The First Language Acquisition Of Tonya Walsh Yudi As An Intermarriage Child
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 16.3 September 2016: 37 – 42
The First Language Acquisition Of Tonya Walsh Yudi
As An Intermarriage Child
Erwita Yasinta Br Ginting1* I Nengah Sudipa2
A. A. Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi3
1123English Department Faculty Of Letters And Culture Udayana University
1[[email protected]] 2[[email protected]] 3[[email protected]] *
Corresponding Author
Setiap anak memperoleh bahasa pertama mereka dengan cara yang berbeda-beda. Itu tergantung pada kemampuan dan lingkungan dari anak tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perkembangan Tonya sebagai seorang anak kawin campur dalam memeperoleh bahasa pertamanya terutama pemerolehan kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris dan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Tonya dalam pemerolehan bahasa. Perkembangan bahasa dibagi menjadi empat area, menurut Owens (1992) dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Language Development” dan faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam perkembangan bahasa tersebut menurut teori yang dicetuskan oleh Chomsky (1968). Hasil dari peneletian ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan bahasa tidak bisa dipisahkan dari perkembangan fisik, kognitif, dan sosial-emosional dari anak tersebut. Orang tua Tonya memiliki bahasa dan kebudayaan yang berbeda, itu juga mempengaruhi Tonya dalam memperoleh kosa katanya di dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selain dari kemampuan yang memang sudah dimiliki oleh Tonya sejak lahir dalam memperoleh bahasa, faktor tingkah laku orang di sekitarnya, teknologi dan program belajar di sekolahnya juga mempengaruhi Tonya dalam memperoleh kosa katanya dalam bahasa Inggris.
Kata kunci: Kawin Campur, Kosa Kata, Perkembangan Bahasa
Language is part of being human, therefore it is impossible to communicate without language and all of people in the world have their first language. Every people acquires the first language in early childhood and the language always be developed. In acquiring the first language, every infant has different ways and stages. It depends on the ability of that infant and the environmental side that influences the infant in acquiring the first language. Therefore, the language development involves acquisition and learning. It is natural that different environments would produce different kinds of language
development especially for an intermarriage child because the parent has different language and cultures.
There are two following problems to be analyzed through this study:
a) What are the development stages of Tonya Walsh Yudi in acquiring her first language especially her English vocabularies?
b) What are the factors influencing the language development of Tonya Walsh Yudi?
The aims of this study are:
a) To identify the development stages of Tonya Walsh Yudi in acquiring her first language especially her English vocabulary.
b) To identify the factors influencing the language development of Tonya Walsh Yudi.
The data to support this study was obtained by observing Tonya directly as the subject of this study and by interviewing Tonya’s parents to obtain more information about Tonya in acquiring her English vocabulary.
Participatory observation method was used in collecting the data of Tonya as the primary data of this study and interviewing method was used in collecting the data of Tonya’s parents as the additional data. Then, the technique used in obtaining the data from observing Tonya directly is by recording, meanwhile the technique used in obtaining the data from interviewing Tonya’s parents is by note taking.
Qualitative method was used in analyzing the data of this study. Qualitative method was done because there is no statistical calculation discussion of this study. The collected data were further analyzed based on the theory of language development proposed by Owens (1992) and innateness theory by Chomsky (1968). The analysis was correlated to the formulated problems.
Meanwhile, the technique used in analyzing the data in this study by descriptive technique. There are some steps in analyzing the data. Firstly, the data of Tonya as an intermarriage child was arranged one by one. Secondly, the data of Tonya as the main data of this study obtained from the interview results of her parents and the result of observing Tonya for three months was compared with the language development with the normal children based on the theory. Therefore, in this step, the differences between Tonya as an intermarriage child and the other normal children in acquiring the first language could be seen. Thirdly, the language development of Tonya using more than one language could be compared with the language development of the children that use only one language. This analysis would identify the effort that Tonya’s parent did for their child in using the first language and other factors influencing the language development of Tonya. Finally, the formulated problems could be answered clearly.
5. Result and Discussion
5.1. The Development Stages of Tonya Walsh Yudi in Acquiring English
Vocabulary in Three Months.
In this section, the development of Tonya could be seen in physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and communicative part. The development of Tonya physically could be seen in the daily activities of Tonya every day. For distance, Tonya has not been able to ride bicycle yet, but she has been able to ride tricycle well. Tonya took one month to learn how to ride the tricycle well and she becomes a good cyclist now. In addition, Tonya is able to filter out unnecessary information more effectively. Increased memory enables the child to process and organize the remaining information for solving the problem. In this increased process, the children would obtain a better understanding of their own mental process.
The cognitive development of Tonya is also more mature. Tonya has been able to solve the problem that she faces. The problem here is not the complicated problem but the easy problem, such as; When Tonya writes something in her book with pencil wrongly, she would know how to solve the problem. She would take the rubber and erase the wrong words. It shows that Tonya already knows how to solve the problem that she faces. Socio emotional development is closely related to the others. As a child matures, she becomes less egocentric and more social.
Therefore the development of Tonya in social side is also more developed. She always likes to play with her peers in a group. She likes playing hide and seeks with her friends and she sometimes wants to draw and do something with her friends. It shows that Tonya as a child builds a good socialization with the other people. This development stage appropriates with the theory of Owens. She enjoys active games and she often wants to play games, she is also competitive identifies with sex peers in groups, and she also could transform egocentric reality to more complex and relative reality view. The communicative, physical, cognitive, and socioeconomic developments are related to each other; therefore, it could not be seperated.
Meanwhile, the communicative development of Tonya is more developed every day. She knows at least four or five new words every day. Based on the tasks given by her teachers, Tonya has been able to produce and memorize the new vocabularies. Those things would give a new vocabulary to Tonya. Tonya studies at school just five days in a week, in one year at least she attends 264 days in school. She also takes a course at home twice a week. She uses English to study with her private teacher. Therefore, if one day she obtains five words minimal, in three months she would obtain 450 words and in a year she would obtain 1320 words at least. However it also depends on her environment that influences her in acquiring the English Vocabulary and the amount of the words that she obtains every day, such as the English vocabulary from the song, television program, games, film, etc. It could be more than five words every day. Therefore, her English vocabulary would keep developing.
Based on the innateness theory, the children have an ability to manage the language process. A child's brain contains special language-learning mechanisms at birth. The theory is also related to Tonya because based on this theory she has had her ability learning by herself in acquiring the language. Tonya was born with an inherited ability to learn any human language. Tonya also has her language acquisition device which encodes the major principles of a language and its grammatical structures into her brain. She starts to learn the vocabulary and apply the syntactic structures from the LAD to form new sentences. As the result, Tonya has been able to realize LAD in her brain and she starts to learn the vocabulary and apply LAD to form sentences. The language of
Tonya is always developed. The language development of Tonya is not only from genetic but also from environment because both of genetic and environmental could not be separated. Therefore, there are some factors that influence the language development of Tonya. The first factor is the behavior side of the environment especially the behavior of her parents. The second factor is from technological term because Tonya also plays the English game on the phone and she likes singing English children song from television. The last factor is from the school. She studies in a national plus school in Jimbaran. The teachers in her school also speak English and they use English book, therefore it also influences Tonya in acquiring her English vocabulary.
Every infant has acquired their first language in different time and age. It depends on the ability and the environment of the children. Tonya as the subject of this study also has different stages in acquiring her first language especially in her English vocabulary. She obtains five words every day and in three months she would obtain 450 words and in a year she would obtain 1320 words at least. It shows that the English vocabulary of Tonya keeps developing. In acquiring the English vocabulary, Tonya’s ability is more developed. The English vocabulary of Tonya is developed day by day. It is because there are some factors that influence her in acquiring it, such as; the behavior of the people around her, the technology such as games, movies, songs, TV programs and the program used in her school.
One of the factors influencing Tonya in acquiring her English vocabulary is by listening English children song. Tonya likes singing English children song; therefore Tonya would be easier to produce English vocabulary. In singing the English children song, Tonya could explore her ability in mastering English vocabulary through the way that she likes, for example in repeating the words in the song lyrics. Tonya would know the words and their meaning because she always says it. Therefore to reduce boredom usually happened in formal learning, the English children song could be a good choice of a new fun way in acquiring English vocabulary.
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