Visual And Verbal Communication In Michael Jackson’s Video Clip Entitled “Black Or White”
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 17.2 Nopember 2016: 28 -35
Visual And Verbal Communication In Michael Jackson’s Video Clip Entitled “Black Or White”
Dewa Ayu Dian Astawa Putri1*, I G.A. Gede Sosiowati2, I Made Winaya3 123English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University
1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]
Corresponding Author
Skripsi dengan judul Visual and Verbal Communication in Michael Jackson’s Video Clip Entitled “Black or White”. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kegunaan dari komunikasi visual dan verbal dan juga untuk mecari hubungan antara elemen visual dan verbal dengan arti dari lagu di video clip Michael Jackson.
Dalam mengumpulkan data, skripsi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dalam mengumpulkan data ada tiga langkah yang digunakan, yaitu pertama, memilih data dengan baik, kedua menemukan sign dan mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan tipenya and terakhir pesan yang disampaikan di dalam data ditemukan. Dalam menganalisis data digunakan teori visual communication oleh Dyer (1993), teori verbal representation oleh Dyer dalam bukunya yang berjudul Advertising as Communication dan teori meaning oleh Leech (1974).
Hasil dari analisis menunjukan kegunaan dari verbal and visual communication elements di musik video clip tergantung pada konten dari musik video clip itu sendiri. video clip yang mempunyari cerita atau pesan tersembunyi lebih banyak menggunakan visual and verbal communication daripada video clip yang tidak mempunyai pesan moral. Dengan mematuhi peran dari peran dari visual communication elements di dalam video clip, ditemukan hubungan antara visual sign dan verbal representation di dalam video clip. Arti dari lirik lagu juga berperan penting untuk mendukung dalam menemukan pesan yang tersimpan di dalam lagu.
Kata kunci: visual, verbal, komunikasi, elemen, video clip.
From the beginning of human culture, visual sign has become key elements to communication because visual sign can convey lots of things through its representation. The representation of visual sign has been developed through the improvement of audio-visual technology like in cinematography field. For example music video clip. In
music video clip, the representation of sign usually presents various elements of sign namely visual communication.
Verbal sign according to Chandler (2001: 27) is something that deals with text and word. And the visual sign according to Chandler (2001: 10) defined visual sign as pictures, which presented the kind of the products, logo of company, etc. In music video clip there must be a meaning behind the song lyric itself, and it can be revealed by the verbal representation in the Michael Jackson video clip entitle “Black and White”.
In this study there are also some problem formulation to research on analyze the data source:
1. What kinds of visual communication elements are used in the Michael Jackson video clip entitled “Black or White”?
2. What is the meaning of lyrics based on each verbal communication in video clip entitled “Black or White”?
3. Aims of Study
In this study there are some aims of study follows:
a.To analyze the elements of visual communication that related to the topic using the theory of visual signs.
b. To find the meaning of the lyrics using the semantic theory of sign and meaning.
Research can be defined as a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new fact or information about the subject. There are three aspects in connection with the data, namely data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.
The data were taken from Michael Jackson’s video clip entitled “Black or White”. That video clip was chosen because the video clip is very interesting and contains many relevant data to the problem which are discussed in this study. This video
clip was very simple but meaningful because this song talks about social life and it is very interesting to be discussed by using semiotics theory.
In collecting the data, this study used qualitative method. In collecting the data there are three steps and the steps are:
1. Firstly, selecting intensively the data.
2. Finding the signs and classified the data accordance with their type.
3. Finally, the messages that stand behind the sign are observed.
The collected data was analyzed using the theories of Dyer (1993) about the classification of the visual communication elements is used in Michael Jackson’s video clip and analysis the meaning of lyric on Michael Jackson’s video clip is based on Leech (1972) theory. Then, the analysis is continued with the relation between the lyrics meaning and the visual communication elements in the Michael Jackson’s video clip.
5. Analysis and Result
5.1 The Visual Communication Elements used in Black or White Video Clip
5.1.1 Appearance
a. Age
The identification of the age in this Michael Jackson’s video clip is done based on the representing actress and actor. It is the identification from the overall appearance like the face and the body.
The characters of the video clip are the singer in his 33-35 years old, a child of around 7-10 years old and his parents, his father can be identified as a mature man around 4045 years old and also his mother in her 35-40 years old.
b. Gender
The classification of the gender in this video can be classified into female and male. Specifically, the description can be explained as follows:
No |
The Actor or Actress |
Gender |
1 |
The singer |
Male |
2 |
The mature man (father) |
Male |
c. Nationality and Race
From the description of the categorization proposed by Ginting (1997) the classification of the nationality and race from the actor and actress in the video clip are the child, his father and mother are from America and their race is American.
d. Hair
In this Michael Jackson’s video clip it can be seen that the main character is the singer has short, straight and black hair. The other characters are the child has straight and blonde hair. His father has short, curly, and blonde hair. And his mother has short, straight and blonde hair.
Body and size
The body and size in this Michael Jackson’s video clip depend on the real condition of each character.
No |
The Actor or Actress |
Body and Size |
1 |
The singer |
Tall and thin |
2 |
The man on sofa |
Big and tall |
f. Looks
The looks of each person in this video clip convey something, which are related to age, style and impression. The result can be described as follow:
1. The singer is identified as a man and he is so energetic, emotional and powerful. He wears white shirt and white outer with black long pants and black shoes.
a. Expression
In this clip, the expression occurs from each character, the expression of the character, which occurs in this clip is a positive and negative expression like happy expression also panic and angry expression.
b. Pose
Pose, in this clip, is kind of active pose, because the singer and supporting artists do not only stay at one place but they make such movement which involve their body's part during they play or sing the song and also the singer and the supporting character were dancing and they are very active.
c. Clothes
These are obviously important carrier the meaning which need to represents. They can range from the formal to the informal, and can be smart. Sophisticated, glamorous, elegant, trendy or comfortable and casual. The clothes used in this video are variable. Jeans, t shirt, are the example of non formal clothes but comfortable.
a. Body Movement
i) Dancing
This movement can be clearly seen on the picture of the singer and supporting characters dance in this video clip. Most of these movements involve the body parts especially hands and as well as feet.
There are some properties used in this music video like sofa, newspaper, television, sound, guitar it represent the things that we were usually found in the house. Other properties are the lion when the singer dancing with African, it represent the identity of. Indoor setting in this video is in the house.
a. Focus and Depth of Vision
The face of the actors/actress in every scene is observed from focus and depth vision. The face of the actor/actress is presented in fuzzy description.
b. Close-ups
The close ups pictures can be seen on the pictures of the singer's appearances when the singer appear the camera is always close up and focused to the singer. And the close ups also can be seen on the picture of supporting characters and also the dancer. c. Camera Angle
i.) Front angle
This angle is used to take the pictures of the singer when he sing and dance on the. This video clip is dominant using front angle to take the picture of the singer and supporting character and also the dancer.
d. Special Effects or Montage
There are several special effects that are used in the video clip. The first special effects used when the child turn on sound and playing guitar that make his father kick out from the house, the effect is the background when the child will play guitar is blue and white it gives dramatic look because the child did revenge to his father.
The verbal representation for “Black or White” song is textual analysis. The interpreter or the analyst is discovering the meaning of the song without asking the writer of the song itself for the lyric itself.
Conceptual meaning is also called denotative meaning or cognitive meaning. It is logical and widely assumed to be the central factor in linguistic communication.Here is some lyric that shown conceptual meaning in “Black or White” video clip.
1. “Boy, is that girl with you?"
The sentence above is very clear it explain about someone who asking to the singer about his girlfriend and the reader did not need any other interpretation.
Connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. Connotative meaning is
indeterminate and opens in the same sense as our knowledge and believes about the universes that are open-ended.
1. “Yes, we're one and the same”
The sentence above clearly shown the connotative meaning. The sentence we’re one and the same means unity in diversity.
This study has discussed the visual and verbal communication used in music video clip. It is focused on the discussion of visual and verbal communication elements used in the music video. Besides that, this study also focused on the analysis of the lyrics meaning related to the visual communication representation in the Michael Jackson’s video clip. Based on the analysis and the discussion, the following points can be presented as conclusion:
From the previous analysisthe visual communication elements that found are 15 elements from 5 categories of visual elements. In the appearance category it was found 6 elements, those 6 elements are age, gender, nationality and race, hair, body and size and looks. In the manner category, it was found 3 elements, those are expression, pose, and clothes. In activity category, it was found only 1 element, it was body movement. In the props and settings category, it was found that the video consisted in outdoor and indoor setting. In the visual or image category, it was found 4 elements, those are focus and depth vision, close-ups, camera angel and Special Effect or Montage.
There are some meanings used in supporting verbal communication in music video clip entitled “BlackorWhite”. The music video clip used 2 types of meanings, those are conceptual and connotative meaning.
The use of visual communication elements in supporting verbal communication in music video clip proved that the video with a story used more visual communication element rather than the video that has no story.
From the analysis of the song messages , we can concluded that visual and verbal communication have important role in conveying the song message, because it is easier to understand what the music video clip need to convey form the observation of
visual and verbal communication. Finally we can say that the most powerful, meaningful, and culturally important messages are those that combine words and pictures in equally respectful way.
Dyer, G. 1993. Advertising as Communication. London: Methuen & Co.Ltd
Hornby. 2010. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Eight Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leech, Geoffery. 1974. Semantics. Jakarta: UNS Press.
Discussion and feedback