Speech Acts Found in the Movie “Fast and Furious 7”
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 162-165
Speech Acts Found in the Movie “Fast and Furious 7”
Putu Manda Martina Dewi
English Department Faculty of Arts – Udayana University [[email protected]]
Penelitian ini yang berjudul “Tindak Tutur yang ditemukan pada Film Fast and Furious 7” membahas tentang analisa ucapan berdasarkan konsep tindak tutur. Setiap ucapan menunjukkan tiga jenis tindak tutur yakni locutionary, illocutionary dan perlocutionary. Meskipun demikian, penelitian ini hanya fokus kepada bahasan tentang tindak tutur illocutionary karena makna dan tujuan tertentu dari ucapan seseorang dijabarkan secara rinci, sehingga pengertian dari suatu ucapan dapat dipahami lebih baik dalam interaksi sosial tertentu.Film Fast and Furious 7 dipilih sebagai sumber data dalam penelitian ini karena banyaknya tindak tutur illocutionary yang diucapkan oleh pemain film tersebut. Langkah-langkah pengumpulan data meliputi mengamati film, membuat catatan tentang tindak tutur illocutionary, dan mengelompokkan data tersebut ke dalam beberapa sub kategori. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam menganalisis tindak tutur illocutionary pada penelitian ini adalah teori dari Searle (1969) dan didukung oleh teori dari Austin (1962). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, telah ditemukan bahwa ada empat jenis tindak tutur illocutionary yang ditampilkan oleh karakter film Fast and Furious 7, yaitu kategori assertives dengan 14 makna illocutionary, kategori directives dengan 7 makna illocutionary, kategori commisives dengan 3 makna illocutionary, dan kategori expressives dengan 12 makna illocutionary. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan sehingga makna sebenarnya dari ucapan pemain film Fast and Furious 7 dapat dipahami dengan baik.
Kata kunci: tutur, illocutionary, film.
Language becomes an important thing in people’s daily communication as a medium of transferring and expressing what human thought in achieving their goals. Most of the time, the speakers are not only uttering something but also performing an act in speaking since the utterances may have broader meanings than their literal meaning, depending on the context when the speech occurred.
When a speaker produces an utterance, the speaker actually means something and at once performs an
action so-called speech acts. The acts could be making statements, giving commands, asking questions, making promises, and the like (Searle: 1969). Thus, it is important to have the ability to understand the real intention of the speaker’s utterances to avoid misunderstanding in the social life. According to Austin (1962), the speech acts comprise locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts.
Speech acts can be found not only in real life situation but also in a movie
since it is an art work which reflects human’s real life. A movie that is quite interesting and closely related to one’s life is entitled “Fast and Furious 7” that produced in 2015 by Universal Pictures. Besides, the dialogues in this movie are rich of speech acts so that it is suitable to be analyzed further in this study. In addition, many previous studies focus on the kinds of speech acts found in a particular movie, meanwhile this study concerns on only the illocutionary acts found in the movie Fast and Furious 7 since the discussion of illocutionary acts conveyed the force in delivering the intended meaning of one’s utterances, specifically the characters of Fast and Furious 7 movie.
The problems raised in this study are formulated as follows.
a. What illocutionary acts are identified in the Fast and Furious 7 movie?
b. How the meanings of the speech acts are interpreted?
The aims of this study are specifically listed as follows:
a. To identify illocutionary acts in Fast and Furious 7 movie.
b. To understand how the meaning of the speech acts can be interpreted.
The research method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative method. The qualitative method supports the validity of the research since several reasons that govern such speech acts are5. also described specifically and systematically. The data were taken from the Fast and Furious 7 movie by James Wan, particularly the dialogues among the characters of the movie which consist of illocutionary acts. The movie Fast and
Furious 7 was selected as the data source due to the existence of the speech acts, specifically the illocutionary acts, that worth to be analyzed further.
In collecting the data, the method that was used was library research. In library research, there were no respondents involved in this study as commonly used in quantitative research. In applying the library research, there were some techniques used to collect the data such as observing the movie, note taking the movie characters’ utterances and identifying the illocutionary acts. Firstly, since the data is a movie, thus it was carefully and repeatedly watched. Secondly, together with the first step, the dialogues that are relevant to the topic were noted-down and given several details of the speaker and the scene. Afterwards, the data was further selected and classified into some categories of illocutionary acts under 5 main frames based on Searle’s theory (1975). They are assertive, directive, commissive, expressive and declaration. In addition, there were also some techniques used in this research such as tabulation, identification, classification, description and conclusion. Specifically, the speech acts found in the movie was tabulated and classified based on speech act theory by Searle. Then, the analysis was made accordingly in a descriptive form, supported by speech act theory of other linguists. After the data were displayed, a conclusion was drawn. Drawing conclusion was the last procedure of analyzing the data of this research.
The finding shows that four kinds of illocutionary acts proposed by Searle (1975) are performed by the characters in Fast and Furious 7 movie. They are assertives, directives, commissives and expressives. Each of the kinds of the
illocutionary acts has its own Table 1. illocutionary forces which presented in
Table 1
No. |
of Illocutionary Acts |
Kinds of Illocutionary Force | |||
1 |
Assertives |
a. |
Stating Opinion |
i. |
Explaining |
(14 Forces) |
b. |
Repeating |
j. |
Assuming | |
c. |
Predicting |
k. |
Concluding | ||
d. |
Asserting |
l. |
Agreeing | ||
e. |
Informing |
m. |
Announcing | ||
f. |
Convincing |
n. |
Arguing | ||
g. |
Ensuring | ||||
h. |
Describing | ||||
2 |
Directives |
a. |
Commanding |
e. |
Inviting |
(7 Forces) |
b. |
Directing |
f. |
Warning | |
c. |
Suggesting |
g. |
Ousting | ||
d. |
Requesting | ||||
3 |
Commissives |
a. |
Promising | ||
(3 Forces) |
b. |
Offering | |||
c. |
Threatening | ||||
4 |
Expressives |
a. |
Stating Surprise |
h. |
Stating Anxiety |
(12 Forces) |
b. |
Stating Pleasure |
i. |
Apologizing | |
c. |
Thanking |
j. |
Stating Panic | ||
d. |
Stating Doubts |
k. |
Greeting | ||
e. |
Stating Anger |
l. |
Stating | ||
f. |
Insulting |
Confusion | |||
g. |
Complimenting | ||||
5 |
Declaration |
- |
As presented by Table 1, there are 14 illocutionary forces of assertives act, 7 forces of directives act, 3 forces of commissives act and 12 illocutionary forces of expressives act that performed by the characters of Fast and Furious 7 movie. Each of the forces of illocutionary acts was analyzed further based on the concepts: 1) Assertive is a speech act that commits a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition such as stating opinion, repeating, informing, etc.; 2)
Directives is a speech act that cause the hearer to take a particular action e.g. requesting, commanding, directing, and so on.; 3) Commissives is a speech act that commits a speaker to some future action like promising and offering; 4) Expressives is a speech act that shows the emotions and attitudes of the speaker towards the proposition such as congratulating, greeting, thanking and apologizing; and 5) Declaration is a speech act that changes the reality in accordance with the proposition of the declaration, for instance baptism, pronouncing someone as husband and
wife and pronouncing someone guilty. In this study, declaration act is not found in the utterances of the characters since it needs a special circumstance to do like in a formal situation and performed by someone in a special institutional role in a specific context such as a judge and priest.
Based on the discussion on illocutionary acts found in movie Fast and Furious 7, there are some conclusions that can be drawn. Firstly, the types of illocutionary acts that
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