ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.3 September 2016: 118 – 123

Methods For Teaching English Used At Sman 1 Kuta Utara

I Kadek Ari Wiguna1*, Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha2, I Made Rajeg3 123English Department Faculty Of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]] *

Corresponding Author


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tipe atau jenis metode pengajaran yang sering digunakan dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 KUTA UTARA dan permasalahan yang dihadapi para guru dalam mengajar. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa jenis metode mengajar bearasal dari Richards dan Rogers (1986) sedangkan untuk menganalisa masalah yang dihadapi guru menggunakan teori oleh Richards dan Renandya (2002). Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada dua jenis metode yang digunakan dan tyiga masalah yang sering dihadapi para guru di kelas.

Kata kunci: metode, mengajar, guru

  • 1.    Background

English is an international language which is used and spoken around the world. It is also known as the most commonly taught and learnt language. In comprehending English as language, there are two important things which need to be conducted, which are learning and teaching. Learning is conducted by learners while teaching is conducted by teachers.

Teaching can be defined as an activity to help and guide someone to comprehend and acquire knowledge. In teaching, there are some important parts which are needed to support the teaching process, such as approach, method, and technique. Each part is related to each other.

Compared to each other, method has the most influencing process in teaching. Method is an overall plan for presenting language material, based on the selected

approach; the way of teaching. With the right method, the teaching process may be meaningful and comfortable for the students and the teachers as well. It highly influences the outcome of the process and unfortunately cannot be ignored by the teachers.

  • 2.    Problems

Regarding the background above, there are two kinds of problems which can be raised and discussed:

  • 1.    What types of method are used by the teachers in SMAN 1 Kuta Utara for teaching English?

  • 2.    What are the problems faced by the teachers during the teaching process?

  • 3.    Objectives

The objectives of the study are:

  • 1.    To find out the methods of language teaching used by the English teachers in SMAN 1 Kuta Utara.

  • 2.    To explain the problems which are mostly faced by the teachers in teaching process.

  • 4.    Research Methods

    4.1.    Data Source

The data of this study was taken from the teachers in SMAN 1 Kuta Utara, which is located in Badung regency. There are two teachers as the informants; they are Ni Luh Made Suryati, S.S. and Drs. I Made Rai Mukiatna. Both of the teachers were teaching for the students in the tenth grade classes.

SMAN 1 Kuta Utara was chosen because it has been considered one of the top senior high schools in Bali. Many achievements in Academic field have been claimed, and the main reason is that SMAN 1 Kuta Utara is highly focusing on teaching English as a major aspect. With those reasons, the teachers can also be considered experienced in teaching English.

  • 4.2.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

In this study, the data was collected by using field research method. The methods which were used in this study are interview and observation in the classroom. The interview was conducted in order to obtain the information from the teachers about the methods they mostly apply in the teaching process. The questions of the interview were about the methods that they usually apply in the teaching process and also about the problems which are mostly faced by the teachers. The second method is observation which was conducted in the class and it was focusing on the application of the methods applied by the teachers.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data was analyzed by using qualitative method. It was analyzed descriptively. After gathering the data from the informants, the data which is about the methods of the teachers was classified according to the characteristics of language teaching methods proposed by Richards and Rodgers (1986). Then, the data which is related to the problems that are faced by the teachers was also analyzed based on the theory in the book which was edited by Richards and Renandya (2002).

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

From the interview and observation result, it could be concluded that there two kinds of problems which are mostly applied, and there are three kinds of problems which are mostly faced by the teachers.

  • 5.1    English Teaching Method in Tenth Grade Class a. Grammar Translation Method

In order to obtain better understanding of the meaning of the words in the text and its literature, Grammar Translation Method is applied by the teacher in SMAN 1 Kuta Utara in this case. Vocabulary is improved through reading as well. In reading, the students learn new difficult words and the context of the text as well.

Reading aloud is conducted in the class by choosing a student and ordering him/her to read a paragraph loudly. Besides, reading comprehension is also used often in the class. The point of this technique in Grammar Translation Method is to improve the students’ understanding of the content of the text and the language literature. Vocabularies are taught through based on reading text and she also tends to apply memorization technique to support it. Memorization is done by listing the words that the students have found in the text, and they write the list of the words in their note books.

Translating sentences takes a big role in English learning for the tenth grade students by using Grammar Translation Method. Students are expected to understand the grammar rules as the basic knowledge of learning English through translation exercises. Translation exercises contain with the presentation of the grammar rules. The grammar rules that should be understood is the basic ones. Some of the most basic rules relate directly to sentence structure which is important in translation.

  • b. Silent Way

In this method, the teacher is not active during the teaching process, the students are the ones who are expected to be active in the class. He decides to give them examples of the material then it is followed by the activity of the students in discovering the whole material. For example, the teacher gives an example of simple present tense, he then orders the students to find out the form and structure of the sentence, which later on will be discussed. The teacher does not directly give the formula in order to make the students become active and creative in finding it by themselves.

Besides being able to discover, the tenth grade students are also expected to be a good problem solver and independent. In inviting the students to take a role of solving problem, he usually invites them to solve a problem discussing a mistake in a certain practice which is made by them. Basically, the practice which is given to stimulate their problem solving ability is not the advanced and complex ones. The practice is like grammatical errors, incorrect answers, and incorrect pronunciation.

  • 5.2    Problems in the Class

There are some general problems admitted by the teachers during the interview. They are lack of motivation, boredom in the class, and lack of self-confidence and admiration for English

  • a.    Lack of Motivation

The first problem which is mostly found in the teaching process is the lack of motivation from the students. It is quite difficult to make the students become motivated internally according to the teachers. Unlike the extrinsic motivation which is much easier as the teachers can motivate externally by giving some kind like “reward” to drive them to behave the way they should, in intrinsic motivation, the students need to feel the needs, desires, and benefits of learning English to be motivated internally. In order to create this feeling, the students should be motivated externally first. Hopefully, when they are aware of the benefits they obtain when they produce the language after being externally motivated, then they can be internally motivated as well.

  • b.    Boredom in the Class

Students can get bored easily. Mostly boredom occurs when the teachers repeat the materials over and over. The learning process might be uncomfortable for some students. Fortunately, in SMAN 1 Kuta Utara, the students are quite discipline both inside and outside the class. They do not cause troubles during the learning process especially when boredom comes. In solving the boredom, the teachers admit that they choose to do some fun activities like mystery guess and missing words in order to make the students interested with the lesson. They are willing to change the situation by doing something different to recapture their students’ interest in studying English

  • c.    Lack of Self-Confidence and Admiration for English

The students are often feeling unconfident when they are asked to speak English. This is the reason that in the classroom, the learning process tends to be conducted by using Indonesian language. The lack of confidence has caused the unwillingness to speak in front of the class properly. Some of them are terribly unable to create sentences without writing it on a paper first.

Beside the self-confidence, the admiration for English is very lacking for some students. Basically, the reason is caused by the inability of speaking English. To solve these two problems, the teachers decide to make a personal approach to those who are lacking of admiration and confidence. The teachers always try to increase their confidence in practicing their English. Therefore, they will be able to produce English as well as they produce their native language.

  • 6.    Conclusion

From the analysis above it can be concluded that the teachers use Grammar Translation Method in order to improve the students’ vocabulary and Silent Way method, in which the teachers are more focusing on how to make the students become as independent as possible. There are some problems that are faced by the teachers in doing the teaching process. Those problems are basically related to motivation and confidence of the students in studying English. Fortunately, the teachers are aware with that situation and always try to solve it for a better teaching process.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Richard, Jack F. and Renandya. (ed.) 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching (An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richard, Jack F. and Rodgers. 1986. Approach and Method in Language Teaching.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.