DOI: 10.24843/JH.2019.v23.i01.p01

p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 23.1 Pebruari 2019: 1-6

Conficts In Condon’s Movie “Beauty and the Beast 2017”

Putu Jesa Putri Yasari1*, I Ketut Wandia2, Isnu Maharani3 [123]English Department - Faculty of Arts - Udayana University [[email protected]]1 [[email protected]]2 [[email protected]]3

*Corresponding Author


The title of this paper is Conflicts in Condon’s Movie “Beauty and the Beast 2017”. It is aimed at finding out kinds of conflict faced by the main character and the sources of the main character’s conflict, and analyzing the way the main characters solve the conflict. The data of this study were taken from a movie entitled “Beauty and the Beast 2017”. This study focuses on describing external and internal conflicts. The conflict is analyzed based on the theory of conflict proposed by Kenney who divides conflicts into two types, external and internal conflicts. The description of the presentation of the characters is analyzed based on the theory proposed by Deetz & Stevenson who divides it into two, those are the source of conflict and resolution of conflict. The result of this study shows that the main character faces two conflicts; external and internal conflict. The sources of the main character’s conflict are incompatible goals, and different opinions. In managing the conflict, the main character uses avoidance strategy, competition strategy and pacification.

Keywords: Conflict, Internal Conflict, External Conflict, Source of Conflict, Resolution of Conflict.


Judul penelitian ini adalah Conflicts in Condon’s Movie “Beauty and the Beast 2017”. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis konflik yang dihadapi oleh karakter utama dan sumber-sumber konflik karakter utama, dan menganalisis cara karakter utama menyelesaikan konflik. Data penelitian ini diambil dari film berjudul “Beauty and the Beast 2017”. Penelitian ini berfokus pada menggambarkan konflik eksternal dan internal. Konflik dianalisis berdasarkan teori konflik yang dikemukakan oleh Kenney yang membagi konflik menjadi dua jenis, konflik eksternal dan internal. Deskripsi penyajian karakter dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Deetz & Stevenson yang membaginya menjadi dua, yaitu sumber konflik dan resolusi konflik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tokoh utama menghadapi dua konflik; konflik eksternal dan internal. Sumber dari konflik karakter utama adalah tujuan yang tidak kompatibel, dan opini yang berbeda. Dalam mengelola konflik, karakter utama menggunakan strategi penghindaran, strategi persaingan dan pengamanan.

Kata Kunci: Konflik, Konflik Internal, Konflik Eksternal, Sumber Konflik, Resolusi Konflik.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Literature is a word that is arranged in a way. Indirectly, literature can represent a person's feelings because literature is an outlet of the soul. The height of the imagination can not be separated from the personality of each soul. What is the proof? If each imagination is the same and programmed, then all literary and non-literary works will have the same features. Therefore, all writers must have the style of language, the topic of the story raised, the point of view, even the atmosphere of the story will be different. The indirect meaning of literature. Film also regarded as a powerful communication medium against the targeted masses, due to its audio-visual nature, ie live images and sounds. With pictures and sounds, the film is able to tell a lot in a short time. When watching a movie audience as if it can penetrate the space and time that can tell the life and even can affect the audience. There are many elements of fiction like Plot, Setting, Character, Conflict, Symbol, and Point of View. The main elements which fiction writers use to develop a story and its Theme. Conflict is the best part of plot in the essence of all stories. The exposition should set up a situation in which there is conflict and from which suspense arises. The conflict may be one of man against nature, man against man, or, in the mind of the chief character, man against himself. The conflict may be simple or complex, as when a whole tangle of relationships results in a situation very difficult to unravel. This study focused on the conflicts as portrayed in the movie Beauty and the Beast film. This concern to kind of conflict which occurs in the film Beauty and the Beast . The story tells an arrogant young prince (Dan Steven) and his castle’s servant fall under the spell of a

wicked enchantress, who turns him into the hideous Beast until he learns to love and be loved in return. The spirited, headstrong village girl Belle (Emma Watson) enters the Beast castle after he imprisons her father Maurice (Kevin Kline).

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

  • a.    What kinds and source of conflicts are faced by the main character in the movie Beauty and the Beast 2017 ?

  • b.    How are main character in the movie Beauty and the Beast solve the conflict ?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • a.    To identify the kinds and source of conflicts were faced by the main character of the movie Beauty and the Beast.

  • b.    To analyze the way of the main character solve the conflict.

  • 4.    Research Method

The research method in this study consists of data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data of this study were taken from the Beauty and the Beast 2017 movie’s dialogue directed by Bill Condon from a screen play written by Stephen    Chbosky    and    Evan

Spiliotopoulos, and co-produced by Walt Disney that is a romantic genre. The story told an arrogant young prince (Dan Steven) and his castle’s servant fall under the spell of a wicked witch, who turns him into the hideous Beast until he learns to love and be loved in return. The spirited, headstrong village girl Belle (Emma Watson) enters the Beast castle after he imprisons her father Maurice (Kevin Kline). From this condition, he must learn to love someone to break the spell from the witch. This data was

chosen because provide with enough information to analyzed the conflicts that taken from Beauty and the Beast film.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of

    Collecting Data

The data were collected and selected using the documentation method. The process is, by watching and understanding the content of the movie and relate them to the topic. It is followed by reading the script movie at the same time to make a clear understanding about the conversation of each other. Afterwards, finding out the statement that belong to the intrinsic study, in this case, the elements of fiction especially about the conflicts were selected by note taking technique.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of

    Analyzing Data

The conflict of the main character was analyzed. In analyzing the data, descriptive – qualitative method was applied. First, identifying and also classifying in accordance with their type of conflict of the main character. Then, knowing the source of conflict and the way of main character solve the conflict found in the movie, then it was analyzed based on the theory of conflicts found in the movie.

  • 5.    Analysis

    • 5.1    The Analysis Of Conflicts in Condon’s Movie “Beauty and The Beast 2017”

Types of Conflict

External Conflict

  • 5.1.1    The Conflict Between Belle and Beast


The first conflict between Belle and Beast when Belle's father was captured by Beast. At that time his father was going into the woods, on his way to go home while a storm was occurring. Then he was confronted by some wild animals in the forest, but fortunately he managed to escape. When he manages to escape, he finds a castle that looks out of place, then enters the palace. Inside the palace he was struck by some talking things, but he tried to fight his fear, until he finally decided to go home because he felt the place was very scary. However, while into his way to go home and still in the courtyard area of the palace, Belle's father saw a rose plant. When he saw the plant he remembered by Belle who wanted to bring roses when his father came home, then he decided to pick it. From a distance he had been overseen by Beast. When Beast learned of it, he assumed that Belle's father stole a rose in his yard. Then Beast locked up Belle's 30 father. This is where conflict begins between Belle and Beast. Belle was eager to free her father. It can be seen in the (28:51 – 29:29 ) :

Belle         : Who are you?

Beast        : Who are you?

Belle         : I've come for my father.

Beast          : Your father is a thief.

Belle           : Liar!

Beast         : He stole a rose.

Belle          : I asked for the rose.

Punish me, not him.

Maurice      : No! He means forever.

Apparently, that's what happens around here when you pick a flower.

Belle         : A life sentence for a


Beast         :  I received eternal

damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now, do you still

wish to take your father's place?

Data above shows that Beast was very angry with Belle's father. He thought of his father as a thief, so he wanted to imprison his father forever in the palace, but Belle would not be willing if his father was imprisoned forever. This is not the end, Belle is still negotiating with the Beast.

Source of External Conflict

Source of Conflict between Belle and Beast


The first conflict occur because of different opinions between them. Beast assumes that Belle's father has stolen the roses that reside in his palace, but Belle brushed it off because it was the result of her act, she asked for roses when her father returned from the forest. It can be seen in the (28:51 – 29:29) : Belle         : Who are you?

Beast        : Who are you?

Belle         : I've come for my father.

Beast          : Your father is a thief.

Belle           : Liar!

Beast        : He stole a rose.

Belle         : I asked for the rose.

Punish me, not him.

Maurice      : No! He means forever.

Apparently, that's what happens around here when you pick a flower.

Belle         : A life sentence for a


Beast         :   I received eternal

damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now, do you still wish to take your father's place?

From data above shows that they are arguing over different of opinion. Beast was very sure that her father had stolen the rose, while it happened

because Belle asked for the rose, then Belle also wanted him to be punished instead of his father.

Internal Conflict

Internal conflicts could happen between one idea and another idea or the conflicts of own mind. Internal conflict exists within him or herself. Personal conflict is struggle that takes place in the character’s mind. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem.


The first internal conflict arrise on her mind and have dilemma. When every people in that town call her an odd woman and Belle confused and have a dilemma in her mind. Also she ask her father, am her an odd woman? It can be seen in the (12:40-12:58) :

Belle        : Papa, do you think I'm


Maurice     : Odd? My daughter?

Odd? Where did you get an idea like that?

Belle         : I don't know. People talk.

Maurice      : This is a small village,

you know. Small minded as well. But small also means safe.

Source of Internal Conflict


The internal conflict accour because different opinion. The people around Belle think of her as a strange woman because Belle is very confident and does not often listen to the others, she is not afraid of speaking her own thoughts. She is a very independent woman and does not like to be controlled by any man. But, she did not feel that way. It can be seen in the (12:40-12:58):


: Papa, do you think I'm odd?


: Odd? My daughter? Odd? Where did you get an idea like that?

Belle talk.

: I don't know. People


: This is a small village, you know. Small minded

as well. But small also

his father. It can be seen in the (28:51 –

29:29 ) :


: Who are you?


: Who are you?


: I've come for my father.


: Your father is a thief.


: Liar!


: He stole a rose.


: I asked for the rose.

Punish me, not him.

means safe.

Conflict occurs because of differences of opinion between Belle and society. The above conversation proves that Belle feels that everyone has talked about her and says that she is a strange woman, but she does not feel strange and Belle's father always gives support to her daughter.

  • 5.2    Resolution to Conflict

    • 5.2.1    Resolution of External Conflict Resolution of Conflict between Belle and Beast

Compromise is an approach with a desire to keep everyone a little happy, perhaps not as happy as they would have liked, but happier than they would have been lose. The actual working of compromises, however, does not maximize the collective satisfaction. Instead, it equalizes dissatisfaction of the participants. It works to make sure no one is unhappy than others rather than to assure happiness. Compromising tends to reduce the moral of participants in the relationship rather than invigorate the relationship, solve problems, compromise tends to reduce energy and evoke passivity.


The resolution of first external conflict between Belle and Beast is Compromise. She compromises with Beast so that she is punished instead of

Belle thought of her father's happiness and therefore did not want her father to be punished. After he compromised with Beast, and Beast did not allow it, she kept trying to swap his father's position with her, she pushed his father out of the cage and she was finally locked up.

  • 6.    Conclusion

The result of this study shows that the main character faces two conflicts; external and internal conflict. The sources of the main character’s conflict are incompatible goals, and different opinions. In managing the conflict, the main character uses avoidance strategy, competition strategy and pacification.

  • 7.    Reference

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Bill Condon. 2017. Beauty and the Beast. Walt Disney Pictures.

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Stevenson.  1986. Managing

Interpersonal Communication.

New York: Chapter & Row Publisher.

Kenny, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press.

Kenneth W. Thomas. 1986. Conflict and conflict management. Naval Postgraduate          School,

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K. L. Knickbocker and H.W. Reninger. 1963. Interpreting Literature. New York: Holt Renehart and Winston.

Morner, Kathleen and Rausch Ralph. 1991. NTC’s Dictionary of Literary Terms. McGraw-Hill Education.