Jurnal ini berjudul “Cultural Terms In The Old Man and The Sea and Their Translation In Lelaki Tua dan Laut”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan dan menjelaskan istilah-istilah Budaya yang ditemukan dalam The Old Man And The Sea.Sumber data dalam tulisan ini diambil dari novel berjudul The Old Man And The Sea yang ditulis oleh Ernest Hemingway, pada tahun 1951 di Kuba dan diterbitkan pada tahun 1952 dan versi Indonesia Lelaki Tua Dan Laut diterjemahkan oleh Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat. Data tersebut dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metodedokumentasi.Data ini diklasifikasikan menggunakan jenis Istilah Budaya yang dikemukakan oleh Newmark (1988).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, ada lima jenis Istilah Budaya yang dikemukakan oleh Newmark (1988) yang ditemukan dalam novel The Old Man And The Sea, mereka adalah: Ekologi (flora, fauna, bukit, angin, dataran); budaya materi (makanan, pakaian, rumah, dan kota-kota, transportasi), budaya sosial (kerja dan liburan), organisasi Bea Cukai, Kegiatan, Prosedur, Konsep (Politik dan administrasi, agama, seni), gerak tubuh dan kebiasaan.
Kata kunci: penerjemahan, Ekologi, istilahbudaya
Translation consists of changing one state or form to another, to turn into one’s own or another’s language (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 1974). Translation is basically change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences etc. In translations the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the target language. Translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Only the form changes. The form from which the translation is made is called the source language and the form into which it is to be changed is called target language.
First important issue in translation is Cultural terms. The definition of "culture" as given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary varies from descriptions of the "Arts" to plant and bacteria cultivation and includes a wide range of intermediary aspects. Cultural knowledge and cultural differences have been a major focus of translator training and translation theory for as long as has been in existence. More specifically concerned with language and translation, Newmark defines culture as "the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expression" (1988:94), thus acknowledging that each language group has its own culturally specific features.
The using of translation technique is unavoidable in any kind of translation. Whatever the languages must have used it in the process of translating. Therefore, it is assumed that some translation techniques are implemented by the translator in transferring the message of the Source Language (SL) into the Target Language (TL).
What types of cultural termsare found in The Old Man and The Sea?
Based on background and problem mentioned above, the objectives of this writingcan be determined as follows:
To describe and explain cultural terms found in The Old Man and The Sea
The research was done by library research which analyzes the data source (novel) by reading, finding the types of Cultural terms, analyzing those data and presenting the analysis by wording.Some theories were used as guidance in analyzing the data found in the translated book
This study used primary data taken from the novel entitled The Old Man and The Sea written by Ernest Hemingway, in 1951 in Cuba and published in 1952 and its Indonesian version Lelaki Tua dan Lauttranslated by
YuniKristianingsihPramudhaningrat. This novel provides the material that was analyzed because this novel is old series and absolutely contains cultural elements that are different from our culture.
The method applied in this study was documentation method.The first stage, the whole novel was read and the words or phrases indicating Cultural Terms were found. After reading the novels, the Cultural Terms words or phrases were listed either in English or Indonesian. After that, those words or phrases were compared in order to find the translation equivalence.The second stages are identification.In the identification step, not only the words or phrase that identified, but also the whole sentence in which the Cultural term occur because Cultural term used cannot be separated from the text for their interpretation.
The third, it is followed by taking note down of the important things or the data, in this term, Cultural terms were found within the novel and then classifying them based on their types related to the theory used. The theories that were used are theory of Cultural Terms that state by Newmark (1988).
The collected data analyzed qualitatively using the qualitative method. Cultural terms werefound in the novelCategorizedbased on types of Cultural term proposed by Newmark (1988). For this study, the narrative text method of data presenting was mainly used because the research problems in this study need a kind of description in the analysis rather than being presented in the form of statistics or graphics.
5. Analysis of Cultural Terms in The Old Man And The Sea And Their Translations in LelakiTua Dan Laut
Newmark (1988) categorized cultural words into Ecology (flora, fauna, hills, winds, plains); material Culture (food, clothes, houses and towns, transport);
social Culture (work and leisure); organizations Customs, Activities, Procedures, Concepts (Political and administrative, religious, artistic); gestures and habits.
5.1.1 Ecology (flora, fauna, hills, winds, plains)
Geographical features can be normally distinguished from other cultural terms in that they are usually value-free, politically and commercially.Their diffusion depends on the importance of their country of origin as well as their degree of specifity. Thus ‘plateau’ is not perceived as a cultural word, and has long been adopted in Russian, German and English, but translated in Spanish and usually Italian (mesa, eltipiano). Many countries have ‘local’ words. Their familiarity is a function of the importance and geographical or political proximity of their countries. The same criteria apply to other ecological features, unless they are important commercially.
The shack was made of the tough bud-shields of the royal palm which are called guano (11) |
Gubukituterbuatdariserattanamanpalem raja yang kuatdan di tempatitudinamaiguana(15) |
The word guanoon the SL sentence The shack was made of the tough bud-shields of the royal palm which are called guano which is translated into TL become Gubukituterbuatdariserattanamanpalem raja yang kuatdan di tempatitudinamaiguana comes from Spanish language and used by the local people or exactly by the local fisherman to call the royal palm that grow stronger because of the feces of sea birds which become compost for them.
5.1.2 Material Culture (food, clothes, houses and towns, transport)
"Food is for many the most sensitive and important expression of national culture; food terms are subject to the widest variety of translation procedures" (Newmark, 1988:97). The terms coming under this category are further complicated due to the "foreign" elements present.Another example of material culture includes an eponym, namely bouteilles de SidiBrahim. In France this low-quality, Algerian wine is widely known and is the traditional drink with North African dishes, therefore widely sold in supermarkets as
well as this type of small shop. This example can be seen as corresponding to the new ideal reader as described by Coulthard, having different cultural knowledge (Coulthard, 1992:12) as an English-speaking reader would not necessarily know the name of this wine and even less its associations. By using strictly formal equivalence, all meaning would be lost. It would however be possible to neutralise the original term SidiBrahim by translating as "wine" or else to introduce a form of componential analysis, translating as "cheap, Algerian wine. " SidiBrahim being the area where the wine is produced, it seems appropriate to keep the original term in the TT but it is necessary to add a qualifier, here "wine."
They fed the negro rum and lighted cigarettes for him. (61) |
Merekamemberi negro iturum danmenyalakanrokokuntuknya. (76) |
The Noun ‘Rum’ in the SL sentence They fed the negro rum and lighted cigarettes for him.which is translated into TL become Merekamemberi negro iturum danmenyalakanrokokuntuknya is a kind of alcoholic beverage made by a process of fermentation and distilation from sugarcane juice which is a side product of Sugar Factory at Cuba. There are many different types of rum that exist in the world, ranging from the clear kind rum which is usually as a cocktail mixing, the golden brown or dark coloured rum that usually used for cooking, made a cake or it could be used for cocktail mixing like the clear one. Only high quality rum that could be directly drunk without any mixed process and just put the ice cubes in it. In the western culture, rum plays an important role, because it is usually called as a pirates drink so that very identic to the fisherman who most of their life they spent on the sea when they go out for fishing.
5.1.3 Social Culture (work and leisure)
In considering social culture one has to distinguish between denotative and connotative problems of translation. There is rarely translation problems, since the words can be transferred, have approximate one-to-one translation or can be functionally defined; ‘pork-butcher’, ‘hardware’, ‘cake’ or ‘hat’. As
a translation problem, this contrast with the connotative difficulties of word like: ‘the people’; the common people’. The obvious cultural words that denote leisure activities in Europe are the national games with their lexical sets: cricket, bull-fighting, boule. To these must be added the largely English non-team games: tennis, snooker and a large number of card games and their lexical sets being French in casinos.
‘There is very much slave work to be done now that the fight is over.’ (85) |
“Masihbanyakkerjaberatyang harusdilakukanwalaupertarungantelahusai.” (105) |
The verb phrase slave workin the sentence ‘There is very much slave work to be done now that the fight is over.’Which is translated directly into TL becoming “Masihbanyakkerjaberatyang harusdilakukanwalaupertarungantelahusai.” In Cuba, people who were categorized as a bottom bracket usually identic with this slave work, because they should fulfill their lives by working hard,whatever their job are, like the local fisherman.
In religious language, the proselytizing activities of Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church and the Baptists, are reflected in manifold translation (Saint-Siege, PapstlicherStuhl). The language of the other world religions tends to be transferred when it becomes of TL interest, the commonest words being natural-ised (‘Pharisees’).
There was a picture in colour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (11) |
TerdapatgambarHati Kudus Jesus (15) |
The noun phrase in the sentence There was a picture in colour of the Sacred Heart of Jesuswhich is translated into TL becomes TerdapatgambarHati Kudus Jesus. The Sacred Heart of Jesus for the Christian especially the Catholic Christian faiths, is a symbol of the
omnipotence of God and God’s love for mankind. Usually, the Sacred Heat of Jesus isdescribed as a burning heart shining with bright lights which is believed that light is come from gods light that gaped by stab wounds, surrounded by a crown of thorns, and blood filled by Christian art.
Sometimes, that picture placed in front of the body of Jesus picture with injured hand refers to The Sacred Heart. The Christians especially Catholics likens the wounds and crown of thorns, as a metaphor of what happens when the suffering situation of Jesus to his death, while the fire is symbolized by the Christians as the power of changes by love, the power of God almighty.
There is a distinction between description and function which can be made where necessary in ambiguous cases: thus, if people smile a little when someone dies, do a slow hand-clap to express warm appreciation, spit as a blessing, nod to dissent or shake their head to assent, kiss their finger tips to greet or to praise, give a thumbs-up to signal OK, all of which occur in some cultures and not in others.
Bad luck to your mother. (91) |
Terkutuklahibumu. (111) |
The adjective phrase ‘Bad luck to your mother’ that translated into “Terkutuklahibumu.”. The habit of swearing in this kind is something that common in every country but with his trademark, respectively, in Indonesia would normally insert the word animal in European countries and America are more often use vulgar words or insert the word 'Mother'. In fact rarely even God could inspire them to use swear words at each other.
From the analysis above, it can be concluded that there are 26 times cultural terms appeared from 5 classification from the theory proposed by Newmark (1988), those are Ecology (flora, fauna, hills, winds, plains) with 12
times, Material Culture (food, clothes, houses and towns, transport) with 5 times, Social Culture (work and leisure) with 3 times, Organizations Customs, Activities, Procedures, Concepts (Political and administrative, religious, artistic) with 5 times, and Gestures and habits with 1 times. From the data above, shows that Ecology (flora, fauna, hills, winds, plains) plays an important role in this novel with 12 number in the application of Cultural terms applied in translating The Old Man and The Seainto LelakiTuadanLaut.It is also because the background story of this novel is the fisherman life that most of their life, they spent on the sea.
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