Illocutionary Act In The Movie “Die Another Day”
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.3 September 2016: 124 – 130
Illocutionary Act In The Movie “Die Another Day”
I Made Teguh Setiawan1*, Luh Putu Laksminy2, Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini 123English Department Faculty Of Arts, Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tindak ilokusi dan untuk menganalisis fungsi dari jenisnya tersebut di dalam film berjudul "Die Another Day". Teori untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tindakan ilokusi berasal dari Searle (1976) yang didukung oleh Yule (1996) sedangkan untuk menentukan fungsi dari setiap jenis menggunakan teori oleh Hymes (1974). Metode deskritif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah lima jenis tindak ilokusi ditemukan dalam film ini dan ada beberapa fungsi dari setiap jenis.
Kata kunci: ilokusi, Jenis, Fungsi
Every person believes that communication makes our life exist. Communication becomes a main part in life. Communication cannot be separated with language that we used; human uses language as the way to communicate. Language is used to make people enable to have more interaction with others to convey their ideas, feelings, or thoughts clearly. Communicating with someone defined as the delivery of messages. Therefore, the message must accepted by saying appropriately
Austin states that there are three basic types of speech act, namely locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. From those three types of speech act, illocutionary act is considered quite complex. Illocutionary act defined that the making of statement, offer, promise, etc, in uttering a sentence (Levinson, 1983:236). Searle (1976) classifies the types of illocutionary acts, they are representatives, directives, commissives, expressive, and declaratives.In uttering something, the real meaning of the
utterance is often confusing for the hearer to understand the meaning of the speaker. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out the problem from that phenomena.
This study was focused on analyzing the types of illocutionary act and the functions of those illocutionary act in a movie entitled “Die Another Day”. . This movie tells about the mission to North Korea that done by Bond (actor) as he leads, during which he is betrayed and, after seemingly killing a rogue North Korean colonel, is captured and imprisoned.
From the background that has presented above, some problems may come up such as:
1. What types of illocutionary acts are found in the movie “Die Another Day”?
2. What are the functions of those illocutionary acts in the movie “Die Another Day”?
Every research has a specific aim or an expected objective that has to be achieved. The specific aims to be achieved in this study are:
1. To identify the types of illocutionary acts are found in the movie “Die Another Day”.
2. To analyze the functions of those illocutionary acts in the movie “Die Another Day”.
The primary data of this research is the form of dialogue among all of the characters taken from the movie “Die Another Day”. Moreover, the data was taken from the utterance in the dialogue, in this case from the movie. The movie was produced by Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, and directed by Lee Tamahori in 2002. It is a famous action/adventure movie in that year This movie tells about the mission to North Korea that done by Bond (actor), he is sent to investigate the connection
between a North Korean terrorist and a diamond mogul who is funding the development of an international space weapon.
This movie is very interesting, because it tells about the mission. It means many utterances that were founded and the dialogues contain the illocutionary acts. Because of that, it is very worth in order to be analyzed.
In this research, the documentation and library research were used in collecting the data. The techniques of collecting data in this study were downloading the movie, watching the movie, reading the observing the dialogue, writing down the conversation that related to the problem as the data. The last, classifying the utterances that were related to the types of illocutionary acts, including Representative, Directives, Commisives, Expressive, and Declarative and the function of those types that supported the emergence of the illocutionary acts.
The data was analyzed by applying descriptive qualitative method. The first step of analyzing data was classifying the data into each type of illocutionary act using theory proposed by Searle (1976) and supported by Yule (1996). Afterwards, the analysis of the context of situation involved in the movie to determine the function of those illocutionary acts using the theory of ethnography of S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G Dell Hymes (1974). The analysis was presented by firstly showing the data in the form of conversation. The utterances later on that were analysed are in bold and italic types; therefore the readers can understand the illocutionary acts.
From the observation in the movie, all of those types were found in the movie and every types have several function that uttered by the character in the movie“Die Another Day”.
5.1 Representatives
Data 1 (Claiming)Gustav Graves
: Icarus will swat them from the sky. (Mr. Graves’s father was angry, he takes the pistol from someone who close to him and directs his pistol to Mr. Graves)
Graves’s father
: You will destroy us.
Gustav Graves
: You would kill your own son?
Graves’s father
: The son I knew died long ago.
Gustav Graves
: Father, you disappoint me.
The dialogue above is identified as Representratives class since the point of representative class is to commit the speaker to something’s being the case and there is the truthfully of the utterance. The utterance has a function of claiming since the speaker claims what he uttered was true toward the hearer. The meaning of Father of Gustav Graves’s utterance to convince Gustav Graves that his son had died long ago that is killed by Mr. Bond in Korea in the past. At that time, he remained in his stance and claims his son’s death.
5.2 Directives
Data 2 (Requesting)
Mr. Chang |
: Ah, Mr Bond, A little ``thank you`` from us. (Mr. Chang gives passport for Mr. Bond) |
James Bond |
: Cuba? |
Mr. Chang |
: It seems Mr Zao`s lost himself in Havana. If you find him, say goodbye from us. |
James Bomd |
: With pleasure. |
The dialogue above is identified as directives class which is attempts by the speaker to get the addressee to do something. The utterance has a function of requesting since the speaker wants the hearer to do something for him, namely to kill someone. The meaning of Mr. Chang’s utterance is to make the hearer Mr. Bond perform an action namely to kill Zao. In the conversation above, Mr. Chang wants Zao died.
(Mr. James wears the clothes and prepares to continue his mission)
Miranda |
: James, be careful. (Miranda takes James’s pistol and gives for him) |
Mr. Bond |
: Go back to your room. I`ll come back for you. (James Bond leaves the room) |
The dialogue above is identified as commissives class which commits the speaker to some future course of action. The utterance has a function of promising since the speaker Mr. Bond commits something to the hearer Miranda Frost that he will come back for her and find her again. The meaning of the Mr. Bond’s utterance is to make the hearer feels calm and not afraid in running this mission and believes that the speaker will be back for her after completing his mission.
(Mr. Bond fighting with Mr. Graves with their sword)
Gustav Graves
Gustav Graves
: That is enough! (The fight is end) : It`s just a little sport, Miranda.
: It seems you beat me, Mr Bond.
The dialogue above is identified as expressive class since that utterance performs the expression of psychological state of the speaker toward the hearer. The utterance has a function of congratulating since the speaker Gustav Graves show his sympathy toward
what has been getting using indirect speech act to Mr. Bond as the hearer. The meaning of the Gustav Graves’s utterance is Mr. Chang express his feeling of the pleasure toward Mr. Bond’s victory and his feeling of honor toward Mr. Bond’s ability that have been beat Mr. Graves in the sword fighting.
5.5 Declaratives
Data 5 (Declaring)
Colonel Moon’s father
Colonel Moon’s father
: Fifty years after the superpowers carved Korea in two.., and then you arrive. A British spy, an assassin. (James Bond is still silence)
: And now the hardliners have their proof, we cannot trust the West.
The dialogue above is identified as declaratives class which effect immediate changes in the institutional state of affairs and which tend to rely on elaborate extra linguistic institutions. The utterance has a function of declaring since the speaker father of Gustav Graves declares that his state cannot trust the hearer’s state since the hearer does the bad
behavior. The meaning of the father of Colonel Moon’s utterance is to make the world is changing, the betrayal of the west by killing a Korean who is Colonel Moon make Korean cannot trust the west and can be a beginning of the conflict between Korea and the West.
Based on the analysis that is presented in the previous chapter, there are two points which can be drawn as the conclusions of this study. All of those types were found in the movie “Die Another Day” after analyzing it based on the theory of illocutionary acts. The analysis of the context of situation using the theory of ethnography of S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G involved in the movie to determine the function of those illocutionary acts. Every types of illocutionary acts have several functions; if it was counted, there are eighteen function of all types of illocutionary acts.
Hymes, Dell. 1974. Foundation of Sociolinguistics: An Ethnograpic Approach.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press. UK
Searle, John R. (1976). The Classification of Illocutionary Acts. Language in Society, 5,
1-24. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres
Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics. Oxford University Press: New York
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