IRCS UNUD Journals, Vol. 1 No. 1, February 2017


The Development of Local Accommodation to Support Subak Jatiluwih Tourism in Tabanan Regency

Agus Muriawan Putra1, Ida Bagus Ketut Astina2

Program Studi D4 Pariwisata, Fakultas Pariwisata, Universitas Udayana Telp/Fax : (0361) 223798, E-mail :

Abstract The aim of research to develop local accommodations Jatiluwih, so tourists can stay longer in Jatiluwih and the community direct can interacts with tourists and direct benefit also from the tourists who stay. In this research, using qualitative descriptive analysis and the determination of sampling is quota sampling method and method of sampling taking with Slovin method. This research took place in JatiluwihVillage, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Key research findings show that there are still many obstacles the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations, such as: human resources, supporting facilities, the presence of the Holy Place, a large family does not agree, and promotions. In addition, in the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations there are several criteria that must be filled according the community, such as: obey with the rules in the village, not allowed in the Holy Place, keep hygiene, improved facilities, the easy of working capital, the coaching routine of related parties and criteria according tourists, such as: hospitality, cleanliness and security, mastery of English, supporting facilities, the willingness to interact with tourists, and the easy of information. Also, some programs in the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations, such as: dissemination to the public, collect data on houses to be used as a local accomodations, training, funding, establish a local accommodations management, preparing tourism package and tourism product of Jatiluwih, and promotions.

Keywords: local accommodations, constraints development, development criteria, program development, community participation

  • i.    Introduction1

Responding to the increasing development of regional tourism Bali, the Regional Government of Bali through Regulation No. 3 of 1974, state that the type of tourism that is developed in the area of Bali is a cultural tourism which is imbued with Hinduism, as well as the analysis that follows the description of the elements of the environment associated with cultural elements. Therefore, the social environment is considered a part of the environment is the area which is the venue for a variety of social interaction between different groups.

One attraction that could be developed is the village of Jatiluwih, Penebel District, Tabanan. Jatiluwih village with an area of 2,233 Ha. The rice field area of Jatiluwih 303 Ha, 813.999 Ha is a people's plantations, 68,000 hectares is a green line, 9495 Ha is a forest, 24 hectares is land yard, and 1.5 hectares is the land of another -other. Located at an altitude of 500-750 meters above sea level with rainfall of 2,500 mm / yr, average air temperature of 26 - 29oC (Monograph Desa Jatiluwih, 2006).

Jatiluwih village community is strongly in maintaining the traditions handed down by their ancestors. Farming culture makes Jatiluwih village community while respecting the natural environment

and respecting the culture, so that implicitly it can be seen that the concept of Tri Hita Karana imbued every action of Jatiluwih Village community to maintain its continuity and sustainability. The main attraction is the village of Jatiluwih Subak system along with terracing fields.

Based on its uniqueness, Jatiluwih designated as World Cultural Heritage, where the consequences are many accept tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists who would require lodging accommodations to be able to withstand rating the length stay in the village of Jatiluwih in addition to providing a variety of attractions / tour packages certainly emphasizes the uniqueness and authenticity of the Jtiluwih village. However, with the enactment of Jatiluwih as a World Cultural Heritage, the construction of hotels is prohibited in Jatiluwih. The effort to keep the World Heritage status and to provide for the accommodation needs of business travelers require careful development and management as well as the role of the community is needed.

  • II.    Research Methods

Types And Data Sources

Data types

The type of data used in this study are:

  • 1.    Quantitative data is data in the form of figures will be compiled and interpreted, such as budget and resource written form of numbers or a narrative that has been quantified, the number of tourists visiting the Tabanan Regency, the number of tourists who visit the village Jatiluwih, and total population.

  • 2.    Qualitative data is data that can not be measured directly with the figures, but the information needed, such as observation and information from informants is processed through qualitative data analysis generate data in the form of arguments, including the interpretation of the observation of the research team Jatiluwih village tourism potential , Organizational Structure, Jatiluwih village history, and other information related to this study (Buchari Alma, 2004: 106).

Data source

The data used in this study is obtain by:

  • 1.    Sources Primary Data is data obtained directly from the informant, in which case the data from public figures, both formal and non-formal interviews included the results of field observation and interpretation.

  • 2.    Data Sources Secondary data is obtained from the other party / instead of the first source associated with this research, such as data from the Village Administration, Provincial Government of Bali, Tabanan regency government, literature, and research results related supporting data has been processed, obtained from the literature, previous studies, as well as documents found in the field (Buchari Alma, 2004: 106).

Sampling Technique

In this study the sample is, the Jatiluwih village community and tourists. In collecting the sampling for the community and tourists use Quota sampling method, the sampling technique is by taking the number of samples that had been predetermined. Sampling technique in this study refers to the formula Slovin (Jongker, et al, 2011) states that:

The determination of the sample number the communities with a population (N) as many as 1,000 people, assuming an error rate (e) = 10%, then the number of samples (n) is


n =   1 + 1000 (10%)2

=        1000

1000 (0,01)

n = 100 people.


N: Total Population

  • n: Number of Sample

  • e: Error Rate

The determination of sample number for tourists with a population (N) to 500 people, with an error rate assumption (e) = 10%, then the number of samples (n) is:


n =    1 + 500 (10%)2

=        500

500 (0,01)

n = 50 people.

The Method of collecting data

The main analysis in this study is the interpretation of the social actors. In addition to the interpretation of other analytical unit is the action and interaction. The technique is qualitative techniques through the stages

of analyzing the data, reducing the data, categorize the data, and check the validity of the data. After that, the data were analyzed qualitatively and interpretation. The goal is reveal the facts and describe analytically and develop a substantive theory or theories drawn from the bottom or from the data (Moleong, 2005). The data collection methods used in this study are:

  • 1.    Observation, namely the collection of data by conducting direct observation to study sites to obtain a clear situation of the object of study.

  • 2.    In-depth Interviews (interview guide), which is a technique of data collection is done by a question and answer in depth to the informant with informal structures, informal interviews can be done in the context deemed appropriate, to obtain data in depth and can be done repeatedly in accordance with the researchers purposes of clarity discover. In-depth interviews conducted intensively and repeatedly as the main tool in combination with the method of observation (Bungin, 2003: 110).

  • 3.    literature study, namely data collection by taking from books, literature, and brochures that are relevant to the research, as well as the results of previous research that still has to do to get the secondary data as reference material, support, and comparison in research related to the study.

  • 4.    The questionnaire, namely data collection by asking List of Questions has been prepared and distributed to tourists as a respondent to obtain the required information in the study.

The data analysis technique

The collected data will be analyzed by several techniques, as follows:

Qualitative Descriptive Analysis

Data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting into patterns, categories, and the basic outline of the unit, so it has a theme and can be formulated working hypotheses, as suggested by the data (Nazir, 1988: 438). By using qualitative descriptive analysis, which describes a phenomenon then link it with other phenomena through interpretation to be described in a quality that is close to reality (Muhajir, in Suryasih, 2003: 39).

According to Miles and Huberman (1992), activity analysis consists of several strands, namely: comparison of data, verification, data presentation with arguments, and the interpretation put on the framework of local culture. The relationship several parallel grooves forming a common insight is called analysis. Qualitative data analysis is an ongoing effort, repetitive, and continuously.

  • III. Results and discussions

Overview Location Research

Jatiluwih Village History

Based on interviews with Jero Gede Mangku Pura Luhur Petali, it was the sage who comes from the eastern area, named Ida Bhujangga sage Canggu was in sacred journey. He saw there was smoke rising from the west, because he wanted to know the source of the smoke proficiency level, then he tried to find it. Finally, the place was discovered and he get a magical whisper, that the place was named Giri Kusuma (now called Gunung Sari).

During his long stayed in Giri Kusuma he did the yoga meditation, at a time of his return, he saw a very bright light in the southwest. By his inner strength, he finally found the source of the very bright light. It turned out that these rays are in Alas Abasan. The source of light is a gegumuk which now becomes Batur Temple. Once he found the place, the sage state to people residing in nearby proficiency level. Finally, the people held a an activitie that called gotong royong or do an activity together with good cooperation. At the moment, one of the residents dig around the site and found a very large bone in the form of half of the estimated half-bird is very large (according to Hindu belief, the bird is "Jatayu"). Jatayu part of the invention that is the name Alas Abasan become Mundukan Jatayu and turns back into Mundukan Jatiayu and its agreed the area namely Jatiluwih village.

The Geographical of Jatiluwih Village

Jatiluwih Village is the uplands with land predominantly mountainous and hill ground height 500-750 meters above sea level. Jatiluwih village is located on the back of Mount Batukaru with temperatures ranging between 24 ° -32 ° C, the average rainfall is 2,900 millimeters / year. Rain fell in October through April and most rain falls in the month of December to January. The topography of the area is hilly with slopes up to 60 °. Paddy fields are generally made in the form of tiered terracing. That form the main attraction for tourists. The village has stunning scenery and cool air. Village environment beautiful, comfortable, and reflects the verdant village Jatiluwih a highly conserved.

Boundaries line of the village of Jatiluwih is as follows:

North: State Forest, Buleleng, and Village Pujungan

East: Senganan Village

South: babahan Village, Mengesta Village

West: Wongaya Gede Vilage

Overall width Jatiluwih Village area is 1813.02 hectares. More than half of its territory in the form of the forest and the rest of the rice fields, plantations, settlements, and others. The forest area in the village of Jatiluwih reached 1,056 hectares or 58.24% of the total area of protected forest area with the status of state property. Widely cultivated area reached 38.24%, which is comprised of paddy fields (16.73%) and moor / plantation (21.51%). Types of agricultural commodities produced include: rice, vegetables, coffee, and coconut.

The obstacles in Development of Local Accommodation Jatiluwih

The tourism potential of Jatiluwih is very interesting and became the pride of the surrounding communities and even internationally. However, tourists who come to Travel to Attractions Jatiluwih just look around and just capture the beauty of nature in Jatiluwih through camera shots then they immediately left the tourists Travel Attractions Jatiluwih or continuing its journey to the other Tourist Attractions. Rarely travelers to stay in the village of Jatiluwih, this is due to several obstacles that must be overcome together. The obstacles encountered in the development of Local accommodation Jatiluwih, namely:

  • A.    Human Resources (HR)

The obstacles must be given serious attention in the development of Local accommodation Jatiluwih is Human Resources. Jatiluwih tourism development will lead to communication and interaction between tourists with the local population. Also required are innovative creativity travelers to hold a longer visit Jatiluwih even tourists to stay. This, cannot be implemented because it is still necessary corrective measures and improvements, such as:

  • 1.    Management

Management is crucial factor in the development of a Local accommodation Jatiluwih, which until now has not established a special business Jatiluwih Local accommodation. It is closely related to the lack of public understanding of the preparation of local accommodation and not the formation of a special manager governing the preparation and development

of local accommodation, where people are more focused on agriculture which is most of the people's livelihood Jatiluwih.

In fact, tourism does not have to of the agriculture, with the development of tourism in Jatiluwih will further preserve the farming culture and its agriculture in Jatiluwih as the main attraction Travel Attractions Jatiluwih is agriculture. The synergy between tourism and agriculture will bring several benefits to the surrounding communities if managed properly, including opening up opportunities for developing local accommodation.

  • 2.    Language

To receive tourist arrivals in Jatiluwih needed good hospitality. The main component that is needed is a language, especially English. Language needed to convey and explain the various issues related to people's daily activities, potential for tourism, culture and unique in the village of Jatiluwih. It also includes communication interactions will occur when guests stay at people's homes. For smooth communication and social interaction that takes language as a means to communicate, so people need to be prepared Jatiluwih to be able to master English as a means of communicating internationally.

Besides language, other things that also need to be considered is the public's understanding of tourism. Many uniqueness which can be found on Jatiluwih, requiring a presentation true and accurate to the tourists who stay in Jatiluwih. It is still very poor and even the public to avoid foreign tourists coming and approaching that requires mastery of information due to the lack Jatiluwih community against foreign language, especially English.

  • 3.    Training and Development

Local accommodation management requires specific skills and abilities to be able to managed and developed properly. Most people in jatiluwih are farmers, where they focus on the job everyday cultivate their agricultural lands. Jatiluwih tourism development does not necessarily change the habits and activities of everyday society, but on the other hand the development of tourism in Jatiluwih require Human Resources (HR) who have the knowledge and skills of tourism. Because in the development of tourism requires carrying capacity and adequate facilities and good management, so that the human

factor is very important. One of carrying capacity that is needed in the development of tourism is local accommodations Jatiluwih. Coaching and training is still very low and is supported by the mindset and the everyday people who still tend to be traditional and convenience in the processing of agricultural land, it became an obstacle to improving the knowledge and skills Jatiluwih communities in the management and development of local accommodation in particular.

  • 4.    Assistance

The tourism in Jatiluwih is rely on terracing rice fields and the uniqueness of Subak system. This attraction appeal tobe the main attraction of nature conservation and sustainability that must be maintained. Tourists who visit Jatiluwih are greatly admired the natural attraction. However, tourists who visited the Jatiluwih not spent as much time as they only briefly saw a terracing paddy field then perpetuate the camera or video is taken and then leave Jatiluwih to continue their journey to other tourist attraction and rarely traveler to stay. This, is a constraint that needs to urgently solution so that can stay and spend longer in Jatiluwih. Thus, the Jatiluwih community will get greater benefit more from the development of tourism on the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih community as accommodation for tourists in Jatiluwih.

Products and package in Jatiluwih cannot bind to the tourists visiting to stay in Jatiluwih, so that in the future required the assistance of the relevant parties to the public Jatiluwih to dig some tourism potential Jatiluwih and the tourist’s activity in Jatiluwih can be implemented fully and increase the curiosity of travelers to enjoy a wide range of appeal offered and takes a long time in enjoying a variety of attractions and tourism products offered.

  • B.    Support Facilities

In the development of the houses into the local inn for travelers, barriers that directly come from society Jatiluwih include:

  • 1.    The less number of Room

The life system of Jatiluwih is to live with a big family, where one house is composed of several families (KK) or consists of several family members. This, due to the limited housing land ownership and

most of the land used for agriculture land and plantations and farms. The average ownership of public Jatiluwih rooms are 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 or 2 bathrooms, and home pages. They live their regular lives in the house. All the needs and requirements of their families are prepared in the house, so every room is provided containing goods and equipment each family member. There is no empty space that is not used, because they have a limited compared to the number of family members in each of the house. The avaible place and rooms were optimally use and share, this situation can be prolonged without any disagreement and contention. This, one of the obstacles in developing homes into local accommodation in Jatiluwih.

  • 2.    Incomplete Facilities

The development of the houses to be used as local accommodations Jatiluwih also stymied the obstacle in supporting facilities to provide a comfort pace to stay. The existing facilities at people's house is insufficient to create the confort situation for tourists who stay. It is, because people only provides few facilities for the completeness of their house. Society only provides the facilities needed for day-to-day, such as: bedding, tools, home appliances, bathroom fittings, cleaning tools which are all the facilities at the principal and most importantly can be used and there are no facilities to international standards which takes tourists, such as: heater, pool, modern bathrooms equipment, and others. This makes people not confident to offer their house as the place to stay for tourists.

  • C.    The Temple existance

The settlement in the agrarian community in Jatiluwih is the existence of barns in every house of the community. The yields of paddy are stored in each barn. to store the paddys in the barn, the community will carry out ceremonial at the first as the symbolic of the gratitude presented to Ida Batari Sri since they given a good food source, it namely Mantenin ceremony. The barn is located in each of community hous, it has the sililar shape and form. it became the main attraction for tourists who visiting Jatiluwih.

The concept of human settlements Jatiluwih embracing the concept of Tri Angga consisting of 3 (three) level layout, namely: upstream, body, and legs (teben). From here, it can be seen that the

implementation of the Tri Hita Karana already begun to appear in the daily lives of people Jatiluwih in the smallest scope, the family. Tri Angga concept is closely related to the concept of Tri Hita Karana. Society will always place the temple (sacred place) in upstream or in Tri Hita Karana is called parhyangan, a place for social relationships in the family will be in the middle or lower than the holy places related to the Tri Hita Karana is pawongan, and to maintain animal or place to dispose of the family were in teben (teba) which is related to the Tri Hita Karana is palemahan. This concept can be an attraction for tourists to learn more about the system of people's daily lives Jatiluwih that affect the environment, social harmony, and the preservation of local culture (Observations, dated July 25, 2016).

  • D.    The Disagreement of Family

The pattern of community houses in Jatiluwih mostly consists of several houses in one area, where there are several heads of family living in the house. Usually those who live in the area constitute a large family who are related lineages. Within the area there is a sacred place into a sanctuary with the whole family, it is also proving that they are still in one large family tree. Sense of kinship and mutual cooperation is still very thick with a natural rural atmosphere. All activities that are mutual interest is always be carried out by means of deliberation to resolve, so the decision taken is a joint decision has been approved by the full sense of family.

To make the houses as accommodation for tourists, not necessarily approved to be developed because it also needs to get approval from a large family. Where family life is harmonious with a routine that is already running as usual and with a habit that has been understood by each member of the family are easy to be able to receive foreign tourists who stay in their homes because it needs an understanding and recognition that further and a long process. They will maintain their way of life that is already well underway and will think long to accept strangers into their family life. Most of the family members do not agree when their house used as a place to stay tourists, so it is becoming one of the obstacles developing local house become accomodation for tourists.

  • E.    Promotion

The lack of promotion regarding to Jatiluwih

Tourist Attractions cause tourists who come only rely on information from the Bureau. On the other hand, the lack of facilities availability to supporting tourism at Jatiluwih Tourist Attraction and the damage roads caused a lot Bureau divert its tour to another tourist attraction.

In addition to the targets the rating group which come to Jatiluwih also need the walk-in guest tourist, therefor the intensive promotion needs to be done by the Jatiluwih community by using multiple media, such as brochures, pamphlets, billboards, electronic media, print media, and the internet. But, in reality it is not carried out for reasons and it is not managed well. The less of Human Resources (HR), The less of sale knowledge, and many other reasons.

The accomodation development criteria that appropriates with Jatiluwih.

The accomodation developmet criteria from Jatiluwih point of view.

The Development of Jatiluwih local accommodations requires a serious and deep study because there are somethings that can be the basis and considerations in its implementation, therefore in the future development can yield positive results and can provide benefits to all parties, in particular to provide benefits and advantages to Jatiluwih society which is the object in the development of local accommodation in Jatiluwih. In the discussion, we can see some the criteria of local property development from a community perspective Jatiluwih, as follows.

  • A.    Comply with the rules in the Village

In the village of Jatiluwih many myths that developed in the community, the Jatiluwih society is advance on promoting spirituality and belief it properly and regularly. Various activities ritual held in theJatiluwih to maintain the harmony of nature. This is already done for generations until now. Community ritual activities in Jatiluwih impact on the natural harmony and it is the main attraction for tourists visited and it become a World Cultural Heritage. Many tourists who come to Jatiluwih, both tourists local and foreign tourists. The tourists’ arrival is not necessarily reduced the spiritual beliefs and activities of the community it keeps as their usual daily activities.

In the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations, where tourists are expected to stay at Jatiluwih and take advantage of people's homes for

a place to stay. Jatiluwih society provides requirements to tourists who will stay in Jatiluwih, which comply with the rules on Jatiluwih, so that the harmony of society and the natural balance is maintained and the agriculture life of Jatiluwih will remain current over time.

  • B.    its forbidden to entering the Fammily temple

In every house, there is Fammily temple of community or it called Merajan, where worshiped in Merajan is to the Ancestor that provides security, protection, and guidance to the devotees. Each family was very respectful and sacrredful their fammily temple because every ritual will start from Merajan of this family. The Family Merajan is a holy place that functioned to worship Ancestor for the safety and success of an activity undertaken. If there are other people who entered in the Family Temple it must follow several requirements, such as getting dressed polite, asked for permission to the families who have the holy place, not in the period for women, and the goal is to do a worship.

In the development of Jatiluwih local accommodations Jatiluwih, the requirements are given by the people to travelerssuch as they are not allowed to entering the Fammily temple. Therefor the tourists who stayed in local house should understand the specific rules, in addition, the society also needs to keep functioning the scaredness of their fammily temple.

  • C.    Maintain the cleanliness

The cleanliness become one of the important points in an activity because cleanliness is one of the basic human needs. Cleanliness is often a complaint if it is not taken seriously will be one of the obstacles or failure of this program. Including the utilization of people's homes for a place to stay tourists in the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih, the community provides the criteria that tourists should participate in maintaining cleanliness surrounding environment.

  • D.    The transparent and proportional of revenue sharing

In the development of Jatiluwih local accommodations Jatiluwih the society from the beginning has been requested the tranparent and propotional revenue when their houses are use to accomodation, so that it has been created distribution guide to give more benefits to all parties and to give

satisfaction to the parties concerned. For this reason, the society expects that the management in the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih is done by professional, transparent, and accountable.

  • E.    Enhancement Facility

To provide comfort and satisfaction to the tourists who stay in Jatiluwih, it is necessary to provide the facilities at the community's house. The facility is needed because of the general house fiture owned and occupied by community of Jatiluwih are not in accordance with the facilities needed by tourists who stay. Those facilities, such as: The Internet, the beds were standard, a standard toilet, water heater, and so on.

  • F.    The Capital Assistance Facility

To prepare for the houses to be ready to accept the arrival of tourists who stay, people need a capital to organize and improve their house to qualify as local accommodation. Society needs the capital to be used to meet various purposes related to the preparation of their house.

The management party is planning to assistance the community, so that there is a motivation of people to organize their house become an accomodation, so the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih be in line with expectations and arouse the active participation of the Jatiluwih community.

  • G.    The existence of Routine Guidance from Related Parties

The Jatiluwih community's understanding on tourism in Jatiluwih although it has become a World Heritage is still need socialization and introductions on a regular basis because not all people understand and have the ability in tourism industry, so the massive socialization and training of the relevant parties will gain the knowledge and skills together to support the development of tourism in Jatiluwih.

Most of Jatiluwih society are agrarian thhat devote the attention to increasing agricultural yield their livelihood as well as most of the people Jatiluwih. Thus, in the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih who use the houses as accommodation for tourists, people need training and coaching-training routine from related parties so that they have the knowledge and skills in receiving tourists who stay in their houses and can provide service as well, so that tourists become complacent and indirectly society also

participated in developing tourism in Jatiluwih. Various types of basic training in receiving and serving tourists coming Jatiluwih is needed by society and most important is the English language training.

The criteria of local accomodation development in viewpoint of tourists

The development of Jatiluwih local accommodations is expected to be sustainable in the long term to be able to balance the development of Tourism Jatiluwih which became World Cultural Heritage. As a World Cultural Heritage, the Jatiluwoh village is not allowed to build hotels and villas for tourist accommodation, so the choice is to use the local houses, it is the only business opportunities to the community and participate actively in supporting the development of Tourism Jatiluwih. In order to meet these expectations, then the required criteria from the perspective of local accommodation of tourists, as follows.

  • A.    Hospitality

In the tourism hospitality factor is very important and crucial because the services provided to tourists will be successful when the host gave a speech and service with friendliness and courtesy. Hospitality is also one identuty of our nation. That is what makes most areas of the Republic of Indonesia the tourism develops because when tourists come and given good service and hospitality, then the impression will always be remembered and cause them to come back and repeatedly.

Tourists who come to Jatiluwih also require good service and friendliness of the people Jatiluwih. Moreover, the Jatiluwih become World Heritage is certainly known by the international community. Many tourists from different countries come to Jatiluwih to see the natural beauty, culture, and way of life Jatiluwih agrarian society. The appeal of the main capital in order to lure tourists always visit the Tourist Attractions Jatiluwih. With the continuity of arrivals, it is necessary to utilize local accommodation houses for a place to stay tourists. The criteria needed by tourists for local accommodation was the hospitality of the host in providing services and for interacting with tourists who stay overnight, so tourist feel comfortable and quiet during their stay at the local house. It is important for the development and sustainability of locally developed accommodation is

continuity in tourist arrivals and satisfaction of tourists who stay overnight.

  • B.    Hygiene and Safety

The tourists positive culture who is concerned with cleanliness. Foreign tourists are already very familiar with the cleanliness and even cleanliness has become a culture for them. In their countries cleanliness would be inculcated early, so that wherever they go these habits will always be taken. When tourists come to Jatiluwih their concern towards cleanliness is very big. As a tourist receiving areas, the people of Jatiluwih course must maintain overall cleanliness so that complaints from the tourists do not occur, particularly the issue of cleanliness. Moreover, tourists who come to Jatiluwih and stay in people's houses, the requirements they ask is maintaining cleanliness around where they stay. As the host of course, cleanliness is also a culture that tourists with culture cleanliness is satisfied when staying at people's houses because it is also concerned with the cleanliness itself.

In addition, the criteria submitted by tourist is security in place and the tourists staying in the areas visited, it need to be intensified to maintain the security of the region and the host also responsible for the care and safety of tourists who stay in their houses. Tourists will feel at home and not bothered to stay at the local house. This will provide benefits to society Jatiluwih because tourists will long stay in Jatiluwih. In addition, a positive image Jatiluwih will remain intact and sustain the development of tourism, which would certainly excite the product developed in Jatiluwih in order to provide positive benefits to the community.

  • C.    Fluently in speaking of English Language

The tourists’ arrival in Jatiluwih are dominantly by foreign tourists, it is because Jatiluwih known as the international World Cultural Heritage status. The foreign tourists who come speak in English, so that people Jatiluwih need to use english in providing services and interact with tourists. English as a communication tool. The tourists need necessary explanations about Jatiluwih especially in English. This situation makes English as the important tool for communication.

  • D.    Additional Facilities

Similarly, with community requirements in the

development of local accommodations, tourists also expect their additional facilities are set up in each of the houses to be used as a place to stay, so tourists get the comfort and satisfaction when staying at local's houses. The facility is needed because of the general house owned and occupied by people Jatiluwih has no features in accordance with the facilities needed by tourists who stay. Traveller necessary facilities, such as: The Internet, the beds were standard, a standard toilet, water heater, and so on.

  • E.    The willingness Interacting with Tourists

Tourists who come to Jatiluwih is rating highly appreciate nature and culture of the areas visited. They enjoy the natural atmosphere in the village of Jatiluwih and really enjoy life Jatiluwih agrarian society. Tourists are curious, it can be seen when the tourists are very serious attention to the activities of the community Jatiluwih, pay attention to plants that thrive in Jatiluwih as well as contributing to the entrance to the ricefield of society to be able to see up close the uniqueness in Jatiluwih.

Thus, tourist activity, takes interaction and communication more intense with tourists, so the curiosity of tourists to the attractiveness and uniqueness Jatiluwih can be explained properly.

  • F.    The Information Facility

In this globalized world, the mastery of information becomes very important for the development of information technology of any information contained in various parts of the world will be accessible and be known quickly. Included also in the areas of tourism such as Jatiluwih, ease of information is needed by tourists. Thus, people need to provide network global information so that tourists who stay can easily access the information needed for tourists in addition they traveled in Jatiluwih would also want to know more about areas other tours in Bali and also, they want to access their business activities and others.

It is essential to plan well when houses used as accommodation for travelers stay that tourists have no difficulty to access the required information. Including information relating to the situation and the state of tourism in Jatiluwih, Jatiluwih culture, way of life Jatiluwih, as well as information about the village Jatiluwih traveler who wants to know, including information on the latest developments that took place

in general.

The Development Program Accomodation based of Local Community

To support the development of local accommodations in Jatiluwih, Parties business Jatiluwih made some development programs that will help and encourage people Jatiluwih which becomes the main character, where their house are develop to be an accomodation. The target is it can be run well by develop the program based community as follows.

  • A.    Dissemination to Community

The development of local accommodations in Jatiluwih involve people in preparing and planning the houses as accommodation for tourists. Most of people in Jatiluwih not know and understand about the local development accommodations that use the houses as tourist accommodation facilities to stay. Community are much more focused on the treatment and processing agricultural lands because most people Jatiluwih livelihood as farmers. Even Jatiluwih awarded as World Cultural Heritage it has not been much effect on people's lives Jatiluwih that still retains an agrarian life. Most of Jatiluwih community do not understand and do not have the quality of Human Resources (HR) related to tourism. This is attributable to the lack of socialization and training related to tourism, and thus need to be made good and sustainable program to improve knowledge and skills of people Jatiluwih related to tourism.

It intensely disseminate to the community ofJatiluwih, where every two weeks once they had a meeting with the community Jatiluwih to socialize on the local inn for supporting the development Jatiluwih, necessary diversification of products and tourist attractions as well as the required lodging accommodations to tourists. Because Jatiluwih as a World Cultural Heritage and cannot build hotels and villas as place to stay, then the only way they can do is take an advantage of the houses as accommodation for tourists.

  • B.    The Inventarisation of Local house which become an accomodation

The management will observe the houses that have been recorded and viewed feasibility, to be made a list of follow-up to be given guidance and training for families with houses. While waiting for the data from the next house people who filed their house made of

local accommodation. So that, with the entry of the required data will allow the manager to make development programs and training programs to the community.

  • C.    Conducting Training

To improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) in tourism industry and in particular with regard to the development of local accommodations, then the manager made training programs to the community Jatiluwih about the way of services to tourists when receiving tourists staying in people's homes, training of English, training room cleaning techniques, and create the tour products and tourist attractions. With a variety of training programs to be conducted in Jatiluwih expected to deliver satisfaction and comfort to the tourists who stay overnight, so the length of stay of tourists to be long. In addition, to prepare the communities can manage the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih ongoing basis and actively participate in protecting the resources owned by Jatiluwih and became a tourist attraction.

This training was held in cooperation with the relevant parties, such as universities, industries, practitioners, and local government. Training is conducted on an ongoing basis with the involvement of the public, especially the youth, so that their potential can Jatiluwih more Jatiluwih managed by communities themselves, in order to provide jobs for people and reduce the level of massive urbanization.

  • D.    Funding

To be able to use the local houses as accommodations in Jatiluwih certainly not like turning the palm of the hand. The attempts and efforts made to prepare and complete the various requirements and the necessary facilities, so that in the future will provide comfort and satisfaction to tourists staying in Jatiluwih. The community needs the help of funding to prepare and equip a variety of purposes and the necessary facilities so that people's houses become eligible as accommodation for tourists. Program of the manager is to provide assistance software through the Village Cooperative in collaboration with the Village Office and the Village People to be given to people whose homes had been staying inn for tourists that the funds can be used to complete the facilities and improve public houses to be rented to tourists , Funds are also prepared from management profit percentage

in Jatiluwih, so that local accommodations Jatiluwih development plan can be realized and can give impact to the broader community to care and participate actively and prepare resources to support the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih.

E.Establishing of Local Accommodations


Many things are needed in the planning of the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih that involves the community as the core in its development. Starting from the preparation of the Human Resources (HR), facilities are required, cleaning the house and its surroundings, security, and so on. This, driving the need for business Jatiluwih Local Special accommodation that will plan and carry out the programs and the results of the agreement in the development of local accommodations Jatiluwih. Business formed from the community, so it will give opportunity for the public to understand and gain knowledge about tourism Jatiluwih and also increase public participation, let alone that serve as local accommodations are people's homes. It will also facilitate the coordination among the public because they feel a part of the development of tourism in Jatiluwih and will also actively develop them as people as actors who will benefit from the development of the local accommodations.

  • F.    Preparing the Packages and Tourism Products

To make the tourists stay longer in Jatiluwih and not just see the rice fields, take pictures, and then continue the journey to the other attraction, it would require some attractions and travel packages that can be enjoyed by tourists. People's creativity is needed in this regard in cooperation with Tourism management in Jatiluwih to explore potential of Jatiluwih which later became a tourist product and tourist attractions, in particular products and local attractions Jatiluwih, so as to withdraw the product and the tourist attractions that need to be packaged good and interesting. It is make a lot of options that can be selected by tourists while in Jatiluwih.

  • G.    Promotion

Promotion is a very important activity to introduce and distribute a product or a particular service. Promotional activities will be able to bridge the existing products and services go directly to the consumer. Tourism program business in the

development of local accommodations Jatiluwih is to conduct an effective campaign. Jatiluwih as a World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO certainly are decided in terms of promotion Jatiluwih as the appeal is well known even by the World International. However, tourism products, attractions and travel packages in Jatiluwih that need to be promoted to tourists. Because tourists only know Jatiluwih Subak and terracing paddy when behind the many unique tourism potential is not yet known by tourists. This is what needs to be made effective promotion program. Promotional programs conducted by business brochures Jatiluwih is through the media, internet media, and direct sale in Jatiluiwh tourists coming through and through your travel agent or coming to Jatiluwih.

And also, things that the promotion of business program Jatiluwih is about local accommodations Jatiluwih. Having made tourism products, attractions and travel packages which later became program Jatiluwih promotion of business, then the next step is to promote local accommodations Jatiluwih who use the houses as a place to stay tourists. Because this time, many tourists who come to see the rice fields Jatiluwih only berterasering then they go away, so we need effective promotions to introduce lots of travel alternatives in Jatiluwih to makes the tourists stay longer in Jatiluwih.

  • IV. Conclusions

Based on the results of the discussion in this study, it can be summed up as follows:

  • A. Constraints faced in the development of local accommodation to support Tourism Subak Jatiluwih Tabanan, namely:

  • 1.    Human Resources (management, language training and coaching, mentoring).

  • 2. Facilities (shortage of rooms in the house, supporting facilities is not complete).

  • 3.    The existence of the Fammily Temple.

  • 4.    The disagreement of Families member.

  • 5.    Promotion.

  • B.    Criteria in the development of appropriate local accommodations in Jatiluwih, namely:

  • 1.    Criteria for Development of Local Accommodation from Jatiluwih community point of view, namely:

  • -    Comply with the rules of the village.

  • -    Not allowed to enter the the fammily temple.

  • -    Maintain cleanliness.

  • -    There is a revenue sharing transparent and proportionate.

  • -    Improved facilities.

  • -    There is an ease of capital.

  • - The existence of regular coaching from related parties.

  • 2.    Criteria for Development of Local Accommodation from Tourists point of view, namely:

  • -    Hospitality.

  • -    Cleanliness and security.

  • -    Fluently in English.

  • -    Additional facilities.

  • -    Willingness to interact with tourists.

  • -    Ease of information.

  • C.    The Development Program of Community-Based Local property, namely:

  • 1.    Socialization to the community.

  • 2.    Documenting the house to be used as a local specialty.

  • 3.    Providing training.

  • 4.    Assistance funding.

  • 5.    Establish a local property manager.

  • 6.    Preparing packages and travel product Jatiluwih.

  • 7.    Promotion.


Thank God, we presented to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa with God Almighty for blessing His guidance, then Paper Grant Commodity Program can be completed well and on time, are also provided health, tranquility, and happiness in the preparation Paper Grant Featured this program.

We thankful to the Rector of Udayana University and all the Vice Rector, Mr. Chairman LPPM and its staff and all staff LPPM Udayana University because it provides opportunities and facilities, so that we can participate in the competition to win grants Commodity Studies Program and the various aid that have been granted, either data, aid administration, and the reception is good in completing what is needed, so that until now can run well and according to a predetermined plan.

Acknowledgements also go to The Dean of the Faculty of Tourism along with the Assistant Dean, friends, lecturers and administrative staff in the Faculty of Tourism, which has been providing support and a wide range of assistance, so that the paper can be completed properly. All families and all those who cannot mention one by one that has helped smooth in completing this paper.


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