ISSN: 2302-920X
E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud
Vol 14.3 Maret 2016: 1-7
DENNY PURBOYO S email: [email protected]
English Departement Faculty of Letters and Culture Udayana University
Ada banyak jenis-jenis iklan seperti kita tahu melalui media, yang mana berupa cetak maupun eletronik. Seperti majalah, brosur, koran, televisi, radio dan lain lain. Dalam iklan tertulis, beberapa iklan biasanya lebih banyak penuh dengan gambar daripada kata-kata atau kalimat. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang persamaan dan perbedaan dalam iklan terutama dari sudut pandang semantic.
Data dari penelitian ini dalam bentuk iklan cetak dan di ambil dari alamat situs WWF® dan perusahaan Samsung. Dalam pengumpulan data, prosesnya di bagi menjadi beberapa tahap. Pertama, data yang berhubungan terhadap penelitian di kumpulkan dengan cara pengambilan catatan. Kemudian, data di analisa dengan membaca dengan jelas untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan dan persamaan antara iklan-iklan tersebut. Terakhir, data di bandingkan dengan teori dalam penelitian ini. Diskusi di fokuskan untuk menjawab dan memecahkan masalah dalam kasus ini: Pertama, karakteristik dari tanda verbal dan visual yang di definisikan dalam iklan. Kedua, pesan yang terkandung dalam iklan antara iklan amal dan iklan konsumen komersil. Ketiga, persamaan dan perbedaan dari tanda antara iklan amal dan iklan konsumen komersil.
Temuan menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik iklan amal dari verbal adalah langsung tepat sasaran dan mudah di mengerti oleh pembaca. Karakteristik dari iklan konsumen komersil dari verbal adalah tulisan yang mempunyai banyak penjelasan dan menarik. Pesan dari kedua iklan adalah mencoba untuk membujuk pembaca tanpa paksaan. Persamaan dari mereka adalah dari fungsi dan perbedaan dari mereka adalah dari arti.
Kata kunci: iklan, tanda verbal, tanda visual, persamaan, perbedaan.
1. Background
There are many kinds of advertisements as we know through media, whether printed or electronic media, such as magazine, brochure, newspaper, television, radio, and so on. In the written advertisement, some advertisements are usually full of pictures rather than words or sentences. This study explains about similarities and differences of advertisements especially in semantic point view. It is caused that, the readers see advertisements from the pictures only. Although these conditions sometimes make the
readers difficult to understand about what the meaning of the picture in the advertisement, they do not catch the message inside of the advertisement. Furthermore, the advertisers try to put verbal and visual signs in their advertisements to make the readers interested.
This study concentrated on charity and commercial consumer advertisements. Charity is a society or an organization used to help people in need (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995), fifth edition). Commercial consumer or Commercial is intended to make a profit especially regardless to quality (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995), fifth edition). Advertisement is notice in a newspaper, on television, etc, telling people about product, job or service (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995), fifth edition). There are two aims of advertisements, first it can be commercial type and second it can be social type. For the commercial type, the advertisement persuades people to buy a product of something. But for the social type, the advertisement persuades people to do a social activity without payment because it is just as a volunteer.
Based on the background stated above, the study is concerned with the follow up problems:
1. What characteristics of verbal and visual signs are in the advertisement?
2. What messages are contained in the advertisements of charity advertisement and commercial consumer advertisement?
3. What are the similarities and differences of signs between charity advertisement and commercial consumer advertisement?
3. Aims of the Study
The aim of this study is intended to develop our knowledge about analyzing advertisement especially between charity advertisement and commercial consumer advertisement. Specifically, the aims of this study are:
1. To identify and analyze characteristics of verbal and visual signs in the advertisement.
2. To describe the messages contain charity advertisement and commercial consumer advertisement.
3. To compare the similarities and differences of signs between charity advertisement and commercial consumer advertisement.
The headline of the advertisement is the sentence VOTE EARTH! It is placed on the top of the advertisement sheet with capital letters. It is placed on the top of advertisement, in order to for the readers to be curious about the message the advertisement contain. The advertiser also puts exclamation point on the sentence to emphasize the message itself. Because, this sentence is an invitation for the readers to take part of this event voluntarily. The word ‘vote’ itself refers to the environment of earth especially saving the electricity. The body copy of the advertisement is the sentence SWITCH OFF YOUR LIGHT FOR EARTH HOUR it is placed under the sentence IS YOUR VOTE. But, SWITCH OFF YOUR LIGHT FOR EARTH HOUR sentence is smaller than IS YOUR VOTE sentence. It refers to the main event in this advertisement. In the body copy of advertisement there is sentence SATURDAY // MARCH 28, 8.30 - 9.30 PM. It is placed at the bottom of the advertisement. It represents the date of the event.
The headlines on this advertisement is EXPERIENCE A NEW DIMENSON IN TV which is placed in the middle of the advertisement with capital letters too. But, the second sentence is bigger than the first sentence. This sentence means that when the readers buy the product, the readers will feel different experience in watching TV. The body copy on this advertisement is explaining about four new features of the product by introducing one by one at the bottom of the advertisement. The first feature describes about the new technology inside of the TV from display of the images by using 3D technology, second feature explains that the product can be
converted from 2D movie into 3D view by some settings on the TV; third feature means that the viewers can browse the internet on the TV such as YouTube, Google, even Facebook or Twitter by Wi-Fi indeed. And the last feature represents that this product can share movies, music, even photos from another device such as Tablet or hand phone to the TV by wireless or it called Bluetooth®. The sentence of signature line is the sentence TURN ON TOMORROW which is placed on the right corner side of the advertisement with capital letters. This sentence is an invitation for the readers to buy the product soon.
The color of the advertisement is made like a brochure of election. It is made for getting attention for everyone who reads the advertisement at anywhere. That picture has many meanings, first from the switch is representing off which it is the action of this event. There are two logos of event organizer and one website. The first is a logo of the event. The second is a website from, the website for knowing more about the event.
The illustration of this advertisement is using bright color with the dark background. It is used to get attention of the readers in order to read the advertisement, and make the readers interested in buying the product. The simple signature line is on the right top of the advertisement. The logo of the company and the slogan are modest, the logo of the company is oval and little bit move sideways to the right. The picture shows also about the slogan as an invitation under the logo to persuade the readers to try the new product. The slogan is simple and easy to remember for the readers. There are headline and body copy in this advertisement. First, the headline is on the center of the advertisement, precisely on the illustration picture. There is a big sentence used for getting attention readers, and there is also a small sentence used for explaining a little bit the new features on the product. Second, the body copy is at the bottom of the advertisement. There are four new features on the TV which the other product does not have.
First, there is a sentence VOTE EARTH! with capital letters. This sentence is using connotative meaning and expressive function. Connotatively, the advertiser tries to get the attention of the readers by reading the headline of this advertisement. Second, the sentence YOUR LIGHT SWITCH IS YOUR VOTE with capital letters too, but it is placed below the picture. This sentence is using connotative meaning and informational function. Connotatively, the advertiser tries to explain to the readers that one participation from people it means one vote to join in the event. In this body copy of advertisement, the sentence SWITCH OFF YOUR LIGHT FOR EARTH HOUR is placed under the line in the advertisement. The sentence is using conceptual meaning and informational function. Denotatively, an action which someone does, can save something, namely earth. And the sentence SATURDAY // MARCH 28, 8.30 - 9.30 PM means conceptual meaning and informational function. Denotatively, the day, date and the time definitely happen.
First, the sentence EXPERIENCE A NEW DIMENSION IN TV with capital letters and it is placed in the middle of advertisement. This sentence is using connotative meaning and expressive function. Connotatively, the advertiser tries to show a new experience of feeling to the readers when they watch the product. In the body copy of the advertisement, there are some sentences With Samsung's 3D LED TV, movies, sports, and games come to life with dynamic depth and rich realism. Our cutting edge 3D technology brings to you images with incredible natural accuracy and dramatic detail, stretching the limits of your imagination. Go ahead; experience the next dimension of entertainment. Those sentences are using conceptual meaning and informational function. Denotatively, these sentences offer new features of the product. There is a sentence TURN ON TOMORROW with small capital letters and it places under the logo of product. This sentence is using connotative meaning and expressive function. Connotatively, the advertiser makes it to invite the readers to buy that new product soon.
The messages of both the advertisements are trying to persuade the readers without impulsion. Both of the advertisements are using simple language and easy to understand for the readers.
The similarities of the sign between charity and commercial advertisement are the same from headlines and body copies. It can be seen from the two of the advertisements that they are using Connotative Meaning and Expressive Function for their headlines. It is used to get attention of the readers and interest to read more about what inside the advertisement. The body copies two the advertisements are the same using Conceptual Meaning and Informational Function. It is used to tell the readers the purpose of the advertisement. The functions the two advertisements are the same, using Informational Function. But, the differences of both the advertisements can be seen only from meaning. The charity advertisement is using Conceptual Meaning which the advertiser tells more about the event itself. The commercial consumer is using Connotative Meaning which is used because it is an invitation under the logo to persuade the readers for trying the new product.
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Discussion and feedback