ISSN: 2302-920X

Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud

Vol 16.3 September 2016: 51 – 57

Simple Prepositional Phrases Found In Business Articles Of The Jakarta Post

Fitri Handayani1*, Ni Made Ayu Widiastuti2, I Gede Sadia3 123English Department Faculty Of Letters And Culture Udayana University 1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[…] *

Corresponding Author


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengenali jenis-jenis kata preposisi sederhana, menggambarkan fungsi dan menganalisis makna preposisi pada ungkapan preposisi dalam kalimat yang ditemukan di dalam artikel bisnis dari koran Jakarta Post edisi November 2014, Juni 2015, dan November 2015. Dalam penelitian ini ada teori yang digunakan untuk menjawab 3 pokok permasalahan. Adapun teori yang dimaksud, teori tentang ungkapan preposisi oleh Quirk dan kawan-kawan (1985). Penelitian ini menemukan 20 preposisi yang terbagi menjadi 2 katagori sesuai jenis-jenis preposisi sederhana dan 76 ungkapan preposisi yang terbagi menjadi 8 katagori, 3 fungsi ungkapan preposisi dan 5 makna preposisi yang ada di ungkapan preposisi dalam sebuah kalimat. Di dalam penelitian ini terbukti bahwa preposisi memiliki peran penting dalam kalimat untuk menghubungkan dengan kata-kata yang lain dalam kalimat. Preposisi tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, preposisi harus diikuti dengan pelengkap preposisi, bisa berupa nama tempat, waktu, kata ganti, atau kata benda.

Kata kunci: ungkapan preposisi, preposisi, fungsi, dan makna.

  • 1.    Background

Prepositional phrase is one of the sentence elements, which functions to indicate certain relation between other words in one sentence. It used to make the sentence complete and understandable (by Quirk, The prepositional phrase consists of preposition followed by a prepositional complement. There are some theories used in this study related to prepositional phrases. They are theory of Quirk, as main theory and the last Yule’s theory as support theory.

According to Quirk, (1985:673) a preposition emphasizes the relation between two entities, that one being represented by the prepositional complement. In this case time

and place are easier to be identified, however in term of labels; preposition in systematic meaning is difficult to be described. Besides theory of Quirk,, Yule’s theory is also used to support in analyzing of this study.

Yule (1998:156) states that preposition can be followed by a noun phrase from prepositional phrase. So following noun phrase, verb, or adjective can become a mark of the relationship in terms of what can be a mark of preposition in English.

Quirk, (1985:659) also state that there are several points of similarity between preposition and other word classes and constructions in English grammar, particularly conjunction and adverb, as well as participle and adjective.

  • 2.    Problems

Based on the background, there are three problems that are discussed in this writing, they are:

  • 1.    What types of simple prepositions are found in business articles of the Jakarta Post?

  • 2.    What syntactic functions of simple prepositional phrases are found in business articles of the Jakarta Post?

  • 3.    What meanings of simple prepositional phrases are found in business articles of the Jakarta Post?

  • 3.    Aims of Study

Based on the problems above, the aims of this study are as follows:

  • 1.    To identify the types of the simple prepositions found in business articles of the Jakarta Post.

  • 2.    To describe the syntactic functions of the simple prepositional phrases found in business articles of the Jakarta Post.

  • 3.    To analyze about the meanings of simple prepositional phrases found in business articles of the Jakarta Post.

  • 4.    Research Methods

There are some steps needed to be followed when we do a research. There are data source where all the data used to sport all the analysis taken from, method and technique of collecting data and analyzing data are important in helping to solve difficulty in collecting and analyzing process. So, the research resulted becomes quicker, better and clearer.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data were taken from the articles in business topic of Jakarta Post newspaper. The Jakarta Post was chosen as the data source because it is an international newspaper in Indonesia. Besides, in Jakarta Post especially in business articles there are many simple prepositions.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

Library research method was applied in collecting the data relevant to the topic. The data were taken from Business articles in The Jakarta Post. The data were collected through intents and comprehensive reading and then marking the occurrences of simple prepositions, and the last input into Microsoft word of computer program.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were descriptively and qualitatively analyzed based on the main theory of Quirk, (1985) about prepositional phrase in their book entitled A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Based on that theory, the data were classified based on types of simple prepositions. After that the syntactic functions and meanings of simple prepositional phrases were analyzed qualitatively.

  • 5.     Result and Discussion

There were two types of simple prepositions, three types of syntactic functions and five types of simple prepositional meanings found in business articles of the Jakarta Post. a.     Types of Simple Prepositions

There are some types simple prepositions found in the business articles. They can be identified as follows:

Monosyllabic Prepositions

for    to     of     from  on    as     in

at     since  with  but    by    or     up

Polysyllabic Prepositions

after  into   under among

between     through

  • b.     Syntactic Functions of Simple Prepositional Phrases

    Post modifier in a Noun Phrase

  • 1.     …,Teten Masduki, a member of the President’s communications team, said in a

recent statement. (A.2; p.13; line 11)

The prepositional phrase is of the President’s communications team. It gives specific information and modifies to the preceding noun member. It tells that Teten Masduki is a President’s communications member. Besides, it is in place after noun member, so the simple prepositional phrase functions as post modifier in a noun phrase a member of the President’s communications team.


  • 1.     In the future, the government aims to further bring down the micro lending rate to

9 percent, ... (A.1; p.13; line 84)

The prepositional phrase is in the future. It functions as adverbial, especially adjunct, which expresses time. The adjunct is relatively integrated within the structure of the sentence. The meaning of the sentence is still remaining if the position of the prepositional phrase is changed. It can be placed at the middle after the subject or the end of the sentence, without changing the meaning of the sentence, as the following examples:

  • a.    The government, in the future, aims to further bring down the micro lending rate to 9 percent,…

  • b.    The government aims to further bring down the micro lending rate to 9 percent in the future,..


  • 1.     The government is close to finalizing a regulation. (A.2; p.13; line 1)

The prepositional phrase is to finalizing a regulation. It functions as complementation of an adjective close. The simple prepositional phrase complements the preceding adjective and completes its specification of meaning relationship.

  • a.     Simple Prepositional Meanings of Simple Prepositional Phrases

    Simple Prepositions Denoting Spatial Relation

  • 1.     The Indonesian currency has dropped 10 percent this year in the second-worst

performance in Asia. (A.7; p.13; line 57)

The simple prepositional phrase is in Asia. It means Asia is the place where the Indonesian currency has dropped. The preposition in belongs to dimension type 2 denoting area and including positive position.

Simple Prepositions Denoting Time

  • 1.     By keeping all rates on hold, BI has maintained them at the same level since

February. (A.3; p.13; line 39)

The simple prepositional phrase is since February. It expresses the stretch time when BI maintained rates. Preposition since is a prepositions denotes time.

Denoting Cause or Purpose Spectrum

  • 1 .“The new proposal will be good for investment and capital flow into Indonesia, as well as our tourism industry,” he said. (A.2; p.13; line 37)

The simple prepositional phrase is for investment. It means Indonesia is expected become a place of investment. The preposition for denotes purpose.

Denoting Means or Agentive Spectrum

  • 1.    Air law Community chairman Andre Rahadian said in a discussion on Thursday

that several regulations imposed by the government aimed to improve flight safety and security had burdened. (A.13; p.14; line 8)

The prepositional phrase is by the government. It means the government imposes several regulations to improve flight safety. The preposition by denotes agentive. The sentence is passive voice. So, the agentive is expressed by-phrase: by someone.

Other Simple Prepositional Meanings

  • 1.    When contacted, Hariyadi B. Sukamdani, chairman of the Indonesian Employers

Association (Apindo)…. (A.3; p.13; line 84)

The prepositional phrase is of the Indonesian Employers Association. It means Hariyadi B. Sukamdani leads Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) and he is part of Indonesian Employers Association. Preposition of denotes partition.

  • 6.     Conclusion

There are many simple prepositional phrases found in business articles of The

Jakarta Post. These give a fact that preposition has an important role and function in

English especially written English Language.

The simple prepositions can be divided into two major parts based on the type. They are monosyllabic and polysyllabic prepositions. Monosyllabic prepositions are found mostly than polysyllabic prepositions.

Based on the syntactic functions, simple prepositional phrases functioning as adverbial are commonly occurred, especially adjunct.

In addition, the simple prepositional meanings can be divided into five. They are prepositions denoting spatial relation, denoting time, denoting the cause or purpose spectrum, the means or agentive spectrum and other prepositional meanings. In this case,

preposition denoting time is most commonly occurred in simple prepositional phrases in sentences.

  • 7.     Bibliography

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