ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 194-199

The Analysis of Code Switching in COSMOGIRL! INDONESIA Magazine

Putu Agus Darmawan

English Department – Faculty of Arts – Udayana University [[email protected]]


Penelitian ini berjudul "The Analisisof Code Switching in "Cosmo GIRL! Indonesia Magazine". Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis dan fungsi dari Code Switching yang ditemukan di "CosmoGIRL! Indonesia Magazine". Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis masalah tersebut dan sekaligus penerapannya di masyarakat. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah "CosmoGIRL! Indonesia Magazine" yang dikumpulkan secara kualitatif. Pertama, data dikategorikan berdasarkan jenis, yang dianalisis secara bersamaan sesuai dengan fungsi code switching.

Dalam penelitian ini diterapkan beberapa teori mengenai jenis dan fungsi dari code switching. Teori mengenai jenis code switching dikemukakan oleh Poplack, dan mengenai fungsi dari code switching dikemukakan oleh Appel & Muysken. Berdasarkan teori yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini ditemukan tiga jenis code switching; Seperti Tag switching, Inter sentential switching, dan Intra sentential switching yang ditemukan mendominasi. Berdasarkan fungsi code switching yang diaplikasikan hanya ada lima fungsi code switching yang terdapat di dalam majalah, yaitu: Metalinguistic function, referential function, expressive function, Phatic fungtion dan Directive fungtion.

Kata kunci: Code Switching, Analisis, tipe, fungsi, majalah

  • 1.    Background of The Study

Nowadays, several Indonesian magazines have been created in variety ways. Then that makes magazines look more interesting and colourful. Inside them we can see code switching phenomena, code switching can possibly be found in some conversations and code switching itself can be seen in this

example such as: conversation between two close friends when they meet each other who come from different countries, they will exchange their words and that can be called as code switching. That fact shows how important code switching in communicative events. Code switching is not only found in spoken language, but it can also be found in written text or

literary work such as magazine, newspaper, short stories and poems.

For certain functions, language plays an important role in mass media. Mass-media is the media from which we can get any kind information. This study focuses on the printing media especially a magazine. In a magazine the use of language certainly has an important role to make the readers interested in reading it. The writer of the magazine sometimes mixes languages in the magazine for particular purposes. In the COSMOGIRL! Indonesia Magazine thereare many switching from English into Bahasa Indonesia. This phenomenon or trend occurs in many articles of this magazine. This phenomenon is called code switching.

Code switching is a term in linguistics referring to the alternative language between two or more languages, dialects, or language registers in a single conversation, stretch of discourse, or utterance between people who have more than one language in common.

According to the phenomenon above there are some problems raised in this study such as the functions of code

switching used in the magazine and the types of code switching used in the magazine analyzed in this study. Based on the fact above the phenomenon of code switching is a very interesting subject to study. There are some theories applied in this study and they are the theories proposed by Poplack (in Romaine 1995) about the types of code switching, and the theory of the code switching function by Appel&Muysken (1978).

The aim of this study is to discover variety of language specifically words called code switching, and this phenomena usually appears in magazines, newspaper, speeches and etc. This study focuses on analyzing code switching that appears in COSMOGIRL! Indonesia magazine.

  • 2.    Problems of The Study

Based on the background stated above, this study is concerned with the following problems:

  • 1.    What are the types of code switching used in the COSMOGIRL!     Indonesia


  • 2.    What are the functions of code switching used in the COSMOGIRL!     Indonesia


  • 3.    Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are:

  • 1.    To analyze the types of code switching used in the COSMOGIRL!     Indonesia


  • 2.    To explain the functions of code switching used in the COSMOGIRL!     Indonesia


  • 4.    Research method

The data of this study were taken from the COSMOGIRL! Indonesia magazine edition May, 2014. This magazine was published in May, 2014, printed by PT Media Rahayu Citra and the address of office at Jl. MH Thamrin No 53, Jakarta 10350. This magazine contains interesting articles of our daily life such as fashion, entertainment, and food. This magazine was chosen as the data source because there are many code switching, so it is easier to collect the data

about code switching. The data are displayed in the form of sentences.

  • 5.    Analysis

Tag switching occurs when a tag of an entirely different language inserts an utterance in another language. It may involve a tag, an exclamation or parenthesis. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasis. Exclamation is a short sound, word, or phrase expressing sudden surprise. Parenthesis is a word, phrase or sentence, which is inserted as an extra explanation or idea into a passage, which would be complete without it. The type of Tag switching found in the magazine is formulated and analyzed as follows: Girls, gimanahasilujiankamu? (CosmoGIRL! 2014, pg.8)

In the example above the tag switching occurs in the beginning of the sentence, which is separated by the comma from the next word. The word “girls” in this sentence is classified as an exclamation which shows that the writer would like to express feeling and emphasize differences of something. “Girls” is a word which means female

person. This word is colloquially used by the teenagers in informal situation even in our country when they speak with their friend to express their solidarity between each other especially attended to male person.

According to the functions of the code switching this switching serves a Referential Function, where the tag above is more appropriate if expressed using English.

Inter Sentential switching is a type of code switching where the switching occurs between the sentences or clauses, where the sentence of another language is inserted into the main language which is being used in an utterance or the topic being discussed. The type of inter sentential switching found in the magazine is formulated and analyzed as follows:

Cuma yang dicari adalah the next Golden Boy of boxing.

(Cosmo GIRL! 2014, pg.18)

The type of code switching in the data above is classified as Inter sentential switching because the writer switches the code from Indonesian into English and occurs in the end of the sentence. The

writer just comments directly the statement, which is being discussed. The meaning of switches in this word is who will be the next king of boxing.

Due to the function of this switching, this switching serves a phatic function because the writer indicates to change the clause with the other language. On the other hand, it also serves as referential functions with the skill of linguistic, the writer impresses the reader and shows his ability using two languages in the same discourse.

Intra sentential switching is a type of code switching where the switching occurs within a sentence or a clause where the phrase or a word of another language is inserted into the language being used in the discussion. The intra sentential switching found in the magazine is formulated as follows: Kalau kamu perhatikan, sinetron cerita SMA banyak menampilkan newcomer yang rata-rata baru muncul pertama di layar kaca.

(COSMO GIRL! 2014, pg.43)

This Intra sentential switching occurs in the middle of the sentence as a noun phrase, which is arranged correctly

according to English syntactical rule. The phrase “newcomer” is translated as “pendatang baru” in Bahasa Indonesia.

Based on the function of code switching, this switching serves a function as Metalinguistic function where the writer expressed a result of a monitoring that most of series story on TV presented newcomer. It shows that the speaker would like to impress the readers by the writer’s own language skill and switch a phrase for the topic of the utterance.

  • 6.    Conclusion

This study analyses the code switching in COSMOGIRL! Indonesia magazine. The analysis of this study was found in the magazine in which all types of the code switching were applied; they are Tag switching, Inter sentential switching, and Intra sentential switching.

The functions of code switching in this study were analyzed based on the six functions; they are; Metalinguistic function, Referential function, Directive function, Expressive function, Phatic Function, and Poetic function. Based on

those functions, most of the code switching occurring has a Metalinguistic function and Referential function because there were many phrases, which were better expressed in English and the journalist showed an impressive expression to the reader in order to make an interesting magazine. Then there was only one directive function and there was no Poetic function, because it was a public magazine which most of the readers certainly have knowledge of those languages. Therefore, there werenot many code switching occurring have a directive function. Regarding the poetic function, there was no code switching occurring involving switches of puns and joke.

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