Prepositional Phrases and Their Translation Shifts in Catching Fire and in Tersulut
ISSN: 2302-920X
Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
Vol 18.2 Pebruari 2017:127-134
Prepositional Phrases and Their Translation Shifts in Catching Fire and in Tersulut
I Dewa Nyoman Tri Adnyana1*, Frans I Made Brata2, I Wayan Suardhana3 [123]English Department, Faculty of Arts – Udayana University 1[email: [email protected]] 2[[email protected]]
[[email protected]] *Corresponding Author
Studi ini berjudul “Prepositional Phrases and Their Translation Shifts in Catching Fire and in Tersulut”. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis preposisi dan menentukan jenis pergeseran dalam terjemahan frasa preposisi pada dua novel tersebut. Studi ini menjawab 2 rumusan masalah yaitu, jenis dari shift terjemahan yang ditemukan pada novel Catching Fire dan terjemahannya pada novel Tersulut, dan kesepadanan terjemahan yang digunakan dalam penerjemahan frasa preposisi.
Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis penerjemahan shift pada novel Catching Fire adalah teori tentang shift terjemahan olehCatford (1965) yang mengklasifikasikan shift terjemahan menjadi level shift dan category shift dan teori tentang kesepadanan terjemahan oleh Catford (1965) yang ada pada buku oleh Shuttleworth dan Cowie (1997). Data pada studi ini didapatkan dari novel berbahasa inggris yang berjudul Catching Fire yang di tulis oleh Suzanne Collins (2009) dan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang berjudul Tersulut (2010) yang diterjemahkan oleh Hetih Rusli. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode studi pustaka, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan cara membaca dan mencatat. Data pada studi ini dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif. Data yang didapatkan di tampilkan dalam bentuk tabel.
Preposisi yang dianalisis pada studi ini yaitu, preposisi in, on, at dan into. Shift Terjemahan dalam frasa preposisi pada novel Catching Fire dan Tersulut didapatkan pada jenis pergeseran level dan pergeseran kategori. Pergeseran kategori didapatkan dalam tatanan pergeseran struktur, pergeseran kelas, unit dan intra-sistem. Kesepadanan terjemahan yang diterapkan pada studi ini adalah korespondensi formal dan kesepadanan tekstual.
Kata kunci: frasapreposisi, terjemahan shift, kesepadananterjemahan.
Translation in English plays an important role in communication between two different languages. Larson stated that translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrase, clause, sentences, paragraph, etc., which are spoken or written. Translator reproduces the forms
of SL into the forms of TL by way of semantic structure in translating a text. In other words, the meaning should be transferred consistently and the form may be changed. Speaking about the forms, the changing form is examined in shifts. Shift in translating is unavoidable in order to express the meaning in source language (SL) into target language (TL) in natural way. Preposition is very an important thing, and we have to be careful when we use it in the sentence, because the same form of preposition can express different meanings, meaning that a preposition may have more than one meaning. This study focuses on the prepositional phrases and their translation shifts in the analysis. This study used Catching Fire novel by Suzanne Collins and its translation by Hetih Rusli as the data source.
1. What kinds of translations shifts were found in Catching Fire and in Tersulut?
2. What translation equivalences were implemented in the translation of prepositional phrase found in Catching Fire and in Tersulut?
The aims of this study are divided into two parts; they are general objective and specific objective.
Generally, this study has an aim to improve our knowledge in translation, to apply the theories and concepts of translation by conducting research.
The specific aim of this writing is to know more about shift in translating prepositional phrase. Those are to find out the types of shifts occurring in translating prepositional phrase and to analyze and describe the translation equivalences of prepositional phrase.
Research method is defined as a systematic framework of structure and steps to guide and conduct research. This research was done by library research. The methodology could be divided into four points, namely Data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data, method and technique of presenting data analysis.
4.1 Data Source
The object of this study is the English prepositional phrase with the preposition on, in, at and into and their translation equivalents in Indonesian.
The data of this research were taken from the novel Catching Fire published in 2009 by the writer Suzanne Collins, and its translation into Tersulut by Hetih Rusli published in 2010. Catching Fire is the sequel of The Hunger Games novel, which was best seller novel. These novels consist of 24 chapters. These novels were chosen as a data source because there are many prepositional phrases and shifts in this novel which has also been filmed. Since there are many chapters and prepositions, only 12 chapters and four types of prepositions are analyzed. This study only analyzes four types of prepositions; they are; on, in at and into.
4.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data
The method applied in this study was library research and the technique in collecting data was documentation method and the data were taken from a bilingual novel, “Catching Fire” by Suzanne Collins as SL and its translation into Indonesian by Hetih Rusli as TL.
The first step in collecting data was close reading. The original data and the translation were read sentence by sentence in turn. The first sentence in SL was read and compared with the translation equivalent in TL. If the shift occurred, the data was collected by note taking technique by written down along with its page number of each novel.
4.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data
This study applied the qualitative method. The collected data were analyzed in descriptive method based on the theory of translation shift by Catford. The basic way of analyzing the data was by contrasting the source language (SL) and the target language (TL) in order to find out the shift in the prepositional phrase occurring in the translation.
4.4 Method and Technique of Presenting Data Analysis
The data analysis is based on scope of discussion and theoretical framework. The types of translation equivalents which are grouped according to the types of prepositions with preposition on, in, at and into and their translation equivalents, then, the types of prepositions were divided into two types of translation equivalences; formal correspondence and textual equivalence.
The data were analyzed based on their kinds of shifts. The data were presented beginning with the table of SLT and TLT. Paragraph 1 explains the forms of prepositional phrases and is continued with the explanation of function of preposition in English and Indonesian at a glance. Then, the prepositional phrase is presented using the patterns of the tree diagram proposed by Radford (1988). Paragraph 2 describes the analysis of translation shift in prepositional phrase. The table can be described as follows:
No. |
1. |
Now she stands in the kitchen, being interviewed by another crew. (Collins, 2009:40) |
Sekarangdiaberdiridi dapur, sedangdiwawancaraiolehkru. (Rusli, 2010:50) |
5. Analysis of Prepositional Phrases and Their Translation Shifts
5.1 Kinds of Prepositional Phrases and Their Translation Shifts
Class Shift
No. |
(1) |
There is no danger of an uprising here among the privileged, among those whose names are never placed in the |
Tak ada bahaya akan timbulnya pemberontakan disini, di antara mereka yang berkecukupan, yang namanya tak pernah ada di |
reaping balls. (Collins, 2009:73) |
undianpemilihan. (Rusli, 2010:87) |
SLT: in the reaping balls
TLT: di undianpemilihan
Data (2) shows the prepositional phrase in the reaping balls in SLT which has a constitution of preposition (in) + noun phrase (the reaping balls). The noun phrase the reaping balls consists of definite article (the) + verb (reaping) + noun (balls). Meanwhile, the prepositional phrase di undianpemilihan in TLT has a constitution of preposition (di) + noun phrase (undianpemilihan). The noun phrase undianpemilihan consists of noun (undian) + noun (pemilihan). The preposition in has a function as a marker of position.
Prepositional Phrase in SLT (in the reaping balls)

Prepositional Phrase in TLT (di undian pemilihan)


the V N
reaping balls
Data (1) shows that class shift occurs in the process of translation. It can be seen from the word reaping categorized as a verb which is translated into pemilihan categorized as a noun. Class shift occurs from verb into noun. Although the word reaping has a different class in TLT, it does not change the meaning of the word reaping. There is one word penuaian in Indonesian that can accommodate the meaning
of the word reaping but, the translator has chosen the word pemilihan as the translation equivalence because the word pemilihan is more understandable in Indonesian.
5.2 Prepositional Phrases and Their Translation Equivalences
5.2.1 Formal CorrespondenceNo.
Now she stands in the kitchen, being interviewed by another crew. (Collins, 2009:40)
Sekarang dia berdiri di dapur, sedang diwawancarai oleh kru. (Rusli, 2010:50)
The preposition in is translated into the preposition di in TLT. Data (1) shows that the translator applied formal correspondence. The formal correspondence is applied when both SLT and TLT operate in the same category. The formal correspondence of the preposition in in SLT is the preposition di in TL. These equivalents occupy the same position as preposition. Meanwhile, the noun phrase the kitchen is translated into dapur in TLT. The translator has chosen the noun dapur as the translation equivalence of the SLT the kitchen.
5.2.2 Textual Equivalence
Because, in retrospect, it seems so secure compared with now, when I am so rich and so famous and so hated by the authorities in the Capitol. (Collins, 2009:7)
Karena jika kurenungkan kembali, hidupku yang dulu tampak sangat aman dibanding sekarang, padahal aku kaya raya dan terkenal, juga sangat dibenci oleh para penguasa di Capitol.
(Rusli, 2010:14)
Data (1) shows that the preposition in is translated into jika in TLT. The translator attempted to apply textual equivalence in translating the preposition in into jika to find the equal meaning of the preposition in. Literally, preposition in has the meaning of di, pada, dalam in Indonesian. Therefore, the translator tried to apply textual equivalence in translating the preposition in into jika to find the equal meaning
and to make the translation more understandable because jika is followed by the noun phrase kurenungkan kembali.
This chapter presents the conclusion of the study. The conclusion summarizes the data and the analysis of the study. The conclusion can be drawn as follows:
A phrase using the preposition ‘in‘ most frequently occurred and can be found in many sentences, paragraphs or texts in English. The preposition ‘on‘ is translated into the preposition ‘di’ and ‘untuk’ in Indonesian combined with the other parts of the phrase. Meanwhile, the preposition ‘in’ is translated into ‘di’ and ‘setelah’ in Indonesian and the preposition ‘at’ is translated into the preposition ‘di’ in Indonesian. Shift is obligatory to make the translation more understandable.
Translation shifts were found in the data source; they were Level Shift and Category Shift. Level shift was found in the form of grammar into lexis. Category shift can be divided into four; they were structure shift, class shift, unit shift, and intrasystem shift. Structure shift was found in the structure of Modifier + Head in SL into the structure of Head + Modifier in TL. Class shift was found from verb into noun, noun into verb and adjective into verb. Unit shift was found from phrase to word and word to phrase. Intra-system shift was also found from plural noun into singular noun. The translator applied formal correspondence and textual equivalence in translating prepositional phrases.
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