ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 17.1 Oktober 2016: 14 - 19

Methods And Techniques

In Teaching English At Sman 1 Tabanan

Anak Agung Ngurah Wira Wicaksana1*, I Made Netra2, Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani3 123Faculty Of Arts Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]]


Corresponding Author


Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis pendekatan, metode, dan teknik yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Tabanan dan menyelidiki kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam mengajar keterampilan bahasa Inggris. Teori yang digunakan dalam pendekatan dan metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris bersumber dari Jack F. Richards & Theodore S. Rodgers (1986), teori mengenai teknik pengajaran bahasa Inggris bersumber dari Diane Larsen (2000); sementara kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh guru bahasa Inggris diambil dari teori yang berasal dari Douglas Brown H (1994) dan Nelson Brooks (1964). Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa data. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru dari SMAN 1 Tabanan menggunakan pendekatan komunikatif dan pendekatan ilmiah. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskusi dan metode pengajaran bahasa yang komunikatif. Role play, kelompok kecil / pasangan kerja, dan permainan digunakan dalam teknik Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas. Sedangkan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh guru dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu: kesulitan internal dan kesulitan eksternal.

Kata kunci: pendekatan, metode, teknik, kesulitan dalam bahasa Inggris

  • 1.    Background

Language is a system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people in a particular country (Hornby, 2000:752). In general, the language used by people today is the mother tongue, the first language we have got in our family. There are many

languages in the world. One of them is English. English is an international language which is used to bridge the gap among the speakers of various languages. English is internationally used to spread technology and science, education, information and invention; communication in international conference etc.

English language learning must be supported by English language teaching which needs certain approaches, methods, techniques, and steps of teaching. They are very beneficial to facilitate the English teaching progress. Teaching is defined as a means of showing or helping someone to learn something. The most important part of the institution is the teacher, because each learning process needs a teacher as the information transformer; in other words, the teacher is the subject of learning and teaching process.

Based on the background above, the study mainly discusses the approaches methods, and techniques of English language skill teaching and also the difficulties faced by the teachers in SMAN 1 Tabanan.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

From the background above, the problems of the study can formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What kind of approaches, methods, and techniques are used by English teachers in SMAN 1 Tabanan?

  • 2.    What difficulties are faced by the English teachers in the implementation of the teaching methods and techniques in SMAN 1 Tabanan?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Every research has a specific aim or an expected objective that has to be achieved. The specific aims to be achieved in this study are:

  • 1.    Finding out the kinds of approaches, methods and techniques used by the English teachers of the second grade in English language skill teaching

  • 2.    Investigating the difficulties faced by the teachers in the implementation of the methods and techniques in the English language skill teaching in SMAN 1 Tabanan.

  • 4.    Research Method

    4.1    Data Source

The data for this study were obtained through field research. The primary data were collected from the result of observation and interview with the teachers. The informants of the present study were the English Teachers of the second grade in SMAN 1 Tabanan. The informants incuded two English teachers, their names are I Putu Yoga Purandina and Yetty Artasari.

This school is one of the favorite schools in Tabanan regency and has international standard. The second grade was chosen as the students of this grade were still considered the beginners in high school; therefore, the effective teaching approach, method, and technique implemented by the teacher should improve their English language in the high school.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected through field research. The data were collected by interviewing the English teachers which were related to the approaches, methods, and techniques that were used in teaching language skill in the classroom and about the difficulties faced in the implementation of the teaching method and technique. During the interview, the recording and taking note techniques were applied in order to record the information. Apart from the interview, direct observation was made in the classroom such as watching and noting systematically the phenomenon investigated.

  • 4.3    Methods and Techniques of Analyzing Data

The data were analyzed by using the qualitative method. The process of analyzing the data of this study were done through the following steps; first, the interview result was analyzed by listening to the record and taking a note in order to classify the teaching approach, method and technique used and the difficulties faced. The result of the interview was combined with the result of the observation in the classroom. The triangulation technique was also used to analyze the data of this study.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

    5.1    Approaches

Teachers usually use the communicative approach; it is an approach to teaching foreign languages that emphasize interaction as well as the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. This approach gives the opportunity for students to communicate actively, for example, each class communicates using the English language.

Besides using a communicative approach, this school also uses a scientific approach as the basis of learning English. The scientific approach is materialized in the learning cycle which is divided into five parts, namely: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. Those parts were applied into three patterns. The first pattern is discovery/inquiry learning, second pattern is project based learning, and the third pattern is the learning model problem based (Arsani, 2015). The teachers used the project based on the learning procedure. The steps of this procedure include observation, questioning, experimenting, associating, and presenting. This pattern was used by the teachers when teaching the procedural text.

  • 5.2    Methods

    1.    Discussion Method

Discussion method is suitable in many situations and can be used in many teaching and learning situations. This method was used when the teacher wanted to improve the student’s speaking skill. For example, this method was used to discuss the procedural text and announcement.

Based on the observation the teacher made a group in the class and discussed how to write a procedural text.

  • 2.    Communicative Language Teaching

Communication requires that students perform certain functions as well, such as promising, inviting, and declining invitations within a social context. Based on the observation, dialogues were taken for the class activities. The dialogues could be seen

when the teacher gave a task to the student in form of conversation. In the conversation, the teacher divided the class into small groups of three students. The students made their own dialogues depending on the topic given by the teacher; the topic that was given by the teacher was the announcement text; it was chosen because it was the material from the book. The material was provided by the teacher adapted to the book that the students got; it was making easier for teachers to determine a topic of discussion.

  • 5.3    Techniques

Some techniques seemed to be used in teaching the students at SMAN 1 Tabanan so that teaching learning process could be achieved. During the observation, the techniques based on the method used by the teachers are role play, pair work, language games, and authentic material. Role plays are very important in CLT because they give students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and indifferent social roles.

The teachers who used small group activities believed that the students could learn from each other and got more practice with the target language by working in small groups. The small groups in the class were done by the students to do their task, for example, the teacher asked the students to make an announcement text, before doing the task, the teacher asked the students to work in a small group of four to create the announcement text.

Games were used frequently in CLT. The students found them enjoy able, and if they were properly designed, they would give the students valuable communicative practice. During the observation, the games given in the classroom are: describing and drawing a picture and who am I

From the observation made, it was found that the teacher used LKS as the authentic material. LKS that was given based on the 2013 curriculum to support the student’s learning process in the school, LKS contained the theories and resume which the students could understand and remember more easily.

  • 5.4    Difficulties

Based on the observation, the problems faced by the teacher at SMAN 1 Tabanan could be divided into two kinds, the internal difficulties and the external difficulties.

The internal difficulties such as the class, the students, teacher, and the book came from the school. The external difficulties included the physical surrounding.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Based on the observation and interview, it was found that the approach used by the teachers was the communicative approach and scientific approach. The teaching method used at SMAN 1 Tabanan included discussion method and communicative language teaching. The classroom activities were often focused on completing tasks mediated through language or involved negotiation and information sharing.

Regarding the technique used during the teaching – learning process, the English teacher used role play, small group or pair work, games, and authentic material. These techniques certainly made all of the students understand the subject that they had learned. The difficulties faced by the English teacher at the school could be divided into two aspects. They were the internal difficulties and external difficulties.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Anthony, Edward M. 1963. Approach, method, and technique. English Language Teaching.

Brooks, Nelson. 1964. Language and Language Learning: Theory & Practice. New York: Harcourt Brace world Inc.

Brown H, Douglas. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. The Third Edition. San Francisco: Star University.

Larsen - Freeman, Diane. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Second Edition. Oxford University press.