ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.1 Juli 2016: 108 - 114

The Analysis Of Figurative Meaning Of The Lyrics The House Of Wolves And Sleepwalking By Bring Me The Horizon Band

I Nyoman Aditya Sastra Wibawa1*, I Gede Putu Sudana2, Luh Putu Laksminy3 123Non Regular Program English Department Faculty of Letters and Culture Udayana University.

1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]] *

Corresponding Author


In general, symbols are the richest and at the same time also the most difficult poetical figures. A complex natural symbolism runs through the poem, used by the poet to present complex psychological truths in an essay. This symbolism has been differently interpreted by different critics. This study which is concerned with the symbolic meaning found in the lyrics in Bring Me the Horizon album Sempiternal is aimed to show hidden meanings through his simple words and to fulfill our inquiries of what exactly the symbolic meanings on this poem by interpreting those words supported by his background and how it is constructed in the poem.

The data were taken from lyrics written by Bring Me the Horizon (2013), sempiternal. The lyrics itself was taken from the album written by Bring Me the Horizonentitled Sempiternal. Thedocumentary method was used to collect data, The data were analyzed through reading, classifying, collecting and including extent information about the poet. In analyzing data, qualitative and descriptive methods were applied. In this study, the main theory applied is the

theory proposed by Knickerbocker (1963:368) while others are supporting theories.

The results of the study show that the use of symbol such as through intrinsic approach and figurative language to make a lyricmore beautiful and to express the poet's imagination and ideas indirectly. Through the use of symbols the poet can be considered successful in making the lyric as an effective media to attain both the entertaining and teaching purposes.

Key word: Symbolic meaning, Figurative meaning

  • 1.    Background

Literature is an art, literature is a term used to describe spoken or written material. It is commonly used to refer to words of the creative imagination including works of poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction, which come from experience, thought, spirit and feeling. It also helps understand human feeling, human interest, culture, races, etc.

Lyrics are a few words that make up a song, usually consisting of verses and choruses. The meaning of lyrics can either be explicit or implicit. Some lyrics are abstract, almost unintelligible, and, in such cases, his explication emphasizes form, articulation, meter, and symmetry of expression. A part of this literary work has different characteristics inside, it contains the writer’s feelings and his styles, and he useshis power of imagination and intuition to express his mental experience into a poetry which has a high aesthetic value. Lyrics of the song is a kind of literary art that does not have only a function to entertain but it also gives education

through its ideas, expresses either through words, sentences or sound aspects and it requires a special reading in order to understand the deep meaning inside the lyrics.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, there are two problems in this study which need

to be discussed. The problems are as follows:

  • 1)    What kinds of figurative meaning are presented in the song lyrics Bring Me the Horizon: Sempiternal?

  • 2)    How figurative meaning is constructed in the lyrics Bring Me the Horizon: Sempiternal?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the background and problem mentioned above the specific aims of this study are:

  • 1)    To find out what are the figurative meanings of the song lyrics Bring Me the Horizon: Sempiternal?

  • 2)    To analyze the figurative meaning constructed in the song lyrics Bring Me the Horizon: Sempiternal?

  • 4.    Research Method

The data on the study were taken from song lyrics from band Bring Me the Horizon. According to Brown (2001), “Research is an exploration of experience of one kind or

another, sometimes formal and technical, but necessary”. He also states that “a good way to understanding the nature of research is to first experience it by doing it, initially in a simple and elementary way”.

  • 5.    Analysis

Figurative Meaning of the Lyrics

  • > The House of Wolves and Sleepwalking


Simile is a stated comparison, introduced by like or as. The following Examples of simile used in The House of Wolves: “Will burn just like a thousand suns” (line 26), and simile used in sleepwalking: “it’s like I’m sleep walking” (line 12). Similes in this poem help the readers compare what the poet means to another object used.


Personification gives human characteristics to an object, animal, or an abstract idea. Personification is a metaphor, of course, in the sense that there is an implied comparison between a nonhuman thing and a human being. The following Examples of personification used in The House of Wolves: “cloak and daggers murder the truth” (line 8), “these walls begin to cave in” (line 12)

And personification used in sleepwalking: “from my heart and my bones catch a fever” (line 2), “your eyes are swallowing me” (line 5), “mirrors starts to whisper” (line 6), “shadows start to see” (line 7), “my skin’s smothering me” (line 8)


Hyperbole is an exaggeration used for special effect. The following Examples of hyperbole used in The House of Wolves: “death is the only salvation you will feel” (line 4), “my soul can’t be saved if I sell you my sins” (line 16) and “is burning a thousand suns” (line 22), and hyperbole used in sleepwalking:

“it’s hard to find a way to breathe” (line 4)

  • a.    The House of Wolves can be interpreted universally as a representation of is the horror place where the bad guys gather and live and someone pray to god the bad guy will get karma for everything they have done

  • b.    Sleepwalking can be interpreted universally as a representation is someone who has a nightmare until he or she feels like to be a sleep walker, he or she feels like in the two worlds between reality and dream.

  • 6.    Conclusion

In this case my focus in on intrinsic approach to know what symbol is and figurative meaning on Bring Me The Horizon’s in Album “Sempiternal”. The extrinsic approach is also involved, namely the biography of the poet that bears significance to the compositions of the lyrics.

Based on the analysis presented in the previous chapter, it is clear that the use of symbol in both to make a lyrics more beautiful and to express the imagination and ideas indirectly. Through the use of symbols the poet can be considered successful in making the lyrics as an effective media to attain both the entertaining and teaching purposes.

The meaning of Bring Me The Horizon’s lyrics is found, of course, almost entirely on the symbolic level. The House of Wolves can be interpreted universally as a representation of is the horror place where the bad guys gather and live and someone pray to god the bad guy will get karma for everything they have done.Sleepwalking can be interpreted universally as a representation is someone who has a nightmare until he or she feels like to be a sleep walker, he or she feels like in the two worlds between reality and dream.

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