An Analysis of Students’ Writing Essay Ability in English through Class Group Presentation on Fifth Semester of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at
Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2021, pages: 104-110
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
An Analysis of Students’ Writing Essay Ability in English through Class Group Presentation on Fifth Semester of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa

Article info
Received Date: 26 November 2020
Accepted Date: 30 November 2020
Published Date:31 January 2021
Writing Essay, Group
This is a quantitative descriptive research. The objective of this research was to know the influence of class group presentation in improving the students’ writing essay of English language learning. The participants of this research were 11 of the fifth semester students of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa. Data collecting instrument used structurally arranged questionnaires, and written test. The data was analyzed by quantitative method. The data analyzed technique employed descriptive statistics through percentage techniques. The result of the research showed that there were 8 students or 72.73% gain in the best category level of skill, there were 3 students or 27.27% gain in good category level of skill, and the mean score was 81.27 in the level of best category. Data from questionnaire, 9 students with 81.82% stated they strongly agreed that the implementation of group class presentation more active during teaching and learning process of writing essay.
English is one of the most important languages which is used in many countries as the mean of communication. In line with Manafe (2020) states that in this globalization era, the role of English in various aspects of life becomes more dominant and very important. She further argues this language is also used as a communication tool to conduct relations between countries around the world.
English as a foreign language for Indonesian students makes the subject of writing become more difficult for the EFL learners. Consequently, students may have difficulties in doing this activity because it involves multifaceted process such as produce a particular feeling or impression, arrangement, script, and refinement. According to Sabilah (2018: 5) teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia requires an intensive attention to make learners euphoric and excited to learn and must be fully oriented to maintain their English mastery.
According to Ristati, Suparwa, Sudipa & Dhanawaty (2019) that the teaching of English subject in Indonesian schools includes four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In learning a new language, there are four skills must be mastered by learners. One of skill taught in English teaching is English writing skill. In line with Susilawati (2017) that writing skill is one skill that needs to be developed in English teaching.
Writing is an activity or work of writing books, poems, stories and so on (Perrault, 2008). Writing is one of the most difficult skill for ESL and EFL learners in English language learning. According to Rass (2001) that writing is a difficult skill for native speakers and non-native speakers; because writers must be able write it in multiple issues such as content, organization, purpose, audience, vocabularies and mechanics such as punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. It supported by Perkins & Brutten (1990) state that writing ability should be learned as a whole rather than as a series as a separate element. In line with Falk (1979), state that when a student writes a composition, he/she is involved with all aspects of language during the process of composing a piece of writing.
The fact showed that most students’ collage has not been able to write English well. One reason is that English is not the language of instruction as well as Malaysia which had English as a language of instruction in the country (Alwasilah, 1985). This makes the learners only learn the language at school during English lessons take place. Besides, with a monotonous learning method, then English becomes a boring subject for them, especially in writing class learning.
The phenomena above also occurred in the fifth semester students of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa. English writing essay ability of these students from semester to semester is still low. This can be seen in such cases like when students try to express their ideas in English writing essay. The students lack of exploring activity or ideas in making their writing essay skill well. As stated by Rohmah (2009) the lack of exploring activity influenced the students’ writing skill, especially skill in organizing their ideas.
These problems above can be overcome by applying new strategies, and innovation method in teaching. Teachers should use different ways of teaching writing to improve the students writing skill. In line with Franata, Simpen, & Dhanawaty (2020) that language learning can be made easier by applying several learning approaches. Therefore, the researcher would try to improve students’ writing essay ability through class group presentation. According to Slavin (1995) that learning in group can develop self-confidence, sympathy, and love.
Based on the background above, the issues can be formulated as follows; to what extent the influence of class presentation to improve essay writing students’ ability of the fifth semester of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa?
The present study used quantitative descriptive. The data were obtained from students’ questionnaires and written test of English, in which the data collecting instrument used structurally arranged questionnaires, and written test. The research data was analyzed by quantitative method. The data analysis technique employed descriptive statistics through percentage techniques. As stated by Creswell (2014, p. 5), that quantitative method is to analyze the data consisting of numbers which can be analyzed based on statistical procedures.
The participants in this research are 11 students of the fifth semester of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa in academic year 2020-2021.
The research instruments employ to collect data for this study are questionnaires, and writing test. The questionnaires delivered to students. The students’ questions consisted of 5 closed-questions design in English and the writing test generates all of the students.
Data collection
The instruments were used questionnaires and writing test. The data was collected from September – November 2020. The students and the rates were told that they would be involved in a research project. The students’ essays were collected after they were assigned to write an essay.
The researcher explained clearly the purposes of administering the questionnaire about the students’ writing essay problems which are to find the students’ writing essay problems, the factors affecting their performance. The questionnaire sheets distributed to participants. Oral instructions and explanations gave in detail to the participants by the researcher, before they answer the questionnaire to avoid any misunderstanding.
Data Analysis
There were two types of data utilized: (1) the data from the students’ written test result, and (2) the students’ questionnaire. Data of the students’ written test result was to analyze the extent influence of group class presentation to improve the ability of writing essay of English learning. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The criterion of Sukardi (2008) was used to analyze the test result as follows:
T otal of collect answer
X =--------------x 100%
Total statement
Criteria of the students’ skills Table 1
No Score (%) |
Level of Skill |
Best Good Fair Less Poor |
The data from the result of the students’ questionnaire was analyzed by using the Likert Scale: 5 – Strongly agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Not really agree, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly disagree. Data were analyzed by employing the SPSS version 20 program.
Questionnaire Sheet Table 2
Teachers’ strategy and approach during the teaching-learning process 11
influence language learning result (A)
In teaching writing essay, teachers implemented theory 11
during the class process (B)
Class interactive more effective in language learning 11
process (C)
The implementation of group class presentation more 11
active during teaching and learning process of writing essay (D)
The monotone strategy and approach, make students bore 11 in English language learning process (E)
The result of this study were taken from the learners’ writing essay test with the total of 11 (n=11) sheets. Based on the criteria of the students’ skills result by using criterion of Sukardi (2008), it was found that there were 8 students or 72.73% gain level of skill was best, and there were 8 students or 27.27% gain level of skill was good.
Descriptive Statistics Table 3
N |
Range |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Sum |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Variance | |
Total |
11 |
22 |
71 |
93 |
894 |
81.27 |
6.798 |
46.218 |
Valid N (listwise) |
11 |
Based on the SPSS calculation (see Table 3), show that the result of writing essay English language learning for the fifth semester of students STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa, as follows: the mean score is 81.27 of 11 students; the lowest score was 71, and the highest score was 93. The percentages of the students’ writing essay as follows: 18.18% students gained the score of 71; 9.09% students gained the score of 75; 18.18% students gained the score of 81; 9.09% students gained the score of 82; 18.18% students gained the score of 83; 9.09% students gained the score of 86; 9.09% students gained the score of 88; and 9.09% students gained the score of 93. It can be concluded that the class group presentation able to improve writing essay (see Chart 1).
Based on the questionnaire result above the response of the 11 students as follows: In the indicator of teachers’ strategy and approach during the teaching-learning process influence language learning result (A), there were 10 students who strongly agree (SA), 1 student who agree (A). The percentages of the students’ respond to the indicator A, that there were 90.9% students who strongly agree (SA), 9.1% students who agree (A). It can be concluded that teachers’ strategy and approach can improve writing essay. In the indicator of in teaching writing essay, teachers implemented theory during the class process (B), there was 1 student who did not really agree (NRA), 7 students who disagree (DA), and 3 students who strongly disagree (SD). The percentages of the students’ respond to the indicator B, that there were 9.1% students who did not really agree (NRA), 63.63% students who disagree (DA), and 27.27% students who strongly disagree (SD). It can be concluded that in teaching writing essay, teachers implemented theory during the class process cannot improve students’ writing essay. In the indicator of class interactive more effective in language learning process (C), there are 9 students who strongly agree (SA), 2 students who agree (A). The percentages of the students’ respond to the indicator C, that there were 81.82% students who strongly agree (SA), 18.18% students who agree (A). It can be concluded that class interactive more effective in language learning process. In the indicator of the implementation of group class presentation more active during teaching and learning process of writing essay (D), there are 9 students who strongly agree (SA), 2 students who agree (A). The percentages of the students’ respond to the indicator D, that there were 81.82% students who strongly agree (SA), 18.18% students who agree (A). It can be concluded that the implementation of group class presentation more active during teaching and learning process of writing essay. In the indicator of the monotone strategy and approach, make students bore in English language learning process (E), there were 10 students who strongly agree (SA), 1 student who agree (A). The percentages of the students’ respond to the indicator E, that there were 90.9% students who strongly agree (SA), 9.1% students who agree (A). It can be concluded that the monotone strategy and approach, make students bore in English language learning process. The students’ questionnaire result above can be seen on this chart (see Chart 2).
The novelty in this study the process of studying English in writing essay showed that the applied of class group presentation more effective, because the situation in the classroom more active and all the student have the opportunity to share all their ideas. Besides that, there are some new vocabularies that student can be used and gained during the process of class group presentation.
Based on the data presented in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the use of class group presentation can improve in writing essay ability of the fifth semester students of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa. Based on the discussion above, conclusions can be taken as follows: First, based on the criteria of the students’ skills result by using criterion of Sukardi (2008), it was found that there were 8 students or 72.73% gain in the best category level of skill, there were 3 students or 27.27% gain in good category level of skill, and the average score was 81.27 in the level of best category.
Second, based on the SPSS calculation (see Table 3), show that the result of writing essay English language learning for the fifth semester of students STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa, as follows: the minimum score was 71, the maximum score was 93, and the mean score was 81.27 of 11 students. It was the best category of level skill. It can be concluded that the implementation of class group presentation influenced the ability of writing essay.
Third, the result of the students’ questionnaire showed that from the 11 students, as the respondents of the research, 9 students with 81.82% stated they strongly agreed that the implementation of group class presentation more active during teaching and learning process of writing essay. It means class group presentation able to improve writing essay of the fifth semester students of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa.
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Biography of Author

Dr. Umar, S.Pd., M.Pd is a lecturer at the English Department of STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa. His research interests are speaking strategies, English writing, language learning strategies, reading in a foreign language, and semantics analysis. He can be reached at;
2) Sinta: 5986209
3) Scopus: 57212196658
4) Google Scholar: koG4KIoAAAAJ
5) ORCID: 0000-0003-2485-9138
6) Research Gate : Umar_Umar19
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