
Lilis Riana Tambunan, Meitini Proborini, Putu Adriani Astiti


“Cocoa plant (Theobroma cacao L.) can grow well in the highlands and lowlands, a plantation and industrial plantwhich is known as one of the export commodities, as raw material for the food and pharmaceutical industries which cancontribute to an increase in foreign exchange endophytic fungus is a fungus living on a live network of plants such asseeds, leaves, flowers, twigs, stems and roots. Truffles are generally mutualistic endophyte and is known to stimulate thegrowth of plants, capable of producing antibiotics and plant growth regulators (hormones). This study aims to determinethe diversity and identify endophytic fungi on Kakao.yang found in two different locations in Bali, in the village of KajaBuahan District of Payangan, Gianyar and the Village of Tua, Marga, Tabanan regency subdistricts. Research carried outin the field with the exploration methods, isolation, identification and diversity analysis conducted at the Laboratory ofPlant Taxonomy (Mycology), Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Udayana. Laboratoryresearch conducted by isolating the roots, leaves, plant stems and content of the soil (rhizosphere) cocoa. Once isolated,grown on PDA medium subsequently incubated at room temperature 250C. Isolates that grow back isolated and purifiedon a PDA medium for further identified to the genera or species level. A total of six isolates of endophytic fungi identifiedin the rhizosphere and cocoa plant that is where four of these isolates were identified to species, two isolates were notidentified until genus. Fungi were identified namely Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Cladosporiumsphaeropermum, Trichoderma viride, isolates 1 and 2 isolates.Keywords: cocoa, endophytic fungi, highlands and lowlands”


cocoa, endophytic fungi, highlands and lowlands


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How To Cite

TAMBUNAN, Lilis Riana; PROBORINI, Meitini; ASTITI, Putu Adriani. EKSPLORASI SPATIAL DAN IDENTIFIKASI CENDAWAN ENDOFIT PADA TANAMAN KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) DI BALI.SIMBIOSIS, [S.l.], p. 1- 6, mar. 2018. ISSN 2656-7784. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 6 No 1 (2018)



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