ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 238-245

Language Functions Used by Taxi Drivers in Sanur Beach

I Komang Suka Lastara1*, I Made Winaya2

English Department – Faculty Of Arts – Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]]


Corresponding Author


Topik yang dibahas dalam makalah ini berkaitan dengan Fungsi Bahasa yang Digunakan oleh Pengemudi Taksi di Pantai Sanur dilihat dari konteks situasi. Topik ini dipilih karena fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh supirtaksi di pantai Sanur rutinitas sehari-hari untuk mengangkat penumpang ketempat tujuan. Analisis difokuskan pada dua masalah utama. Apa jenis fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh supir taksi di Pantai Sanur, ekspresi apa yang digunakan dalam percakapan sopir taksi di Pantai Sanur ?.Teori utama yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data diambil dari teori Function dalam bahasa Inggris yang diajukan oleh John Blundell (1982). Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif, untuk mengetahui jenis fungsi bahasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa jenis fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh supir taksi di pantai Sanur, saat pengemudi dan penumpang melakukan percakapan. Temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengemudi mampu mengekspresikan dan menggunakan fungsi bahasa yang terkait dengan situasi di mana mereka berada, dan siapa yang mereka ajak bicara. Apalagi mereka mampu membuat komunikasi dipahami satu sama lain. Menurut penelitian, ungkapan yang digunakan oleh pengemudi sebagian besar terkait dengan kesalahan tata bahasa. Keadaan ini bias disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan pengemudi sebagai responden dalam tata bahasa, pendidikan dasar mereka, atau pengalaman mereka atau terkadang mereka tetap dipengaruhi oleh bahasa ibu mereka.

Kata kunci: fungsi bahasa, konteks situasi, jenis fungsi bahasa

  • 1.    Background of the study

Language is one of the important means of communication in the world. Without language we cannot communicate and live in society with other people. Using the language, we need to know the situation where we are, whom we speak to, and what the topic is. The different background will influence someone's attitude of speaking. English as the first foreign language in Indonesia is well known by people because of the

development of tourism industry in this country. The tourism industry in Indonesia has developed since the last decades and the Indonesia government pays very much attention to this industry.

In this era of globalization, it is possible that a country is genuinely monolingual. Everyone in the world wants to learn other languages from the other countries. And they do that, not only to get more knowledge, but also to get

more skills in communication. Bali is one of tourism destinations. In order to make tourism industry run smoothly, tourism facilities are very important. The existence of taxi drivers is one of the important requirements to support tourism industry. At the same time all tourism aspects need people who are able to use English well, namely to have the ability to express their ideas smoothly in English.

  • 2.    Problems of the study

Specifically, problems in the study about language functions used between taxi drivers and foreigners at Sanur Beach can be formulated as follows:

  • 1) . What expression is used in conversations of the taxi driver in Sanur Beach?

  • 2) . What types of language functions are used by the taxi drivers in Sanur Beach and the context of the situation?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

The aims of this writing are to identify and describe the types of language functions which are used by taxi drivers and foreigner, especially at Sanur Beach and to analyze

what expressions used by the taxi drivers in neutral, formal, or informal situation in which a conversation take place between the guests and the taxi drivers.

  • 4.    Research method

This study was used qualitative method. Qualitative method is the method to find out the answer of the problems and the information narratively. The data was collected by conducting a field research that was taken place in Sanur Beach. The data was collected by conducting observation, interview and note taking. In this observation the data was noted on the paper and then transferred into the form of conversation to make it easier to analyze. In data analysis, there are some stages taken. It is started by transcribing the data which has been collected from the communication (even it comes from the recorder or note taking), classifying the data into written form, then comparing the written data according to their functions, and analyzing the data using the theory of the language function, the last step is presenting the result.

  • 5.    Analysis

The function of Greeting

ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 238-245

Greeting is used when we give a

only takes   10

sign or word of welcome or pleasure

minutes to go

when we  meeting  somebody or


receiving passenger. We decide to use

Passenger    : Okay great!

formal or informal language according

How much

to what situation we are in. Thereare

do I pay for

some expressions, within one function


that we can use at any time, such as

Driver        : Just 80.000

neutral expression. These expressions


can be seen, below:

Passenger    : Here 100.000

Driver        : Hi, welcome to

rupiah. Keep

my taxi.

the change.

Passenger    : Hi…

Driver       : Thank you

Driver       : Where do you

very much,

want to go?

madam. Have

Passenger    : I want to go to

a good day.


Based on the conversation above

Restaurant     at

they used an informal expression to

Sanur. Yes, can

greet  someone  you  know  well

you  put  your

(Blundell, 1987: v). There were some

meter on?

reasons that make the conversation 2

Driver        : Okay. Oh,

called informal expression. First, the


receptionist used Hi….To greet the


passenger want to go to Javanese Joglo

Passenger     : Yes that’s right.

and the Balinese Wantilan, and the taxi

Do you know that

driver used Hi…because he know that


the passenger was his customer.

Driver         : Yes, it is at Jl.

The Function of Offering Something

This function is used when we


n    no.97Sanur,

put forward something to be considered,

near from here. It

so it can then be either accepted or

refused. The taxi driver are required to In the example above, looked a give a good service to all passenger by formal expression. It was shown by this offering the taxi service and they use an sentence “may I help you”because the expression to offer it, there were some taxi driver offered his help to the

expression  have

been   used   by       passenger. We used this expression, it

receptionist such as:

means the guest needed the help or


: may I help           maybe he did not need the help. But

you?                 sometime we find the sentence like


: I want to go to        “How may I help you”. It can be

Le Mayeur           thought has more meaning then

Museum. Do         previous sentence because we use “How

you know           may I help you or How may I assist

where it is?            you”, it means we are sure that the guest


: Yes, it is near          needs our help and to be helped.

from here. It          The Function of Requesting

only takes 10                 The function of requesting is

minutes to go          used to ask politely for something.

there.               When we want someone to do


: Okay great!            something for us,  there are many

How much do        English expressions we can use. This

I pay for you?         function is used by the person with a


: Just 70.000           hope the  speaker influences  the

rupiah                addressee to do something. We can see


: Here 100.000          the requesting expressions by the taxi

rupiah. Keep          driver in the bellow.

the change.                   Driver        : Hi. Where are


: Thank you                                you going?

very much, sir.                Passenger    : To the

Have a good                                 Hospital, please.

day.                            Driver        : Shall I put

your bag in the

ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 238-245


Driver        : Rp. 60.000

Passenger       : No thanks. I'll

Passenger    :   Here's   Rp.

keep it with me.

100.000. Keep the change.

How long will

Based    on    the    above

it take to the

conversation, the italic sentences were


the expression of requesting used by the

Driver       : About 30

taxi driver in expressing the function of

minutes. Are

requesting. We can see from the

you in a hurry?

sentences “Shall I put your bag in the

Passenger    : Yes.

trunk?”, “Here's the expressway.

Driver       : We can take the

Can I have Rp. 30.000 for the

expressway. There's an extra

fee?”which  formed the expressions

charge, okay?

more polite. From the conversation we

Passenger     :   That's   okay,

know that the taxi driver attitude in this


conversation  was   friendly,   polite,

Driver        :   Fasten  your

helpful, intelligent and efficient to

seatbelt, please.

handle the passenger.

Passenger    : Okay.

The Function of Apologizing

Driver        :    Here's    the

The function of apologizing one

expressway. Can I have Rp.

is sorry, especially for having done,

30.000 for the fee?

something wrong or for upsetting

Passenger    : Here you are.

somebody. In handling complaint, the

Driver       : Why are you in

taxi driver should know what the


passenger expect. It is the emotive

Passenger    : Yes, I'm going

function in which the speaker is

to see my friend because he just

expressing his regret, there are many

got accident..

elements can be applied to describe this

Driver        : Okay. Here is

function such as: I’m sorry, Sorry, I’m

the hospital.

about late, Please accept my apologies,

Passenger    :   Thank  you.

How much is it?

I’m awfully sorry

Example 1:


:Good afternoon! Could you please take me to the Hospital?


: Yes, of course madam! Please come in. Is there any trouble with you?


: Yes, I hit a rock on my feet while I’m surfing in Sanur beach.


: I’m sorry to hear that, madam. But is everything fine with your feet?


: I think so, but I have to go to the hospital now.


: Okay, I will drive very fast. I’m awfully sorry about that accident.

Passenger : Thank you.

From the conversation above the taxi driver used two kinds of expressions, the first one is to say sorry for her to order that she got an accident

while she was surfing, by using the expression ” I’m sorry to hear that, madam”. The second is an expression to apologize to the passenger by saying “I’m awfully sorry about that accident,” this expression is very important for us in order to give a respect for her.

The Function of Thanking

Thanking is used to say thanks to someone else, who help us or because we want to respect them. Generally, it is done when the passenger comes to the taxi and when they want to leave. We should say thanks to show our respect for their arrival. There were some examples below:


Driver       : Where do you

want to go?

Passenger    : I want to change

my hotel from Prama    Sanur

Beach Hotel to Alila       Hotel


Driver       : Do you bring

any luggage? So, I will help you put on the trunk.

Passenger : Yes, you can take in the lobby.

Driver        : Alright, you can

come in to my taxi. Then, I have to take your luggage first.

Passenger : Yes, thank you sir

Driver        : Here we are in

Alila Seminyak.

Passenger    : Okay great!

How much do I pay for you?

Driver        : Just 200.000


Passenger    : Here 250.000

rupiah keep for you tip.

Driver       : Thank you very

much, sir. Have

a good day.

Passenger :You’re


Based on the above conversation, the italic sentences were the expressions of thanking used by the taxi driver in expressing the function of thanking. We can see from the

sentences:Thank you very much, sir. Have a good day”.

The passenger was very happy and pleased with the way when the taxi driver used the expressions of thanking to him.

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

Based on the analysis in chapter three it can be concluded as follows. There are eight language functions have been analyzed such as the function of greeting, the function of offering something, the function of giving and asking information, the function describing thing, the function of requesting, the function of apologizing, the function of thanking, the function of saying goodbye. Based on the analyzed the function of greeting and offering something that used by the taxi driver and passenger to interact, get closer, find attention, to make a good relationship in the conversation, and need to answer yes or no, or at least the expression between them. Then, the function of giving information and the function of describing thingis used by taxi driver and passenger to show the performance, ability, knowledge about tourism destinations, etc.

The language functions used by the taxi drivers in Sanur Beach can be both of formal or informal language depends on the context situation happened between the taxi driver and the passengers, because they have to make the situation more familiar and happy to the passenger in order to make the passengers feeling enjoy and feel like escorted by their own family.


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