Types of Politeness Maxim and its Scale Found in Emma 2020 Movie

Journal of Arts and Humanities
p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X
Terakreditasi Sinta-3, SK No: 105/E/KPT/2022
Vol 27.1. Februari 2023: 1-14
Types of Politeness Maxim and its Scale Found in Emma 2020 Movie
Ni Kadek Suryani, Ni Wayan Suastini
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia Correspondence email: [email protected], [email protected]
Article Info
Submitted: 31st August 2022
Revised: 30th November 2022
Accepted: 19th December 2022 Publish: 28th February 2023
Keywords: politeness maxim; politeness scale; movie
Corresponding Author: Ni
Kadek Suryani
Politeness is the primary notion in this study. The objective was to find the types of politeness maxim and its scale applied by the character in Emma 2020 movie. The analysis was conducted based on the theories proposed by Leech (1983) who formulated the six types of politeness maxim. Leech (1983:123) also proposed the three scales of politeness and two scales based on the theory by Brown and Gilman (1960). The data were taken from the British romance movie entitled Emma 2020. The qualitative method was used for analyzing the data. The analysis found six types of politeness maxim and five types of politeness scale applied by the movie characters with the types of 13 approbation maxim and 24 cost-benefit scales was extremely appear. In addition, there are two types of politeness maxim compete by the same character found in this analysis, and the goals of conversation affected the politeness maxim application.
Communication is a prominent part of human interaction. It is conducted both in an oral and written method. In a specific circumstance, the spoken language is required as a primary communication method. The act of saying something or disclosing some utterance is the form of bidirectional communication that does implicate the speaker and the hearer. When the hearer can recognize what the speaker said, it is simply evidence that to receive and comprehend the meaning of utterance the spoken language is required as a mandatory way that involves two or more parties. According to Harmer (2001:269), the knowledge of language features is necessary to speak fluently, other than
that the ability to process the information on the spot is also required. In addition, Harmer (2001:271) state that the effective speaker must be able to process the language in their thought coherently and not only are comprehensible but also convey intended meanings. In this study, the focus is associated with meaning and context and the speaker and hearer are related to the pragmatic. The meaningfulness or functionality of utterance concerning the social state of knowledge state of the speaker and the hearer is defined as language pragmatic (Fitch & Sanders, 2005:6). Moreover, Yule (1996) defines pragmatic as the study of meaning and context carried out by the speaker (or writer) to communicate something and recognize
the meaning by the audience (or reader). Hence in societies where communication often occurs, to convey something, the people need to consider the choice of utterance or the way to speak, and how the hearer reacts to the speech is the significant result of knowing that someone is speaking orderly with respect. It is related to the comity of communication between addresser and addressee. Polite or politeness is a kind of behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people. According to Watts (2003), the ability to make people pleased through an external action (e.g. one’s language use) is defined as politeness. Based on the Grice notion of the cooperative principle there are two significant derivational approaches proposed are Lakoff’s politeness rules and Leech’s politeness principle. Furthermore, Thomas (1995), states that Leech acquaints the politeness notion or principle. This principle operates the concept of “minimize (all things being equal) the expression of impolite beliefs; maximize (all things being equal) the expression of polite beliefs”.
In this study, the focus of politeness principle examined was analyzing the types of politeness maxims found in a movie entitled Emma 2020, where the conversation between the speaker-hearer was employed to be the primary data. Leech (1983) proposed six types of the maxim of the politeness principle used to explain the relationship between senses. This study also aims to determine which part of utterance and how the concept of applying the politeness maxim and its scale. It is very helpful to know about the politeness implementation based on the movie context as further comprehensible analysis of spoken language present in every utterance done by the movie actor. Cruse (2000:27), defined utterance as the meaning that is entire of what the speaker intended to convey by making an utterance, within a certain required limit.
This study obtained the data from the movie entitled Emma 2020. It is the third edition movie of the novel adaption with the same title Emma on 1815 by Jane Austen. The first and second movie was released on 1996 and 2009. Meanwhile, the third edition was released officially on 14th February 2020 in the United Kingdom as the latest version. The movie belongs to a romantic drama set in 18th century of England and depicted the main character based on Jane Austen's novel, namely Emma Woodhouse who was a beautiful, smart, wealthy young lady who lived in a comfortable home, cheerful and popular. However, she was a selfproclaimed matchmaker. The conflict of this movie occurred when Emma realized that she had lived in vain and ended up married to her good acquaintance. The movie was produced as the live version of Jane Austen's novel with primary and variety of supplementary characters taking part in this work (www.janeausten.org). Since there were some characters involved, then this movie is suitable data that contained a variety of conversations and context. The story was set in the Regency era of the eighteenth century in Britain when politeness and comity had an impact on the communication and always been used to define behaviour that represent the considerateness toward or between the speaker and hearer (Watts, 2003).
To collect the data, the movie was downloaded from the internet platform then watched repeatedly. The observation without any participants was conducted while watching the movie and taking notes on the data that was being analyzed. The data were formulated into the section of a brief conversation, then identifying the types of politeness maxim based on the related theory that is used. Leech (1983: 132) proposed the six types of politeness maxims (1) tact maxim by minimizing cost to others; maximize the
benefit to others, (2) generosity maxim by minimizing benefit to self; maximize cost to self, (3) approbation maxim by minimizing dispraise of other; maximize praise of other, (4) modesty maxim by minimizing praise of self; maximize dispraise of self, (5) agreement maxim by minimizing disagreement between self and other; maximize agreement between self and other and (6) sympathy maxim by minimizing antipathy between self and other; maximize sympathy between self and other. In addition, Leech (1983: 123) theory was used to find the type of politeness scale following in detail, (1) the cost-benefit scale is concerned on the amount of burden and advantage when saying something along with the intended meaning and action. If the cost is maximized to the hearer = less polite; if the benefit is maximized to the hearer = more and greater polite, (2) the optionality scale concerned to the illocution speech that is being ordered based on the quantity of choice. The amount of choice that gives and allowed the hearer to have an option of not performing or performing the intended action tends to show the higher optionally = more polite, (3) the indirectness scale concerned to the speaker’s perspective that assume the illocution speech delivered and ordered concerning to force the possibility of the intended meaning yet conveyed in polite (connecting the illocutionary act to its illocutionary goals), higher indirectness = more polite. As Fukushima (2003: 66) states indirectness in many research discussions is defined as an important aspect of requests that refers directly to the hearer, therefore the hearer can recognize that the question uttered is a request. The second theory used was according to Brown and Gilman (1960) proposed two kinds of politeness scales those are (1) authority is concerned to the “power” that influences the distance between the participants (speaker and
hearer). Furthermore, Oatey (2008) also states that research in sociolinguistic and pragmatics often adopt power in terms of an unfair role relationship. (2) social distance or solidarity factor is the politeness scale that concerned to the degree of respectfulness in terms of address someone based on social features. In this scale some external feature are determined such as solidarity, age, social status, scale of intimacy between the participants (speaker and hearer) related to the situation. Sebeok (1960), states all these addresses may be influenced by the solidarity dimension. Power superior may have a strong sense of solidarity (parents or older siblings) or not (officials whom one seldom sees). In addition, Leech (2014:103) classified both of those scales as a vertical and horizontal degree of politeness between self and other in terms of status, power, role, age, intimate, familiar, acquaintance, and stranger. Thus, the theories applied are relevant to each other.
To obtain the result and discussion, this study used qualitative method when analyzing the data. Creswell & Poth (2018), stated that when a topic or issue needs to be investigated, qualitative research is done to examine a certain community to identify difficult to-measure variables or hear voices that have been suppressed. In this study movie was elected, therefore, the data is classified into video resource and audiovisual types. Based on the above type of data, the analysis conducted by observation with practical action and activities for detailed analysis. In addition, movie conversational analysis was applied concerned to the character talk and interaction to support the study. The data presented in several tables and paragraphs to deliver the result and discussion which divided into two types are analyzing the types of politeness maxim and politeness scale.
There are several studies had done regarding to the politeness maxim and politeness scale that contain a variety of data and findings. The first study reviewed, is conducted by Handayani (2014) focused on the types of politeness maxims and the factor applied in the conversation of The Great Gatsby movie. The discussion presented that all types of six politeness maxim discovered and the context of the situation becomes as the major factor of politeness maxim application. Similar with the previous one, the current study analysed the types of politeness maxim in Emma 2020 movie. Furthermore, the current study contain the further analysis about the politeness scale that also consider to the context of relationship in which become as the politeness principle application. Thus, the previous study helps the current study to comprehend about the movie context exist and provides the method for analysing similar types of data.
The second study was derived from Maharani (2017). The analysis aimed to find the types of politeness maxim applied by the main character in the literature work “Secret Forgiven” drama. The previous study found that the approbation maxim and agreement maxim is mostly found. Similar with the previous one, the current study analysed the types of politeness maxim in Emma 2020 movie. In addition, this study also conducting the further analysis about the politeness scale that related to the context of characters relationship and situation to find out the degree of politeness applied. The existence of this previous study helps the current study to further develop in analyzing the types of politeness maxim in wider character and context. Thus, the current study provides more evidence of maxim politeness and its scale applied by the whole movie character.
The third study derived from Arisanti et al (2017). The objective of the
previous study was to identify the types of politeness maxim and reason of the politeness maxim application between the characters in a movie entitled Brave concerned with the discussion elaborated. Similar, with the previous one, the current study analysed the types of politeness maxim in Emma 2020 movie. In previous study, the discussion stated that there are six types of politeness maxims found in the movie conversation with the types of approbation mostly found. Moreover, following to the result found, the relationship, age, and gender are the reason of the politeness maxim used by the movie characters. Based on the current study those reasons are classified into the social distance scale and analysing the type of scale examined in this study involving a wider character in the movie. For the reason that being analysed before, it was presenting that those reason is belong to the context of situation classification which does help to conduct the politeness maxim and politeness scale analysis. Hence, the current study could be the supportive notion of further analysis about politeness maxim analysis from the previous study.
The fourth study was derived from Pramiwidari (2018) and focused on analyzing the types of politeness maxim and its function. Moreover, the writer analyses the factor that influences the application of politeness maxim by the character in The Forest Movie. The discussion on the study presented the four types of politeness maxim those were tact, approbation, modesty, and sympathy maxim. The study also analyzed the factor that influences the maxim application such as setting, the context of the situation, intimacy, age, gender, and social status. Similar with the previous one, the current study analysed the types of politeness maxim. As the further research, the current study conducted a further analysis about
politeness scale. The politeness scale mentioned as the measure of politeness degree in which considered to the context that involve the characters, setting and situational. Thus, the current one supports the previous study by finding the six types of politeness maxims and classifying those factors into the social distance scale. In this study, other types of politeness scales were found and analyzed based on the data obtained. Hence, the current study is expanding the limits of the previous one.
The fifth review, is the study conducted by Pardede et al (2019). The research focused on examining the types of politeness maxims depicted on character’s utterance in animated movie entitled Big Hero 6. The discussion of the previous study illustrated the application of the politeness maxim by the whole movie character similar to the current study. The tact maxim is mostly found in the previous analysis. The consideration of context exist is applied on the previous one to find the types of politeness maxim application. In addition, besides conducting the similar analysis of maxim, the current study also analyzed the politeness scale based on the character’s speech situation and context. Thus, the current study gives an additional analysis of politeness maxim application based on the politeness degree.
The sixth study conducted by Widyaningsih (2018) analyzed the type of politeness maxim in the movie entitled Alice in Wonderland. The discussion only focused on the type of politeness maxim found in the movie. The six types of politeness maxim was found as the result of analysing the politeness element of movie characters conversation. Meanwhile, the current one is not only focusing on a similar topic but also analysed the politeness scale. Hence, the current analysis does support the
previous study by adding more explanation of the politeness degree.
The seventh study that was reviewed is derived from Damayanti (2021). The previous study has a similar topic to the current one for analyzing the types of politeness maxim and politeness scale with the type of tact maxim and social distance scale is mostly found. The analysis was conducted on the animated movie entitled “Inside out”. The study provides a wide-ranging explanation which helps the current study to obtain additional information on the related topic. However, the difference presented in the finding of the current study. The current one found that there are few types of politeness maxims competing by the same character while having a conversation based on the data that has been obtained.
The analysis was conducted based on the collected data from Emma 2020 movie. The first analysis focused on finding the types of politeness maxims in the movie. The result shows that the six types of politeness maxims found based on Leech (1983) theory which describes and classifies the six types of politeness maxims that are concerned to minimize impolitely and maximize politeness. Other than that, the second analysis conducted to find the types of politeness scale applied by the movie character based on Leech (1983:123) and Brown and Gilman (1960) theory. Leech (1983:123) proposed three kinds of politeness scales and two more relevant scales based on Brown and Gilman (1960) theory about power and social distance. Following to the above theories, the data that was used contains a variety of conversations that interpret the politeness utterance. Since the focus is on revealing the finding and discussion, therefore the movie detail and synopsis does not need to be more described.
The result of the analysis is presented on the following table 1 and table 2 about the politeness maxim and politeness scale found in Emma 2020 movie.
Table 1 Types of Politeness Maxim found in Emma 2020 movie
Types of Politeness Maxim found in Emma 2020 movie |
No. of Found |
Percent age (%) |
Tact |
5 |
11,36% |
Generosity |
11 |
25,00% |
Approbation |
13 |
29,55% |
Modesty 5 11,36%
Agreement |
4 |
11,91% |
Sympathy |
7 |
9,09% |
As seen on the table 1, the result shows that the whole types of politeness maxim discovered and presented in the movie conversation are the 5 tact maxim, 11 generosity maxim, 13 approbation maxim, 5 modesty maxim, 4 agreement maxim, and 7 sympathy maxim with the type of approbation maxim is most performed in the analysis or extremely used by the movie character. Based on the movie context and its story, it represented the main character of Emma Woodhouse who was noble, beautiful, smart, and rich. The context represented about admiring and compliment Emma’s character done by the servant, other noble particularly the people around her. Other than that, this movie contains various utterance of praising someone done by another movie actor. It formed by the
story, role character and the situation around them. Maximizing praise to others was most uttered by the character as showing comity and deference to personal kindness, power, and advantages such as praise, thank, and admiration.
Furthermore, based on the result of table 2, the whole types of politeness scale discovered and presented are the cost-benefit scale, optionality scale, indirectness scale, authority scale, and social distance scale with the types of cost-benefit mostly found and performed in this analysis following in detail.
Table 2 Types of Politeness Scale found in Emma 2020 movie.
Types of Politeness Scale found in Emma 2020 movie |
No. of Found |
Percenta ge |
Cost-benefit |
24 |
54,55% |
Optionality |
4 |
9,09% |
Indirectness |
5 |
11,36% |
Authority |
2 |
4,55% |
Social Distance |
9 |
20,45% |
As presented in the table 2, the types of politeness scales found are 24 costbenefit scales, 4 optionality scales, 5 indirectness scales, 2 authority scales, and 9 social distance scales. Following to the above result, the cost-benefit scale is a higher scale found of 54,55 % or applied in half of the whole data. It shows that this type of politeness degree used mainly by the movie character. Based on the movie context, the character maximizes the praise and generosity that is oriented to benefit others. Emma 2020 tells the story of a young, beautiful, rich,
and a smart woman who lived a happy life and great house in the eighteen century of England so that she was a noble. She loved to have companions and matchmaking them as giving their best life and future. The people around her respect her so much because of her status as a noble, personal character, and behaviour that represented in every action and utterance. Other than that, the way each character is offering, giving, and considerate to one another was identified as maximizing benefit to others. Thus cost-benefit scale could not be avoided.
In addition, another result found that the application of the politeness scale did not find in all data following the detail of data 8:
Emma: “I have been unpardonably vain and insufferably arrogant. I have been inconsiderate and indelicate and irrational and unfeeling” (Maximize self-devaluation by Emma’s utterance).
The data describe that character emotion and sense besides politeness degree affected the application of the above politeness maxim. Leech (1983) states that few types of politeness maxim such (tact maxim and modesty maxim) also used to express the aim of maintaining concord in communication. To run the concord, people’s communication goal must be achieved. Thus, the data above is concerning to goal-oriented to commit the social transgression of boasting itself and overridden by contextual factors of character’s feeling.
The comprehensive description and theories are presented in the below discussion of eight data that had been analyzed.
The discussion of politeness maxim and politeness scale analysis is presented in the following data 1 until data 8. The data has been arranged into the
classification of what type of politeness maxim and politeness scale applied by the movie characters in the conversation and followed with the further description and explanation.
Data 1
Tact Maxim
Indirectness scale
Jane Fairfax : “Will you be so kind, when I am missed, to say that I am gone home?”
Emma : “Certainly, if you wish it, but you are not going to walk to Highbury alone? Are you unwell?”
(Emma, minute 1: 26: 42)
Based on the data 1 the conversation conducted by the two characters Jane Fairfax and Emma. It took place inside the magnificent of Mr. Knightley’s Picture Gallery. They were visiting this gallery as a guest. The context of the situation described Emma’s character who was left alone by Harriet. When she was turned, Emma was surprised by Jane Fairfax. Jane Fairfax stood behind her and looked stressed. The other guest had moved to another gallery therefore, only the two of them in the room. The relationship between Emma and Jane Fairfax was a serious rival. However, Jane Fairfax started the conversation and talk about asking for help to Emma. The way Jane Fairfax asked Emma was still considering Emma’s willingness. Jane Fairfax’s expression of “Will you be so kind, when I am missed, to say that I am gone home?” is referring to order and ask others. The expression was uttered for questioning someone as a request by the way Jane Fairfax asked Emma to say something when she left the gallery. The intended meaning done by Jane Fairfax’s utterance is to inform
anyone who asked about her especially to inform her aunt, Miss Bates. It is identified as ordering or asking someone with respect. Hence, Jane Fairfax is minimizing cost to others and maximizing benefit to others which can be classified as the tact maxim. Minimizing cost by giving a choice of “will or will not” and maximizing benefit by increasing the possibility of choice or willingness. Moreover, from Jane Fairfax’s perspective (who was the speaker), she ordered the illocution concerning with a question or interrogative utterance, hence it is classified into the indirectness scale. Jane Fairfax's situation when looking at Emma who was staying alone in an adjacent gallery room made her for asking help to Emma in a polite way to maximize the possibility of getting Emma’s willingness to help her even though they were rivals. To approach the goal, the speaker utters illocution (the act of asking/ordering in saying something) in politeness, hence the hearer can recognize the intended meaning.
Data 2
Generosity maxim Cost-benefit scale
Emma : “I’m afraid Mr. Knightley’s concerns are all for his tenants, and none for his house, Mrs. Elton. His ballrooms and picture galleries are quite shut up.”
Mr. Knightley : “I should be very glad to open Donwell for your exploration, Mrs. Elton. The welcome is long overdue.”
(Emma, minute 1: 23: 53)
In the data 2 the conversation was between the two characters namely Emma and Mr. Knightley. It took place at a round table, where they were having tea together and playing cards. The main discussion of their conversation is when Mrs. Elton was asking Emma’s opinion about Mrs. Elton’s intended feeling to visit Mr. Knightley’s Abbey. Both Emma and Mr. Knightley were hearing of Mrs. Elton’s question. The relationship between Emma and Mr. Knightley was a good acquaintance. He is Isabela’s brother-in-law, therefore he was the character who often met with Emma, since Isabela is Emma’s sister. Mr. Knightley lived in Donwel Abbey which very close to Emma’s house in Hartfield. They were neighbors so Mr. Knightley also in a good relationship with Emma’s father. The way Mrs. Elton’s asked to Emma was demanding her response. Emma answered the question by telling the truth that the ballrooms were close and Mr. Knightley was concerned with all of his tenants (which is the statement that being uttered by Emma was the truth instead of Emma’s opinion). Since they were good acquaintances, Emma seems to know everything about Mr. Knightley’s Abbey. However, suddenly Mr. Knightley offered his willingness to open his Abbey. Thus, he maximize cost to himself because of Mrs. Elton's request to visit and explore his Abbey which was a great gallery. This response was uttered following to the context of the situation when Mr. Knightley surprisingly heard Emma’s answered that he focused on all of his tenant. It was uttered because Emma was jealous of Jane Fairfax who sat with Mr. Knightley. The way Mr. Knightley responded to Mrs. Elton is such generosity to provide the exploration or minimize benefit to himself. Hence, the data above is classified into the generosity maxim. Regarding the politeness degree, since Mr. Knightley’s expression seems
beneficial over to another (especially to Mrs. Elton), it produced a higher benefit to others and less cost to others. Thus, it is identified as the politeness degree of the cost-benefit scale.
Data 3
Generosity maxim Optionally scale
Jane Fairfax : “Shall we join Mrs.
Elton ma’am?”
Miss Bates : “If you please, my dear. With all my heart, I am quite ready.”
(Emma, minute 1: 32: 33)
The data 3 present the conversation between two characters Jane Fairfax and Miss Bates. It occurred when they were joining the Grand Tour in Box Hill. The context of the situation occurred when Miss Bates was feeling disappointed with Emma’s opinion about herself who cannot control her behavior that always talks too much and run on telling the story. Emma’s utterance was such a slap for Miss Bates. She was very disappointed and never expected that Emma would say unusual something about her. Eventually she was wiping and Jane Fairfax realized it. Miss Bates and Jane Fairfax were talking to each other and she asked Miss Bates to go for joining Mrs. Elton to leave together. The relationship between Miss Bates and Jane Fairfax was as family or aunt and niece. Jane was an orphan hence she was a real concern about her aunt’s feelings and respect her so much. The way Miss Bates answers Jane Fairfax's question is still considering the amount of choice of Jane Fairfax's willingness to go. Moreover, the expression which started with the word “If..” shows that Miss Bates defends politeness by giving Jane Fairfax a choice of wanting. Hence, it is classified into the optionality scale. In addition, the politeness maxim is considered by the
way Miss Bates states her willingness followed by the expression “If you please, my dear. With all my heart, I am quite ready”, showing her full sincerity around the situation and ready to move. In this context, Miss Bates minimizes the benefit to herself (maximizes the benefit to others) and maximize cost to self, considering the optionality provided. It tends to be illustrated as commissive related to some future action and offer based on her expression above. Thus, Miss Bates’s utterance represent the generosity maxim.
Data 4
Modesty maxim
Authority scale
Robert Martin : “I’m really most obliged to you sir. I’d expected to wait until the spring.”
Mr. Knightley : “Always, but out of season, Mr. Martin, whenever you can.”
Robert Martin : “Mr. Knightley, sir. Forgive my liberty but may I be so bold as to seek your advice?”
(Emma, minute 0: 25: 58)
In the data 4, the conversation was between the two character namely Robert Martin and Mr. Knightley. It took place in Robert Martin’s farmhouse. Their relationship was a good acquaintance between tenant and landlord. Robert Martin’s farmhouse is rented from Mr. Knightley. The context of the situation is when Mr. Knightley on horseback came to visit as he was the landlord of the farm. The conversation started when Mr. Knightley and Robert Martin walked
together. They were walking adhere to a herd of sheep down to the rural. They talked to each other about Mr. Knightley’s often visits his farmhouse, however, the last expression by Robert Martin that saying apologizes on his expression “Mr. Knightley, sir. Forgive my liberty but may I be so bold as to seek your advice?” is the way he utters a self-devaluation to present respect and politeness for asking a bit of advice to Mr. Knightley as the landlord of the farmhouse. Moreover, the way Robert Martin addresses Mr. Knightley by saying Mr./sir is used to address Mr. Knightley respectfully since he was the noble and landlord. This type of utterance is classified into the application of politeness scale according to the hearer’s power or authority. Other than that the modesty maxim applied when Robert Martin was minimizing praise to himself and maximizing dispraise to himself. It is illustrated when Robert Martin express his advance apology of liberty even though, it was only for asking an advice. In addition, following to Mr. Knightley’s authority and power as the noble and a landlord the scale of politeness is applied as comity.
Data 5
Agreement maxim Social-distance | |
Mr. Woodhouse : |
“Do you feel a draught, Mr. Knightley? About your knees?” |
Mr. Knightley |
“I cannot say that I do, sir. In fact yes sir, a chill |
(Emma, minute 1: 52: 55)
In the data 5, the conversation done by the two characters Mr. Knightley and Mr. Woodhouse. It took place inside Emma’s house in Hartfield. Mr. Knightley was their neighbour. His
brother married with Isabela who was Emma’s sister, therefore Emma and her father were often visited by him. The context of the situation occurred when they were in habitual places for reading together. Emma and Mr. Knightley glanced at one another because they were falling in love and Mr. Woodhouse realized that they were in the same feeling. Suddenly, Mr. Woodhouse was asking, intending to make them sit together by talking about Mr. Knightley’s opinion about the chill draught. The way he asked Mr. Knightley was demanding opinion. The way Mr. Knightley responded and answered the question shows that he maximizes agreement between himself and others by saying “In fact yes sir, a chill draught” to minimize disagreement between himself and others. Other than that, the way both characters address each other in terms of Mr/sir in the above conversation, indicated the politeness when address someone. Mr. Woodhouse addressed Mr. Knightley in terms of Mr. and the way Mr. Knightley addressed Mr. Woodhouse in terms of Sir. Both characters defend the solidarity, intimacy, and acquaintance, and still regard the degree or position as fellow noble. Hence the data above is identified as the application of the agreement maxim in the scale of social distance concerning the expression “In fact yes sir, a chill draught.”
Data 6
Sympathy maxim Social-distance scale
Mr. Woodhouse : “Mr.
Knightley, you must have had a shocking walk.”
Mr. Knightley : “Not at all, sir. It is a beautiful balmy evening.” (Emma, minute 0: 09: 30)
In the data 6, the conversation was between the two characters namely Mr. Knightley and Mr. Woodhouse. It took place at Emma’s home in Hartfield. They are in a good relationship since Mr, Knightley was his daughter’s brother-inlaw who lived in Donwell Abbey close to Hartfield therefore, he often came there. As usual, Mr. Knightley just came from his journey and then visited Mr. Woodhouse. The context of the situation occurs when Mr. Knightley wants to congratulate him on Ms. Taylor’s wedding. Mr. Knightley came into the house and approached his chair and Mr. Woodhouse was pleased to see him. There was no particular topic discussed. Mr. Woodhouse’s expression illustrated his concern about Mr. Knightley’s feelings and condition after approaching the home by walking. It is an unusual behavior done by a noble. The way Mr. Woodhouse asked Mr. Knightley with full of concern maximizes sympathy between himself and others and minimizes antipathy between himself and others followed by the politeness degree of the way Mr. Woodhouse addressed Mr. Knightley by saying Mr. is addressing someone with respect and the way Mr. Knightley responded was saying in the polite address, Sir. Following the movie character position, Mr. Woodhouse is Emma’s father, and relatively sure that he was older than Mr. Knightley. Regarding the status of degree, both of them were characterized as fellow noble. Mr. Woodhouse presented his respect by keep calling Mr. Knightley to show his respect while greeting him. This polite belief done based on the intimacy between the character as fellow noble, therefore, Mr. Knightley expresses his respect as well by addressing Mr. Woodhouse in terms of Sir as reciprocal of comity between another. These two characters kept solidarity and respect for each other with specific terms of Mr./Sir. Hence, the data
above was classified into the sympathy maxim and the politeness scale of social distance.
Data 7
Approbation & sympathy maxim Cost-benefit scale
Ms. Taylor : “Dear Emma”
Emma : “You have been a friend and companion such as few posses. A governess in office, but little short of a mother in affection. I wish you every happiness on your wedding day.”
(Emma, minute 0: 03: 04)
In the data 7 the conversation done by two characters, Emma and Mrs. Taylor. The relationship between the characters is a friend and good companion between Emma and her servant. It took place in Hartfield or Emma’s great house. The context situation occurred when Ms. Taylor a late 30’s woman is going to marry and leave Hartfield. She confine herself in the room and Emma waited to visit her while bringing a bouquet of hothouse flowers. There is no particular topic discussed in this context. The conversation occurred when Ms. Taylor opened her room’s door after hearing a soft knock from Emma and looking at a bouquet presented by her with an affected feeling while saying “Dear Emma”. Then Emma’s expression represents about a high value to Ms. Taylor by giving a compliment or praising someone. Emma’s utterance illustrated as maximizing praise of others or conveying a high value of qualities (parsticularly Ms. Taylor's attitude and character) as her companion and kind servant hence the expression “You have been a friend and companion such as few posses. A governess in office, but
little short of a mother in affection.” is classified into approbation maxim. In addition, another expression uttered by Emma was commiserating on Ms. Taylor's wedding day by saying “I wish you every happiness on your wedding day”. It is illustrated as maximizing sympathy between self and others. Hence the expression above is classified into sympathy maxim. Both of those expression indicates the cost endured by the speaker Emma who utters a compliment and praise for Ms. Taylor. From this evidence it can be classified that the cost-benefit scale occurred in the conversation, referring to the way Emma talk to Ms. Taylor and maximizing the cost to herself followed by the expression of sympathy or congratulation, wishing Ms. Taylor be happy. Thus, based on the above analysis Emma applied the two types of politeness maxim at once and compete the approbation and sympathy maxim.
Data 8
Modesty maxim | |
Emma : |
“I have been unpardonably vain and insufferably arrogant. I have been inconsiderate, and indelicate, and irrational, and unfeeling” |
Mr. : |
“Emma. You are |
Woodhouse |
young” |
(Emma, minute 1: 35: 14)
In the data 8 the conversation conducted by two character namely Emma and her father Mr. Woodhouse. The relationship between the characters was intimate as a family (father and daughter). It took place inside Emma’s house. She was sitting in her window and desolate herself when her father came. As he approached, Mr. Woodhouse took a seat next to her. He realized that
something happened to Emma. The context of the situation occurred when Emma back arrived at her house in Hartfield after a quarrel with Mr. Knightley. Emma felt awful about Miss Bates. She was sitting in her window and wiping. Emma felt bad about herself. The expression uttered by Emma was a selfdevaluation. In this context, Emma's character minimizes praise for herself and maximizes dispraise to herself since being vain and arrogant. But, Emma still considered respect and politeness when she talked to her father. Hence, the data above are classified as the modesty maxim. Unfortunately, based on the data above, the utterance does not detect as cost-benefit scale since Emma’s selfdevaluation was costly to herself but not beneficially to any, the indirectness does not occur in this context since Emma referred to herself and she was not spare the amount of optionally or illocution to the hearer. Moreover, when dispraise herself, the power or authority sense did not affect the utterance between Emma and his father. Other than that, the social distance did not find since there was no specific name or address used by the character. Bear in mind of the relative’s relationship between Emma and his father Mr. Woodhouse, it was not classified as solidarity. Thus, there was no politeness scale determined from the data above. As mentioned before, few types of politeness maxim such as (tact maxim and modesty maxim) also used to express the aim of maintaining concord in communication (Leech 1983). Therefore, in the above conversation, Emma uttered the self-devaluation as goal-oriented to commit the social transgression of boasting itself in attitude or feeling to maintain the communication concord and overridden by contextual factors that she has been quarrelling with Mr. Knightley and feeling awful to Miss Bates.
This study conducted to discover the types of politeness maxim and its scale applied by the characters in Emma 2020 movie. Based on the result obtained, there are six types of politeness maxim found followed by the finding of approbation maxim that mostly used and all types of politeness scale are discovered with the types of cost-benefit scale is extremely appear in whole data. In addition, there are two types of politeness maxim were competed by the same characters those are approbation maxim and sympathy maxim. Moreover, other result found is the politeness maxim application was not only determined by the scale. In particular types of the maxim, the goal-oriented is applicable related to the contextual. In this study, Emma 2020 movie is used and has a variety of characters about the people who lived within a social group between nobility and commoner. Hence, there were many contexts and goals contained in the utterance followed by the kind of action conducted by the characters that concern to the social degree. The result of the analysis presented that due to the distance exist between noble and commoner that present in Emma 2020 movie, the application of politeness is become as the pattern behaviour to be considerate to the utterance that being said politely with the intended meaning. Through this study, the reader can comprehend that the politeness maxim application was interpreted based on the variety of scale and conversational goal that may be seen from the context to approach the conversational meaning. This study describes that applying the politeness maxim and its scale helps the speaker presenting the quality of comity. The result that presented in two categories informed the reader that the politeness maxim and politeness scale are relevant to each other to produce the utterance
that contain of politeness to please and respect other.
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