Structural Metaphor in Traditional Marriage Discourse of Manggarai Speech Community-East Indonesia: Cultural Linguistic Perspective
Yohanes Paulus Florianus Erfiani
“This study is intended to investigate the structural metaphor expressions used in traditional marriage discourse of Manggarai Speech Community (MSC). It is also intended to uncover the cultural imagery of MSC expressed in structural metaphors. Thus, this study used Cultural Linguistic Perspectif (CLP) as the main theory and metaphor as the supporting theory. Those theories were combined with the qualitative research method. Based on the data, there were 43 structural metaphor expressions used in traditional marriage discourse of MSC. All structural metaphor expressions have the idiomatic meaning. It depends on culture imagery of MSC. Therefore, based on the structural metaphor expressions, it was also found the cultural imagery that is appearing in traditioanl marriage discourse of MSC such as; cultural, social, magical, ideological, mythical, and biological imagery. Those imageries that appeared in traditional marriage discourse of MSC prove that (1) MSC believe that the God has power to control, protect, guidance, curse ect the human being, (2) MSC believe that the ancestors have power to protect, guidance or even to curse the human being or their children, (3) MSC believe that ancestors are still alive like living human being, and (4) Like other ethnics, MSC desire good life condition when living in the world.”
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How To Cite
ERFIANI, Yohanes Paulus Florianus. Structural Metaphor in Traditional Marriage Discourse of Manggarai Speech Community-East Indonesia: Cultural Linguistic Perspective.e-Journal of Linguistics, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 33–44, dec. 2023. ISSN 2442-7586. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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