Visual And Verbal Communication In The Music Video Clip Entitled “Stay Together For The Kids”
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.1 Juli 2016: 123 – 129
Visual And Verbal Communication In The Music Video Clip Entitled “Stay Together For The Kids”
I Putu Hartomi Arya Franata1*, I Gede Putu Sudana, M.A2, Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani3
123English Departement, Faculty of Letters and CultureUdayana University
Corresponding Author
Penelitian ini menganalisis aspek komunikasi secara visual dan verbal pada video klip Blink 182. Tujuan penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua. Pertama adalah untuk menganalisis unsur-unsur komunikasi visual yang terkait dengan topik menggunakan teori komunikasi visual dan tujuan yang kedua adalah untuk menemukan sisi figuratif serta arti lagu dengan menggunakan teori semantik dan makna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka dan teknik pencatatan ketika memilih data. Penelitian ini dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan teori John Dyer (1993), teori figuratif oleh Knickerbocker dan Renninger (1963), serta teori makna oleh Geoffrey Leech (1974). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa video klip di album Take Off Your Pants and Jackets tersebut berisi 5 kategori komunikasi visual seperti penampilan, perilaku, aktivitas, properti dan tempat, serta visual. Video klip ini juga berisi 2 fitur semantik seperti personifikasi dan ironi. Makna konseptual dan makna konotatif terdapat dalam fitur semantik. Fitur-fitur semantik dan makna digunakan oleh penulis untuk menghibur pendengar.
Kata kunci: video klip musik, visual, verbal, komunikasi, arti.
According to Goodwin (1994) the representation of visual sign in music video occurred in early 1980’s and it was often referred as a new art form. Visual sign in music video is mostly represented on the combination of elliptical storylines actor or model and animation or cartoon. The content of the music video through the representation of visual sign sometimes describe violence, racism, social conflicts,
religion, love, or even politics and other sensitive topics. In the music video clips, the element of verbal and visual sign usually found when we watch it. But sometimes it is depending from spectators. They are usually not understands about the message or the meaning of the music video clip that they have watched. The topic was interesting because in a music video clip we can analyze the message that the song writer want to deliver to us, especially in blink-182’s music video clip entitled “Stay Together for the Kids”. It is not just about the lyrics, the movement of an actor or an actress in a music video clip but also more reveals the expression of a song.
In this study there are some problems to be analyzed:
a. What elements of the visual communication can be found in the music video clip entitled stay together for the kids?
b. What are the figurative languages found in the lyric of “Stay Together for the Kids”? and their meanings?
c. What is the meaning of the song lyrics?
In this study there are some aims of study, they are follows:
a. To analyze the elements of visual communication that related to the topic using the theory of visual sign.
b. To find the figurative languages and their meanings of the song using the semantic theory of sign and meaning.
c. To find out the meaning of the song lyrics.
There are some methods in this research; there are three steps that were taken to analyze the music video clip. Those steps are: data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data. The data was taken a music video clips from a pop punk band namely Blink-182. The video clips chosen are determined in the terms of the song contents. The title is “Stay Together for The kids”.
In collecting the data, library research method was applied. It is used to get the information related to visual communication elements and also to find out the meaning of Blink-182’s music video clip. The techniques applied for this study were note taking the video music and listening thoroughly to the video clip.
This part presents the analysis of a music video clip of Blink 182 that has been collected as the data sources entitled “Stay Together for the Kids”.
1) Appearance
There are five elements of appearance that are used in this music video clip; they are gender, nationality, hair, body and looks. The classification of the gender in this video can be classified into female and male. Specifically, the description can be explained as 12 males and 9 females. Genders are identified based on the overall appearance of each the band members and the actors/actress such as their looks and the body.
Nationality in this music video clip only found America as the nationality of the all of actors and actrees. Spike, straight, wavy, blonde, bald, short and double pony tail are the hair’s category of the band members and the actor/actress, which can be identified in this video. The bodies in this video present the characteristic of each character in the story, there were short, medium, tall, and for the curve, there were skinny, fat, strong. The looks of each character in this video are identified. Looks are indicates behavior of emotion at any one time and it is manifest in three main codes of non verbal communication.
2) Manner
Three elements of manner are expression, pose and clothes. The expression of the singer which has seen in this video is a negative expression seems like have a bad problem and depressed. The pose which is seen in this
video is kind of passive pose, because the band just sited in the same place as same as the actors/ actress. But in the middle of this music video clip there are some guys destroying house and make such movement which involves the body’s part during the video.
The clothes used in this video are variable. Jeans, t shirt, are the example of non formal clothes but comfortable. Dress, shirt, blouse are the example of formal clothes that seen in this video by the singer and the actors/actress.
3) Activity
Body gestures, movement and posture can be related to what the actor is doing. Body movements are the elements of the activity, which appeared in this video. There are four kinds of body movements that can be identified on this video. They are: sitting, standing, jumping, and walking.
4) Props and Setting
The music tools and sofa are the props that are used in this video. A house is also used as props in this video. The setting in this video consist of outdoor and indoor setting, the outdoor setting is house yard. And the indoor settings in this video are the house, and bathroom.
5) Visual or Image
The face of the actors/actress in every scene is observed from focus and depth vision. The face of the actor/actress is presented in fuzzy description. The close up pictures can be seen on the pictures of the band member appearance when they play the guitar, the bass, the drum, and also sing. And then with the actors/actresses who sit and destroy something in the house.
Front and side are the angles that use to produce in the pictures in this video. It is used in creating picture when the opening, the boys and girls sit on the desk, the band playing music, the bald man standing, the guys stand up and destroying house, the girl lean back the sound, a boy playing skateboard, the boy and girl in the bathroom, two girls sit on the sofa, the band walk out from house, the dark man, the girl with red jacket, and the man with three piercings at his mouth. The pictures that are shown from the side angle are the picture of the the boys and girls sit on the desk, the band playing music, the guys stand up
and destroying house, a spiky boy lean back the wall, and a boy playing skateboard.
1) Personification
1. “The words rot and fall away”
The sentence is a personification, because it is comparing a non-life thing and the life thing. The word “words” in the sentences above was illustrated like it did something like human being as the word “words” was actually a reflection of the situation in the American’s household that was not in a stable and harmony condition since the song lyrics was about the divorce that was happened in the most of American’s household.
2. “Their anger hurts my ears”
The word “Anger” is a non-life thing, and the word “Ears” is a life thing. In this case the song writer or the speaker wanted to give a special sense to the word “Anger” in the sentence. Because “Ears” only be hurt by a life thing. “Their anger” was illustrated as their parent’s conflict as it was hurting kid’s ear as the word “ear” was actually their life.
2) Irony
Irony is the statement whose real meaning completely opposed to its professed or surface meaning.
3. “So here’s your holiday”
It is called irony because the song is about a divorce, never there a holiday in a separate home. It is the opposite of the real meaning.
1) Conceptual Meaning
Conceptual meaning is also called denotative meaning or cognitive meaning.
1. “So here’s your holiday”
The sentence above clearly showed the conceptual meaning. The writer did not refer to any other meaning in the language, or in other words, the sentence could be taken literally by the reader. The reader did not need any further interpretation about the song lyric.
2) Connotative Meaning
Connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content.
1. “The words rot and fall away”
The sentence above clearly showed the connotative meaning. The song writer gave a life for the word “words”. So “words” could not rot and fall away. The “words” in this sentence refers to the lies.
2. “Their anger hurts my ears”
The sentence above clearly showed the connotative meaning. The song writer gave a life for the word “anger”. So anger could hurt somebody’s ears. The meaning of the sentence is the anger was can hurt the ears. The anger in this sentence refers to blame or violence voices.
Parents are the first people that can make children always feel confident. The divorce of the parents always makes children down and desperate. This song is about the divorce of the parents and then all of the children always feel the house like the haunted house.
The music video clip entitled “Stay Together for The Kids” uses 11 elements from 5 categories of visual elements. In the appearance category it was found 5 elements, those 5 elements are gender, nationality and race, hairstyle, body shape and looks. In the
manner category, it was found 3 elements, those are expression, pose, and clothes. In activity category, it was found only 1 element, it was body movement. In the props and settings category, it was found that the video consisted in outdoor and indoor setting. In the visual or image category, it was found 3 elements, those are focus and depth vision, close-ups, and camera angel. The music video clip used 2 kinds of figurative languages, those are personification, and irony. In the meaning the song used 2 types of meanings, those are conceptual and connotative meaning.
From the analysis of the song messages, we can concluded that visual and verbal communication have important role in conveying the song message, because it is easier to understand what the music video clip need to convey form the observation of visual and verbal communication. Finally we can say that the most powerful, meaningful, and culturally important messages are those that combine words and pictures in equally respectful way.
Chandler, Daniel. 2001. Semiotica Para Principiates (Semiotics for beginners). Translation by Vanessa Hogan Vega and Ivan Rodrigo Mendizabal. Quito, Equador: Ediciones Abya Yala/Escuela de Communication Social de la Universidad Politechnica Salesiana.
Goodwin, Andrew. 1992. Dancing in the Distraction Factory: Music Television and Popular Culture. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Leech, Geoffrey. 1974. Semantic. London: Penguin
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