Error In Verb Forms By The Students Of SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.3 September 2016: 139 – 146
Error In Verb Forms By The Students Of SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan
Kadek Irma Anggun Arisandi1*, I Ketut Tika2, I Gede Putu Sudana3 123English Department Faculty Of Letters And Culture, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Beberapa kesalahan dihasilkan oleh murid ketika mereka berada dalam proses pembelajaran atau dalam berlatih bahasa Inggris mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kesalahan bentuk kata kerja yang dilakukan oleh murid XII IPA 1 Sman 1 Kuta Selatan dalam bahasa tulis dan bahasa lisan dan menjelaskan faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan tersebut. Jenis kesalahan dalam penggunaan kata kerja oleh para murid diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat kategori menurut teori yang dikemukakan oleh Dulay (1982) dalam bukunya berjudul “Language Two” dan faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan menurut teori yang dicetuskan oleh Richards (1974) dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Error Analysis: Perspective on Second Language Acquisition”. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis penggunaan kata kerja dengan topik hobby, holiday, family, future goal, close friends, dan memorable experience “omission” ialah jenis kesalahan yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh para respondents dalam bahasa tulis dan lisan, dan “incomplete application of rule” ialah faktor yang terbanyak yang menyebabkan para responden melakukan kesalahan penggunaan kata kerja dalam hal tulisan maupun lisan.
Kata kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Bentuk Kata Kerja, Sman 1 Kuta Selatan
In daily communication practice, error cannot be avoided. It sometimes deviates from a rule existing in a language, there are some errors in speaking. They happen without being known by the speaker due to many factors. In learning vocabularies, learners might have able to master a number of words and also put them in certain categories, such as: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. In this study, one of those categorical classifications, namely, a verb was analyzed. This study is concerned with the errors in verb forms made by the students of SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan. Sometimes, some errors are produced by the students when they are in learning process of or in practicing their English
The problems discussed in this study are formulated as follows.
a) What types of verb form errors are made by the students in written language and spoken language?
b) What factors are contributing to such errors?
The aims of this study are:
a) To identify types of verb form errors made by the students in written language and spoken language.
b) T o explain the factors contributing to such errors.
The data source of this study were taken from the result of written language, and spoken language test done by 20 XII IPA 1 students of SMAN 1 Kuta Selatan. The samples for this study were essays in which the paragraph writing given to the students. The spoken language test was conducted by interviewing directly to the students. The topics of the written language and spoken language tests were about hobby, holiday, family, future goal, close friends, and the memorable experience
The nature of field research was the method in collecting data. The students were required to write at least 2 paragraphs for the test and must be submitted within 60 minutes in written language test. Meanwhile, the spoken language test was collected by recording interview to the students in which the students were the interviewees and they were asked to speak at least 2 minutes.
Qualitative method was used in analyzing the data. There were some steps in analyzing the data. First, the types of verb form errors were identified according to Dulay’s surface strategy taxonomy (1982) therefore, classified into some categories. Second, the factors contributing the errors were explained by applying the theory of Richards (1974).
The result of the analysis was divided into 4: Omission Error, Addition Error, Misformation Error, and Misordering Error.
a) Written language (hobby) :My father give support for me and teach me how to be a good player.
My father gives support for me and teaches me how to be a good player.
The error made by the student is the omission of s/es marker in simple present tense, the grammatical sentence is should be My father gives support for me and teaches me how to be a good player, In this case, the student omitted s/es marker in the verb for the third person singular, which functions to show the present tense. The Interlingual factor as the factor contributed the error because the third person singular marker is omitted as the students transfer their native language, which automatically interferes with the learning of their second language. In Indonesian there is no agreement that third person singular must be followed by –e/es marker on the verb. The students use their native language structure and disobey the agreement in the target language
b) Written Language (family) :My father is well know in my hometown in Gianyar
My father is well known in my hometown in Gianyar
The sentence is passive sentence which is formed by putting to be and adding the past participle of the irregular verb known. It is kind of the omission of past participle in irregular verbs, the student omitted the use of past participle in irregular verb know in the sentence. The incomplete application of rule as the factor contributed the error because this error results from the student using incomplete rule of passive sentence. The students applied to be is correctly but failed to invert the past participle of irregular verb know.
c) Written Language (future goal) : I was design T-shirt, jacket, and short pants for opening my friend’s store.
I was designing T-shirt, jacket, and short pants for opening my friend’s store.
This sentence is past progressive because it expresses an action which began before and maybe continued after it. In this case the student omitted the use of progressive –ing in the verb design. The incomplete application of rule as the factor is contributed the error because the student fail to form the past progressive well, he failed to invert the past progressive –ing , therefore the sentence is ungrammatical..
d) Written language (close friends) : One day I invited by william’s family to
One day I was invited by william’s family to holiday.
The student tried to form the passive sentence even though the sentence is ungrammatical. In this case, the error made by the student is the omission of auxiliary. The student applied the use of the past participle of the verb correctly; however, He omitted to be that should be followed by the past participle. The incomplete application of rule as the factor influenced the error because the student failed to form the complex structure of passive sentence.
- Double marking error
a) Written Language (hobby) :My coach will always helps us to be the winner in the tournament.
My coach will always helps us to be the winner in the tournament.
This sentence use modal verb will. All of modal verbs should be followed by base form of verb. In this case two items, they are modal verb and verb are marked for
the same features to form the present tense. In this case the student failed to delete the – s marker in the verb helps, which is not required in the sentence because there is a modal verb that should be followed by the base verb.
b) Written language (memorable experience) : They still didn’t allowed me to sit down.
They still didn’t allow me to sit down.
From the sentence above the auxiliary is not the main verb, it takes the tense. This sentence is classified as double marking error because there are two items marked for the same features (auxiliary and verb) to form the negation in the simple past. Therefore, to make the sentences are grammatical, the verbs should be in the base form for the negation allow.
The over-generalization as the factor contributed for those two sentences because in the sentence in written language (hobby), the studnets interpreted that in order to perform the simple present the third person singular (my coach) should be added the –s marker to the verb, and he didn’t realize that there is a modal verb will in the sentence. And for the second sentence in written language on topic memorable experience, the student interpreted that in order to perform the negative sentence in simple past, the verb is in past verb too. The students ignored the rule of simple past tense in forming the negative.
- Regularization
c) Written Language (holiday) : I weared a unique costume.
I wore a unique costume.
The sentences is ungrammatical because the students applied the incorrect irregular verb in past tense that should be wore. The use of –ed marker in forming the simple past tense will be correct if the sentence is in affirmative form and the verb is a regular one. In this case, the verb in the sentence is irregular so the past verb is formed not by adding –ed marker. The false concept hypothesized is a factor contributing the error because the students hypothesized that in order to perform the simple past, all of
the verbs should be added the-ed marker, however he didn’t realized that not all the verbs are regular. The irregular verbs have their own form.
- Simple Addition Error
d) Spoken Language (family) : He was told me that position can earn more
money by tips
He told me that position can earn more money by tips.
In order to perform the affirmative form of the simple past tense, the formula should be:subject + the past verb. However, the student added unnecessary auxiliaries was, making the sentences ungrammatical. From the sentence above, the auxiliary should be omitted to make grammatical structured of simple past tense.
e) Written language (close friends) : We are come from a different family
We come from a different family background
The student created unnecessary auxiliary are that made the sentence is ungrammatical. The application of auxiliary is correct if the sentence is followed by adjective, noun, adverb, and the verb which states that the subject is doing something. In this sentence come is a verb, therefore the auxiliary should be omitted. The false concept hypothesized is a factor contributed to those errors because in the sentence in spoken language (family), the auxiliary was may be interpreted as the markers of the past tense, so the student hypothesized that the auxiliaries should be added to form the simple past tense. In the sentence in written language (close friends), the auxiliaries are may be interpreted as the markers of simple present tense, so the students hypothesized that the auxiliary should be added before the verb to form the simple present tense
a) Written language (close friends) : He not become arrogant
He doesn’t become arrogant
In this case the student supplied the misformation of negative form. L1 learners have been observed to use only no and not to express negation, while L2 learners use don’t and doesn’t as well as no and not to produce the negation (Dulay et al 1982:162). The interference of learning a second language is influenced by native language. The student transferred their native language in learning a second language, this kind of error is influenced by the interlingual factor.
a) Spoken Language (close friends) : We two times a week play futsal
We play futsal two times a week
In the sentence above, the incorrect placement of morphemes in an utterance occur systematically both L1 and L2 learners in construction, in this case the student made misordering error that is word-for-word translation of native language structure. The correct sentence should be We play futsal two times a week. The interlingual factor is contributed to the error because the students transfer their native language structure in learning a second language.
The conclusion for this study showed that in written and spoken language tests, the analysis of verbs on the topics hobby, holiday, close friends, and memorable experience, the dominant error found was the omission error. Meanwhile, on the topics family and future goal, the dominant error found in written language test was the omission error and in spoken language test was the addition error. The misformation and misordering error are also found in written and spoken language tests on the topics hobby, family, future goal and close friends, however the number of them are not many. The incomplete application of rule is dominant factor found in written and spoken language test.
The students should encourage themselves by practicing their English in their daily activities with their friends or their English teacher in order to make the learning process runs effectively. The teacher should active in learning process by giving an
extra attention to the students in order to improve their vocabulary like more exercises in speaking or writing test
Dulay, Burt Krashen. 1982. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press
House, Homer C and Susan Emolyn Harman. 1950. Descriptive English Grammar.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc
Quirk, Randolph and Sydney Greenbaum. 1973. A University Grammar of English.
London: Longman Group Ltd.
Richards, Jack C. 1974. Error Analysis: Perspective of Second Language Acquisition.
London: Longman Group Ltd
Thomson, A.J and A. V. Martinet. 1986. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Discussion and feedback