Youtube as a Teaching Media to Enggage Students’ Interest iIn Learning Speaking of English Language Learners At Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at
Vol. 16, No. 2, July 2022, pages: 236—241
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Youtube as a Teaching Media to Enggage Students’ Interest iIn Learning Speaking of English Language Learners At Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
1Dewi Sartipa, 2Eny Munisah, 3Dewi Sri Kuning 1University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, [email protected] 2University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, [email protected] 3University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, [email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 05 January
Accepted Date: 21 January 2022
Published Date: 31 July 2022
Keywords:* Youtube, Speaking, Interest
The popular social media network today is Youtube. In the context of teaching and learning, Youtube can be used as a learning medium. Youtube can increase students' interest in learning Speaking. The benefit of the results of this study is to describe how students are interestedtouse Youtube in a learning medium for Speaking. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods. The instrument of this research is a questionnaire. The results in this research is the use of Youtube as a learning medium played a significant positive role in increasing students' interest in learning. Youtube also has a positive role to increase students' interest in learning.
According to Boovee in (Simamora, 2009, p. 125)The learning process of students in the classroom is the main key for students in determining the results of the learning process so that learning media is a tool or something important. The learning process will involve 3 important things to connect a process, namely the process between educators or teachers or lecturers, students or students or students and teaching materials or learning materials. Good communication will go well with the help of means of delivering messages with the media that are in accordance with the needs of students and with media that are in accordance with the current era. The media in the current era that is interesting is the Internet because the Internet has a high relationship with students, especially at this time. Of course, with this the learning style or way of learning of students is very different from the previous generation. Previous research has shown that the generation of students known as the generation of internet students in fact has greater motivation than others, but there are differences in the way students get information about learning materials. (Barnes et al., 2007, p. 90)
The current phenomenon requires teachers to be more creative in carrying out the process teaching and learning to meet the needs of students. At this time the extraordinary thing is the internet with significant changes. The progress of the internet with advanced technology has also been in line with the needs of the current generation of students who are in accordance with the many learning materials that can be obtained using the help of the internet so that the results of the learning process can be achieved. become more optimal than before by using the help of the internet. Profit learning with videos in the form of pictures and sounds that have been well displayed for students in class.(Snelso, 2011, p. 78) said that Currently, sharing video views with existing services, Youtube is the right place or container at this time in Indonesia the most popular internet today. According to Agazio&Bucklev in (Sharoof, 2011)Youtube as an alternative and means of learning media in the classroom and with the aim of increasing students' abilities by combining students' expertise in technology in education. The benefits of Youtube can also provoke student activity to be active and provide enormous knowledge.
In the current era the internet can be said as as technology WEB 2.0 because the needs and benefits of the internet have a development value that has progressed very rapidly from the beginning of the emergence of the internet. At this time not only simple and ordinary facilities but the internet world as on the previous level The Second National Seminar on Advanced and Exciting Education (The Second Progressive and Fun Education Seminar) ISBN: 978-602-361102-7 The Second National Seminar on Advanced and Exciting Education The Second National Seminar on Advanced and Exciting Education 608 its initial development but has become a read write web. Some By using the current internet media by searching on the Internet, users or students have taken advantage of the usefulness of the internet itself. We all as users here, especially students, have a big important role in creating new and creative things and also for online communication with positive functions. So users or students are the center of internet technology today, so we can conclude that there is a relationship between the student learning process and the world of internet technology at this time where the learning process is important and becomes the center of activity in student learning today.
Learners generation using internet with characteristics of independence and multitasking, likes multidimensional input and gets bored quickly because it has attention span The short one requires with the appropriate facilities and conditions as well as the means of the infrastructure. students' reading and writing activities by utilizing the internet world with student needs facilities for the current generation of students. generation of internet students with stories in students' daily activities will certainly affect their thinking patterns and ways of communicating. Acoording to (Bonamici et al., 2005 in (Barnes et al., 2007).
A study in America shows that a child entering college has, on average, write emails in 2000 watch 2000 hours of TV, 1000 hours to paly game, 1000 hours to use cell phone, but only read less of 500 hours .
One of the sites it is empowered facilitated generational learning digital that requires simultaneous input is Internet of Youtube. It is a variety site the famous popular videos today. Of course the video is not by itself a material ready-to-use learning. Careful planning in accordance with learning objectives and the integration of videos available on Youtube as a means of supporting will optimize learning achievement because it is in accordance with the learning styles and interests of generations digital. Based on to a survey, about 1000 videos are watched every day on Youtube. Every 24 hours there are 6500 new videos uploaded to Youtube. Every month Youtube visited by viewers 2000 millions with the majority aged between 12 to 17 years old(Burke et al., 2009)According to is not an educational video sharing site. but in its development Youtube launched a special service for education . This service immediately received a positive response from user.
With the achievements of the digital modern world at this time, it has become a center for learning resources and as a learning medium that can meet the needs of students in the current digital era. The learning style by today's digital generation by using Youtube can indirectly increase students' interest and interest in the learning process. According to (Burke, Snyder, &Rager, 2009) it also offers learning experiences technologies, it can be useful when they graduate and also YouTube has hundreds of videos with various types of topics related to classroom learning materials. Free libraries are also currently called YouTube because everything is on YouTube.
In this research, the author takes students who take speaking courses to serve as a population study. Eye learning process Speaking lecturer is always accompanied practice in the form of technical exercises. Students are enthusiastic in participating class activities. Task carried out individually or group. Assignments are presented and practiced in front of the class take turns. Problems that occur is when waiting for their turn to practice, some students are still found playing smartphones. Writer at once as a lecturer in Public courses Speaking tries to take advantage of Youtube as an alternative and addition conventional teaching media. In addition to looking for information, students are asked to upload result video assignment his creations to Youtube so that the results His creations can be seen by many people. This is intended so that students can more enthusiastic about the task. If students are enthusiastic in do the task then they will enthusiastic about receiving the material education so that the transfer process material runs more effectively.
This research used descriptive quantitative research methods which aims to examine the causality between variables and explain a phenomenon certain(Zulganef, 2008, p. 11). This research is based on English learning activities in the English Study Program, UniversitasMuhammadiyahKotabumi by utilizing Youtube. Study field (Field Research) namely collect data in the form of facts or other symptoms in the field, between others: questionnaires and observations. Interviews, questionnaires and observations carried out on students who take in Speaking Class. There are 48 Students in the Speaking Class. The research lasts for 16 weeks during the lecture period in the even semester 2020/2021. When the learning process ends at the end of the semester, students will be asked questionsat the end of the semester, students will be asked questions to fill out a questionnaire to know Youtube As A Teaching Media In Students’ Interest In Learning Speaking Of English Language Learners At
239 UniversitasMuhammadiyahKotabumi. There are three Twelve questions with five answer choices using a Likert scale of 6 which include "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree".
Through the Researcher's question give in the distributed questionnaire For the purposes of this research, then the researcher can find out the response respondents regarding students’ interest on the usefulness of Youtube can be as a teaching media in the speaking learning process, especially English. Scale measurements taken in research this is a Likert scale of measurement, where each question contains five alternative answers. Form questions have been structured using Likert's measurement method. Based on the results of the data that has been obtained, it can be seen that the respondents' responses regarding interest in learning Speaking is very interested, indicated by the average score of 4.45 which is in the interval from 4.20 to 5.00. This means that students are very interested in learn Speaking with the Youtube media.
This research too shows that students have positive perceptions about the use of Youtube in Speaking class. All students have a positive perception about the use of Youtube. The phrase that appears the most is the word "interesting". Some students expressed their perception that videos from the internet can overcome boredom. Besides They also stated that the use of videos from Youtube had increased interest study them. Students also stated that the use of vidios of Youtube was more interesting than just reading learning resources from books or listening to lectures. Some students also expressed the importance of choosing videos that have good sound and picture quality.
This research is expected to make a real contribution to the classroom teachers, especially linguistics class teachers who are interested in integrating the internet as a learning facilities and resources. The use of Youtube in English class is very help enrich the material for learners. Input that doesn't only come from books helping the internet generation who are familiar with various digital information sources understand the learning material better. This research is also expected provides an overview of how to integrate technology, especially video internet-based learning in theory course classes which are often perceived as difficult courses by students. Student perceptions of technology integration in classrooms, especially Internet-based video technologies are positive. Integration Youtube in English class has succeeded in increasing student interest and interest so that this course is no longer considered a difficult subject to learn.
Researcher can conclude from the explanation above according to the results of the analysis that researchers did that: then the following conclusions can be drawn: Students have a high interest in learning speaking, especially by using Youtube media, it can be seen from the data obtained with an average score of 4.45 which is in the interval from 4.20 to 5.00. It means that, student totally agreewith the use Youtube as a teaching media in learning Speaking.Youtube is used students as a means of finding information, news and entertainment. Other than that, Youtube is also used for each other share videos. In the Public Speaking class, individual students or groups are given the task of recording tasks such as speeches and the mc implemented in class.
6. Knowledgements
The researcher would like to express their gratitude and highest appreciation to those who have contributed positively during the process of writing this research.
1. The chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, namely Dr. Sumarno, M.Pd., has provided a very valuable opportunity for the researcher.
2. All lecturers, assistant lecturers, staff and employees of University Muhammadiyah Kotabumi who have provided support from each researcher.
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Biography of Authors
•T' |
Dewi Sartipa, S.Pd.,M.Pd.B.I. She is Lecturer of University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi at North Lampung. She Finished her master Degree in Ahmad Dahlan University of Yogyakarta in 2014. Email: [email protected] |
Dr. Eny Munisah. M.Pd. She is Senior Lecturer at University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. She finished her master Degree at Lampung University. | |
Email: [email protected] | |
Dewi Sri Kuning,S.Pd.,M.Pd. She is Lecturer and as the Head of English study Program at University of Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Lampung.

Email: [email protected]
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