Junita RS
English Departement, Faculty of Letters
Udayana University
Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan utama, yakni tentang tipe peminjaman apa saja yang ditemukan pada novel ‘Diary of A Wimpy Kid’ dan terjemahannya dalam ‘Si Bocah Tengil’.
Data diperolah dari novel ‘Diary of A Wimpy Kid’ karya Jeff Kinney dan terjemahannya ‘Si Bocah Tengil’ karya Ferri Halim menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan gabungan teori Molina & Albir (2002) dan Larson (1984) yang disesuaikan dengan Tata Baku Bahasa Indonesia dan Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah dari Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa, ditemukan tiga tipe peminjaman, yakni; (1) peminjaman murni, (2)peminjaman alamiah, dan (3) peminjaman budaya yang sudah desesuaikan dengan kaidah dan norma bahasa target.
Kata kunci: terjemahan, peminjaman, teknik peminjaman
Larson (1984; 3) stated that translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. This is done by transferring form of the first language to the form of the second language using of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant and the form may change. But translation activities do not only deal with transferring language from one language to another language, but also deal with the most important thing, such as; message and meaning from source language to target language.
As we know, each language has vocabulary and variation of words based on society experience and the development of the culture where that language grows and develops and sometimes the speakers may have to refer to some unfamiliar object or
concept for which they have no word in their own language. To interpret or express the right expression from source language into target language, borrowing method is needed to deal with it.
Related to the background of the study above, the problems of the study are formulated as follows:
1. What types of borrowing are found in the translation of Diary of A Wimpy Kid into Diary si Bocah Tengil?
2. How is the borrowing technique applied in the translation of Diary of A Wimpy Kid into Diary Si Bocah Tengil?
3. Aims of the study
From the problems formulated above, the aims of this study are:
1. To identify the types of borrowing in the translation Diary of A Wimpy Kid into Diary si Bocah Tengil.
2. To describe the process of borrowing applied to the word elements of the source language (English) into the target language (Indonesian) in the translation Diary of A Wimpy Kid into Diary si Bocah Tengil.
In order to make the research more specific, the scope of the discussion of this study is focused on the words or phrases which convey meaning of borrowing in the translation of Diary of A Wimpy Kid into Diary si Bocah Tengil. The analysis covered the types of borrowing in order to get the result of the analysis.
The method of this research includes three parts: data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.
The data were taken from the novel entitled Diary of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney (2007) published by Amulet Books in New York and its translation entitled Diary si Bocah Tengil by Ferry Halim (2009) published by Atria in Jakarta. The English version consists of 217 pages meanwhile the Indonesian version consists of 216 pages.
The data were collected through library research by documentation method and techniques of close reading and note-taking.
The collected data were analysed through descriptive qualitative method using combined theories proposed Molina & Albir (2002) and Larson (1984), and Tata Baku Bahasa Indonesia dan Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah from Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
The analysis below is based on some theories of some linguistics; the types of borrowing proposed Molina & Albir (2002) and Larson (1984) and Pedoman Umum
Pembentukan Istilah and Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan from Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional as the standard integration of absorbing word elements in Indonesian system.
Types of Borrowing
a. Pure borrowing
Pure borrowing is taking the full absorption of the word from source language without any modification of the spelling and/or pronunciation. For example:
SL : Today, I probably would have gone up to Rowley’s on my own anyway, because my brother Rodrick and his band were practising down in the basement. (Kenny, 2007:29)
TL : Hari ini aku mungnkin akan pergi ke rumah Rowley atas keinginan sendiri karena kakakku, Rodrick, bersama band nya sedang berlatih di ruang bawah tanah, (Halim, (2009:29)
The word band in the source language text was translated into band in target language, totally the same as the SL spelling system and sound. As we can see the word band means a group of musicians who play popular music (Oxford, 2000). It was absorbed into TL as band meaning orkes (KBBI, 2008). This technique was used by the translator because the readers themselves have understood the meaning of the word in the target language and the word band more suitable then the word orkes.
Naturalized borrowing is transferring the source language by adapting from a source language (SL) word to the phonetic and morphological norm of the target language (TL).
Example 1:
SL : If there’s one thing most boys in my school are into, it’s professional wrestling. (Kenney, 2007:77)
TL : Kalau ada satu hal yang digemari sebagian besar anak laki laki di sekolahku, hal itu adalah gulat profesional. (Halim, 2009: 77)
The word professional in the SL text was translated into the word professional in the TL text by modifying the spelling system. Consequently, the adjustment occurs by changing double consonant ss into s in the TL. This word is shared in Indonesian system and has been familiar to the readers as the kind of absorbing process.
Example 2:
SL : Mom picked out a red wool sweater for our Giving Tree guy. (Kenney, 2007:119)
TL : Mom memilihkan sehelai sweter berbahan wol merah untuk salah seorang peserta penerima Pohon Rezeki. (Halim, 2009:119)
The word wool in the source language text was translated into the word wol in the target language. Consequently, the adjustment occurs by changing the combination of double vowel oo from source language into the pronunciation o in the target language. This translation is acceptable in Indonesian system and has been common to in the RL readers.
Example 3:
SL : Manny was circling every single toy in the catalogue. (Kenney, 2007:115)
TL : Manny melingkari setiap mainan dalam katalog. (Halim, 2009:115)
From the example above, the translator used a style of borrowing by modifying the spelling in which the consonant c in catalogue was changed into the
pronunciation k in katalog and the –ue was omitted. In the target language word above, the procedure applied is borrowing.
Example 4:
SL : Sure enough, Rowley totally lost his concentration. (Kenney, 2007:92)
TL : Tentu saja, Rowley benar benar kehilangan konsentrasinya. (Halim, 2009:92)
In this case, the translator translated the word by modifying the spelling system, the adjustment occurs by changing the consonant c before a, u, o which changes into k in the target language, and the suffix (t)-ion becomes –si in the target language (PUEBIYD, 2009).
Example 5:
SL : People started coming up with these crazy theories about what happen to it. (Kenney, 2007:213)
TL : Orang orang mulai menciptakan berbagai teori gila tentang apa yang terjadi pada keju. (Halim, 2009:212)
Therefore, the TL takes the sound and modifies the spelling system by adjusting the TL word. The example above showed that the consonant th was changed into t. In the example above the procedure applied is borrowing. The same case is also found in theory which was translated into teori.
Cultural borrowing is the borrowing when the words of source language are translated using the words in target language indicating things or event, which is not
exactly the same but occurs in the target language because of lexical equivalent in the target language.
SL : We cheerleaders are tired of riding to games in the same bus as the nerds in the band. (Kenney, 2007:44)
TL : Kami para pemandu sorak sudah capek naik bis yang sama dengan anggota kelompok music yang norak ke tempat pertandingan. (halim, 2009:44)
The word nerd in the source language becomes norak in the target language. The word nerd means a person who is boring, stupid, and not fashionable (Oxford, 2000) and it is not known in Indoneasia. The culture substituted the word using the word norak which means sangat berlebih-lebihan; kurang serasi (tt dandanan dsb); kampungan because both words have the same meaning, so it can be understood by the readers.
7. Conclusion
There were three types of borrowing found in the data, those are; (1) taking the full absorption of the word from SL without any modification of the spelling and/or pronunciation (pure borrowing), (2 transferring SL to TL with modification of the spelling and/or pronunciation based on norms of the target language (naturalized borrowing), (3) translating the source language into the target language using the words of target language for things or event, which are not exactly the same but occurs in the target language because the lexical equivalent is not available in the target language (cultural borrowing).
Halim, Ferry. 2009. Diary si Bocah Tengil. Jakarta: Atria.
Kinney, Jeff. 2007. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. New York: Amulet Books.
Larson, Mildred L. 1984.Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross: Language Equivalences. Lanham: University Press of
Molina, L and Albir, A. H. 2002. Translation Technique Revisited: A Dynamic and Funcsionalis Approach. Spain: Universitat Autonoma da Barcelona.
Molina, L and Albir, A. H. 2000. A methodology For Translation in The Translation Studies Reader. Edited by Lawrence Venuti. New York and London: Longman
Newmark, Peter. 1991. Textbook of translation. U. K: Prentice Hall.
Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republlik Indonesia. 2009. Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan. Jakarta: Grasindo.
Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2007. Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2008. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
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