Ida Ayu Komang Trisusanti
NIM: 0801305085
English Department, Faculty of Letters Udayana University
Tujuan skripsi berjudul “Repetition In The Children Story Of Hansel and Gretel” adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan jenis repetisi yang paling sering muncul dalam cerita Hansel dan Gretel, serta menjelaskan bagaimana Simple Lexical Repetition digunakan dimana seharusnya Reference digunakan dalam cerita Hansel dan Gretel. Teks berbahasa Inggris pada dasarnya menghindari repetisi dan menggunakan alat kohesi lainnya, seperti reference, substitution, dan conjunction Bagaimanapun juga, teks dalam cerita anak-anak hampir selalu menggunakan repetisi. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan studi pustaka dan di analisis untuk mengetahui jenis repetisi yang paling sering muncul dalam cerita Hansel dan Gretel dan alasan dipilihnya penggunaan Simple Lexical Repetition dibanding reference dalam cerita Hansel dan Gretel. Disamping itu, data yang dikumpulkan juga di analisis secara qualitatif dan deskriptif.
Dua teori digunakan dalam menganalisa data dalam tulisan ini. Teori pertama adalah teori repetisi yang diusulkan oleh Hoey, yang merupakan reproduksi dari teori kohesi Halliday dan Hasan. Teori kedua diusulkan oleh Norton. Menurut Norton, perkembangan bahasa anak-anak dimulai pada masa prasekolah dan berlanjut saat anak berusia sekolah dasar, dimana pada masa ini kekuatan bahasa anak-anak bertambah secara berturut-turut dalam mengontrol bentuk bahasa, termasuk kemampuan untuk mengatasi/menangani kata ganti, kata kerja, dan kata penghubung.
Hasil analisis dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa Simple Lexical Repetition adalah jenis repetisi yang paling sering muncul dalam cerita anak-anak. Repetisi jenis ini sering muncul karena penggunaan reference akan membingungkan anak-anak yang mendengar cerita tersebut karena mereka belum bisa mengatasi pronoun)meskipun mereka sudah mengenal pronoun. Demikianlah kenapa repetisi dalam bentuk kata yang sama selalu muncul, khususnya repetisi dengan nama karakter di dalam cerita.
Kata Kunci: Repetisi, Simple Lexical Repetition
Children stories texts are organized by some elements: words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Repetition is one type of cohesive devices that can be used to build up a text. Repetition occurring in Indonesian is mostly repeated in the same way and appears in identical words. On the other hand, repetition in English does not only appears as identical words, but it can also occur in some other ways.
The repetition of words almost occurs in every text, although it does not always appear in the identical words such as the words six cooking apples which occur in different words as long as they have the same meaning. For instance, the expression six cooking apples is repeated by the word they, since both are related to each other and the word they refers to the words six cooking apples. Their relationship can be seen in example from Halliday and Hasan (1976:2)
[I:I] Wash and core six cooking apples. Put them into a fireproof dish.
In this case, the repeated words are important things since they can make connection among sentences and of course they will help writers to construct a meaningful of repetition used in a text. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (1987: 365), repetition is saying or doing the same thing many times. Although it looks like a small part, repetition actually plays a big role to link the elements (words, phrases, clauses, or sentences) which organize the text. An English text basically avoids repetition and uses other cohesive devices. However, the text of children stories is almost always using repetition.
1. What type of repetition mostly occurs in English children story of Hansel and Gretel?
2. How simple lexical repetition is used in the place where reference should be used in the English children story of Hansel and Gretel?
1. To identify and classify the type of repetition that mostly occur in English children story of Hansel and Gretel.
2. To analyze and explain the reason how simple lexical repetition is used in a place where reference should be used in English children story of Hansel and Gretel.
In making scientific writing, a methodology is the important factor that should be used as a guide by the researchers. Methodology is set of the way to
observe the data source in steps. The steps or the procedures of the research method guide the researchers to find the answers through the data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.
In every research or scientific writing, there should be an object or source of research that is collected to be analyzed called data source. The data source of the study which contains lexical items/words (repetition) was taken from the website of The data of this study is English children story from the collection of Brothers Grimm. The data which are in the form of lexical items/words (repetitions) in texts were taken from the English children story entitled: Hansel and Gretel.
The method of collecting data applied in this study is documentation. The first step that was used in collecting the data was browsing the internet since the data were taken from the website of English children story collections. The data were searched and picked from the website. Then, the relevant data were downloaded and printed from the website via internet. The data were read specifically and the data which belong to repetition words were selected carefully and ignoring the visual presentation which accompany the texts in the children story.
Next, it was followed by note taking and rewriting, the data were taken in form of words/lexical item which were quoted from the original sentences. Finally, after collecting the data, those were analyzed in this study.
After collecting the data, the next process of this study is analyzing data. The analysis of the data was based on theory proposed by Michael Hoey in his book Pattern of Lexis in Text (1991), which was reproduced from Halliday and Hasan theory in their book entitled Cohesion in English (1976). The second theory is proposed by Donna Norton in her book Through The Eyes Of A Child (1983). The data were read carefully and the data were divided into sentences and classified according to the aims of this study.
1. Simple Lexical Repetition (SLR):
(2)The woodcutter was very poor indeed, and the children, who were called Hansel and Gretel, had often not enough bread to eat. (3)Their mother had died when they were very little and the woodcutter’s new wife did not care for children, so times were hard for Hansel and Gretel.
The word Hansel above is repeated without changing any form or classes.
The repetition without any variation or alteration is known as Simple Lexical Repetition.
2. Complex Lexical Repetition (CLR)
(36)“I am going to light a fire to warm you,” he said, “and then you can rest here until I return.” (37)So Hansel and Gretel sat and warmed themselves at
the fire and ate their slices of bread quite happily, for they thought they heard their father chopping wood close by.
The item warm in sentence (36) and the item warmed in sentence (37) share the same morpheme. However, they have different grammatical forms and are also not formally identical. The item warm in sentence (36) is a verb, while the item warmed in sentence (37) is the past tense form of the word warm.
3. Simple Paraphrase (SP)
(120)For I have shut your brother up in a cage and I am going to fatten him until he is plump enough to cook for my supper.”…(123)And every day the old witch would go to the little iron cage and say to Hansel, “Little boy, put out your finger that I may see how fat you are growing.”
The item plump in sentence (120) substitutes the item fat in sentence (123) is in simple paraphrase relation since there is no loss or gain in specification and with no discernable change in meaning. Those sentences refer to the same character, Hansel. This simple paraphrase is considered mutual since the two items can substitute each other.
4. Complex Paraphrase (CP)
(138)“The door is too small and I don’t know how to get in,” she said…(140)“See! It is quite big enough.
The item small in sentence (138) is repeated in sentence (140) by presenting the word big. The repetition is a complex paraphrase since the item small and the item big include antonyms which do not share the same morpheme.
5. Reference (Ref)
with his wife and two children. (4)As winter came o
(1)On the borders of a dark forest, far away, there once lived a woodcutter
poorer, until at last one night the poor
we to do? There is onl
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of bread left an
(5)We m father,
e children,” answered hi
could not leave them there to starve.” (9
poorer and
ife, “W we shall s
ife. (8)“Oh no!” s ell, we shall all
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together if they stay with us,” answered his wife, “so it will come to the sa thing in the end.” (10)And she talked to he usband until she ma promise to do as she had said. (26)“Why you look back so often, my son?” he asked. (27)“If you do not take care you will stumble and fall.” (36)“I a going to light a fire to warm you,” he said, “and then you can rest here until I
The words his, he, him, my, father, and husband above refer to the item
woodcutter in sentence (1). The word I above is also considered reference because it is within quotation mark.
6. Hyponymic Repetition (Hyp)
(123)And every day the old witch would go to the little iron cage and say to Hansel, “Little boy, put out your finger that I may see how fat you are growing.” (124)Hansel knew that she could not see with her red eyes, so he poked out a bone instead of his finger.
The item finger in sentence (123) is the super-ordinate word of the item bone in sentence (124).
7. Substitution (Sub)
(79)“And I can easily find my way home, for I marked the road with my breadcrumbs.” (80)But alas! The birds had eaten up every crumb and there was not one left to show them the way home.
The item breadcrumbs in sentence (79) is substituted by the item one in sentence (80).
■ Sentence (24) and sentence (25)
(24)Gretel carried both slices of bread in her apron, for Hansel’s pockets were full of pebbles.
(25)Now, as they went along, the father noticed that Hansel stopped and looked back every few minutes.
In those sentences, the item Hansel occurs as Simple Lexical Repetition (SLR). The item Hansel in sentence (25) can be replaced by the pronoun he, so the sentence should be as follows:
(25) Now, as they went along, the father noticed that he stopped and looked back every few minutes.
However, the writers of the story prefer to repeat the item Hansel because the use of the pronoun he in sentence (25) can make the children who listen the story become confuse. They might assume that he in sentence (25) refers to the Father
6. Conclusion
Based on the problems and the analysis, there are several points that can be drawn up as the conclusion of this study. Repetition words do not always appear as identical words but may also appear in different ways. The result of this analysis shows that Simple Repetition is the type of repetition that is mostly used in the children story of Hansel and Gretel
After analyzing the data, it is found that types of repetition that occur in the data: Simple Lexical Repetition, Complex Lexical Repetition, Simple Paraphrase, Complex Paraphrase, Reference, Hyphonymic Repetition, and Substitution (except Ellipsis doesn’t occur). Simple Lexical Repetition mostly occurs because the use of reference will cause confusion to the children who listen the stories since they are not able yet to handle pronoun though they already know the pronoun. That is why the repetition of the same item always occurs, especially the repetition of the characters in the story.
Grimm, Brothers. 2007. “Hansel and Gretel”. Available from:
Halliday, M.A.K. and Ruqaiya Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English. New York: Longman Group Ltd.
Halliday, M.A.K. and Ruqaiya Hasan. 1985. Language, Context, and Text: Aspect of Language in A Social-Semiotic Perspective. Victoria: Deakin University.
Hoey, Michael. 1991. Pattern of Lexis in Text. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Norton, Donna. 1983. Trough The Eyes of A Child. USA: Bell and Howel Company
Oxford. 2003. Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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