




Deixis merupakan hubungan antara penggunaan struktur bahasa dan konteks dalam percakapan. Deixis fokus pada tanda bahasa atau struktur grammatikal dari konteks ujaran dalam percakapan dan interpretasi dari percakapan yang bergantung pada analisis dari konteks ujaran. Dalam setiap narrative teks seperti novel, terdapat banyak tanda-tanda deictcic yang menerapkan teori Levinson. Ada dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini, untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan macam-macam deixis yang digunakan dalam novel The Rainbow Troops, untuk menyajikan dan menjabarkan presentase dari setiap tanda-tanda deictic yang digunakan dalam novel The Rainbow Troops.

Kata Kunci:Deixis, Bahasa, Deictic.

  • 1.    Background of study

The single most obvious way in which languages are related is through phenomenon of deixis. Essentially, deixis is concerned with the way in which language is encoded or grammatical features of the context of utterance in the speech event, and is also concerned with the ways in the interpretation of utterances depends on the analysis of that context of utterance (Levinson, 1983).

Many aspects of deixis are very pervasive in natural language, and deeply grammaticalized. For instance, the phenomenon of anaphora occurs when a deixis anchors to a previously mentioned entity. When it points to an entity that exists physically within speech environment, it is called deictic and phenomenon called cataphora occurs when it is used to refer to a forthcoming entity. One of the literary works, which consist of the encoding of many different aspects of utterance, is novel. In this study, “The Rainbow Troops” novel by Andrea Hirata was analyzed to find out the types of deixis. The novel was very interesting to analyze because it is a well-known and bestseller novel, which received many awards. It is the most favorite book of Indonesia, which is exported directly to International bookstores. This book also loved by many people because of its story tells about reality and education at that time. This novel also contains many types of deixis that have important value in the analysis of narrative text by using deixis theory.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on background above, the research problems can be formulated as follows:


What kinds of deixis are found in the novel The Rainbow Troops?


What are the percentages of each deictic marker found in the novel The Rainbow Troops?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems above, the aims of the study are as follows:

  • 1.    To identify and classify the types of deixis which are used in the novel The Rainbow Troops.

  • 2.    To present and describe the percentage of each deictic marker in the novel The Rainbow Troops.

  • 4.    Research Method

    • 4.1    Data Source

The data in this writing were taken from novel The Rainbow Troops written by Andrea Hirata. The Rainbow Troops is the English version of “Laskar Pelangi” that was translated by Angie Kilbane. This novel was used as the data source because it is a well-known and bestseller novel, which received many awards and also contains many types of deixis.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method that was used in collecting the data was documentation method, in which the activities mostly include reading and note taking of the data from the novel.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The method that was used in analyzing the data were qualitative descriptive, and quantitative methods. The analysis only focused on several sentences, which have representative values based on the proposed deixis types and the use of deictic markers. Those all classified based on Stephen C. Levinson theory,

in term of five types of deixis, where it belongs to and also was analyzed according to the anaphoric or cataphoric types. The quantitative method was used in analyzing the frequencies of the data, especially the frequencies of the deictic markers that occur in the novel. The percentages of deixis frequency were counted by dividing the number of a specific type of deixis and total of deixis times 100%.

  • 5.    Deixis in The Novel The Rainbow Troops

    5.1    Analysis Types of Deixis Found in the Novel The Rainbow Troops

The data that were used in analyzing types of deixis in this writing were taken from The Rainbow Troops novel. The data which were analyzed only the representative data of types of deixis found in the novel The Rainbow Troops. This analysis include types of deixis, the information of the deictic elements and types of referent deictic according to the anaphoric or cataphoric deictic.

  • 5.1.1    Person Deixis

Person deixis concerns the encoding of the role participant in the speech event in which utterance in question is delivered. In the novel, there was found three types of person deixis. Those are first person, second and third person deixis.

  • a.    First Person Deixis

Being close to Lintang, I felt like I was being challenged to run in a hundred-meter dash. (Page 12 line 13 to 14)

In the sentence above, I refers to the person who is currently speaking. I as deictic element indicate first person deixis. According to Levinson, this deictic element was categorized as singular first person pronoun. The deictic marker I have role as the main character in the novel. The whole story only narrated and expressed by one speaker or

one person. Therefore, I here directly refers to Ikal, small boy Belitong Malay with curly hair.

  • b.    Second Person Deixis

If you aren’t ready yet, then you need to return to your seat. (Page 28, line 19 to 20)

The word you in the sentence has a role as a subject and the word your has a role as possessive determiner. That was a replacement for someone who has a role as addressee. The information about the deictic element of the personal pronoun can be seen in the previous discourse.

“A Kiong stared hesitantly at Bu Mus, and then went back smiling. However, even though he had been asked repeatedly, A Kiong did not say one word. He just continued smiling. (Page 28, line 5 to 9)

Based on the description of the discourse above, the deictic references are referring to speaker and addressee. The speaker itself is Bu Mus and the addressee is A Kiong. That deictic element can be categorized as anaphoric deictic, in which the information about personal pronoun has been explained in a previous discourse.

  • c.    Third Person Deixis

Today was Bu Mus first day as a teacher, a moment she had been dreaming of for very long time. ( Page 5, line 16 to 18)

Here she is deictic reference refers to third person deixis or Levinson categorized that deictic element as singular third person deixis.

That is used for considering the gender of addressee especially for female. Here she refers to Bu Mus who is the female teacher in the Muhammadyah Elementary School. The information about the personal deictic element can be seen in the discourse forthcoming. Therefore, this deictic element can be categorized as cataphoric deictic.

“She had just graduated the week before from Sekolah Kepandaian Putri (Vocational Girl’s School), a junior high school in the capital of the regency, Tanjong Pandan. She was fifteen years old. (Page 5 line, 18 to 21).

  • 5.1.2    Time Deixis

Time deixis concerns the encoding of temporal point and spans relative to the time at which an utterance was spoken.

Today, following three days of not showing his big head at school, Kucai was absent once again. (Page 343, line 3 to 4)

The deictic adverb of time today means this day when the speaker delivers the utterance. This deictic element informed cataphorically in the story. The narrator informed the deictic element today on relevant day-Wednesday, it can be seen in the following quoted text.

“After much investigation, it turned out Kucai had joined up with kids from the neighboring village to become a pepper picker. Wednesday night, the night of payday, after studying the Koran at al-Hikmah mosque, Kucai pulled out a wad of money from behid his sarong.” (Page 343 line 8 to 13)

  • 5.1.3    Place Deixis

Place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial location relative to the location of the participants in the speech event. It is unit of measurement, or descriptions of direction and location.

There were only three reasons why parents enrolled their children here.

(Page 4, line 4 to 5)

The word here in the sentence indicated place deictic marker in the form locative adverb. It may represent such area or place where the speaker is present. The information of place was informed previously in the story, as it can be seen in the following quote text.

We were neighbors, and we were Belitong-Malays from the poorest community in the island. As for this school, Muhammadiyah Elementary School, it too was the poorest village school in Belitong. There were only three reasons why parents enrolled their children here.” (Page 4, line 1 to 5)

By analyzing previous text, it can be identified that here was used as reference of specific place. The specific place here refers to where the members of The Rainbow Troops studied. Therefore, the reference relates to Muhammadyah Elementary School.

  • 5.1.4    Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis has to do with the encoding discourse in which the utterance is located. It is include the utterance itself and the expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse.

It was so beautiful. (Page 26, line 15)

There was found the deictic reference it that relates with some prior terms. This discourse deictic was informed anaphorically in the story. The information of the discourse deictic can be seen as follows:

“When we asked question in class, he would run toward us in small steps, staring at us meaningfully with his calm eyes as if we were the most precious of Malay children. He whispered into our ears, fluently recited and Koranic verses, challenged, and then fell silent, like one daydreaming about a long lost love. (Page 26, line 9 to 15)

By analyzing the previous text, the deictic referent it here was used as reference of the situation in the class when Pak Harfan taught them. The members of the Rainbow Troops were happy and enjoy when Pak Harfan taught them. This deictic expression can be categorized as discourse deictic which is used for referring the prior statement made by the sentence, not to the sentence itself.

  • 5.1.5    Social Deixis

Social Dexis concerns the encoding of social distinctions that are relative to participants’ roles.

However, when he went to utter his first words, ‘Assalamu’-alaikum, Peace be upon you’- Trapani yelled and pointed to the edge of the schoolyard, startling everyone. (Page 7, line10 to 12)

In the sentence above can be seen Arabic term, which is used by the speaker as reference to open the speech. ‘Assalamu’-alaikum means Peace be with you. It is a shortened form of the grand greeting: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (Peace be with you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings). The greeting is recommended to be only used between Muslims. In reply to this a person may repeat the greeting and say: Assalamu Alaikum; however, it is more fitting to reply: Wa Alaikum Assalam.

  • 5.2    Analysis of Deictic Markers Distribution

The analysis of deictic markers distribution are only focused on the four types of deixis, person deixis, time deixis, place deixis and discourse

deixis. The analysis is only focused on those four types of deixis because those elements have their own specific markers that have been grammaticalized and lexicalized. Meanwhile, social deixis have no markers of their own, its element being identified only by looking the social interaction between speaker, addressee and by stander.

  • 5.2.1    Chart of Quantity Each Type of Deixis

Type ofDeixis

  • 5.2.2    Percentages of Each Type of Deixis

Perrentiiges OfDeictie Mnikei Distiibutioii

B Person Deixis WTimeDeixis BPlaceDeixis BDiscoiirseDeixis

Based on the analysis of the deictic marker and types of deixis above, Person deixis as the highest number of percentage deictic marker because person deixis strongly influenced by the dominance that the speaker (first person) exerted over the text in the novel. The novel is only narrated by one speaker (I). Therefore, the personal pronoun I as the most dominant of deictic markers in the novel The Rainbow Troops.

  • 6    Conclusion

Based on the analysis and discussion, there are two conclusion for each of the problems. First, the types of deixis in the novel that can be found are person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. Deictic markers marked each type of deixis. The encoding of the role of participants is generally indicated by pronoun establishing relation by anaphoric and chataphoric ways, such as I, we, they, and you. Time deixis in the novel used deictic element for encoding time such as: last, next, today, now, then. Place deixis in the novel mostly used locative place adverbs such as here and there. The deictic elements of discourse deixis also were found in the novel The Rainbow Troops such as this, these, that, those, and it. For social deixis, this novel used some terms for encoding the relationship status such as: Guru, ‘Assalamu’-alaikum, Societic, and Chiong Si Ku. Second, Based on the percentages, the dominance of deictic markers in the novel The Rainbow Troops is the deictic markers of person because person deixis strongly influenced by the dominance that the speaker (first person) exerted over the text in the novel. The novel is only narrated by one speaker (I). Therefore, the personal pronoun I as the most dominant of deictic markers in the novel The Rainbow Troops.

  • 7    Bibliography

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Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. Introduction to Functional Grammar.New York:Arnold

Hornby, A.S.1995. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary.Oxford:Oxford University Press.

Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

Ribera, Josep. 2007. Text Deixis in Narrative Sequences. Murcia:University of Murcia.

