ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 19.1 Mei 2017:116-123

A Study on Declarative Modes in Cross- Cultural Communication at Sanur Village, Denpasar, Bali

Kadek Fradika Putra1*, I MadeNetra², I Ketut Wandia³ [¹²³]English Department,Faculty of Arts, Udayana University ¹[[email protected]] ²[[email protected]] ³[[email protected]] *Corresponding Author


Komunikasi lintas budaya adalah sebuah studi mengenai bagaimana orangorang yang memiliki kebudayaan yang berbeda berkomunikasi satu sama lain dan bagaimana mereka mencoba untuk berinteraksi lintas budaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi kemungkinan makna tuturandari dictum imperative dalam mode deklaratif yang ditemukan dalam komunikasi lintas budaya di Desa Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, dan untuk mengetahui illocutionary force dari mode tersebut berdasarkan konteks situasinya.

Data dalam studi ini dikumpulkan melalui metodeo bservasi dan tekhnik interview. Data yang terkumpul memiliki kemungkinan makna ujaran lebih dari satu dan data tersebut dapat dipahami sebagai data yang ambigu. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori konteks situasi yang dikemukakan oleh Halliday (1985) untuk menemukan illocutionary force dari mode declarative. Teori ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu field of discourse, tenor of discourse, dan mode of discourse yang mendukung apa yang diujarkan oleh penutur.

Keywords: cross cultural communication,imperative dictum, declarative modes

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Bali is known for its unique arts and culture; therefore, many tourists come to Bali each year. In this situation, it is not denied that Bali is a pluralistic society, ranging from the ethnic, languages, cultural and so forth. Sanur is one of the villages in Bali that has a good touristdestination and in this village many people from various ethnic groups who live either permanently or just for traveling, meaning that there would be many people with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds visiting this village. The communication in this village could be stated as a cross-cultural communication. In this case, cross-cultural communication can be understood as how people from different

cultures and ethnic groups do the interaction (communication) with the local people at Sanur and among the tourists themselves who live in Sanur village.

This study was conducted in order to study about the declarative modes often used by the people who speak English as their native language. The declarative modes found in cross-cultural communication involving more than one utterance meanings were considered the ambiguity of the data that might be understood by the hearer (H). Therefore, the ambiguity of the data identified by the context of the situation theory proposed by Halliday (1985) was used to find the illocutionary force of the declarative form so the data would not be ambiguous anymore because this theory supports the actual meaning from the speaker.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

The problems that appear according to the background above are listed as follows:

  • 1.    What declarative modes and their possible utterance meaningsare found in cross-cultural communication at Sanur village Denpasar, Bali?

  • 2.    What illocutionary forces are implied in the declarative modes found in cross-cultural communication at Sanur village Denpasar, Bali

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To identify the declarative modes and their possible utterance meanings found in cross-cultural communication at Sanur village, Denpasar, Bali.

  • 2.    To analyze theillocutionary forces of the utterances found in cross-cultural communication at Sanur village, Denpasar, Bali.

  • 4.    Materials andMethod

The data and information were obtained from Sanur village, Denpasar, Bali.The informants in this study were adolescents or adults as they were able to determine the value contained in the utterance of communication.Sanur was selected as the data source in this study due to several factors, first, Sanur is a village that is a tourist destination that has been familiar to tourists. Second, Sanur was selected as the place of the study because Sanur is village supported by the Udayana University. In addition, this research is also related to the previous study conducted by the research

team of the Faculty of Arts.The observation method used in this study is the participatory observation. The application of this method was done by the researchers by asking some questions related to the problem of this study.Theincreasein the number of theinformantwas endediftherewasnomorevariationof information and thecategoryof thedata.

The collected data in this study were analyzed qualitatively using the observation and interview techniques. The qualitative method was used to analyze the social phenomena like speech acts and the data were analyzed subjectively depending on the writer's knowledge. The theory used to analyze the declarative modes of the data is the context of the situation theory proposed by Halliday (1985) to identify the illocutionary force, so the data would not be ambiguous because the theory explains about the field of situation, the tenor of situation and the mode of situation that supports the speaker's intention to produce the utterance and the appearance of the directive acts.

  • 5.    Results and Discussion

The propositional content is always that the hearer H does some future action A. Verbs denoting members of this class are, order, command, request, invite, permit, advise, etc.These verbs can be considered the possible utterance meanings of the data. Table 1


Declarative Mode

Utterance Meanings


I think beach walk is better than Matahari Galleria because the products is better quality

Informing, Suggesting, Advising,

Asking Someone To

Do Something


This utterance can be understood as information if the situation when the S uttered this utterance was in the break time at campus; S talked to H about stuff sold at mall and about their qualities. S told H that the stuff sold in Beach Walk mall was

better in quality rather than the stuff in Matahari Galeria mall. Analyzed from its form, S only informed that Beach Walk was better than that at Matahari Galeria.

The utterance above can also categorized as suggestion because indirectly the S suggested the H to think that the quality of the product sold in Beach Walk was better than that at the Matahari Galeria. Therefore, S suggests the H to shop in Beach Walk instead of at Matahari Galeria by saying comparing the qualities of the products.

The data above can be analyzed as an advising utterance; the intention of the speaker was to recommend the H to shop at the place that had products with better qualities so that the H can get what it want. It can be also perceived as an utterance intended to ask someone to do something. Indirectly, the utterance spoken by the S was intended to make the H to do something, that is, to shop at Beach Walk. The way the S used was comparing the quality of the two shopping malls so that the H would shop at one particular place. The S also wanted the H to have good quality stuff as owned by the S and it was bought at Beach Walk.

Four utterance meanings such asinforming, suggesting, advising, asking someone to do somethingwere found in “I think beachwalk is better than Matahari Galleria because the products is better quality” and four meanings could be recognized as being ambigous. Therefore, the illocutionary force of this declarative mode could be found using the theory of context of situation proposed by Halliday (1989).

The context of situation would determine what was conveyed implicitly but not explicitly stated by the speaker (S). It can be concluded that the meaning of utterance depends on the context which carries it.

Conversation of Data 2:

H : “excuse me, can I ask something?”

S : “oh sure, what is that?”

H : “which one is better between Beachwalk with Matahari Galeria?”

S :“I think Beachwalk is better than Matahari Galleria because the products

is better quality.”

H : “Okay, thanks for your suggestion, I'll go there soon.”

S : "You're welcome"


This conversation occurred when H went to the S’s house in the afternoon. At that time, H asked to S about the quality of the products sold at Beachwalk and Matahari Galeria because H wanted to shop. H asked S because he didn’t know how the quality of the product was.


There are two participants: both S and H were the tourists. The H was male who was on holiday in Bali who wanted to shop at mall, while S was a female who was doing a business in Bali. S and H had been a friend for a long time through social media. At that time H went to Bali to enjoy his holiday at once to meet the S who had already been in Bali. Both S and H were about 24 years old. H asked S about the quality of the product sold at Beachwalk and Matahari Galeria because S had already shopped in both malls. Then S told H about the quality of the products and she said “I think Beachwalk is better than Matahari Galleria because the product has better quality” which showed that the product at Beachwalk was better than the product sold at Matahari Galeria. Finally H followed her suggestion because he wantedto get better products.


The indirect illocutionary utterance of the speaker was analyzed as the directive utterance. The S was advising the H to do something, which is, shopping at Beachwalk so that the H would get products with the best quality. The speech was delivered as the response to the question asked by the H. The declarative form used to deliver the advice to boldly give the advice to remove the doubt of the H. As we can see that in the end, the suggestion was accepted by the H by saying “Okay, thanks for your suggestion, I'll go there soon.”

Table 2


Declarative Mode

Utterance Meanings


I’m so happy that you come with me

Informing, Requesting, Inviting,

Asking someone to do something


The utterance can be understood as information because the S was informing the H that it would be a pleasure if H could go together with S to one place or event. There would be a different interpretation if S was a boy and H was a girl that he loves. S was doing an appeal to the H. If it was seen from the utterance and one particular clause 'I'm so happy’, the intention that could be comprehended was that the S was prevailing on H. Therefore, the utterance above can be understood as a request

The utterance above can also be understood as an inviting utterance because the clause "come with me" plays an important role. Generally, if that clause was present in an utterance, it would indicate an invitation, for example, S was an employee and H was his office mate, S used this utterance to invite H in a good way to leave his work and go with S.

Four utterance meanings; informing, requesting, inviting, asking someone to do something were found in “I’m so happy that you come with me” and four meanings could be recognized as ambiguous. Therefore, the illocutionary force of this declarative mode could be found using the theory of context of situation proposed by Halliday (1989).

Conversation of Data 2:

S :“I’m so happy that you come with me”

H : “Oh Really? I'm happy too, to be with you.”


The conversation above was occurring when S and H were at the office in the afternoon that they would be back home. They got a wedding invitation from their office friends. S wanted to invite H to attend the invitation to him.


There were two participants in this conversation; S was male and H was female. Both were co-workers with the same position. S was about 28 years old and H was 25 years old. S had no any friends to attend that event, and then he invited H to attend that event together. Their statuses were equally single, so they did not have a partner or were establishing a special relationship. S said to H that he would be happy if H could attend the event together with him. S uttered “I’m so happy that you come with me”, and the

utterance showed that S was really wanting H to attend the event together. Then H responded his utterance that she wanted to go to the event with him.


The declarative mode “I’m so happy that you come with me” was used in order to invite H to attend the event together. This declarative mode actually has the implicit meaning of the directive illocutionary “ I invite you to go to some place- I want you to do something for me”. From the explanation above, it is clear that S wanted to invite H to go together.

  • 6.    Conclusions

The types of directive illocutionary force found were advising, telling, ordering, commanding, inviting, framed by the declarative form. Fourteen utterances were fround in the declarative form, six utterances had directive illocutionary force advising, three had directive illocutionary force of telling, two had the directive illocutionary force of inviting, one had the directive illocutionary force of ordering, one had the directive illocutionary force of suggesting and one had the directive illocutionary force of commanding.

The context of situation theory proposed by Halliday (1985) was used to identify the illocutionary force of those declarative modes so the data would not be ambiguous because the field of discourse, the tenor of discourse and the mode of discourse support the speaker’s intention in producing the utterance and the appearance of the directive acts.


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