ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 261-268

The Translation Procedures Used to Translate the Novel “Catching Fire” Into “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Tersulut”

Kadek Dwi Maharatna

English Department Faculty Of Arts – Udayana University [[email protected]]


Penelitian ini berjudul “The Translation Procedures Used To Translate The Novel “Catching Fire” Into “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Tersulut”. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengklafikasikan jenis-jenis prosedur penerjemahan dan menganalisis persamaan-persamaan pada prosedur penerjemahan dalam novel “Catching Fire”. Dalam penelitian ini data diambil dari novel “Catching Fire” oleh Suzanne Collins dan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Tersulut” oleh HetihRusli. Data dikumpulkan melalui beberapa langkah. Langkah pertama mengumpulkan data adalah membaca data asli dan terjemahannya dibaca kalimat demi kalimat,langkah kedua adalah mencatat, setelah membaca dan mencatat data tersebutdibandingkanantarabahasasumberdanbahasasasaran, langkah ketiga adalah mengambil data dan langkah terakhir adalah memasukan data kedalam komputer. Hasil analisi smenunjukkan bahwa ada 6 jenis yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini seperti literal translation, borrowing, calque, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.

Kata Kunci : Translation, Method, Catching.

  • 1. Background of the study

Language is very important in our daily life. Language is one of the important tools of communication. Language is also often used to interact or communicate with other people. Through language, people can express their feeling and emotion. In this world, there are many languages such as, Indonesian, English, Japanese, French, German, etc. And usually people from

different social, community, nation, and geographical background use different kinds of languages and it is called dialects. Dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations. And language can also be used to convey information. Now, in this modern era we can get information from electronic media such as internet and television. Sometimes,

the language is also used to express feeling in writing. There are some people who cannot express their feelings directly and prefer to express their feelings through writing, such as writing poetry and novel. Novel is a narrative prose that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through connected sequence of events. Now, there are a lot of genres novel, such as romance, horror, comedy, mystery, and inspirational novel.

In addition, language can also be used to transfer the message from someone to another, and deliver it into different languages and it can be referred to as translation.Translation is transferring the meaning from one form of language to another language. Translations keep the meaning of the SL into the form of TL. (Larson, 1984:3) Translation is a change of form and describes translation as transferring the meaning of SL into receptor language which is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic Translation using many procedures or methods. The translator may use procedures that differ

according to contextual factors of both of the source language and target language. Newmark (1988:   81)

mentions the differences between translation method and translation procedures. He writes that, while translation methods related to whole texts and translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. There are two types of translation procedures based on Vinay and Dalbernet in venuti (2000: 84-93) they are direct translation which includes borrowing, calque, and literal translation and indirect translation which includes oblique translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background, there are two problems which are related to this study to be analyzed;they are :

  • 1.    What kinds of procedures of translation found in “Catching Fire” novel?

  • 2.    Are there the similarities from each kind of procedure in “Catching Fire” novel?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems above, there two aims which are related to this study.They are :

  • 1.    To find out and classify the kinds of procedures of translation found in “Catching Fire” novel.

  • 2.    To analyze the similarities from each kind of procedures in “Catching Fire” novel.

  • 4.    Research Method

In this study the data were taken from the novel entitled “Catching Fire”. This is the second book of The Hunger Games published in 2009 by Scholastic Inc. and its translation in Indonesian “Tersulut” by HetihRuslipublishws in 2010 and published by PT GramediaPustakaUtama. The data were collected through some steps. The first step of collecting data was reading the original data and its translation; the second step of collecting data was note taking. After reading the data, the data were compared between the source language and target language; the third

step of collecting data was picking up the data and the last step of collecting data was recording the data on the computer.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

    • 5.1    Kinds of Translation Procedures

  • a.    Literal Translation

SL :We always celebrate the Harvest Festival on the final day of the Victory Tour (p.86)

TL:    Kami selalumerayakan

Festival Panen pada hari terakhir Tur Kemenangan(p.101)

The SL text “we always celebrate the Harvest Festival on the final day of the Victory Tour”is translated into TL text “Kami selalumerayakan            Festival

PanenpadahariterakhirTurKemenang an”. The SL text is translated word for word and the translator conveyed the message to the reader directly by transferring     the     SL     text

grammatically and idiomatically to the TL text. Both the SL text and TL text have the same meaning, namely Katniss and all the participants of the

Hunger Games always celebrate the Harvest Festival on the final day of the Victory Tour. Therefore, it can be said that the translator used literal translation procedure.


SL : After our families and friends has greeted Peeta and me at the train station, there were a few questions allowed from repoters (p. 32)

TL : Setelah keluarga dan teman-teman menyambut kepulanganku dan Peeta di stasiun kereta api, sejumlah reporter diizinkan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan (p.41)

The SL text ‘reporter’is translated into TL text ‘reporter’. The word or expression is taken from the source language using direct borrowing called pure borrowing to conform to the rule of grammar and pronunciation of the target language which is caused by cultural aspect, language and custom.The source Language and Target Language text have the same meaning and ‘reporter’ is a common

word which refers to a job, especially in broadcasting program and people are familiar with the word ‘reporter’ and in Indonesian ‘reporter’ is ‘sebuahpekerjaan yang dalam program siaran’.

  • c.    Calques

SL : On the fiftieth anniversary the President continues as a reminder that two rebels died for each capitol citizen every district was required to send twice as many tributes (p.172)

TL : Pada perayaan kelimapuluh tahun lanjut Sang Presiden sebagai pengingat bahwa dua pembrontak mati demi satu penduduk capitol masing-masing distrik diminta untuk mengirim peserta dua kali lebih banyak (p.190)

The SL text ‘anniversary’ is translated into TL text‘perayaan’. The source language borrows an expression form of the target language and is translated literally. It preserves the syntactic structure of the SL while introducing a new mode of expression

to the TL. ‘Anniversary’ is the date on which an event took place in previous year and in Indonesian ‘tanggaldimanasuatuperistiwaterjadi di tahunsebelumnya’. ‘Anniversary’ is commonly used by to celebrate the wedding and birthday anniversary.

  • d.    Modulation

SL : The audience gives a big laugh and the president puts his around me (p.76)

TL :Penontontertawaterbahak-bahakketikaPresiden Snow merangkulku (p. 90)

The SL ‘text a big laugh’ is translated into the TL text ‘tertawa terbahak-bahak’ but it is literally translated into‘ tertawa besar’. ‘A big laugh’ means that laughing loudly when seeing something very funny and In Indonesian ‘big laugh’ means ‘tertawa terbahak-bahak atau tertawa dengan keras karena melihat sesuatu yang sangat lucu’. One technique is that the SL text and the TL text convey the same idea or message through different

way and also change the point of view in SL text and TL text, namely the audience gives a big laugh and the president puts his around me. ‘Me’ refers to Katniss. Therefore, it can be said that the translator used the modulation procedure.

  • e.    Equivalence

SL : And here I am with buckets of money, far more than enough to feed both our families now (p.5)

TL : Aku sekarang punya uang berlimpah yang jumlahnya lebih dari cukup untuk memberi makan dua keluarga kami (p.12)

The SL text ‘buckets of money’ is translated TL text into ‘uang berlimpah’. ‘Buckets of money’ when it is literally translated into ‘ember-ember uang’ but ‘buckets of money’ here means having a lot of money and in Indonesian ‘buckets of money’ means ‘punya uang banyak atau berlimpah’.

This term of SL text and TL text refer to the cases where languages describe the same situation using different stylistic or structural means. Both the SL text and TL text have the same situation, that is Katniss said to herself and here ‘I am with buckets of money which is far more than enough to feed both our families now’. Both our families here refer to Katniss’s family and Gale’s family. Therefore, it can be said that the translator used the equivalent procedure.

  • f.    Adaptation

SL : We sit there, almost peacefully sipping our broth and watching the sunset through his living room window (p.181)

TL : Kami duduk disana, menghirup kuah daging kami nyaris dalam suasana damai dan memandangi matahari terbenam melalui jendela ruang tamunya (p.200)

The SL text ‘We sit there, almost peacefully sipping our broth and watching the sunset through his living room window’ is translated into TL text‘ Kami duduk disana, menghirup kuah daging kami nyaris dalam suasana damai dan memandangi matahari terbenam melalui jendela ruang tamunya’. The situation of Source Language above is where Katniss and Haymitch are sitting together sipping the broth and watching the sunset in the living room. This situation takes place in the living room. The type of situationreferred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture.In this case, the translator created a new situation that can be considered equivalent. Therefore, it is can be said that the translator used the adaptation procedure.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis in the previous discussion ,the procedures found in The Translation Procedures used to Translate The Novel Catching Fire into The Hunger Games: Tersulut are 6 procedures; they are direct translation which includes literal translation, borrowing and calque and three indirect translation which includes equivalent, modulation and adaptation.


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