ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 269-278

Characterization and Pshychological Aspects in “Begin Again Movie

I B Wahyu Adhi Triyasa Maha Putra

English Department-Faculty of Arts-Udayana University [[email protected]]


Skripsi ini berjudul, “Caharacterization and Psychological aspect in “Begin again movie”. Topik ini di pilih karena ingin lebih memahami tentang karakter utama dari seorang Greta di film Begin Again dan metode karakterisasi dari karakter utama pada film ini. Karakter utama pada film ini menginformasikan seorang yang mendalami cerita dan berperan penting dalam cerita film itu sendiri. Pada diskusi ini di focuskan pada aspek psikologi dari karakter utama dan metode yang di pakai untuk menggambarkan tokoh pada film tersebut. Ini adalah sebuah penelitian perpustakan dan data didapatkan dari film Begin Again berupa skrip film. Data ini dianalisis dan di kumpulkan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik mencatat dan juga menonton film. Langkah pertama adalah mengumpulkan data dengan cara menonton dan memahami skrip film kemudian dilanjutkan dengan cara membaca skrip film tersebut. Langkah kedua adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengelompokan data dan yang terakhir langkah ketiga adalah menemukan statement yang menyangkut skrip film yang bisa berhubungan dengan teori human motivation. Ada 2 teori yang dipakai pada skripsi ini, yaitu Theory of How to Analyze Fiction (Kenney, 1996) diantaranya metode discursive dan metode character on character dan Theory Psychology (Karl Berhardt, 1953) diantaranya feeling emotion, want, the appetites, social motives dan feeling attitude. Hasil dari analisis ini memperlihatkan Greta adalah tokoh utama pada cerita. Penulis menggunakan dua metode untuk mendiskripsikan Greta diantaranya: metode Dramatic dan metode Character on Character dari karakterisasi. Dengan itu menggambarkan Greta adalah wanita yang keras kepala, pintar, cantik and peduli pada sesama. Dari aspek psikologi, tokoh utama memperlihatkan jika Greta adalah wanita yang mudah bergaul, pintar, peduli dan juga cerdas.

Kata kunci: Tokoh, Karakterisasi, Psikologi.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

All of people know that movie is a part of literary work and movie belongs to drama. Drama is a literary work written in dialogue and displayed by a figure depicting a story of life in the community and is displayed on the

stage. Literary work can be divided into three kinds; such as drama, poetry, and prose. Movie is a drama that is recorded with cameras and premiered in cinemas or broadcasted on televisions. It has many kinds of genre such as romance, action, comedy, horror, etc. There are two types of movie, fiction and non-

fiction. Fiction is a story that is created based on the imaginations of the director or writer, whereas non-fiction is based on a true story in everyday life. There are some methods to describe the main character such as Discursive Method and Dramatic Method. There are important things in drama, one of them is character.

Character is one of the important aspects in a movie because the characters make the movie more interesting to watch and make the story of the movie become different. There are some characterizations in movie such as antagonist and protagonist. The character is described totally into three aspects that are physiological, sociological, and the psychological aspects. The aspects are very important as they show the perfect character of human being. Characterization usually describes the expression of human life and attitude in human life as well.

Main character is a character in a story that tells about his life or his experience. Almost several films begin a story with a main character described in detail first and begin to get into the story in more detail. The main character has a central point in a story because a

problem in the story that makes sure that there is always a connection with the main character and is always visible from the beginning to the end. This film is very interesting to discuss from the psychological aspect in this movie because there are many kinds of expressions and emotions presented by the main character in this movie and this study analyzed the main character in Begin Again movie in the form of movie script.

  • 2.    Problems of study

Based on the background stated above, the research problems can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    Which       method       of

characterization was used to describe the main character in Begin Again movie?

  • 2.     How the psychological aspect of

the main character was described in Begin Again movie ?

  • 3.    Aim of the Study

The aims of the study are:

  • 1.     To find out what kind of method

of characterization is used to describe the main character in Begin Again movie.

  • 2.     To analyze the characteristics of

the main character in term of psychological aspect in Begin Again movie.

  • 4.    Research Method

The data source is the source where the analyzed data were taken from in this paper. The data were taken from the movie “Begin Again” in the form of conversations of the main character. According to the movie was directed and written by John Carney. It was released on September 7, 2013 and made a worldwide total $63.5 million. This movie was started by Kiera Knightly as Greta, Mark Ruffalo as Dan Mulligan and Adam Levine as Dave Kohl.

  • 4.1    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were obtained from dialogue among the characters in the movie entitled “Begin Again” movie. The documentation method was applied in order to obtain the data. The process of collecting data was done by watching and reading the movie script among the characters of the movie several times. In the following is the step-by-step technique of how the data were collected.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

In the method of analyzing data, the descriptive qualitative-method was applied. The analyzed data applied the theories of characterization by Williem Kenney and psychological aspect by Karl Benhardt. There are several techniques used in this study to analyze the data as follows: The first step is describing the general of the situation, the second is analyzing the characterization and the psychological aspect in the movie.

  • 5.    Analysis

  • 1.    Analysis of the method of characterization of the main character.

  • A.    The Dramatic Method

This scene tells about Dan and also Greta who had just arrived at a studio where Dan was working. When they arrived, Dan asked Soul to listen to a song which Greta performed; however, Soul is not interested and asked them to make a demo and come

back to the studio with them. Dan is not discouraged; instead he comes up with brilliant ideas when he is at his down times. His idea is to make a demo with a very limited budget and also a location which is far from luxurious. And both of them decided to undertake the situation.

Greta     :    Will you

produce it?

Dan     : Me?

Greta     : Yeah

Dan      : No, I haven’t

produced in a long time

:    We’ll get

somebody young to produce it

Greta     : No, but I want

you to do it Dan     : Why?

Greta     : Because I do

: I will give you strings, but we need piano

:   Fill in the

guitars underneath.

Based on the conversation above, it shows that Greta trusted Dan. She trusted him to produce her album and she wanted Dan to be a producer by saying “no, but I want you to do it”. This is also based on how Greta expressed it to Dan; she was smiling

and walking casually beside Dan. It also concludes that she has trusted Dan. Greta also shows her effort to convince Dan with the phrase “because I do” in order Dan to be her producer for their upcoming album project.

  • B.    Character on Other Character Method

This scene tells about the first time when Greta met Dan in a bar in New York. Dan was very satisfied with Greta’s performance. Dan tried to persuade and offer partnership to her. However, it did not work because Greta assumed that Dan was a stranger who was drunk. A lot of things made Greta feel weird when she saw Dan’s untidy appearance and unpleasant odor.

Dan : That’s some song you got there

: I promise you it could be a big hit

:  Plus, you’re


Greta : Sorry, what’s beauty got to do with anything

Based on the conversation above, it shows that Dan Mulligan says that Greta is a beautiful woman. In the first time they met, Dan found Greta was talented to be a famous singer. It is supported by the sentence “That’s some song you got there” “I promise you it could be a big hit plus, you’re beautiful”. Here Dan, as a secondary character, described Greta’s figure. He said Greta was a beautiful woman. A bit of flirting when he tried to persuade her to work together.

  • 2.    The Psychological Aspect of The Main Character

  • A.    Feeling and Emotion

The second Feeling Emotion told about Greta, when she felt stressed and sad when her ex-boyfriend had an affair with Mim. Her feeling was very broken and her mental was down. She was quiet and she was just looking to her laptop, then she booked a ticket to

back to London. Because she felt so stress and she wanted to leave New York with many kinds of memory with Dave

Steve : Please, won’t you

: Come out with me tonight?

: I’m gonna play some songs

: Down at this open mic night

: Why don’t you come with me?

Greta : Cause I hate your fucking songs Steve : All right, I think we both know that, that isn’t true, so..

Greta :     Sorry,     I


:  I love your

song, but I just...

:    I’m being

fucking horrendous right now

“Cause I hate your fucking songs”. This sentence shows the Feeling

emotion from facial expression and the emotion of Greta when she said those words. This sentence tells if Greta has a problem with her life and she had lied to Steve by saying if she did not like the song that’s Steve wrote. Greta said if

she did not like Steve’s song, because at that moment Greta felt stressed and she wanted to leave New York.

  • B.    The appetites

This scene tells about Dan Mulligan and Greta when they succeeded releasing their album, Soul as a director approves her album to be released by his label. They were very happy because their demo was successful and they were proud of themselves and their friends because they made this album in limited cost. Then they were dreaming to make the new album and the video clips around the world and Greta wanted to invite Malcolm, Rachel and also Steve to join in her new project.

Dan : Ah, you had them. You wound him up

Greta : I know. It’s amazing when you’re not actually

: That interested, you always win hand. Dan :  Yeah, that’s

never really worked out that well for me

Greta : You’re gonna get a deal

: That as hole is gonna give you a deal, babe

: You might have to compromise a little bit but…

Greta : Never

Dan : Of course

Greta : Hey, we should do a bunch of these

Dan : What do you mean?

Greta : Could do, like, the, uh…

: “The European Series

Dan : I like that

Greta : Paris tapes.

“Prague sessions”

Dan :          “The

Berlin...recordings” Greta : Yes

Dan : All over Europe by rail

Greta : We could take the whole gang

:  You know?

Rachel, Malcolm, Steve : So …

Dan ; So..

Greta : Look, I guess, I’ll see you in a while : Thank you.

From their conversation, there was a wish from Greta to invite her friends to join with her in new project. A lot of ideas had shared and made them very interested to join in the new project that would be created next.

Greta also looked very enthusiastic with what she had achieved. She also knew what she would do in the future with more enthusiasm and patience.

C. Want

The third Want tells about Greta contacting Dan Mulligan to join his production house. They both met in a pub. Dan came to the pub and saw Greta performing a song called “A Step You Can Take Back”. Dan Mulligan loved the song, then he approached her after the performance to offer her a chance to join his label, but Greta rejected him because she thought he was a madman looking from the way he was dressed. Dan chased Greta until outside of the pub, there he asked Greta to re-think about her decision. Dan also told her about whom he was and the reason why his life had become like this, a bit of connection grew between them. Finally, Dan gave her his business card in case Greta changed her mind and decided to join with his label. After a couple of days, Greta contacted Dan and asked him to meet and discuss her future projects. Dan introduced Greta to his director straight away in the production house where Dan works.

Unfortunately, both Dan and Greta got rejected because the director is not interested in her.

Greta : Hey, were you serious last night

: About signing me?

Dan : Who is this?

Greta : Really?

Dan : I’m joking. Yeah, I was serious.

:“Hey, were you serious last night about signing me?”

In this sentence, we can see that Greta was interested in joining Dan Mulligan’s label. Where she said “Hey, were you serious last night about signing me?” it is enough to conclude that she was interested in joining Dan’s company. Her would be to take the offer because she wanted to have an activity which could distract her from her problems, and also to find a tool so her abilities to write songs can be well channeled. After that she would like to express every song as she wanted from the lyrics and also the arrangements. From this moment Greta’s life became colorful ever since she met Dan Mulligan.

D.     Feeling and attitude

The second Feeling Attitude, Dave Kohl asked Greta to meet again after he received her song. They shared

their songs and Greta asked Dave to listen to her song. Dave was very happy with the outcome of her song. However, Greta felt disappointed when she listened the song, she wrote which was performed by Dave. She felt that it was very different from the one that she composed with Dave in the first place. The rhythm was faster than the original; it caused Greta to be unsatisfied with the song. But Dave had a different opinion; he thought that it was the best version. Greta disagreed and asked to Dave to change it to the original. And then Dave asked Greta to come to his event in Garmecy, where he would sing the song “Lost Star” as per Greta’s request.

Dave : All right, what do you think?

Greta : I think I need to listen again

Dave : No. no I want… I want you immediate reaction

Greta :    My    immediate


Dave : Mm-hmmm Greta : Ok um... I … I think that you’ve lost the song

: In production

: You know? I mean, ok, take ‘LOST STAR”

: I wrote it as a ballad, and… I don’t know,

: It sounds like a piece of stadium pop

Dave : Ooh. Yeah, but I wanted to turn into a hit

Greta : Why?

Dave : Why? What kind of question is that?

: You’re the writer. You get sole writing credit on it

: This is for you

Greta : Yeah but I mean,

: You weren’t supposed to lose the song in it

: You know? I mean, it’s… it’s delicate

: I really… I just… I think you should get it remixed

Here we can see from Greta’s words “ok um, I… I think that you’ve lost the song in production you know? I mean, ok, take “Lost Star” I wrote it as a… as a ballad, and… I don’t know, it sound like a stadium pop.” She took action by complaining to Dave who changed the song, because that song had become a pop song. Greta’s action was based by her disappointment towards the change of the song, and it was in a form of complaint to Dave. She also explained that the song was supposed to be a ballad, and she also felt that the chemistry of their relationship was erased by the change.

E. Social motives

This scene tells about when Greta and Dan got back from soul’s label after they made a negotiation about how to release Greta’s album.

Greta was very happy when she could show to soul if she could make this album more awesome. Then she was made surprised to Soul when he listened her album and soul very interested in signing Greta be a super star. She made this album with limited founds, limited tools and shooting on the street, on the bridge and also at rooftop a building. Greta also made this album with amateur musician so why Soul was amazed at the success of their album. Finally, Soul offered to let her release her album in his label.

Greta : So Dan : So Greta : Look I guess

: I’ll see you in a while

: Thank you

This moment showed when Greta said “THANK YOU” to Dan Mulligan. She said sincerely from the heart, because at this moment of expression Greta concluded that Dan was very important for her life. The sentence already reflected all Greta feeling of gratitude toward Dan who always accompanied her in New York. All about life lessons are given by Dan to Greta. Now Greta is a strong woman and also women who are not easily discouraged. “Thank you” this sentence

also means a farewell to Greta and also the new life for both of them.

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

Characterazation used dramatic method and character on character method. It is concluded that Greta was the main character of the movie. In dramatic method it is shown that Greta was a smart, care, and stubborn woman. In character on character method it is shown that Greta is a beautiful, smart woman, great song writer, good singer. This method is more lifelike and invites the audience’s active participation in a story. The audience can learn the character through the character’s gesture, physical appearance, costume and vocation.

There are five psychological aspects that describes Greta; they are feeling and emotion, appetites, want, feeling attitude` and social motives. The Feeling and Emotion aspects describe Greta as a heartfelt woman. Then, in the Appetites aspect Greta was described as a hopeful woman. Next, from the Want aspect Greta it can be seen that he was an ambitious person. Greta showed that she was an assertive person from the

Feeling Attitude aspect. Lastly, Social

Motives concluded that Greta was a humble soul.


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