ISSN: 2302-9201X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.1 Juli 2016: 137 – 143

Generic Specific Words Used In English Indonesian Novel Translation Of The Novel Heart Of The Hunter Into Hati Pemburu

I Wayan Dona1*, I Gst. Ngurah Parthama2, I Made Winaya3 123English Department Faculty of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]] *Corresponding Author


Paper ini berjudul “Penggunaan kata Umum –Khusus Dalam Novel Terjemahan Inggris Heart Of The Hunter ke dalam Hati Seorang Pemburu”. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena seiring meningkatnya jumlah novel Berbahasa Inggris yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Bahkan, penelitian terhadap penggunana kata umum khusus dalam terjemahan masih sangat jarang dilakukan. Sehingga hal ini menjadi sangat menarik untuk diteliti dengan menggunakan novel sebagai bahan penelitian.

Paper ini merupakan kajian qualitatitif kepuastaakaan. Data penelitian ini berupa kata- kata, baik berupa kata benda, kata sifat, kata keterangan dan expresi lainnya yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kata umum – khusus dalam Novel yang berjudul Heart of the Hunter, karya R.L.Stine tahun 1997, sebagai bahasa sumber dan terjemahnya dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan judul Hati seorang Pemburu, karya B. Sendra Tanuwidjaja tahun 2002. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan teori terjemahan oleh Larson (1998 dan teori komponensial analisis oleh Murphy (2003) guna mengdentifikasi ketermunculan kkata umum – khusus dalam kedua novel tersebut.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses terjemhan pada novel Heart

of the Hunter kedalam Hati Seorang Pemburu mengaplikasikan baik pengunaan kata umum – khusus dan khusus – umum. Terjemahan kata umum ke khusus terjadi pada kelas kata kerja dan kata benda. Hal ini disebabkan karena tidak adanya kata yang mewakili arti yang ingin disampikan dari bahasa sumber ke bahasa target. Dalam proses analisa komponensial, semua kata-kata temuan terjemhan dikategorikan dalam proses klasifikasi. Proses klasifikasi ini diketahui setelah semua kata kata yng diterjemahkan dari bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa target merupakan kata dari klasifikasi yang sama

Kata Kunci: terjemahan, kata umum-khusus, analisa komponensial

  • 1.1    Background of the Study

Translation is not about changing one language to other languages. Translation can be defined as reproducing the closest natural equivalent of the source language message into the receptor language, in terms of meaning and in terms of style (Nida and Taber, 1962). This means this process requires the translator effort in performing a

new product of translation without loosing its message and meaning or even its style. In addition, Larson (1998:3) stated that translation, then, consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analysing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context. Based on this theory we might conclude that the process of translation also requires the translator knowledge about the target or receptor language’s grammar and cultures.

Based on those required knowledge and skills above, we can predict that many problems might occur during the translation process. Those problems consist of ambiguity, lexical and structural of the target language mismatch and the idiom and collocations miscomprehending. The ambiguity constraints might occur in the level of lexical and structural. The lexical ambiguity refers to a word which has more than one meaning. While structural ambiguity refers to a sentence that might have more than one structure. The lexical and structural mismatch arise when the translator do not have enough knowledge about the target language. The lexical mismatch can be seen from the use of a certain word in target language that could not represent the exact word in its target language. In addition, the structural mismatch occurs where two languages use the same construction for different purposes. Finally, the use of idioms and collocations becomes another problems source of translation. It could be a very sensitive matter since idioms in source language might have different meaning in target language; it needs different way of translation. All at all, these problems should be taken into account by a translator in order to produce a good and comprehensible product of translation.

Among those product, novel is one of the most often object people translated. The translated novel might arise because it magnificent story or its popular writer. It can be translated into more than one languages, for example the

‘Eat. Pray. Love’ translated into ‘Makan, Doa, dan Cinta (Nugroho, 2007) or ‘No

Greater Love’ into ‘Yang Terkasih’ (Hidayat, 1994). However, these translated novel written with some issues. The ranges of problems mentioned above might tight it during its translation process. Based on these reasons, the writer researched about the problems arose in the English Indonesian Translation of the Novel Heart of the Hunter into Hati Seorang Pemburu. The focus of this study is on the componential analysis of generic-specific word translated from the source language (English) into its target language (Indonesian).

  • 1.2    Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, there are two main problems discussed in this study as follows:

  • 1.    How the generic-specific words are translated from the Novel Heart of the

Hunter into Indonesian in the novel Hati Seorang Pemburu?

  • 2.    What types of linguistic practices is employed while translating the generic specific words in the Novel Heart of the Hunter the English - Indonesian novel Hati Seorang Pemburu?

  • 1.3    Aims of the Study

The general aims of this study are to learn more about translation, to improve the skill of translating and to know the practice theory of translation. Meanwhile, based on the problems formulated above, there are two main specific aims in conducting this study. They are:

  • 1.    To investigate how the generic-specific words are translated used into Indonesian in the novel Hati Seorang Pemburu.

  • 2.    To analyze types of linguistic practices is employed while translating the generic specific words in the Novel Heart of the Hunter the English - Indonesian novel Hati Seorang Pemburu.

  • 1.4    Research Method

This study was conducted through a library research. There were three main subsections under this method namely, data source, method and technique of collecting data and method, and technique of analysing data.

The data of this study was in form of words. It might be noun, adjective, adverb and any expression that deals with the phenomenon of generic specific words usage. In addition, the data source of this study was two novels. The source language was taken from a novel entitled Heart of the Hunter written by R.L. Stine in year 1997. This novel is one of the Fear Street series written by the author. The author, R.L Stine, is one of the most popular writers in 1990s. He started to write the Fear Street series in 1989. This novel consists of 190 pages which is divided 30 chapters. The data was taken from those all pages contains generic specific words usage. Since this was discussed about translation research, the data was also obtained form its translation version into Indonesian. The translated novel was entitled Hati Seorang Pemburu written by B. Sendra Tanuwidjaja and published by Gramnedia Pustaka Utama in 2002. These novels

were chosen because it is provided the required data for the current research.

The library research was applied on carrying this research. Meanwhile, the data was collected through documentation method from the bilingual novel of Heart of the Hunter written by R.L. Stine as the source language and its translation in Indonesian was Hati Seorang Pemburu, 2002, written by B. Sendra Tanuwidjaja, as the target language. There are two steps taken in collecting the data. Firstly, the novel was read thoroughly, word per word, both its source language novel and target language novel. The reading comparison was conducted to find out the possibility of the use of generic specific case during the translation process of this novel. When the suspected words found in these two novels, those words then relocated in a certain prepared table. Secondly, the data was classified based on their type of occurrence; whether they are generic – specific or specific - generic words, whether they belong to a verb, noun, or adjective.

The qualitative research was applied to conduct this study. The collected data was analysed based on the translation theory proposed by Larson (1998) and componential analysis theory proposed by Murphy (2003) to find out and investigate the occurrence of the generic specific words in both two novels. In addition, the selected data was performed in tables consisted of the source language and the target language. Then, the data was classified based on its generic – specific and specific - generic occurrences. The classified data was divided again based on the words class found on the data followed by a narrative form. After that, the data was calculated quantitatively in percentage based on the occurrence of their different word classes. This result was aimed at showing the frequency of occurrence of each data. Finally, the expected result would be able to answer the problems of this study.

  • 1.5    Finding and Analysis

Based analysis on the findings, it can be summarize that the generic specific words translation mostly occurs towards the verb, noun and adjective. There are

  • 13 changes found from all the novel text. Among these three different word classes, verb to verb occurs for 7 items, noun to noun for 4 items and adjective to adjective occur for 2 items. The verb is the most frequent changes occur towards its generic specific words translation from English to Indonesian. While, the adjective is on the most less frequency towards the changes of generic – specific words. Based on this

finding can be calculated as follows

Verb to Verb              = -!-  % 100% = 57, 2%



Noun to Noun           = —  % 100% = 28,5%



Adjective to Adjective       =       % 100% = 14,3%


There is no really exact reason why the verb get more frequent cases

compare to other items. However, it can be assumed that the verb has a wider contextual usage. Its wider context lead the translator to transfer its meaning to wider ranging of verb in the TL. In addition, the translator might try to wrap the novel translation into better package for the reader. Therefore, the reader will be able to get involved into the main message of the story. Furthermore, the use of some metaphor during the translation into its TL will make the novel more comfortable to read.

Meanwhile, in terms of linguistic practices that can be applied on translation, analysis shows that the current translation process is mostly applying the defining and classifying types. In addition, between these two different processes, the aspect of classifying is found dominantly in this novel translation. There are 9 out 13 or around 69% translation process found used the classifying types. Then, it is only 31% of it belongs to defining linguistics practice. This kind of aspect is chosen because the translator does not want to change the TL too far from the SL. Therefore, the reader still can enjoy the core story in its translated language, Indonesia.

  • 1.6    Conclusion

Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that the translation process on the Novel Heart of the Hunter into its target language novel Hati Seorang Pemburu employs both generic to specific and specific to generic words from the SL into the TL. The generic to specific words translation occur mostly in term of verb and noun. It happens because there is no really exact word found on the TL to convey the SL meanings. In addition, the TL used is mainly a general word that can be easily understood by the readers. Even though the translator used the generic word, the essence and message on the novel still can be digested and revealed by the reader. In terms of noun, the generic – specific way of translation is chosen because the item cannot be literally translated into the TL because the real item is not available concretely in the Indonesia as the TL.

In terms of its componential analysis process involved in the translation of this novel, the whole translated word mostly categorized into classifying process. This process of classification is detected as mostly the word in SL that translated into word TL belongs 141

to one classification of an item. For example, the word ‘wagon’ translated into ‘kereta’. Even though they have different outlook, they are classified into the similar transportation pulled by horse in rear of the transportation model.

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