English Department, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University
Bahasa kemahiran para guru Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Bali merupakan tolak ukur kemahiran dalam berbahasa Inggris dalam proses belajar mengajar kepada para siswanya. Kemahiran Bahasa Inggris para guru SMK dilakukan lewat ujian nasional. Ujian Nasional TOEIC 2012 yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 Mei 2012 oleh kedutaan Inggris di Jakarta sebagai Panitia Penyelenggara. TOEIC merupakan Tes Bahasa Inggris Internasional untuk komunikasi menjadi ukuran dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di dalam penunjang kurikulum nasional pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia. TOEIC 2012 diikuti oleh 700 peserta termasuk 75 guru Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang merupakan perwakilan dari 8 kabupaten dan 1 Kotamadya di Bali. Hanya 75 guru yang berasal dari Bali mendapatkan hasil TOEIC 2012 dibawah Standart Nasional. Hasil dari TOEIC 2012 ini di analisa dan dikaji dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
Ada dua faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil TOEIC 2012 masih dibawah standard nasional. Faktor-faktor itu adalah : faktor psykologi dan faktor non psikologi. Toeri yang digunakan teory hyme and George Hillock yang dihubungkan oleh hasil TOEIC Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking.
Keywords: Tujuan TOEIC, 2 faktor dan Standard Nasional
English language proficiency in the English teacher of State Vocational High School should be good as grammartical and accordance with the curriculum set by the central government The Minestry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. This achieving expected target in teaching learning maximally with the best graduated able to master the English language of Teaching Communication Curriculum.
The reality based on TOEIC 2012 examination followed by 75 English Teacher of State Vocational High School whom representation of eight regencies and one municipality in Bali were not expected by the Bali Local Government. The total score that achieved TOEIC 2012 under the national standard.
From the result obtained it in TOEIC 2012 interesting to examine the extend to which the ability of real 75 English Teacher and why it is so lacking.
Based on the introduction, there are some problems that are discuss here such as :
1. How is the result of TOEIC 2012 by English Teacher of State Vocational High School in Bali?
2. What factors influences the result of TOEIC 2012?
3. How to increase the result of TOEIC 2012?
In intended purpose to be achieved in this study are two aims of research. The first aim is general aims of research and the second aims is specific aims. The general aims is finding why proficiency of teaching by English teacher must be accordance of National Standard TOEIC scores. And the specific aims are :
1. To identify the result of TOEIC 2012 by English Teachers of State Vocational High School in Bali.
2. To find out the factors influences unsatisfactory result of TOEIC in English Teachers of State Vocational High School.
The ferm of research method can be defined as the way that is used in solving the problems. In this research, three steps are going to be followed. They are data source, method and technique of collecting data and method and technique of analyzing data.
Bali state English Teacher of Vocational High School of TOEIC 2012 scores result were unsatisfactory by the Bali Local Government. It is proved
from the result TOEIC scores they did. The standard scores of TOEIC listening test is 600 scores. TOEIC reading test is 610 scores, TOEIC writing test is 130 socres and TOEIC speaking test is 130 scores. From eight regencies and one municipality in the Island of Bali, Buleleng just having a highest score of 420 TOEIC listening test, 445 TOEIC reading test, 450 TOEIC writing test and 460 TOEIC speaking test on the island of Bali. Second place was Denpasar municipality have scores 415 of TOEIC listening test, 440 of TOEIC reading test, 115 of TOEIC writing test and 115 of TOEIC speaking test. Third place is Badung have scores 410 of TOEIC listening test, 435 of TOEIC reading test, 110 of TOEIC writing test, and 110 of TOEIC speaking test, fourth place was Gianyar have scores 400 of TOEIC listening test, 430 of TOEIC reading test, 105 of TOEIC writing test, and 105 of TOEIC speaking test. Fifth place was Klungkung have scores 395 of TOEIC listening test, 420 of TOEIC reading test, 100 of TOEIC writing test, and 100 of TOEIC speaking test. Sixth place was Karangasem have scores 380 of TOEIC listening test, 415 of TOEIC Reading Test, 90 of TOEIC writing test, and 90 of TOEIC speaking test. Seven place was Tabanan have scores 370 of TOEIC listening test, 410 of TOEIC reading test, 85 of TOEIC writing test, and 85 of TOEIC speaking test. Eight place was Bangli have scores 360 of TOEIC listening test, 405 of TOEIC reading test, 80 of TOEIC writing test and 80 of TOEIC speaking test. And the last regency on nine place was Jembrana have score 350 of TOEIC listening test, 400 of TOEIC reading test, 75 of TOEIC reading test, 70 of TOEIC writing test and 70 of TOEIC speaking test. The standard TOEIC scores is 470-725. and the highest score 990.
Table 1 The Total Scores of TOEIC of Every Regencies and Municipality in Bali
Regencies and Municipality |
Listening |
Reading |
Writing |
Speaking |
Total |
Jembrana |
350 |
400 |
75 |
70 |
895 |
Bangli |
360 |
405 |
80 |
80 |
925 |
Tabanan |
370 |
410 |
85 |
85 |
950 |
Karangasem |
380 |
415 |
90 |
90 |
975 |
Klungkung |
395 |
420 |
100 |
100 |
1015 |
Gianyar |
400 |
430 |
105 |
105 |
1040 |
Badung |
410 |
435 |
110 |
110 |
1065 |
Denpasar |
415 |
440 |
115 |
115 |
1085 |
Buleleng |
420 |
445 |
120 |
115 |
1100 |
Grand total |
3500 |
3800 |
880 |
870 |
9050 |
Mean scores |
46.66 |
50.66 |
11.73 |
11.6 |
120.66 |
Factors Influences The Result of TOEIC
Two courses of low value TOEIC 2012 result.
TOEIC 2012 results which followed by as English teacher vocational High School from eight regencies and one municipality representatives in Bali are less satisfactory to all sides of Balinese Government generally and TOIEC 2012 participate alone. This is caused two factor that lead to low yield TOEIC score in 2012, namely.
1. Psychology factor
Psychology factor is their readiness mentally and fisk in national examination.
2. Non psychology factor
Non psychology factor is educational background they achieved today.
The Way to Increase the Result of TOEIC
The TOEIC speaking and writing tests measure the proficiency of listening and reading skills indirectly
Language skill level are related because of the nature of language learning; the skills of listening and speaking or reading and writing are often used together. For most people, there is quite a strong correlation among the four language skills. Over time, however, if the english teacher of vocational high school as examinee practice some skills for example, reading and
listening much more often than they practice others, then the correlation may change. While the TOEIC listening and reading tests are indirect measures of speaking and writing proficiency, the TOEIC speaking and writing tests are more direct measures of productive skills.
Benefit of TOEIC
1. Benchmarking Tool
Verifies current level of English proficiency, Identifies strengths and weakness and supports tosed learning goals and monitor progress in English.
2. Serves Multiple Purposes
Provides English language credentials global employers needs and supports migration and proves the English skills required to succed in workplace.
3. Reliable, fair and valid
Measures everyday English skill needed in the global workplace, uses real world examples of spoken and written English collected from workplace around the world, and Measure the intended attributes only.
4. Convenience and flexibility
Test can be administered at a business location at choice and online and separation of listening and reading from speaking and writing offers more flexibility.
5. Highly Accurate
Offers quantifiable standard of performance with consistent and accurate scoring, grounded with principle research in preparing and testing then answers are distributed among multiple raters to avoid discrimination and improve quality.
International Standard
TOEIC is the world is leading test of English language proficiency in a workplace context and It is an English language test proficiency test for people whose native language is not English.
Objective and Reliable
Provides accurate result all the time, gives an objective assessment of English language proficiency and offers a quantifiable standard of performance.
Practical Test
It measures the everyday English of people working in an international environment.
Developed to meet the needs of the working world
Test questions are developed from samples of spoken and written language collected from various countries around the world where English is used in the workplace.
Study for TOEIC
TOEIC scores are accepted as proof of English ability by many multinational corporations world wide.
TOEIC is an English language exam token by people who want to use English in their job.
Implementation TOEIC held in Jakarta on May 5, 2012 which was attended by 700 participants and 75 test participants from vocational high school teachers in Bali. TOEIC result of 75 vocational high school teachers in Bali. TOEIC result of 75 vocational high school teachers are shill below the national standard. Still lack of exercises, mastery grammar English, and its active communicate in language English. This were gives a picture when the quality and quantity of teaching adopted by the students is not appropriate in the national category. Still a lack of mastery of teaching method of Human Resource of vocational high school teachers in Bali. Is the TOEIC result that have been passed so low, how a teacher can give to their students the English language in order to compete with others. This is caused two factor that lead to low yield TOEIC score in 2012, namely psychology factor and non psychology factor.
Supposedly the Balinese government and the Central Government in this regard is the responsibility of the ministry of education and culture of the republic of Indonesia more often provide basic trainings on English Language Proficiency for English Language Teachers across Vocational High School Regency in Indonesia and Bali in particular in order can compete with the teachers who come from outside Indonesia. If human resources teachers has given excellent result is by itself of her students gain excellent result also from the learning process.
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