Psychological Analysis Of The Main Character In The Movie Script Frozen
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 17.2 Nopember 2016: 133 - 138
Psychological Analysis Of The Main Character In The Movie Script Frozen
Ni Kadek Jenni Lestari1*, Ida Ayu Made Puspani2, I Wayan Resen3 123English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Penelitianini berjudul Psychological Analysis of the Main Character in the Movie Script Frozen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek psikologis pada karakter utama didalam film Frozen. Serta, mengidentifikasi konflik yang dihadapi oleh karakter utama dalam film Frozen. Sumber data diambil dari naskah yang dipublikasikan oleh Jennifer Lee pada tahun 2013. Teori-teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diadopsi dari teori psychological yang dikemukakkan oleh Benhard (1953) dan teori dari Waren dan Wallek (1976). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi. Diawali dengan menonton film Frozen. Kemudian mengidentifikasi data dari naskah pada film Frozen. Setelahitu, menemukan dan mencatat data yang berhubungan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Elsa sebagai karakter utama didalam film Frozen, aspek-aspek psikologis yang ditemukan didalam film Frozen adalah: aspek attitude, feeling and emotion, dan human motivation. Ada dua konflik yang dihadapi oleh karakter utama dalam film Frozen, yaitu konflik eksternal dan internal.
Kata Kunci: Karakter Utama, Analysis Psikologis, Kesusastraan
Literature is one of the forms of art, usually categorised as a beautiful writing. Literature has two main divisions; fiction and non fiction. Fiction is a type of literature that discribes imaginary people and events, not real ones, while non fiction include books, articles or texts about real facts, people and events (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2000: 469,862). A good literary work must educate and entertain. Through reading many literary works, people can get unlimited knowledge about life. This is called education. It is said that a literary work could entertain, if it can bring such pleasure and enjoyment for the reader.
To analyze a literary work is to identify the separate parts that make it up, to determine the relationship among the parts, and to discover the relation of the parts to
the whole (Kenney, 1966:5). Character is one important aspect because it carries the author’s message that can bring various values in human life such as morality, education and many others.
This study is focused on the movie Frozen particulary on the main character. The reason to analyze the main character in the movie script is because this movie was very interesting and could build such atmosphere that tends to affect the emotion and feeling of the reader. This type of movie was an animation movie which was written by Chris Buck. This movie told a girl named Elsa who had the medical power. This data used movie script about animation movie, because the story could be understood easily especially for the children. Besides, the data of the movie was relevant to the topic of the discussion.
Based on the background of the study presented above, the research problems of this study can be formulated as follows:
1. How is the psychological aspects of the main character?
2. What conflicts did the main character face?
3. Aims of the Study
The aims of this study are accordanced with the problems mentioned above are as follows:
1. To find out the psychological aspects of the main character in movie Frozen.
2. To describe some important conflicts which the main character faced
4. Research Method
In this research, the data were taken from the script of Frozen movie that were published by Jennifer Lee, Walt Disney Pictures in 2013. And in this study the movie
script is analyzed based on the psychological aspects of the main character. This movie is selected because the main character conveyed good messages and moral value for the audience.
The data was collected by using note taking and documentation. The working procedure consists of several steps. The first step was watching the movie as frequently and intensively as necessary to understand the script of the movie. Then, the second step is to identify and classify the data from the script of the movie to find out the relevant statement and features that can be categorized into the intrinsic and extrinsic categories. The last step is the collecting of the data from the extrinsic aspect, which is combined to the psychological aspect in order to get the unity, wholeness and the integrated meaning of the story.
The data were qualitatively analysed based on theory of “psychology” proposed by Bernhardt (1953) and Warren and Wallek (1976) to analyse the psychological aspects of the main character and the conflicts in Frozen Movie.
This part deals with the result and discussion of the analysis of Psychological analysis of the main character and the conflict. The data were taken from the movie script published by jennifer Lee. There were three psychological aspects found in the Frozen Movie.
Based on the data source, Anna asked Elsa to play with her medical power, for which Elsa did as required by Anna with Elsa’s strength because Anna ran so quickly, and Elsa did not had time to control her power. This incident of Elsa’s showing her sister the working of madical power can be seen in the dialogue from the movie as follows.
When Elsa issued her strength, snowflakes suddenly exploded between her palms, forming snowballs. Elsa was throwing snow balls high into the air. Snow was bursting and flooding around the room. Anna dance about to catch flakes on the palms
of her hands and mouth. Elsa created another peak to catch Anna. Anna continues to jump. Elsa kept casting magic. Elsa suddenly slipped. Anna deliberately attacked her head. Anna fell under the snow and the ground unconscious. Elsa went to Anna and took her in her arms. When Elsa was issuing the power to have fun activities together with Anna in the ballroom, Elsa was not aware if the force would bring harm to her sister Anna. As a result of the activities carried out, Anna fell down and lost consciousness because of the power was released by Elsa.
Feelings and Emotions when Anna feels sad when she was not successful in getting Elsa back to the palace. Elsa refused because if she returned to the palace she could not control the power. Elsa said no, I belong here. Alone. Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody. And emotions occur when Elsa say goodbye. And Anna tries to convince Elsa to return to the palace, but the work being done in vain. Elsa continues to flee.
Anna walked into a great foyer. The place was beautiful, but also eerie. Anna entered to Elsa’s castle. Elsa stepped out of the shadows onto a balcony. She saw Anna started to climb the stairs. Elsa backs up, away from Anna and Anna took another step up. Elsa backs up and smiles, but then a memory returns to her. Elsa continued to escape and she also advised Anna to go to the palace but Anna still convinced Elsa to return to the palace Arendelle. Because Anna force her sister Elsa back to the palace Arendelle finally Elsa got angry and she could not control the power finally, Anna affected the blow right in the heart. She was gripping her chest and felt back pain.
There are two Human Motivation in the character of Elsa in Frozen movie, they are:
In the screenplay, Anna had an appetite in which she wanted to kiss Hans because Anna suffered a struck heart by Elsa for no reason. In such a case Anna asked Hans to kiss her quikly. Anna felt to have appetites by enjoying her togetherness with
Hans. Anna and Hans thought privately, Hans carries her to a couch, sets her down which made Anna feeling satisfied and comfortable beside him. These dialog were presented through dramatic method and characters on other character method.
In such cases Anna asks Hans to kiss her quickly. Anna felt to have her taste with enjoy being with Hans, Anna feel satisfied and comfortable at his side. When Anna tried to kiss Hans, but Anna was too weak to pull herself into the arms of Hans. Everyone walked out, leaving Hans and Anna himself. Hans took her to the sofa, set. Anna looks broken and very weak, helpless around the affected power of Elsa. Anna has confidence why she should kiss Hans, because it will give her strength to recover from Elsa magic, because Anna believe love will strengthen her.
Anna also had a want. She wanted to marry with prince Hans, but her sister Elsa did not approve of her desire, because according to Elsa, Anna cannot marry a man whom she just met.
The conflict which happened with Elsa took place within herself. As already explained above, Elsa was a woman who had everything. She had a loving family, she was beautiful, smart and independent. But all she had done never made her happy. She had a big power that she really never knew what for the power really.
Elsa sat and looked out in the window with full of longing. Suddenly, her cold hands froze the window. The king put on leather gloves to the hand of Elsa. He patted her gloved hand. There was the whole frozen wall behind him. The King went to embrace her. The power that made Elsa unhappy, because she had a fraternity relationship with Anna, in which she hurted her sister Anna with her strength because she could not control the power she had.
Based on the problem above Elsa is the main character in Frozen movie, there were found three psychological aspects in Elsa’s character in the movie, they are : Attitude, Feeling and Emotion and Human Motivation. The movie of Frozen illustrated the life of a person, where there were so many conflicst in her life, whether it was from herself or her society. Elsa hated herself because she could not control her ability. Elsa hated what she had done. She had a different point of view from other people. She hated her ability because she could not control it and caused her sister to set hurt.
Bernhardt, Kerl S. 1953. Practical Psychology. Canada: Mc Graw-Hill BookCompany,Inc.
Kenney, William. 1996. How to Analyzed Fiction. New York: Monarch.
Tarigan, Hendry Guntur. 1995. Prinsip – Prinsip Dasar Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa Bandung.
Wallek, Rene & Austin Warren. 1953. Theory of Literature. United States of America
Wehmeier, S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York:
Oxford University Press.
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