ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 20.1 Agustus 2017: 42-48

Adjective Suffixes in Nomadic Matt Travel Blog: A Semantic Approach

Anissa Nanda Puri Kurniasih1*, Ni Wayan Sukarini2, Putu Weddha Savitri3

[123]English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University

1[e-mail: [email protected]] 2[e-mail: [email protected]] 3[email: [email protected]]

*Coressponding Author


Penelitian ini berjudul Adjective Suffixes in Nomadic Matt Travel Blog: A Semantic Approach. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan dan mendeskripsikan jenis akhiran yang dipakai untuk membentuk kata sifat yang terdapat dalam artikel Blog, dan juga menentukan makna yang ditunjukkan oleh proses tersebut. Sumber data dari penelitian ini diambil dari media sosial bernama Blog salah satu media komunikasi dan informasi online. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah metode dokumentasi karena data yang digunakan tidak dalam bentuk angka atau jumlah, dan menggunakan teknik mencatat dalam mengambil data yang sesuai. Metode kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah teori akhiran derivatif yang di pelopori oleh plag (2002). Teori ini menjelaskan tentang pembentukan kata terutama akhiran derivasi membentuk kata sifat. Teori kedua dalam menganalisis data yaitu jenis-jenis makna yang ditunjukkan oleh proses akhiran kata sifat derivatif yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan teori yang di pelopori oleh Leech (1974). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga macam proses akhiran derifatif yang membentuk kata sifat pada artikel Blog; yang terdiri dari (1) akhiran yang membentuk kata sifat dari kata benda, (2) Akhiran yang membentuk kata sifat dari kata sifat, dan (3) Akhiran yang membentuk kata sifat dari kata kerja. Makna dari akhiran yang membentuk kata sifat di artikel Blog ditunjukan kedalam makna (1) konseptual, dan (2) terpantul.

Kata kunci: proses derivasi, akhiran kata sifat, makna

  • 1.    Background

Communication is an activity that involves speaking, listening, touching, and performing other things with another person. There are many social media which are used by the society, and one of the most widely used is blog to get lots of information about many things in this world. Blog is

a modern way of expressing language and communication used by youngsters nowadays; it is also considered a lifestyle. Blog is the newest form of literary work from somebody published only on the internet.

Travel blog by Nomadic Matt is used in this present study as the data source because there are a lot of

derivational suffixes found, especially adjective suffixes which every thread the writer posted contains. Derivational suffixes according to Bauer (1983: 33) are concerned with the formation of new lexemes by affixation. Sometimes, derivation is also subdivided into classmaintaining derivation and classchanging derivation. In linguistics, derivation is used to form new words, as with happi-ness and un-happy from happy, or determination from determine. For example, noun to adjective: -al (recreation → recreational).

Meanwhile, when one talks about meaning, it is about the ability of human beings to understand one another when they speak. A word cannot stand by itself because it does not have a meaning. Therefore, this study is to investigate the suffixation in English from the Travel Blog and make it easier to understand by giving further explanation and example about derivational morphology, to know the process of forming a new word. This study also uses the semantic approach focusing on the specific types of meaning to determine the exact

meaning of the adjective suffixes in Travel Blog by Nomadic Matt.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

In relation to the background of the study, there are two problems which are formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What kinds of derivational suffixes forming adjectives found in Travel Blog?

  • 2.    How are the types of meanings shown by the process of derivational suffixes that occur in Travel Blog?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

In relation to the problems that are analyzed, the aims of this study is stated as follows:

  • 1.    To identify the kinds of derivational suffixes forming adjectives found in the Travel Blog.

  • 2.    To analyze the types of meanings shown by the process of derivational suffixes that occur in Travel Blog.

  • 4.    Research Method

Method is necessary in conducting research to give some

guidance to achieve the objective of the study. The method used during this research is divided into some parts; they are data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data, and method and technique of presenting data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data of this paper were taken from Travel Blog by blogger Nomadic Matt. Blog is a modern way of expressing language and communication used by youngsters these days; it is also considered a lifestyle. Blog is the newest form of literary work from somebody published only on the internet. The blog was chosen because it contains a lot of adjective suffix clauses and also due to the fact that there are no previous studies using a blog as the data source. This is a rare phenomenon whereas his travel blog went viral. Moreover, the story and tips of the blog is very interesting, he has been traveling to over 70 countries in the span of 7 years thus far, and the language used in the blog is not very difficult to be understood.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

As one of important parts of this study, collecting the data needs to follow a certain procedure in order to obtain appropriate and sufficient data. This study is a library one, which applied the documentation method. Collecting the data was done through several numbers of steps: The first step was reading the blog carefully in order to obtain the words that show derivational suffixes forming adjectives. The second step was highlighting the words with the original sentences that show derivational adjective suffixes. The next step was taking note the sentences in order to be analyzed as the meaning process. Finally, classifying the data based on the categories of derivational adjective suffixes.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The method used in analyzing data is the qualitative descriptive method, meaning that the data were described in detail based on the relevant theories to the topic of discussion. All of data found in Travel Blog were processed through some steps as follows: The first step was classifying

the suffixes taken from the Travel Blog based on the kinds of derivational suffixes forming adjectives proposed by Plag (2002). The next step was analyzing the meanings shown by the process of derivational suffixes that occurs in Travel Blog based on the theory proposed by Leech (1974).

  • 4.4    Method and Technique of

    Presenting Data

This study was described in detail based on the relevant theories to the topic of discussion. All of the data found in the Travel Blog were processed through some steps as follows: The first step was classifying the collected data into the categories of derivational suffixes in a table. Then, the description of each word and the explanation of the meaning shown by the process of derivational suffixes were presented in the form of paragraph.

  • 5.    Findings and Discussion

The finding of this study shows that there are three kinds of derivational adjective suffix processes on Blog posts; they are (1) Suffixes Forming Adjectives from Nouns, (2) Suffixes Forming Adjectives from Adjectives, and (3) Suffixes Forming Adjectives from Verbs. The meanings of

derivational adjective suffixes in Blog posts are implied (1) conceptually, and (2) reflectedly.

  • 5.1    Analysis of Derivational Suffixes In Nomadic Matt Travel Blog: A Semantic Approach

In this analysis, there are examples of suffixes forming adjectives from nouns, suffixes forming adjectives from adjectives, and suffixes forming adjectives from verbs.

  • 5.1.1    Suffixes forming adjectives from nouns Suffix –Able










Comfort able

Comf ort (N)


Comfo rtable (Adj)


The word ‘comfortable’ is formed by adding suffix –able in the end of the word ‘comfort’. Suffix –able changes the class category of the word comfort (noun) into the word comfortable (adjective). The suffix – able changes the meaning of the word ‘comfort’ which has lexical meaning ‘the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain; the state of having a

pleasant life, with everything that you need.’(Hornby, 2010: 285) The word ‘comfortable’ belongs to qualitative suffix because the suffix ‘able’ means something that is capable of doing something.

The users of Travel blog use the word ‘comfortable’ in their posts ‘Padded hip belt - Most of the weight you will be carrying arround will be pushing down on your hips, so you’ll want a padded belt to make supporting the weight more comfortable(8/4/2008). Conceptually, the meaning of the word ‘comfortable’ Nomadic Matt tells each other that they want to make sure of something; the feeling that makes you feel better, the belt will help provide support, and distribute the load more evenly on the back, causing less strain.

  • 5.1.2    Suffix forming adjectives from


  •    Suffix –Ly










    Lone (Adj)


    Lonely (Adj)


The users of Travel Blog use the word ‘lonely’ in their posts ‘I thought it might be dangerous, lonely, too much work, or make people think that I didn’t have any friends.’ (1/30/2017). The word ‘lonely’ is an adjective derived from the word ‘lone’ (adjective) formed by adding suffix –ly in the end of the word. The suffix –ly does not change the class category of the word, but it changes the meaning. Lexically, the word ‘lone’ has the lexical meaning ‘without any other people or things’ (Hornby, 2010: 876) but the conceptual meaning ‘lonely’ in blog post is ‘unhappy because you didn’t have any friends or people to talk to, or feel alone in the thoughts and feelings’

  • 5.1.3    Suffixes forming adjectives from verbs

    •    Suffix –Ful









      Wond erful

      Wonder (V)


      Wonder ful (Adj)



The word ‘wonderful’ is an adjective which is derived from the word ‘wonder’. It is formed by adding the suffix –ful in the end of the word

‘wonder’, the suffix –ful changes the class category of the word ‘wonder’ (verb) into the word ‘wonderful’ (adjective). The suffix –ful also changes the meaning of the word ‘wonder’ which has lexical meaning ‘to think about sth and try to decide what is true, what will happen, what you should do, etc’ (Hornby, 2010: 1710). Grammatically, the suffix –ful changes the meaning of the word ‘wonder’ into the word ‘wonderful’ which lexically means ‘very good, pleasant or enjoyable’ (Hornby, 2010: 1710). The word ‘wonderful’ belongs to qualitative suffix because the suffix –ful means having the property/ manner like the noun.

The users of Travel blog use the word ‘wonderful’ in their posts “Old lava fields and thick rainforest surround the area, making it a wonderful hiking destination.” (21/4/2008) the word ‘wonderful’ conceptually means something that makes sense of the climber who was surprised, very pleased and enjoyable. This word describes an experience, feeling or sight that gives you great pleasure.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the discussions from the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there are three processes of derivational adjective suffixes found in Nomadic Matt Travel Blog, namely: Suffixes Forming Adjectives from Nouns, Suffixes Forming Adjectives from Adjectives, and Suffixes Forming Adjectives from Verbs. There are nine adjective suffixes forming nouns including, -able, -ly, -al, -ary, -ed, -ful, -ic, -ing and -less. Three adjective suffixes forming adjectives include, -ly, -ary, and -ing, and four adjective suffixes forming verbs including -ed, -ful, -ing and -less.

The meanings of derivational adjective suffixes in Blog posts are implied (1) conceptually, and (2) reflectedly. Majority of the data contain conceptual meaning and reflected meaning. The characteristic of data that contain conceptual meaning is logical definition. Meanwhile, reflected meaning is a single word or phrase which is associated with more than one sense or meaning.

In this research, connotative, affective, collocative and social meanings are not found. Social meaning

is not found because social meaning needs social context and social background in order to be conveyed. Meanwhile, connotative, affective and collocative meanings are also found either because there are no data that match the definition of those meanings, the author uses familiar words which are used in daily conversation.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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