ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 21.1 Nopember 2017: 139-142

The Analysis of Plot in Stevenson’s Treasure Island

Dewa Ayu Putu Dian Ananda Putri1*, I Made Winaya2

[12]English Department – Faculty Of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]

*Corresponding Author


Judul dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa plot di novel Treasure Island oleh Robert Louise Stevenson. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan struktur plot, elemen plot, dan tipe plot dalam novel Treasure Island. Analisa plot ini menerapkan teori yang diusulkan oleh Barnett Sylvan dalam bukunya yang berjudul Sebuah Panduan Singkat untuk Menulis tentang Sastra (1890) sebagai teori utama. William Kenney dalam bukunya berjudul Bagaimana Analisis Fiksi (1966) dan teori pendukung Dr. Henry Guntur Taringan dalam bukunya yang berjudul Prinsip - Prinsip Dasar Sastra (1948), yang relevan dengan topik ini. Data diambil melalui penelitian kepustakaan, dan dianalisis berdasarkan batas diskusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur, unsur dan jenis plot dalam novel. Struktur plot di novel Treasure Island oleh Robert Louise Stevenson terdiri dari permulaan masalah, peningkatan masalah 1, penurunan masalah 1, puncak masalah / klimaks 1, peningkatan masalah 2, penurunan masalah 2, puncak masalah / klimaks 2 dan akhir masalah. Unsur-unsur plot yang teridentifikasi dalam novel ini mencakup keberagaman, kejutan, rintangan, plot dan kesatuan, subplot, plot sebagai kesatuan, dan plot sebagai ekspresi. Jenis plot yang digunakan dalam novel ini adalah plot Lucky milik plot Action, plot Actor milik plot Maturing dan plot Thinking milik Education dan Revelation Plot.

Kata kunci: Plot, Struktur, Elemen, Tipe.

  • 1.    Background of the study

Literature is one of the branches of social institutions, which has expressed imaginative pictures of human life since thousands of years ago. Therefore, it has a close relationship with society because literature is a creative social creation to depict human life. According to Hardjana (1991:10) literature is born as a result of fundamental desires of human beings.This study analyzes the novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson (1883) entitled Treasure Island. The study is concerned with the plot and elements of plot.The raw material of the fiction is organized through the plot by the author of the novel. Because of this

reason, in making a good story the author needs to be concerned with creating the elements of plot such as beginning of the problems, increase of the problem, peak of the problem, decrease of the problem, and the end of the problem. (Barnet Sylvan, 1992).

  • 2.    Problems of the study

The problems of the study are formulated as follows:

  • a.    How is the plot structured by its elements in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson?

  • b.    What types of plot are found in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson?

  • 3.    Aims of the study

Having looked at the problems above, the aims of the study are:

  • a.    To analyze the structure of plot and its elements in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

  • b.    To find out the types of plot found in novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson technique and the categorize accordingly.

  • 4.    Research Method

The research method is an important tool for systematically handling the research because this method guides the research from its preparation until the writing of the research report.

  • a.    Data Source

are those connected to the establishing and structuring of the plot of the story.

  • b.    Method and Technique of

    Analyzing Data

The data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The analysis is based on the theory proposed by William Kenney 1966, in the book entitled How to Analyze Fiction as the main theory. In his book, he explained about the plot and about the types and elements of plot. Secondly, the analysis of the structure of plot was based on the theory proposed by Barnet Sylvan in his book entitled A Short Guide to Write about Literature which describes two points of meaning, namely what happens in the story and the author’s arrangement of the material into a story.

The data collection was conducted by library research. The data of this paper were taken from the novel entitled Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was originally published by Macmillan Publisher Limited of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 6XS, United Kingdom 1883. Then the data were selected by note taking technique and then categorized accordingly.

  • b.    Method and technique of

    5. Analysis

    Ptak of the Problem (Climaxl]

    Systematic plot, in the novel Treasure Island Developed from Barnet Sylvan, 1992:67

Collecting Data

The method used in collecting the data was library research. There were some steps in the process of collecting the data. The first step was reading the novel carefully, repeatedly and intensively to find out the types and elements of plot used in the novel. Then the data were selected by note taking technique and classified according to need of the analysis. The data selected

The analysis of the arrangement or sequence of the incidents in the novel Treasure Islandis based on the theory proposed by Barnett, (1992). The data analyzed is that showing the plot line or elements of plot. Barnett defines the structure of plot lineas consisting of the beginning of the problem, increasing of the problem, peak of the problem,

decreasing of the problem, end of the problem.

  • 5.1    Structure of Plot in the Novel

Treasure Island

The structure of plot used in the novel Treasure Island : beginning of the problem, increasing of the problem 1, decreasing of the problem 1, peak of the problem / climax 1, increasing of the problem 2, decreasing of the problem 2, peak of the problem / climax 2 and the end of the problem.

  • 5.2    Plot Laws found in the Novel

Treasure Island

A novel will be good if it is supported with good plot, and a good plot must be expected to follow certain laws. The novel Treasure Island can be categorized asa good novel because the author makes the plot in the novel following the entire elements in the plot laws as proposed by William Kenney (1966).

The elements of Plot Laws identified in the novel Treasure Island include plausibility, surprise, suspense, plot and unity, subplot, plot as unity, and plot as expression.

  • 5.3    The types of Plot in the Novel

Treasure Island

The story in the novel Treasure Island presents a kind of Lucky Plot belonging to Action Plot because that story told us about Jim Hawkins’s adventures that started when Jim Hawkins joins Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey in the coastal town of Bristol to prepare for their treasure hunt.

According to Actor Plot the story in the novel Treasure Island belong to

Maturing Plot because the main character in the story is Jim Hawkins a young boy of twelve years old and he is growing up from boyhood to manhood. In the beginning of the story Jim Hawkins is a young boy, innocent and amateurs, living with his parents at a quite country inn who have a duty to help his father’s that owned a small inn called The Admiral Benbow, knowing very little about the outside world. But at the end he has matured to be a young though experienced man who has met with pirates, faced death, sailed across the high seas, met with all sorts of dangers, killed a man in self-defense and finally has been rewarded with his due share of a treasure that anyone of his time and place would envy. So Jim Hawkins develops from a purely passive character into an experienced and resourceful man that demanded Jim Hawkins independent and brave that makes Jim Hawkins became more mature. From the viewpoint of Thinking Plot, the story in the Treasure Island belongs to Education Plot and Revelation Plot because where there Jim Hawkins at the beginning of the story in viewpoint he doesn’t have a big impact but the more time passes he comes to dominate the story and supported on the first narrator is I who refers to Jim Hawkins makes us feel that situation and participate the journey in the story. Furthermore, in the type of revelation plot Jim Hawkins bring out a character young, strong, independent, courageous, and always has a new ideas to solve problems encountered.

  • 6.    Conclusion

The analysis of the plot in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the following points can be drawn as conclusions; The structure of plot used in the novel Treasure Island :

beginning of the problem, increasing of the problem 1, decreasing of the problem 1, peak of the problem / climax 1, increasing of the problem 2, decreasing of the problem 2, peak of the problem / climax 2 and the end of the problem. The elements of plot identified in the novel Treasure Island include plausibility, surprise, suspense, plot and unity, subplot, plot as unity, and plot as expression. The types of plot used in the novel are lucky plot belonging to Action plot, Actor plot belonging to Maturing, plot and Thinking plot belonging to Education Plot and Revelation Plot.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Kenney, William. 1996. How to Analyze Fiction. USA: Monarch Press.

R.L.Stevenson, 1883. Treasure Island. United Kingdom:   Macmillan

Publisher Limited of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 6XS.

Tarigan, DR Hendri Guntur, 1991. Prinsip – Prinsip Dasar Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa

Barnett, Sylvan. 1992. A Short Guide to Write about Literature. United State Of America.