Journal of Arts and Humanities

p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X

Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019

Vol 25.3 Agustus 2021: 299-305

Code-Switching Analysis on YouTube Channel #NebengBoy by Boy William

Putu Findi Desi Wibiani, I Gede Budiasa, Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Correspondence email: [email protected] , [email protected] ,

[email protected]

Article Info

Submitted: 23rd June 2021

Revised: 8th July 2021 Accepted: 15th July 2021

Keywords: YouTube, #NebengBoy, Boy William, Language, Code-Switching .

Corresponding Author: Putu Findi Desi Wibiani

Email:[email protected]




This study is entitled "Code-Switching Analysis on YouTube Channel "#NebengBoy by Boy William”. The aim of the study is to analyze the type and the function of code-switching on the Boy William YouTube Channel. The data is collected from the YouTube Channel of Boy William which is taken from Maudy Ayunda and Sandra Dewi episodes. The method and technique of collecting data is the documentation method, and the analysis is done by the qualitative method. The theory that is used to analyze the types and functions of code-switching is Apple & Muysken's theory (2015). Three types of codeswitching are found namely tag switching, intra-sentential switching, and inter-sentential switching, and their six functions, namely referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function. Nonetheless, the metalinguistic function is not found in the analyzed data.


In this era, many people speak many languages, one of them is English. People have to master English as one of the important foreign languages in Indonesia. Generally, code-switching is a profitable skill that can be used to adapt to certain social and professional environments.

Code-switching is the use of two languages in a conversation or many languages depending on the situation. Wardhaugh (1986:00) states “people who use language have to choose a particular language for interacting from one to another and they may decide to switch from one to another code or to mix code.” He also explains that "The

particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communication between one or more parties." Wardhaugh (2006:101)

According to Poplack (1980:583) "Code Switching is the alternation of two languages within a single discourse, sentence, and constituent." This study discusses code-switching that happens in Boy William's YouTube Channel in Maudy Ayunda and Sandra Dewi episodes. Boy William is one of the most popular celebrities in Indonesia. He is a very energetic and charismatic host. He has very good English because he was studying in New Zealand a couple of

years ago. As an Indonesian who mastered English, he usually speaks Bilingual. According to Romaine (1995:12) that the alternate use of two or more languages should be simply called bilingualism. His video content is driving in the car while interviewing the guest stars about anything. They speak English and Indonesian (bilingualism) during the conversation. According to Grosjean (1982:1), bilingualism is present in practically every country of the world, in all classes of society, in all age groups."

The data source of this study is the conversation of Boy Wiliam and the guest at #NebengBoy on the YouTube Channel. Before analyzing more deeply about code-switching and why people use it, we have to know the meaning of codeswitching. This study discusses and finds out the types of code-switching used by Boy William and the guest star during their conversation at #NebengBoy. Also, the functions of using code-switching in conversations.


The data of this study was taken from the YouTube Channel of Boy William. The program can be searched at “#NebengBoy" on YouTube. Two episodes are used as the data source with Maudy Ayunda and Sandra Dewi as the guest stars, it was uploaded on August 16th, 2018, and on December 11th, 2019 on his YouTube channel

The method used in collecting the data is the documentation method with the following steps:

  • 1)    Watching Boy William's YouTube Channel

  • 2)    Note-taking to find out code-switching within the conversations.

  • 3)    Categorizing the data into types and functions of code-switching.

The data is analyzed using a qualitative method based on Apple & Muysken (2015) theory of code-

switching. The collected data is classified based on its code-switching and is analyzed based on the functions of codeswitching.

The method and technique of presenting analysis are by describing the detail based on the theory. Boy William's conversations are explained and described separately in every episode. Several steps of presenting analysis can be formulated as follows:

  • 1)    Listing and describing the data based on the theory.

  • 2)    Explaining and describing the conversations separately in every episode.


Types of Code-Switching on Boy William's YouTube Channel

Tag Switching

According to Appel & Muysken (2005:118), tag switches involve an exclamation, a tag, or parenthetical in another language than the rest of the sentence. An example is 'OYE, when . . .' at the beginning of the text. The tags etc. serve as an emblem of the bilingual character of an otherwise monolingual sentence. This type explains that a word or phrase will be tagged in the conversation if it is from another language. The meaning of exclamation is a word that expressing emotion when suddenly feel surprised, sad, or in pain. Here are some examples of exclamation: oops!, wow!, of course!, no way!.

(3-1a) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William!” Sandra Dewi: “Hi! Eh gila, gue udah lama banget gak dijemput cowok nih selain suami gue.”

Hi! It’s crazy, It’s been a long time I was not picked up by men except my husband.”

Based on Apple & Muysken”s explanation, tag switching happens when there is a language shift and followed by an exclamation mark to show one's emotion. Sandra Dewi seemed to be super excited meeting Boy William because Sandra Dewi shouted greetings excitedly to him as can be seen in her “Hi!” at the beginning of the sentence. There was an exclamation mark to end the word “Hi” which shows an excited expression when she picks up by Boy William. The language is also switched because the word "Hi" can be in English since, in Indonesia, the word that is usually used to greet someone is "Halo". After she said "Hi!”, she talked in the Indonesian language “Hi! Eh gila, gue udah lama banget gak dijemput cowok nih selain suami gue” and this is where the language switched. From the explanation above that shows the expression and language shift in one sentence, it can be concluded that tag switching happened.

Intra-Sentential Switching

According to Appel & Muysken (2005:118), intra-sentential switching occurs in the middle of a sentence, as in 'I started acting real CURIOSA,' this type of intimate switching is often called code-mixing. Hilda Kebeye (2013) stated in her journal that “intra-sentential speakers switch from one language to another within the same sentence.” Thus a sentence will be made up of two or more languages. When considering intra-sentential switching it is important that the analyst also establishes the matrix and embedded languages in the code switched material. Intra-sentential switching involves a shift in language in the middle of a sentence, usually performed without pause, interruption, or hesitation. (Zirker:2007)

(3-2a) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William”

Sandra Dewi: Memang gue adore dia banget.

I really adore him indeed.”

The dialogue above is classified as intra-sentential switching because the switching shows in the middle of the sentence. The word “adore” shows in the middle of the sentence when Sandra Dewi said, "memang gue adore dia banget.” She used another language in her sentence to explain how much she loves and respects her husband, hence she says the word “adore” in her interview as an expression of a deep feeling to her husband. The sentence above concluded that intra-sentential happened.

Inter-Sentential Switching

According to Appel & Muysken (2005:118), inter-sentential switching occurs between sentences, as their name indicates. Inter-sentential switching consists of language switches at phrasal, sentence, or discourse boundaries. (Zirker:2007)

Hilda Kebeye (2013) stated in her journal that in inter-sentential switching a speaker switches from one language to another between different sentences. This implies that when the speech of an individual is divided into sentences, one sentence will be in one language while the other sentence will be in a totally different language.

(3-3b) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William”

Boy William:

Tiba-tiba ditengah-tengah kerumitan dunia sosial media yang banyak negatif dan lain sebagainya, here comes a breath of a fresh air!”

Suddenly in the midst of the many negative social media complexities and so on, here comes a breath of fresh air!"

Inter-sentential switching is found in the dialogue above that happens in the last sentence. As it can be seen at the first sentence, Boy William talks in Indonesian such as “tiba-tiba ditengah-tengah kerumitan dunia social media yang banyak negative dan lain sebagainya,”. He says to Sandra Dewi about the negativity of social media that makes Sandra Dewi feels insecure about herself in the first sentence. In the second sentence, he suddenly switched his language by saying "here comes a breath of fresh air" which means to ask her to enjoy being outside and get relaxed. Therefore, the dialogue can be concluded as inter-sentential switching that shows clearly the language changing from one to another language in a different sentence.

Functions of Code-Switching on Boy William's YouTube Channel

Referential Function

Switching can serve a referential function because it often involves a lack of knowledge of one language or lack of facility in that language on a certain subject. This type of switching is the one that bilingual speakers are most conscious of. When asked why they switch they tend to say that it is because they do not know the word for it in the other language, or because the language chosen is more fit for talking about a given subject. (Appel & Muysken:2005)

(3-4a) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William!”

Sandra Dewi:

Gua gak bisa ngejudge karena gua gak ada di posisi mereka.

I can’t judge because I am not in their positions.

The phrase above is classified as a referential function when Sandra Dewi explains that she cannot criticize people and just being neutral. Suddenly, in the middle of her explanation, she changed the language by saying the word "judge" which this word actually has the meaning "menghakimi” in Indonesian. Mostly, Indonesian people use the word “judge” instead of “menghakimi" when they express their opinions or criticism because some people think by saying "judge" already explain more specific and simpler to say. From the topic above, it shows the referential function that occurred and Sandra Dewi uses the word “judge” because it is easier and more fit for talking.

Directive Function

A directive function usually involves the hearer directly. It can be heard directly from many forms. One is to exclude certain persons present from a portion of the conversation. The opposite is to include a person more by their languages. A person may have joined the participants in an interaction. The example of directive function can be taken from parents who do not want their children to know what they say and try to speak a foreign language. If many parents do this often, the children will automatically learn the second language as well. (Appel & Muysken:2005)

(3-5a) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William!”

Boy William:

Orang-Orang beda-beda mereka punya alasan tersendiri cara jalan suksesnya tersendiri, and if it works for them it’s okay.”

Everybody is different they have their own reasons for the way of its own success, and if it works for them it’s okay.

The sentence above is classified as a directive function. It shows when Boy William switches the other sentence using English, the first sentence can be seen that Boy William says in Indonesian “orang-orang beda-beda mereka punya alasan tersendiri cara jalan suksesnya tersendiri,” then he continues his opinion in English by saying “and if it works for them it’s okay.” Boy William switches into English when he tries to explain about people who want to show off their wealth on social media. Therefore, he changes the language to deliver his opinion in English. The sentence above can be concluded as a directive sentence.

Expressive Function

According to Poplack in Appel & Muysken (2005:119), Expressive function is when speakers emphasize a mixed identity through the use of two languages in the same discourse. The expressive function is used when the person conveys their feelings or what is in their minds.

(3-6a) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William!”

Boy William: Tapi everybody loves you ha!”

But everybody loves you ha!”

The sentence above is categorized as an expressive function when Boy William says

"Everybody loves you.” He admits that Sandra Dewi is one of the inspirational actresses who never has bad issues as well as having a gentle and cheerful character that makes everybody loves her.

Phatic Function

The phatic function indicates a change in the tone of the conversations. The stand-up comedian tells the whole

joke in a standard variety but brings the punch line in a vernacular type of speech, e.g. an urban dialect. (Appel & Muysken:2005)

(3-7c) “#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William!”

Boy William:       “Wow!    Kalau

Sandra yang dulu pasti ngamuk tuh?” “Wow! If you were before you must be angry?”

The word “wow” at the beginning of the sentence above is classified as a phatic function. A change of tone happens when Boy says “wow” she is kind of surprised and amazed by her thoughtful attitude. As Sandra Dewi explains that her husband advises her to not make it a big problem if they could still fix it and not blame the driver because he helps them work. It can be seen the sentence above concludes as a phatic function because of the change in tone which indicates he feels amazed.

Poetic Function

The poetic function uses the bilingual utterance involving switched puns, jokes, etc. To pay homage to the twentieth-century poet who has perhaps been the most accomplished code switched. (Appel & Muysken:2005) Poetic function is the same as the way to convey the message or quote in other languages.

(3-8a) #NebengBoy S2 Eps. 4 – Maudy Ayunda HAMPIR NABRAK Nyupirin Boy William”

Maudy Ayunda:

“Hahahaha, gak ada lah! We mean do not bring each other down, we support each other.

“Hahahaha, I never think like that! We mean do not bring each other down, we support each other.

The utterance above is categorized as a poetic function of code-switching because the response has a positive message. Maudy Ayunda responds to the question of whether there is a feeling of jealousy if other women become more famous than her. In the conversation above, Maudy Ayunda conveys her thoughtful message that says “we mean do not bring each other down, we support each other.”


Three types of code-switching are found in the YouTube channel entitled "#NebengBoy Eps. 4 – Sandra Dewi DIBAWA KABUR Sama Boy William” and “#NebengBoy S2 Eps. 4 – Maudy Ayunda HAMPIR NABRAK Nyupirin Boy William”, they are tag switching, intra-sentential switching, and inter-sentential switching. The two data above show eight examples of tag switching, twenty-three examples of intra-sentential switching, and thirteen examples of inter-sentential switching. Mostly intra-sentential switching is used in conversations.

Meanwhile, six functions are used in the data based on Appel & Musyken's theory namely: six functions, namely: referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function. In the data analysis, there are nineteen examples of referential function, twelve examples of expressive function, three examples of directive function, nine examples of phatic function, and one example of poetic function. However, there are no examples of metalinguistic function that used in those two data. The function that is mostly used in conversations is referential functions.


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