Oleh: Silvy Afrina Letsoin

Extension Program English Department Faculty of Letters Udayana University


Judul makalah ini adalah "The Translation of English Preposition ‘For’ in the Novel Stars Shine Down by Sidney Sheldon." Tulisan ini terutama bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi terjemahan preposisi 'for' dan untuk menemukan fungsi dan makna dari preposisi.

Teori utama dari tata bahasa dan terjemahan yang diambil dari A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (1985) by Quirk. R. et. al and Meaning Based Translation (1984) by Larson. Kemudian data diambil dari dua Novel, mereka adalah The Stars Shine Down oleh Sidney Sheldon dan terjemahannya Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi oleh Drs. Budjianto.

Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca bahasa sumber, untuk mengetahui penggunaan preposisi dari novel dan menjelaskan preposisi untuk menemukan fungsi dan makna dari preposisi. Akhirnya, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menemukan terjemahannya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Setelah menganalisa data, temuan menunjukkan bahwa preposisi 'for' telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia menjadi untuk, selama, sepanjang, hingga, karena, sehingga, atas, agar, supaya, bagi, kepada, terhadap. Fungsi preposisi yang menyatakan durasi, tempat, sebab, posisi, penerima, target, dan tujuan.

Keywords: Preposition, Translation, Function.


The work of translation plays an important role for the people who are usually faced with sentences or books in English that need to be translated into another language, in this case into Indonesian. Translation is an activity of enormous importance in the modern world and is subject of interest not only to linguists, professionals or amateur translator (Catford, 1965), but also to elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and at university level.

Based on Larson (1984:2) translation is an operation performed on languages that show a process of substituting a text in one language for a text to another language. The translation consists of transferring the meaning of the

source language into the receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of the second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Only the form changes and the form from which the translation is made will be called target language. Translation consists of studying lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of the source language text. The process is analyzing it in order determine its meaning and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the target language and its cultural context.

Translation can be defined as a process of trnasferring one language into another language into a target language. Translation is a change of form, but still with the same meaning from the source language into target language (Larson, 1984:3).

The reason I choose this topic because translation is also a confusing subject, translation can be defined as a process of transferring one language into another language into a target language. Besides, the present study focuses on the description of translation of the English preposition ‘for’ into Indonesian in order to know the variation of its translation in Indonesian.

Problems of The Study

Based on the background above, the problems that will be discussed are as follows:

  • 1.    What are the functions and meanings of prepositons ‘for’ in the novel The Stars Shine Down and its Indonesian translation Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi ?

  • 2.    What are the translations of preposition ‘for’ in Indonesian found in the novel The Stars Shine Down and its Indonesian translation Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi ?

The Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are to analyze the function of preposition ‘for’ according to the novel in order to know the real meaning of preposition ‘for’ and its translation in Indonesian. The aims of this study are as follows:

  • 1.    To analyze the functions or the meanings of preposition ‘for’ found in the novel The Stars Shine Down and its Indonesian translation Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi.

  • 2.    To identify and describe the translation of the preposition ‘for’ in Indonesian found in the novel The Stars Shine Down and its Indonesian translation Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi.

Research Method

The procedures for implementing the research hav been influential rules in determining the success of the study and they are very important for validity of the writing. According to Brown and Rodgers (220:3), “research is an exploration of experience of one kind or another, sometimes fomal and technical”. Qualitative research heps determine the best research design and data collection method.

The qualitative research is a field of inquiry that crosscuts diciplines and subject matters. It has a purpose to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior. Qualitative research seeks out the reason of the topic through the analysis of unstructured information such as interview transcript and recordings, emails, notes, feedbacks forms, photos and videos.

In conducting a research, there are some methods applied in the process of finding, collecting and analyzing the data. The research method in this study deals with three sections namely: data source, method and technique collecting data and method and technique of analyzing data. Each of those sections is presented in detail below.

Data Source

In order to have valid and reliable data, the data of this study were taken from printed English novel and its translation into Indonesian. The data were taken from the English novel The Stars Shine Down and its Indonesian translation entitled Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi by Drs. Budjianto. The source novel was written by Sidney Sheldon.

There are several reasons of choosing the novel as data source. First, there are many preposition ‘for’ found in the Source Language. Second, the people all over the world, especially those who are very found of reading mystery novel have known who Sidney Sheldon is. Here the novel was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama which has had a good reputation and well known in the field of publication.

Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The methods applied to this study are reading and note taking. It was done by observing the preposition ‘for’ in the source language and the target language novel. The term observation is not merely related to the language used in spoken but also in written form. This method has a basic technique called tapping technique, since observation is basically done by tapping. It is also emphasized that the tapping of the language use can be in spoken as well as in written form. In completing the process of collecting data, note taking technique was applied. It was done by taking note on the data card and continued by classification.

As it is a novel used as data source, the method and technique described above are considered the most effective way in collecting data. The data were collected through some stages.

The first one is preparing the research instruments. Since the data source is novel, the collection of the data applied was the note taking technique. The data were noted down in a note or paper by using writing tools. The novel was read first to have a good understanding of the story. Then the next step was close reading of the data source. Finding out any preposition ‘for’ occuring in the source language and comparing it with the target language. In this stage, the

English, novel was read attentively with the focus on the preposition ‘for’ and its translations in the Indonesian novel. The process was continued by identification. The identification is important in order to collect the data which is appropriate for this study. Along with the identification process, it was not merely noting down the preposition ‘for’ becoming the focus of this study but it also necessarily includes the sentence in which the preposition ‘for’ occurs. The data were written on the data card. The last step was the selection of the data. The data further were selected based on the type and classified accordingly. The data reduction was done. In this step, the preposition ‘for’ used as the data were selected and classified based on its function and meaning. Finally, the data source and the target language text were analyzed in order to find the function and the meaning of preposition ‘for’.

Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were qualitatively analyzed based on theory as well in accordance with scope of the discussion.

So, the qualitative method is the most suitable method to do the analysis. Qualitative method is exploratory and qualitative data cannot always be put into a on text that can be graphed or displayed as a mathematical term and exploratory research seeks to find out how people get along in the setting under question, what meanings they give to their actions, and what issues concern term. This methodolgy refer to an approach to qualitative research and is an attempt to get deep comprehension of the theory from the data itself rather than from a predisposed hypothesis. The qualitative method means the data described in narrative way.

The analysis made by giving description of the function of preposition ‘for’ and its translation in Indonesian. The analysis of the data from source language was done with the comparison with the data from target language. The preposition ‘for’ found in the source language was compared to its translation in the target language. Consulting the dictionary is required in the process of compares the source language and the target language. Then it has been classified

based on it function and meaning.

In fact, the translation of preposition ‘for’ found in the process of comparison between the source language and the target language were collected then anlyzed based on their meaning and function.

Preposition ‘for’ Stating Duration

‘For’ in English is preposition. The examples below show ‘for’ as a preposition and its translation equivalents into selama, sepanjang, and hingga in Indonesian stating duration.

’For’ translated into Selama

One of the functions of ‘for’ is to state duration, which is translated into selama in Indonesian. Both ‘for’ and selama are used to express temporal aspect or duration.

‘For’ translated into Sepanjang

‘For’ as preposition is widely used in the novel of Sidney Sheldon which is entitled The Stars Shine Down, not only translated into selama but also translated into sepanjang, both of them express the duration.

‘For’ translated into Hingga

Preposition ‘for’ is also translated into hingga in Indonesian. This word also expresses duration of time in both languages.

Preposition ‘For’ Stating Cause

‘For’ in English is a preposition. The examples below show ‘for’ as a preposition and its translating equivalents into karena, sehingga and atas in Indonesian to state cause.

‘For’ translated into Karena

The preposition ‘for’ is translated into karena in Indonesian. Both ‘for’ and karena in this context have the same meaning ‘cause’. ‘For’ expresses either the material cause and the psychological cause (motive) for event.

‘For’ translated into Sehingga

The preposition ‘for’ is also translated into sehingga to express cause. The position of preposition ‘for’ expresses the effect of the event.

‘For’ translated into Atas

The preposition ‘for’ which is translated into atas expresses cause.

Preposition ‘For’ Stating Purpose

In order to make translation more interesting preposition ‘for’ that states purpose could be translated into untuk, agar, dan supaya to show the purpose of something done.

‘For’ translated into Untuk

Preposition ‘for’ also has the equivalent to untuk into Indonesian. In terms meaning both ‘for’ and untuk have the same meaning as a marker of purpose. ‘For’ translated into Agar

The English preposition ‘for’ is equivalent to agar into target language. The function of preposition ‘for’ is marker of purpose.

‘For’ translated into Supaya

Preposition ‘for’ could also be translated into supaya in Indonesian. This also states purpose.

Preposition ‘For’ Stating Recipient

Preposition ‘for’ that states recipient could be translated into bagi, untuk, kepada, and terhadap.

‘For’ translated into Bagi

Preposition ‘for’ could be translated into bagi in Indonesian. The meaning of ‘for’ and bagi is associated with recipient.

‘For’ translated into Untuk

Preposition ‘for’ could be translated into untuk in Indonesian. That also states the recipient.

‘For’ translated into Kepada

Preposition ‘for’ is also translated into kepada in Indonesian. This world also expresses recipient in both languages.

‘For’ translated into Terhadap

Preposition ‘for’ is also translated into terhadap in Indonesian. This word also expresses recipient in both language.


The translation equivalents of preposition ‘for’ into Indonesian found in the novel entitled The Stars Shine Down by Sidney Sheldon and its translation in Indonesian entitled Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi by Drs. Budjianto are ‘selama, sepanjang, hingga, karean, sehingga, atas, untuk, agar, supaya, sebagai, bagi, kepada and terhadap’.

The translation equivalents of the preposition ‘for’ found in the novel are to state duration, cause, purpose and recipient. The preposition ‘for’ used to state duration could be translated into selama, sepanjang and hingga. The preposition ‘for’ used to state cause could be translated into karena, sehingga and atas. The preposition ‘for’ used to state purpose could be translated into untuk, agar, and supaya. And the last is the preposition ‘for’ used to state recipient could be translated into bagi, untuk, kepada and terhadap.


Catford, J.C, 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Transltion London, Oxford University Press.

K. Pullum, Geoffrey, 2002. The Cambridge Grammar of The English Language, Cambridge University Press.

Larson, M, 1984. Meaning Based Translation, University Press of America.

Quirk, Randolph and Greenbaum, Sidney, Leek, G, Svartvik, J, 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of The English Language, London, Longman

Quirk, R. Et. Al, 1972. A Grammar of Contemporary English, London, Longman