ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 246-252

Grammatical Analysis of Causal Conjunctions with Reference to Christina Jones’s Running The Risk

Ni Made Ayu Cynthianingrum

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University

[[email protected]]


Penelitian ini berjudul “Grammatical Analysis of Causal Conjunctions with reference to Christina Jones’s Running the Risk” bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe kata penghubung kausal dan mendeskripsikan fungsi dari tipe kata penghubung kausal dalam struktur tata bahasa yaitu frase dan klausa. Sebuah novel yang berjudul Running the Risk digunakan sebagai data dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dan dianalisis secara kualitatif dan deskriptif. Teori konjungsi oleh Halliday and Hasan (1976) di dalam penelitian ini diaplikasikan dalam menganalisis tipe kata penghubung kausal dan struktur tata bahasa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkkan bahwa kedua tipe dari kata penghubung kausal yaitu eksternal dan internal terdapat di dalam data, namun hanya beberapa kategori yang dapat ditemukan. Tipe kata penghubung kausal yang ditemukan seperti kausal general dengan kata penghubung so, kausal reversed dengan kata penghubung for dan because, dan kausal kondisional dengan kata penghubung then. Sedangkan struktur tata bahasa yang terdapat di dalam data seperti frase partisipal, frase infinitive, frase kata kerja, klausa dependent, dan klausa relatif.

Kata kunci: konjungsi, kata penghubung kausal, struktur tata bahasa

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Cohesion is a part of system of language that is related to semantic meanings within a text. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 6) cohesion is classified into two categories; there are lexical and grammatical cohesions. Lexical cohesion is cohesion that focuses on vocabulary which is divided into two categories, they are reiteration and collocation. Meanwhile, grammatical cohesion is the cohesion

that focuses on structural content which is divided into four categories such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Conjunction is a connector system that connects word, phrase, and clause which contains information of a sentence. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 238), conjunction is classified into four categories, such as additive, adversative, temporal, and causal. Causal conjunction is a type of conjunction that is used as a connector

between two things; one is cause and other is effect. In a sentence, there is also language unit.

Language unit, especially in its grammatical structure, forms every unit into a complete sentence. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976:  7), the

grammatical structure has four units, such as sentences, clauses, groups or phrase, and words. This study focuses on the analysis of causal conjunction, especially its types and grammatical structure, such as phrase and clause. Based on thetypes of causal conjunction and grammatical structure, a novel written by Christina Jones (1997) entitled Running the Risk was chosen because this novel implied abundance types of causal conjunction and grammatical structures.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

According to the explanation above, there are two problems discussed in this study:

  • 1.    What types of causal conjunctions are used in the Running the Risk?

  • 2.    What are the kinds of grammatical structured units within which the causal

conjunctions are functioning in the novel Running the Risk?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are based on the problems above. There are two aims of this study:

  • 1.    To identifythe types of causal conjunction found in the novel Running the Risk.

  • 2.    To describe types of causal conjunctions functioning within grammatical structured units in the novelRunning the Risk.

  • 4.    Research Method

There are four aspects of researchmethod in this study, such as data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data, and method and technique of presenting data analysis. These methods are explained, as follows:

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data source of this study was directly taken from Christina Jones’s novel entitled Running the Risk (1997). Running the Risk novel was selected as a data source because this novel implied causal

conjunctions and grammatical structured units in the sentences that are related and can be analyzed to solve the problems of this study. It is good to discover the types of causal conjunction and its combination with grammatical structure to understand the hidden meaning of sentences within the novel.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

In this study, the method of collecting data was library research method. The data were collected using note taking technique. The technique is through three steps. First, the data were observed by reading and understanding the story of Running the Risk novel. Second, the data were collected by highlighting any key - themes which are related to this study. Third, the key - themes were written in a note paper based on their types of causal conjunction.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of

    Analyzing Data

In this study the data were descriptively analyzed usingthe

qualitative method. The data of this study was analyzed based upon the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976). The techniques of analyzing data in this study wereclassifying the components of causal conjunction into two types such as: external and internal based on the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976). Furthermore, identifying each type of causal conjunction based on the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976). Moreover, analyzing the combination between types of causal conjunction and grammatical structure based on the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976).

  • 5.    Finding and Discussion

    • 5.1    Types of Causal Conjunction in Running the Risk Novel

In this analysis, there are examples of external and internal types of causal conjunction.

  • 5.1.1    External    General

‘I saw your tacho in the office so I knew you were back. Did everything go OK?’

(Jones, 1997: 46)

Conjunction so is classified into external sense of causal conjunction that focuses on the context of what is said before. The type of conjunction so in the sentence above belongs to simple category of general causal. As a type of simple category of general causal, the conjunction so contains two meanings, there arefor this reason and for this purpose. Based on the sentence above, the first clause I saw your tacho in the office act as a cause to the whole sentence. It shows a cause that the subject I in this context is Georgia who saw a tacho on Rory’s table at the office. Meanwhile the second clause I knew you were back act as a result to the whole sentence. It shows a result that Georgiaknew Rory was back to the office. In the sentence above, the conjunction so shows phenomena that constitute the context of what being said.

  • 5.1.2    Internal    Reversed

‘I don’t want to get caught up in this. Once they start scrapping for

the high ground we’ll all get dragged in.’

(Jones, 1997: 56)

The conjunction for is classified into internal sense of causal conjunction that focuses on the speech situation. The type of the conjunction for in the sentence above belongs to simple category of reversed causal. As a type of simple category of reversedcausal, the conjunction for contains meaning this is the reason for what was just said. The conjunctionfor in the sentence above gives stress to the information implied in the first and second clauses. The first clauseonce they start scrapping acts as a result to the whole sentence. It shows information that the subjectthey in this context are Alan and Beth starts scrapping. Meanwhile, the second clause the high ground we’ll all get dragged in act as a cause to the whole sentence. It shows information that the high ground is causing Alan and Beth to start scrapping and the word we in the sentence above indicates to Georgia and Rory who get dragged into the scrapping.

  •    Conditional

‘So you can go home, Georgia. There’s nothing else you can do at the moment. And if one of us has some sleep tonight then we’ll be more help tomorrow.’

The conjunction then is classified into internal sense of causal conjunction that focuses on the speech situation of the context. The conjunction then belongs to simple category of conditional causal. As a simple category of conditional causal, the conjunction then contains two meanings; they are as a result of this or the reason for what was just said and for purpose. The conjunction then indicates something possibly it can be true or false according to the truth of its substances. The first clauseand if one of us has some sleep tonight acts as a cause to the whole sentence. It shows that if one of them has some sleep for that night. Meanwhile, the second clause we’ll be more help tomorrow acts as a result to the whole sentence. It shows that they will be more help

tomorrow if one of them has a sleep that night.

  • 5.2    Grammatical Structured Units

Functioning    of    Causal


The receptionist, obviously waiting for her coffee break so she could nip outside and have a Malboro, sucked longingly on her biro.

According to the sentence above, the situation is in a hospital in winter day. There is a receptionist who is waiting for her break time. She wants to go outside her office then drinks and have cigarette to warm her body after working. In the sentence above, there are grammatical structures existing and combiningwith the causal conjunction expressed with conjunction so. The grammatical structures in the sentence above are phrase and clause. The phrase in the sentence above is a participle phrase. The participle phrase is mentioned with the phrase waiting for her coffee break. The phrase is a participle phrase because the phrase contains present participle that adds

description in the sentence. In the phrase above, the word waiting is present participle and it is a simple verb that ends with ing, the word for is modifier, and her coffee break is object.

The other grammatical structure above is clause.The clause in the sentence above is a dependent clause she could nip outside and have a Malboro. It is a dependent clause because the clause cannot stand independently. The clause needs adding any extra words to describe about the clause. This clause will have a complete description with additional first clause the receptionist, obviously waiting for her coffee break. The dependent clause above contains subject and predicate verb, the word she is a subject and the word nip is the predicate verb.

  • 6.    Conclusion

After analyzing sentences in Running the Risk novel with implied causal conjunction and grammatical structure to find out types of causal conjunction and its combination with grammatical structures such as phrase

and clause within the sentences of data source, it can be concluded that:

First, based on the types of causal conjunction, it can be concluded that according to theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976), both external and internal types were found. The external type found in the data source was the simple general category expressed with the conjunction so. Besides, the internal type found in the data source was simple reversed category expressed with the conjunctionsfor and because, and simple conditional category expressed with the conjunction then.Second, based on the grammatical structure in the data source, it can be concluded that according to the theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976), two units of grammatical structure such phrase and clauses were found. The phrases found in the data source were participle phrase, infinitive phrase, and verb phrase.

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