Ni Made Rai Dwi Nuraeni, Putu Cintya Denny Yuliyatni
“ABSTRAK PrEP merupakan pilihan pencegahan penularan HIV/AIDS dengan angka keefektifan yang tinggi sehingga berpotensi dalam mengisi kesenjangan target program pencegahan penularan HIV/AIDS di Indonesia. Di Provinsi Bali persentase cakupan penggunaan PrEP pada LSL hanya berada pada angka 53,25%. Sedangkan, angka prevalensi HIV pada kelompok LSL meningkat 3 kali lipat dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku memulai penggunaan PrEP pada LSL di Kota Denpasar. Penelitian dengan desain cross-sectional ini melibatkan 109 LSL berstatus HIV negatif yang dipilih dengan metode convenience sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan pengisian kuesioner menggunakan metode self-administered pada kuesioner online (Google Formulir). Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik deskriptif, uji regresi logistik sederhana, dan uji regresi logistik multipel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan serapan memulai penggunaan PrEP pada kelompok LSL di Kota Denpasar mencapai 37,61%. Faktor penggunaan kondom kadang-kadang (aOR=5,46; 95%CI=1,99-14,94; p=0,001), orientasi homoseksual (aOR=2,88; 95%CI=1,05-7,88; p=0,04) dan dukungan petugas kesehatan yang baik (aOR=9,11; 95%CI=3,04-27,34; p<0,0001) merupakan variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan terhadap perilaku memulaipenggunaan PrEP pada LSL di Kota Denpasar. Petugas kesehatan perlu meningkatkan dukungan informasi yang komprehensif mengenai pentingnya penggunaan PrEP meskipun penggunaan kondom tetap menjadi gold standar dalam mencegah HIV. Peningkatan peran petugas lapangan yang berfokus pada penjangkauan LSL biseksual dan peningkatan dukungan teman sebaya LSL dalam memulai PrEP sangat dibutuhkan dalam optimalisasi pelaksanaan program PrEP di Kota Denpasar.Kata Kunci : HIV AIDS, PrEP, LSL, Kota Denpasar, Yayasan Kerti Praja ABSTRACT PrEP is an option for preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS which has a high effectiveness rate that has the potential to fill the gap in the target of the HIV/AIDS transmission prevention program in Indonesia. Only 53.25% of MSM in the Province of Bali were covered for PrEP use. Meanwhile, the MSM groups HIV prevalence rate has tripled over the past ten years. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with PrEP initiation behavior among MSM in Denpasar City. This cross-sectional study involved 109 HIV-negative MSM selected sing convenience sampling method. Data was collected by filling out a questionnaire using the self-administered method on an online questionnaire (Google Forms). Data analysis used descriptive statistical tests, simple logistic regression tests, and multiple logistic regression tests. The results of the study showed that only 37,61% of MSM living in Denpasar City started using PrEP. The variables that were found to be most associated with the behavior of initiating use of PrEP in MSM in Denpasar City included occasional condom use (aOR=5,46; 95%CI=1,99-14,94; p=0,001), homosexual orientation (aOR=2,88; 95%CI=1,05-7,88; p=0,04), and good health worker support (a R=9,11; 95%CI=3,04-27,34; p<0,0001). Health worker need to increase comprehensive information support egarding the importance of using PrEP even though consistent condom use remains the gold standard in preventing HIV. Optimizing the PrEP programs implementation in Denpasar City still requires expanding the role of outreach workers who concentrate on outreach to bisexual MSM as well as strengthening MSM peers support.Keywords: HIV AIDS, PrEP, MSM, Denpasar City, Kerti Praja Foundation”
: HIV AIDS, PrEP, LSL, Kota Denpasar, Yayasan Kerti Praja ABSTRACT PrEP is an option for preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS which has a high effectiveness rate that has the potential to fill the gap in the target of the HIV/AIDS transmission prevention program in Indonesia. Only 53.25% of MSM in the Province of Bali were covered for PrEP use. Meanwhile, the MSM groups HIV prevalence rate has tripled over the past ten years. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with PrEP initiation behavior among MSM in Denpasar City. This cross-sectional study involved 109 HIV-negative MSM selected sing convenience sampling method. Data was collected by filling out a questionnaire using the self-administered method on an online questionnaire (Google Forms). Data analysis used descriptive statistical tests, simple logistic regression tests, and multiple logistic regression tests. The results of the study showed that only 37, 61% of MSM living in Denpasar City started using PrEP. The variables that were found to be most associated with the behavior of initiating use of PrEP in MSM in Denpasar City included occasional condom use (aOR=5, 46; 95%CI=1, 99-14, 94; p=0, 001), homosexual orientation (aOR=2, 88; 95%CI=1, 05-7, 88; p=0, 04), and good health worker support (a R=9, 11; 95%CI=3, 04-27, 34; p<0, 0001). Health worker need to increase comprehensive information support egarding the importance of using PrEP even though consistent condom use remains the gold standard in preventing HIV. Optimizing the PrEP programs implementation in Denpasar City still requires expanding the role of outreach workers who concentrate on outreach to bisexual MSM as well as strengthening MSM peers support.Keywords: HIV AIDS, PrEP, MSM, Denpasar City, Kerti Praja Foundation
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DWI NURAENI, Ni Made Rai; YULIYATNI, Putu Cintya Denny. FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PERILAKU MEMULAI PENGGUNAAN PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS PADA LELAKI SEKS LELAKI DI KOTA DENPASAR.ARCHIVE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 605-621, dec. 2023. ISSN 2527-3620. Available at: https://jurnal.harianregional.com/ach/id-111057. Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:https://doi.org/10.24843/ACH.2023.v10.i03.p19.
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Vol 10 No 3 (2023): Desember 2023
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