Sport and Fitness Journal

Volume 10, No.2, May 2022: 124-137

E-ISSN: 2654-9182



Putri Yekti Budi Asih1*, I Putu Edra Putra Indrawan1, Vera Pravitasari Susila1, Putu Ratna Candra Puspita1, Andhika Putri Perdana1, Nila Wahyuni2, I Putu Gede Adiatmika2

  • 1    Magister Program of Biomedical Science Anti Aging Medicine Medical Faculty Universitas Udayana, 80234, Denpasar, Indonesia

2Physiology Department Medical Faculty Universitas Udayana, 80234, Denpasar, Indonesia Email : [email protected]


Tai Chi (TC) has been very popular over the last few decades as useful tools for reducing stress and improving health. Survivors of breast cancer (BC) often experience symptoms that reduce their quality of life during and after treatment, such as cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression, pain, and weight gain. The proinflammatory biomarkers like TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6 which are activated through the central nervous system were believed to induce fatigue, pain, and other complications that caused hindrance on life activity. The aim of this study is to identify and evaluate the effect of TC training on inflammatory biomarkers, especially TNF-α, pain, and cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in BC patients. Journal searching processes were performed through five electronic databases (ProQuest, Sciencedirect, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Sage Publications) and restricted from 2012 to 2022. The search strategy on the electronic databases was using terms like 'tai ji', 'tai chi', 'tumor necrosis factor-alpha', 'Interleukin-6', 'fatigue', 'pain', 'breast cancer', ‘biomarker’, 'TNF', 'TNF-α', and 'TNF-alpha'. Nine journals were chosen to be reviewed and discussed the intervention of Tai Chi, research methodology, and study results using pain, fatigue, and TNF-α biomarker. Tai Chi seems to be effective to reduce pain, cancer-related fatigue, and improves quality of life for breast cancer patients.

Keywords: Tai Chi; breast cancer; TNF-α; Fatigue; Pain


The most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) GLOBOCAN cancer statistics for 2020, especially those found in women, is breast cancer (BC), which is around 2.26 million cases 1. Careful evaluation and long-term management of side effects is a major challenge from a clinical point of view which is of great importance for BC patients who have undergone chemotherapy and require long-term adjuvant treatment 2.

With early detection and accompanied by advances in the treatment of BC, patients with BC can achieve an increasing percentage of survival and are able to survive longer. With an increase in overall life expectancy, BC survivors who suffer from this disease for a long time are subsequently at risk of accelerated aging, which causes the signs, symptoms of aging and cancer development to overlap. Cancer is also strongly linked with aging 3. Related to this problem, there have been many epidemiological studies that highlight long-term complications that are closely related, especially with BC treatment. But on the other hand, the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been well elucidated.

Treatment for BC includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy, which can be done alone or in combination. Although survival of patients with BC for at least 5 years after diagnosis ranges from over 90% in high-income countries, to 66% in India and 40% in South Africa, side effects after diagnosis and treatment can be persistently debilitating 4. It is important to pay attention to other things, not

only from a clinical perspective after cancer treatment, but also the possibility of recurrence and viability, and treatment effect or cancer itself on physical and mental function as well as the welfare of breast cancer patients. Side effects of breast cancer and its treatment include cancer-related fatigue 5,6, sleep disturbances

  • 7, depression, anxiety 8,9, chronic pain 10,11, decreased functional capacity, decreased muscle strength and endurance, and weight gain, which in the end will positively change the quality of life (QOL) 12.

Fatigue, particularly, has a negative effect on quality of life, in breast cancer patients and survivors can last 10 years or more 6. CRF is described as prolonged discomfort with a feeling exhausted and tired that could interfere with daily activities as the symptoms. Control and monitoring on it is required 13,14. Even though the CRF pathophysiology is still not well-understood, some mechanisms are proposed to explain the CRF development mechanism, such as dysfunction of inflammation and mitochondria, activation of the immune peripheral, and central mechanism 14,15. BC patients who sense CRF complaints will find elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1 (IL-1), as well as interleukin-6 (IL-6) 16. CNS (central nervous system) pathways activated by proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), IL-6 and TNF-α due to cell stress, cell death, chemotherapy, and tumor microenvironment can induce fatigue, pain and other disturbances 12,16,17. Due to the limitation on conventional therapies, other methods such as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) were approached by BC survivors and TC started to gain attention 18,19.

TC is a traditional Chinese training in the form of movements that are full of ancient Chinese philosophy and Chinese medicine, such as Confucianism and Taoism. TC is a mind-body exercise that combines breathing exercises, meditation and a series of sequential body movements with coordinated, balance-based postures 20. TC is often used to improve physical function, strength, balance, and to prevent falls in breast cancer patients 21. In addition, TC also plays a good role in improving the quality of life (QoL) and improving sleep quality in cancer patients 22–24. Some possible mechanisms that Tai Chi could relieve fatigue are developing relaxation through slow movement and shifting weight, increasing aerobic capacity, enhancing immune system 13. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has proposed a guideline for managing CRF, however the gold standard for CRF has not been decided 13. Even though several studies show improvement in fatigue and reducing pain as well as reducing TNF-α plasma level, the contrary studies result still remain 13. Some studies also indicated that no significant changes were made by TC 18,25–28.

Ten randomized controlled trials have investigated the effect of TC on systemic markers inflammation in noncancerous samples. TC reduces circulating TNF-α levels in patients with COVID-19 29, in patients with ankylosing spondylitis 30, in stroke patients 31,32, COPD patients 33, heart failure patients 34,35. Few of these studies have focused on breast cancer survivors, and almost none have thoroughly reviewed and assessed the effects of TC on inflammation at the cellular level of proinflammatory cytokines (specifically, TNF-α) regarding the mechanisms of their effect on pain and fatigue in breast cancer patients.


  • a.    Methodology

Study design

This study is a systematic review which was conducted and reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines 36. Literature search, literature selection, data extraction, and critical assessment were performed by the five reviewers independently, and any inconsistencies were resolved by mutual agreement or in consultation with a third experienced reviewer.

Subjects recruitment

The eligibility criteria for this study were as follows: (a) study design: randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and randomized partially blinded trials; (b) participants: adult patients diagnosed with BC who are receiving active treatment (i.e. surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or antihormonal

therapy); (c) intervention: TC with or without a combination of other interventions; and (d) The control group: other exercise, class meeting, conventional therapy or no treatment at all.

The primary outcome of this study was TNF-α measured with ELISA-kit, and for the second outcomes were pain and fatigue. Other results such as repeated publications, review comments, magazine articles, and other types of research were excluded.

Literature Research

Five electronic databases (ProQuest, Sciencedirect, PubMed Central NCBI, Google Scholar, and Sage Publications) were searched from 2012 to 2022. Search strategy in English electronic database was compiled using the terms The search strategy on the electronic website used terms from 'tai ji', 'tai chi', 'tumor necrosis factor-alpha', 'interleukin-6', 'fatigue', 'pain', 'breast cancer', ‘biomarker’, 'TNF', 'TNF-α', and 'TNF-alpha'.

  • b.    Material and Procedure

Article searching processes were begun with inserting the keywords to each search engine that was chosen independently by the reviewers to find the literature needed. The next step was excluding the duplications found from the 5 search engines. Title and abstract that qualified the eligibility standard were identified, which next will be assessed by the reviewers. The studies chosen consist of randomized control trials and randomized partially blinded trials with TC exercises that were performed in various times from 20 to 120 minutes per session, with frequency range from once to 5 times a week, over 1-15 months of intervention. These TC practices were under the supervision of experienced TC instructors.

  • c.    Assessment

The reviewers assessed independently by the inclusion criterias and excluded non-representing journals. Then the reviewers analyzed several things from the journal’s contents based on the suitability of topics, indexes or journal ratings through the Scimagojr website with journal criteria that met Q1 and Q2 quality, sample size, results from each journal, and limitations that occurred. The journals that met the criterias would proceed for data extraction.

  • d.    Data analysis

Data extraction was performed by five reviewers from selected studies and independently assessed methodological quality. The extracted information included the authors and the year of publication of the journal, the participants, research purposes, intervention characteristics used in the study (the frequency of exercise and the length of time), the outcome being measured, and study results. If any disagreement arises between the five investigators, the discussion would be organized to propose a solution after reaching an agreement. The third party suggestion would be included if the five reviewers could not reach an agreement.


Reviewers have found 1.557 journals (including duplicates) from five databases. The selection process on several journals were performed according to the relevancy to the title and the article’s abstract. In order to check the journals’ index, investigations through Scimagojr website were conducted.

Figure 1. Flowchart of the study selection and identification

Forty-nine journals were selected for this systematic review. At the end, nine journals were chosen to be explored and discussed in more depth because of the appropriateness of the intervention, research methodology and study results using pain, fatigue and TNF-α biomarker. The data extraction of the nine journals is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Data Extraction of Literature Review Results

No  Author,

Year of Research

Participant/      Outcomes        Intervention and        Duration      Frequency    Research      Research Result

Research                          Research Purpose       (weeks or                   Methods

Groups                                                 months)

1.    Robins

et al., 2013 25

A total of 109      Psychosocial       Spiritual growth group     10 weeks      90 minutes     Randomized    Psychosocial interventions such as TC

participants        instruments and    and TC                                     per session     control trial      or spiritual growth groups may not

immunological by                                            each week                      have a significant enough effect to

proinflammatory   Research purpose: to                                                      overcome the physiological or

cytokines in the    evaluate quality of life,                                                       psychosocial stress experienced by BC

acute phase         psychosocial functioning,                                                     patients during the treatment period

(TNF-α, IL-1,      and biological markers                                                    who generally experience side effects

and IL-6)           thought to reflect cancer-                                                     such as gastrointestinal disturbances,

specific mechanisms and                                                  and fatigue.


There was a better recovery in the production of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6) as indicated by an elevation in IFN- □ levels

2.    Cheng et

al., 2021 37

120 cancer patients CRF              Resistance training and    12 weeks       Duration 40    Randomized     The study showed a significant

aged 55 years or                       TC                                      minutes per    controlled trial   improvement on CRF of cancer

older; diagnosed                                                                 day                            patients in both groups (RT and TC) in

with lung, stomach                      Research purpose:                          3 times per                       12 weeks after intervention, better than

and breast cancer                      Learning impact of TC                    week.                          pre-treatment (P<0.05).

histopathologically                   and RT on CRF and QoL

; had received 2-4                       in patients diagnosed

courses of                             with BC, lung, and

chemotherapy                        stomach cancer.

and/or with additional radiation therapy and with a Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) examination showed complaints of CRF.



105 breast cancer

white blood cell

Tai Chi Chuan

12 weeks

90 minutes


No significant changes on cytokines

et al., 2015 28

patients aged 32– 42 years that underwent mastectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma and completed 4 cycles of FEC

50 healthy female participants, aged 26–36 years.

(WBC), red blood cell (RBC) count and cytokine levels (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IFN-c and TNF-α)

Research Purpose : explore Tai Chi chuan effects on biological marker and psychological aspect of patients diagnosed with advanced invasive ductal carcinoma

3 times per week

controlled trial

(IL-2, IL4, IL6, IFN-c and TNF-α) level between patients and healthy groups after 12 months of Tai Chi Chuan.


Larkey et al., 2016 38

250 fatigued, post-menopausal women aged 45 -75 years, diagnosed with breast cancer (stage 0-III), between 6 months and 5 years past primary treatment. postmenopausal status; and 5) current

Anxiety, fatigue, depression, cognitive function, sleep quality, physical activity

Biomarker of HPA axis dysregulation (diurnal cortisol)

Inflammation biomarkers (IL-1 Ra, IL-6, TNF-α and INFᵧ)

Qigong/Tai Chi Easy (QG/TCE), educational support (ES) group, and Qigong group (SQG)

Research purpose :

Finding Qigong/Tai Chi Easy effects on reducing CRF in BC patients and the following biochemical mechanism

12 weeks

Weekly for 1 hour

Three-armed randomized controlled trial

Pre - post intervention

No significant differences pre and post intervention on cortisol and inflammation biomarkers.



123 breast cancer

Systemic (CRP


4 months

20 minutes


This study declared that CBT-I

et al., 2015 39

adult older than 55 years who met the criteria for primary insomnia in the DSM-IV

values), Cellular (TNF-α, TLR-4 activation, and IL-6), Genomic (gene expression)

Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), Tai Chi Chih intervention (TCC), and Sleep seminar education active control condition.

and followed up in the 7th and 16th month

class time done every week

control trial

improved sleep behavior and reduced CBT-I-induced systemic inflammation. Tai Chi Chih, induced reduction of cellular inflammation, suggesting that this change was independent of sleep quality improvement.

6.    Irwin et     145 BC survivors

al., 2017 40

Improve          Tai Chi Chih and CBT-I   3-15 months    120 minutes   Randomized    The study conducted with this noninsomnia, boost                                                 per sessions    partially         inferiority test showed that TCC was

good quality of    Research purpose:                                        blinded trial     not lower than CBT-I at 3 months,

sleep, reduce       Sleep Quality Index to

One times                     which was indicated by the absence of

fatigue, and        evaluate insomnia

depression.        treatment response and                    per week                       significant differences between the two

fatigue                                                                       groups.

7.    Sprod et    35 BC survivors

al., 2012


Cortisol, insulin,    Standard support therapy   12 weeks       60 minutes,    Randomized     No significant differences in IL-6,

glucose, IL-6,      (SST) and Tai Chi Chuan                  3 times per     controlled trial  IGF-1, and Body Mass Index.

IGF-1, IL-8,                                              week

insulin-like         Research purpose:                                                            Physical capacity limitations, social

growth factor-      To examine the impact of                                                 well-being, mental health, energy,

binding protein     TCC based on health-                                                     significantly better in the TCC group.

(IGFBP)-1, and    related QoL,

IGFBP-3.          Inflammatory biomarkers                                                  No significant change in pain,

and other biomarkers                                                         emotional limitations, and general

Quality of life      associated with                                                               health responses in both groups, SST

(includes physical aftereffects of disease                                                        and TCC.

and emotional      and treatment in BC.

capacity limitations, mental health, social and physical wellbeing, pain, energy, and general health responses).

8.   Campo    63 women with

et al.,       cancer (aged 55 –

2015 42     84 years) who

have limited physical function (physical role 72 or SF-12 physical function 80)

Salivary cortisol,   Intervention: Tai Chi and  5 to 12 weeks  45 minutes -   Randomized     The results showed no significant

BP, anti-           Health Education.                          2 hours per     controlled trial   difference between post-intervention

inflammatory                                                session                         pro-inflammatory and anticytokines          Research purpose: to                      2 - 5 times a                    inflammatory cytokines.

(IL-12, IL-4,       examine TC as a mental                   week                          No interventional effect was seen on

IL-6, IL-10, and    and physical exercise that                                                    the levels of inflammatory cytokines,

TNF-α)            is associated with                                                            this is consistent with the results

reduced risk factors for                                                       reported in a previous TC study

chronic illness.                                                               conducted in a group of healthy elderly

and elderly with breast cancer.



90 insomnia -

IL-6 and TNF-α

Intervention: Tai Chi

3 months



This study highlights Tai Chi and other

et al.,

breast cancer


controlled trial

mind-body therapy may play a role in

2014 43


Research purpose: This study assumed that Tai Chi (TCC) reduced systemic, cellular, and genomic markers of inflammation compared to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-I) for insomnia in breast cancer survivors.


the regulation of the immune system, consistent with other findings that psychosomatic therapy and CBSM (cognitive behavioral stress management, help reduce inflammation, including in cancer patients

Post-treatment assessments showed reduced TLR4-activated monocyte

production of IL6 and TNF-α in cancer survivors treated with TCC.


This systematic review describes the procedures and methodology of a ten-year randomized controlled trial, housed in various locations, which will investigate the effectiveness of TC exercise on fatigue, pain and its effect on TNF-α biomarkers in breast cancer patients.

Several trials were included in this review, and there was a high risk of bias in the blinding. This literature review analysis was carried out according to the types of TC exercises with different intensities, consisting of 12 weeks with a frequency of 1-3 times per week with a duration of 40 minutes 37, 60 minutes 38,41, 90 minutes 28, 10 weeks with a duration of 90 minutes per session each week 25, 4 months with a duration of 20 minutes class time done every week 39, 3 months for 120 minutes per session each week 43, 3-15 months 40, 5-12 weeks with a duration of 45 minutes - 2 hours per session and frequency 2 - 5 times a week 42, 120 minutes per session each week for 3 until 15 months 40.

From existing studies, TC intensity has been shown to have an effect on IL-6 and TNF-α, which results show that high-intensity TC significantly reduces TNF-α 29.

TC has steadily grown in recent decades. It has been shown that this intervention approach to reduce aging symptoms and improve quality is valid. And several recent studies have begun to look for evidence of the influence of TC on biological processes of the body (including the inflammatory response including cellular, circulatory, and genomic marker responses of inflammation), that quantitatively assess the effect of TC on inflammatory markers such as IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, and stimulated cytokine production 27.

Irwin et al emphasizes that TC and other mind-body therapy may play a role in the regulation of the immune system. This is consistent with other findings that psychosomatic therapy and CBSM (cognitive behavioral stress management, help reduce inflammation, including in cancer patients 43.

Figure 2. Hypothesis Of Tai Chi Roles In Reducing Fatigue, Pain, And TNF-α Plasma Level On Breast Cancer Patients

  • a.    Tai Chi And Fatigue In Breast Cancer

Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is defined as the most common side effect experienced by cancer patients in the form of persistent emotional, physical, and/or cognitive fatigue associated with cancer itself or cancer treatment that can interfere with function and quality of life. Guidelines on fatigue screening and

recommendations for intervention based on treatment stage can be studied further in the NCCN Guidelines for Clinical Practice in Oncology. Interventions include counseling and education, common strategies for fatigue management, specific pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Thus, routine screening for identifying CRF is important to ameliorate the quality of life of cancer patients 6,44,45.

Fatigue is a complication that is often underreported, but is considered to be majorly responsible for the decline in quality of life. This CRF has been shown to be a consequence of active treatment, and can be felt until after treatment 44. Many women with breast cancer report markedly increased fatigue in intensive care patients. Biering et al (2020), conducted a study to describe the process of fatigue in women with breast cancer 46. The pathophysiological background of fatigue is unknown and its correlation with various biomarkers is weak and still not consistent 47.

The development of CRF is thought to be related to serotonin, adenosine triphosphate and HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical) axis dysregulation, skeletal muscle shrinkage, desynchronization of circadian rhythms, and cytokines level (especially proinflammatory cytokines). Immune system activation by body injury, trauma, and infection causes proinflammatory cytokine release and other immune factors. These immune factors include soluble receptors, receptor antagonists, and cellular activation products, one of which is TNF-α. These inflammatory cytokines then control local and systemic immune responses. This regulation will mediate neurologic symptoms i.e. fatigue 47.

Therefore, the CRF deserves special review, firstly, because of the demographic relevance of the issue. Fatigue has been considered, not only the most common, but also the most damaging, symptom after treatment for breast cancer patients 45.

The relationship between TC and fatigue was discussed in several literature reviews. Research conducted by Cheng Duan et al (2021) showed that CRF in BC patients improved better than the control group with a TC exercise intervention of 60 minutes per session for 12 weeks 37. According to Irwin et al (2017) TC exercises provide a significant change in fatigue in breast cancer patients 40. The same thing is also shown in research conducted by Lisa Sprod and Linda Larkey 38,41. Whereas in other literature does not show significant changes 25.

  • b.    Tai Chi And Pain In Breast Cancer

Chronic pain is a common complaint in breast cancer patients and is connected with the release of inflammatory mediators from the tumor, tissue injury, and nerve involvement. This mechanism is the outcome of a network generated by pro-inflammatory cytokines, inflammatory pathway genes and cytokine gene polymorphisms. Breast cancer patients, especially in pre menopausal phase, usually has lower estrogen levels that linked to increased pain as well as impairment of descending pain inhibitory pathways, which may be a risk for developing chronic pain and symptoms such as discomfort and stiffness 48. According to Sprod et al (2012) in their study that assessing pain as one of the pathological parameters, showed not much improvement-related to BC 41.

There is an explorative study that investigates the effect of TC on β-endorphin, describes that pain and stress may have increased basal β-endorphin and by doing TC could reduce the levels, implying that TC and other physical exercise may increase the capacity of endogenous opioid. But this study also found no significant influence of TC or modest physical activity on inflammatory markers, especially on older adults who suffer from chronic pain 26.

  • c.    Tai Chi And TNF-α Plasma Level In Breast Cancer

The study conducted by Campo et al showed that the study group had no significant difference between post-intervention pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines 42. No interventional effect on inflammatory cytokine levels was seen consistent with cytokine results reported in previous TC studies conducted in healthy elderly and breast cancer survivors 49. The speculation about the finding of nulls is that due to the complex interaction of age-related factors (chronic mild inflammation), the presence of comorbidities, and the late impairment of cancer treatment, TC have older cancer survival. It has a limited effect on a person's inflammatory cytokines. This can lead to immunodeficiency dysregulation 50.

The same result also obtained from the Linda et al and William Tsang et al studies showing that no significant differences caused by TC intervention between pre-post intervention to TNF-α and other biomarkers 28,38. The same thing is also shown in research conducted by Rebecca Campo 42. However, a contrary post-treatment assessments by Irwin et al showed reduced TLR4-activated monocyte production of IL-6 and TNF-α in cancer survivors treated with TC Chih 39,43.

Cancer patients have proinflammatory tendencies which could activate the immune system, including releasing inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α and CRP) but the mechanism of physical exercise in decreasing inflammatory biomarkers is still not clearly understood 51. Several studies showed inflammatory gene expression was decreased due to MBT (Tai Chi and Yoga) and that statement was supported by the trial results that identified changes in molecular signaling pathway even on trials that showed no significant differences 27. In spite of that, further studies are required to deeply understand the benefit of TC in downregulation of inflammatory biomarkers.


Survivors as well as breast cancer patients, during and after treatment, often experience complaints of fatigue, pain, depression, sleep disturbances, and cognitive dysfunction. There is an increased interest among breast cancer patients and survivors to use mental and physical practices, including Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and other practices. TC is still under-researched but seems promising to increase the ability of physical activity, which adds meditative benefits to cancer survivors and thereby improves survival outcomes.

In this systematic review, there are three studies showing that TC had no significant impact on TNF-α plasma levels in breast cancer patients. However, two other studies showed significant impact in reducing TNF-α plasma levels in BC patients. One study showed that TC had no significant impact on pain in breast cancer patients. Two studies showed that TC had a significant impact on fatigue in breast cancer patients, yet one study stated otherwise.

These contrary results might be caused by age-related multifactorial condition interactions that impaired inflammatory cytokines function. These conditions possibly lead to no improvement on fatigue and pain. Based on published research, it is still difficult to determine inflammatory biomarkers that are influenced by the frequency, duration and intensity of TC exercise. A clearer comprehension is required of the biological pathways through which TC design was capable of developing a powerful TC intervention to decrease the symptom of breast cancer survivors.

This conclusion should be interpreted with more caution because the included journal is limited. Additional randomized controlled trials with more rigorous and precise methodologies accompanied by a lower risk of bias in each study, are needed to provide more accurate evidence. Furthermore, more research is needed in all areas of cancer survival and TC.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Author would like to thank for the advice, tutoring and consulting guidance from Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes and dr. Nila Wahyuni, M. Fis. And for collaboration of dr. I Putu Edra Putra Indrawan, dr. Andhika Putri Perdana, dr. Putu Ratna Candra, dr. Vera Pravitasari Susila, and dr. Putri Yekti Budi Asih are gratefully acknowledged.


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