be a moderator between the perceived usefulness and satisfaction. That is because satisfaction causes a positive effect if the reality experienced can actually realize the expectations of a particular customer. Perceived usefulness that has been felt by customers, can cause complacency that gives a positive effect in the form of sustainable purchases of goods in the future. Based on the theoretical study, the fifth hypothesis is built as follows:
H5: Customer satisfaction mediates the perceived usefulness to repurchase intention.
Figure 1. Research Framework
Handayani (2018) explains that Emotions are part of affect, where affect in the world of psychology is experience, feelings, and emotions. Affect can be an important motivator for a customer's behavior, as well as can have an indirect effect on consumer behavior by forming cognition. Emotional stability is a personal condition, in which one feels emotional calmness, patience, and the absence of anxiety or depression (Al-Hawari, 2014). An online shop customer who has stable self-emotions tends to be easy to feel satisfied after the customer understands and feels that what has been purchased in the online store has benefits for him, so emotional stability can not be affected by the continuance purchase intention.
This research employs a quantitative method using regression technique with mediation and moderation variables and using PLS (Partial Least Square) software. The data consist of primary data collected by disseminating questionnaires to respondents. The research population, are those who have made online purchases in the city of Surabaya. Sampling techniques in this study using a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling technique method, which is a method of determining samples based on certain criteria. The specified criteria are consumers who have made a purchase transaction at the C2C online shop at least 1 time within a minimum of 1 year, on the grounds that due to repurchase intention is the status of customers (who have purchased online at least once) when they want to purchase for the umpteenth time. According to Hair et al. (2017:12), the number of samples is to choose between 5-10 times the number of indicators. The appropriate sample size ranges from 100200 respondents. In this study the total number of indicators as many as 18 indicators, so the number of multiplication selected is 5 x 18 = 90 so that respondents in this study rounded as many as 100 respondents.
Table 1. Number of Respondents by Gender | ||
No Gender |
total |
Percentage |
1. Man |
43 |
43 % |
2. woman |
57 |
57 % |
Total |
100 |
100 % |
Source: (processed data result, 2019) | ||
Table 2. Number |
of Respondents By Age | |
No Age |
total |
Percentage |
1. 18 – 25 Years |
75 |
75 % |
2. 26 – 30 Years |
22 |
22 % |
3. 31 – 35 Years |
3 |
3 % |
Total |
100 |
100 % |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
Table 3. Number of Respondents By Education
No |
Education |
total |
Percentage |
1 |
Senior High School |
20 |
20 % |
2 |
Vocational High School |
3 |
3 % |
3 |
MA |
3 |
3 % |
4 |
Diploma 3 |
6 |
6 % |
5 |
Undergraduate |
58 |
58 % |
6 |
postgraduate |
10 |
10 % |
Total |
100 |
100% |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
The objects studied in this study are online shop companies model C2C in Indonesia, namely Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak, and Jakmall. Respondents to this study were people who have purchased goods in the online shop category C2C more than 1 time in the last 1 year in Surabaya. Technical Dissemination Questionnaire conducted online using google form in accordance with the criteria of research respondents.
Table 4. Number
C2C Purchased

Based on Online
No |
Online Shop |
total | |
1 |
Tokopedia |
43 | |
2 |
Shopee |
87 | |
3 |
Bukalapak |
blI |
22 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
4 Jakmall
Table 5. Number of Respondents Based on Purchase Transactions
No |
Purchase Transactions |
total |
Percentage % |
1 |
1 – 3 |
31 |
31 % |
2 |
3 – 6 |
14 |
14 % |
3 |
6 – 10 |
12 |
12 % |
4 |
more than 10 |
43 |
43 % |
Total |
100 |
100 % |
Sources: (processed data result, 2019)
In this study the total number of indicators is 18, as follows:
(X1) Perceived Usefulness (Zhao et al., 2016)
X1.1.Works faster
X1.2.Simplying daily affair
X1.3.More effective
X1.4.Easy to understand
X1.5.Useful in works
(X2) Customer Satisfaction (Mohamed et al., 2014)
X2.1.Feel a good experience
X2.2.The performance or perceived performance
X2.3.Feeling no regret after buying
X2.4.Level of fun after buying
(Z) Emotional Stability (Al-Hawari, 2014)
Z1. It's not easy to get distracted by others
Z2. It's not easy to feel stressed
Z3. It's not easy to feel angry
Z4. Has no symptoms of sudden mood swings
Z5. Don't care about what doesn't matter
(Y) Repurchase Intention (Agustiani & Samiono, 2014)
Y 1. Buy your preferred products over and over again
Y 2. Referencing products that have been purchased to others
Y 3. Prioritize products you've purchased
Y 4.Often looking for information about products that have been purchased
In the statistical analysis test using Partial Least Square (PLS), there are two models, namely the measurement model (outer model) and structural model (inner model). The first stage is the outer model that starts first by conducting a convergent validity test, which can be assessed if the loading factor value is greater than 0.5 and or the value of p-values = significant, then the indicator is valid and is an indicator/gauge of the variable. The loading factor is the correlation between the indicator and its latent variables. If the loading factor is greater than 0.5 then the indicator with its latent variable is considered valid. The value of t_ statistics is the result of a statistical calculation test that shows the contribution of the relationship between the indicator and its variables, or the relationship between variables. If the p-values < 0.05, then the relationship is said to be significant (Ghozali & Latan, 2015:74). The results of the convergent validity test can be seen in the following table:
Table 5. Outer Loading
E motional Stabilin- |
Ptrctiv ed Usefulness |
Customer Satisfaction |
Purchase Intention |
Type (a |
SE |
Pvalue | |
Zl |
0.713 |
0.360 |
•0.098 |
0.492 |
Reflect |
0.082 |
<0.001 |
Z2 |
0.810 |
0.168 |
-0.245 |
-0.003 |
Reflect |
0.080 |
<0.001 |
Z3 |
0.612 |
0.228 |
0.301 |
-0.480 |
Reflect |
0.085 |
<0.∞l |
Z4 |
0.628 |
0.004 |
0.250 |
-0.256 |
Reflect |
0.084 |
<0.∞l |
Z5 |
0.634 |
-0.025 |
-0.114 |
0.169 |
Reflect |
0.084 |
<0.∞l |
Xl.l |
0.039 |
0.812 |
-0.336 |
0.370 |
Reflect |
0.080 |
<0.∞l |
X1.2 |
-0.037 |
0.849 |
-0.093 |
-0.002 |
Reflect |
0.079 |
<0.001 |
X1.3 |
0.056 |
0.814 |
-0.007 |
0.189 |
Reflect |
0.080 |
<0.001 |
X1.4 |
-0.087 |
0.781 |
0.349 |
-0.556 |
Reflect |
0.081 |
<0.∞l |
X1.5 |
0.029 |
0.798 |
0.106 |
-0.023 |
Reflect |
0.081 |
<0.∞l |
X2.1 |
-0.166 |
0.305 |
0.751 |
-0.353 |
Reflect |
0.082 |
<0.001 |
X2.2 |
0.031 |
-0.143 |
0.626 |
-0.488 |
Reflect |
0.084 |
<0.001 |
X2.3 |
0.097 |
-0.111 |
0.794 |
0.253 |
Reflect |
0.081 |
<0.001 |
×2.4 |
0.040 |
■0.071 |
0.719 |
0.515 |
Reflect |
0.082 |
<0.∞l |
Yl |
0.017 |
0.167 |
-0.024 |
0.873 |
Reflect |
0.079 |
<0.∞l |
Y2 |
0.053 |
0.043 |
-0.244 |
0.870 |
Reflect |
0.079 |
<0.∞l |
Y3 |
-0.114 |
0.046 |
0.025 |
0.818 |
Reflect |
0.080 |
<0.∞l |
Y4 |
0.039 |
•0.271 |
0.261 |
0.814 |
Reflect |
0.080 |
<0.∞l |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
If the loading factor value appears greater than 0.5 and or the value p-values=significant, then the indicator is valid and is an indicator/gauge of a latent variable. Based on the outer loading table, loading factor (eg for benefit perception variable indicator (X1) i.e. X1.1 = 0.812; X1.2 = 0.849; X1.3 = 0.814; X1.4= 0.781; X1.5 = 0.798 and also for other indicators) > 0.5 is declared to meet the validity of convergence. The results of the analysis on the outer loading table, show all indicators on the research variables have a loading factor of > 0.5, then those indicators meet the validity of convergence.
Based on the outer loading table, the significance value (p-value) for each indicator on the benefit perception variable (X1) (e.g. p-value for X1.1 = <0.001; X1.2 = <0.0010; X1.3 = <0.001; X1.4 = <0.001; X1.5 = <0.0010, and also for indicators on other variables) < 0.05, it meets the validity of convergence. The results show that all indicators on the research variables are significant because the p-value value <0.05, as well as being eligible to meet the validity of convergence.
The next stage is the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value measurement model, which is a value that indicates the magnitude of the indicator variant contained by its latent
variable. A convergent greater AVE value of 0.5 also indicates the adequacy of good validity for latent variables. On reflective indicator variables can be seen from the value of average variance extracted (AVE) for each construct (variable). A good model requires the AVE value of each construct is greater than 0.5 (Ghozali & Latan, 2015:74). Average variance extracted test results can be seen in the following table:
Table 6. Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Average Variances Extracted (AVE) | |
EiTiotionaIStabiIitv |
0.546 |
Perceived Usefulness |
0.658 |
Customer Satisfaction |
0.526 |
Purchase Intention |
0.713 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
The table of average variance extracted (AVE) above shows that the value of AVE for constructs (variables) perceived usefulness, customer satisfaction, emotional stability, and purchase intentions have a value greater than 0.5, so it can be said that the indicator variants contained by the research variables are valid. The next stage of testing the measurement model is to look at AVE Square root? values that compare correlation values with other variables. The results can be seen in the correlation table between the following latent variables:
Table 7. Correlation between Latent Variables
E motional Stability |
Perceir ed U sefulness |
Customer Satisfaction |
Purchase Intention | |
E Iuorional Stabilina |
0.683 |
0.518 |
□.449 |
0.461 |
Perceived Usefulness |
0.518 |
0.811 |
0.655 |
0.757 |
Customer Satisfaction |
0.449 |
0.655 |
0.725 |
0.720 |
Purchase Inteatiou |
0.461 |
0.757 |
0.720 |
0.844 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
According to Ghozali & Latan, 2015:74, where the root of AVE is greater than the correlation between latent construct variables, then the discriminant validity is fulfilled. The overall results shows that all research variables have greater AVE square root value compared to their correlation values to other variables, thus fulfilling the validity of the discriminant.
Tabel 8. Value of Composite Reliability
Composite Reliability Coefficients |
Cronbach1S Alpha Coeffidents | |
Emotional Stability |
0.812 |
0.710 |
Perceived Usefulness |
0 906 |
0.870 |
Customer Satisfaction |
0.815 |
0.697 |
Purchase Intention |
0 908 |
0.865 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
In the Composite reliability value table, it can be seen that the test results show the construct (variable) perceived usefulness, customer satisfaction, emotional stability, and online repurchase intentions have a composite reliability value greater than 0.7 thus, it is reliable.
The next stage is to measure the structural model (inner model). According to Ghozali & Latan (2015:41), testing of structural models (inner models) is conducted by looking at the value of R-Square which is a goodnes-fit test model. The test can be seen from the R-Square value in the equation between the study's latent variables. To explain how large an exogenous variable in the model is able to describe an endogenous variable is to look at its R square value.
Table 9. R-Square Value
R Square | |
Emotional Stability | |
Perceived Usefulness | |
Customer Satisfaction |
0.481 |
Purchase Intention |
0.679 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
The R square value (on customer satisfaction variable is 0.481. It can be interpreted that the model is able to explain that customer satisfaction is influenced by the perceived usefulness by 41.80% while 51.90% is influenced by in addition to the variable Perceived usefulness. Value R2 (On Purchase Intention) = 0.679. It can be interpreted that the model is able to explain that the intention to buy online is continuously influenced by the perceived usefulness, customer satisfaction, emotional stability of 67.90%. While 32.10% is influenced by in addition to variable perceived usefulness, customer satisfaction, emotional stability.
Hypothesis testing was conducted to determine the influence between research variables. The basis of hypothetical decisions using p-value 5%, where if the p-value result is less than 5%, then the hypothesis is declared significant. Conversely, if the p-value result is more than 5%, then the hypothesis is declared insignificant (Hair et al., 2017:168). As for the testing of mediation relationships, Ghozali (2011:249) explained that analysis with intervening variables is used to determine the total influence of independent variables on dependent variables consisting of direct influence and indirect influence through intervening variables. The test results are shown in the PLS model results image and the result for the inner weight table as well as the results for the indirect effect table to measure the following indirect influences:
Figure 2. PLS Model Results
Sources: (processed data result, 2019)
Table 10. Result for Inner Weight
Path Coefficients |
Standard Error for Path Coefficients |
PVaIue* | |
Perceived Usefulness - > CustomerSatisfaccion |
0.694 |
0 083 |
<0.001 |
Perceiv ed Usefulness - > Purchase Intention |
0556 |
0 086 |
<0 001 |
C UStomer Satisfaction ∙> Purchase Intention |
0.333 |
0091 |
<0.001 |
EiuotionalStability(Moderation) -> Customer Satisfaction |
0031 |
0 099 |
0 377 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
Table 11. Result for Inner Weight
Path Coefficients |
P-Values | |
Percehed Usefulness -> Customer Satisfaction .> PurchaseIntention |
0.231 |
<0.001 |
Source: (processed data result, 2019)
The results of the path coefficients test above show hypothesis testing results as follows:
Perceived usefulness has a significant effect on continuance online purchase intentions with a path coefficient of 0.556 where the value of p-values = < 0.001, which is less than the value of α = 0.05 (5%). thus, the hypothesis (H1) that states the perceived usefulness directly affects the continuance online purchase intentions is supported.
Customer satisfaction has a significant effect on online repurchase intentions with a path coefficient of 0.333 where the value of p-values = < 0.001, which is smaller than the value of α = 0.05 (5%). Thus, the hypothesis (H2) that states customer satisfaction directly affects the online repurchase intentions is supported.
Perceived usefulness significantly affects customer satisfaction with a path coefficient of 0.694 where the value of p-values = < 0.001, which is less than the value of α = 0.05 (5%). Thus, the hypothesis (H3) that states that perceived usefulness directly affects customer satisfaction is supported.
Emotional stability (moderation) has no significant effect on customer satisfaction with a path coefficient of 0.031 where the value of p-values = 0.377, which is greater than the value of α = 0.05 (5%). Thus, the hypothesis (H4) that states emotional stability moderates the influence of perceived usefulness on customer satisfaction is not supported.
The results of the test of indirect influence of perceived usefulness on REPURCHASE intention through satisfaction can be seen in table 10, obtained hypothetical test results: the influence of perceived usefulness on continuance purchase intention through customer satisfaction is significantly positive as, with a coefficient of the path of 0.231 where the value of p-values = < 0.001, which is smaller than the value of α = 0.05 (5%). Thus, the hypothesis (H5) that states the stability of customer satisfaction can mediate the perceived usefulness to the purchase intention is supported.
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that perceived usefulness is able to contribute positively to the satisfaction of customers online shop C2C. This can be interpreted that, the more customers consider that using the C2C online shop application can provide benefits to them, then the customer will also satisfied.
Perceived usefulness, also able to contribute positively to the repurchase intention in online shop C2C. This can be interpreted that, the more customers consider that C2C online shop is beneficial, the more the online repurchase they make.
Customer satisfaction is able to make a positive contribution to the repurchase intention in the online shop C2C. This can be interpreted that, the more often customers feel satisfaction after purchasing on the online shop C2C, the more often they make the repurchase.
Emotional stability is not able to moderate the influence of perceived usefulness on customer satisfaction. This can be interpreted that after the customer feels the benefits of using the C2C online shop application, then one's emotional stability cannot affect the customer to strengthen the sense of satisfaction.
Customer Satisfaction, is able to make a positive contribution as an indirect influence (mediation) between the perceived usefulness and the repurchase intention in the online shop C2C. This can be interpreted that to be able to give rise to a repurchase intention, then customers who have felt the benefits after purchase, they will feel satisfaction and can result in more and more customers making repurchases in the online shop C2C.
Based on the results of the research that has been presented, the limitations in this study lies in the use of Technology Acceptence Model (TAM) theory initiated by (Davis, 1989). TAM explains that an individual will be able to receive information technology if he/she has felt the perceived usefulness and the perception of convenience. The object of this research is the online shop company, where the online shop is currently the result of a breakthrough in information technology. While the variables in this study only use one dimension of TAM theory, namely the perceived usefulness.
It can be suggested for C2C online shop, like Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak, and Jakmall, to prioritize repurchase customers by improving their satisfaction and perceived usefulness.
Future researches can add Perception of ease as it is another variable of the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). It can also focus the research on various generations, such as generation X, generation Y, and generation Z so that the characteristics of respondents are not too broad to help companies in determining strategies to find and retain customers according to the characteristics of their generation.
The research implies that repurchase intention can cause more frequent purchases, and thus increasing the revenue of the online sellers using the C2C platform.
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