




Skripsi ini membahas tentang jenis-jenis asal mula kata sifat dan fungsi kata sifat. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah sebuah majalah yang berjudul ‘Now Bali’. Data dikumpulkan dengan beberapa tahap dan dianalisa secara rinci menggunakan kajian teori dari Quirk et.al (1985) dalam buku yang berjudul A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language dan Quirk dan Greenbaum (1973) dalam buku yang berjudul A University Grammar of English.

Analisa dalam skripsi ini menemukan bahwa ada 10 jenis akhiran yang membentuk kata sifat yang ditemukan pada skripsi ini, akhiran-akhiran tersebut adalah full, -less, -able, -ous, -ive, -al, -y, -ic, -ly, dan –ish. Akhiran-akhiran tersebut mempunyai definisi masing-masing dan bisa dipasangkan dengan kata benda atau kata kerja untuk membentuk kata sifat. Pada skripsi ini ditemukan 2 fungsi kata sifat, yaitu atributip dan predikatip. Terdapat 2 jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi sebagai predikatip, yaitu pelengkap subyek dan pelengkap objek.

Kata kunci: kata sifat, fungsi, majalah

  • 1)    Background of the Study

Language consists of sentences that bring information or message. A sentence is the largest unit of language structure treated in traditional grammar having a subject and predicate. A sentence is influenced by some factors. One of them is grammar. Grammar is the entire system of language, including its syntax, morphology, semantic and phonology.

A sentence consists of words. Word is a meaningful unit of speech. A word can be divided into some classes contributing to the meaning of the

sentence. Adjective is one of the word classes that is analyzed in this study. It is a category of lexemes characteristically denoting properties of person or objects

This topic is chosen as adjective has some characteristics which distinguish it from other word classes (noun, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction). It can modifies a noun and gives more information about the noun that goes with it. This study is different from other theses because this study gives more priority to find out and to identify the derivational adjectives and functions of adjectives. All of the students need to understand more specifically about adjective because it has an important role in English. The purpose of this study is to give a deeper analysis of the functions of derivational adjectives.

  • 2)    Problems of the Study

  • a.    What are the types of derivational adjectives found in Now Bali magazine?

  • b.    What are the functions of adjectives found in Now Bali magazine?

  • 3)    Aims of the Study

  • a.    To identify the types of adjectives found in Now Bali magazine.

  • b.    To find out the functions of adjectives found in Now Bali magazine.

  • 4)    Research Method

Research method is a system or procedure that is used in order to examine certain objects. It includes the sources of the data, the method and technique of collecting data which explains how the data will be taken from the sources and how that data will be analyzed. The research method in this study consists of three components, they are data source, data collection and data analysis. As described as follows:

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data used in this study is a magazine entitled ‘Now Bali’ published by PT. Phoenix Communications. In total there are 76 articles in this magazine which is the population of the study, and the samples are 25 articles which were chosen randomly as the data source.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method used in collecting data is the documentation (qualitative). This method was used to get information and written data that were relevant to the topic. Then, the data were collected by reading and note taking the data source.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The method used to analyze the data was qualitative method. There were some steps to analyze the formations. The first one was analyzing the data based on derivational process. The second one was to separate the adjectives based on the word classes of their bases.

The functions of adjective were analyzed through two steps. The first one was checking the functions of adjectives. The second one was classifying the adjectives according to their functions.

  • 5)    The Analysis of Derivational Adjectives and Their Functions in Now Bali Magazine.

    • 5.1    The Formation of Adjectives

Adjectives can be formed from word bases with some suffixes. Derivational process occurs when the process results in the formation of adjectives from base of a different word class.

  • 5.1.1    Derivational Process

This section discusses adjectives that are formed from word class noun (N) and verb (V)

  •    Noun or Verb + Suffixes

There were 10 derivational suffixes found in Now Bali magazine

edition September 2012, those suffixes are discussed as follow:

  • a.    Suffix (–ful)

ex: I’m very grateful.

The word grateful is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is grate.

  • b.    Suffix (-less)

ex: The sheer size of this outdoor playground provides a true sense of place and a timeless ambience that welcomes one and all.

The word timeless is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is time.

  • c.    Suffix (-able)

ex: This affordable, luxury offer is valid until December 31, 2012.

The word affordable is adjective that is derived from verb word class which is afford.

  • d.    Suffix (-ous)

ex : Summer Syndrome II will be Potato Head’s biggest and most outrageous celebration of the year.

The word outrageous is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is outrage.

  • e.    Suffix (-ive)

ex : Meals at Jimbaran aren’t only mouth-watering; they’re also educational and interactive.

The word interactive is adjective that is derived from verb word class which is interact.

  • f.    Suffix (-al)

ex: Balidiscovery.com installed a Quick Response Code (QR

Code) on its Homepage as an additional service to Bali visitors.

The word additional is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is addition.

  • g.    Suffix (-y)

ex: I am also lucky to have as part of our team here at NOW! Bali a young Balinese lady named Kartika Dewi Suardana.

The word lucky is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is luck.

  • h.    Suffix (-ic)

ex : A modern alfresco watering hole set within an iconic resort.

The word iconic is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is icon.

  • i.    Suffix (-ly)

ex : It is a homely and beautiful resort, with separate villas and the Nyoman Sumerta Art Gallery.

The word homely is adjective that is derived from noun word class which

is home.

  • j.    Suffix (-ish)

ex : Sushi Tei Japanese Restaurant whose building bears the modish look punctuated with different themes and concepts unique to the island.

The word iconic is adjective that is derived from noun word class which is icon.

  • 5.2    Functions of Adjectives

An adjective, when it is used in a sentence or phrase, performs a syntactic function. That is to say, it has a certain function at its place in the sentence or phrase. Furthermore, adjective can be classified according to the syntactic function they perform.

  • 5.2.1    Attributive

Adjectives are attributive when they premodify nouns, appear between the determiner and the head of noun phrase.

Ex: When we were back in “lazy cow” days we only had very basic seafood restaurants (and the wonderful Poppies of course).

The sentence above consists of the as determiner, wonderful as adjective, Poppies as noun. The adjective wonderful appears between determiner the and the noun Poppies.

  • 5.2.2    Predicative

Predicative adjectives are divided into two:

  • a.    Subject complement

As subject complement, when they explain the subject of the sentence.

Ex: I’m very grateful.

The sentence above consists of I as subject, ‘m as copular verb, very as intensifier, and grateful as predicative adjective which functions as subject complement.

  • b.    Object Complement

As object complement, when they explain the object of the sentence.

ex: The journey begins with the first smelling, where you want to find out if you know the wine already and if the wine is fruity, earthy, or vegetative.

This sentence consists of the as determiner, wine as object, fruity as predicative adjective which has object complement.

  • 6)    Conclusion

After discussing and analyzing the data from the data source in the previous chapter, there are some significant points that can be concluded from the analysis on the Functions of Derivational Adjectives in Now Bali magazine.

There are 10 types of derivational adjectives, those suffixes are –full, -less, -able, -ous, -ive, -al, -y, -ic, -ly, and -ish that were found in the magazine entitled Now Bali edition September 2012. They have their own meanings and can be attached to noun or verb bases in order to produce adjectives. There are 2 functions of adjectives found in Now Bali magazine, those are: attributive and predicative (subject complement and object complement). Adjectives are attributive when they premodify nouns; appear between the determiner and the head of noun phrase. Predicative can be divided into two parts, there are: subject complement and object complement.

  • 7)    Bibliography

Communications, PT.Phoenix. 2012. Now Bali . September Edition. Bali.

Quirk , Randolph et.al. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman : London.

Quirk, Randolph and Sydney Greenbaum. 1973. A University Grammar of English. Longman: London