ISSN: 2302-920X

E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud

Vol 14.2 Pebruari 2016: 101-107



Ratih Kusumaningtyas Asih

[email protected]

English Department Faculty of Letters and Cultures Udayana University


Makalah ini berjudul Code Switching in the Novel “One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You” by Ardelia Karisa. Ada dua masalah yang muncul pada makalah ini yaitu jenis dan fungsi alih kode dalam makalah yang berjudul Code Switching in the Novel “One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You” by Ardelia Karisa. Berdasarkan latar belakang terdapat dua jenis permasalahan yang ditemukan pada novel ini berkaitan dengan alih kode pada novel, Pertama, apa jenis alih kode yang digunakan dalam novel "One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You?” Kedua, apa yang fungsi alih kode yang digunakan dalam novel tersebut?

Teori yang digunakan dalam jenis-jenis alih kode berdasarkan pada dasar teori alih kode yang diusulkan oleh Poplack (1995) yaitu: tag switching, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching. Selain itu, dalam kaitannya dengan analisis fungsi alih kode, digunakan teori dari Appel dan Muysken (1987: 118-120) dalam buku mereka yang berjudul Language Contact and Bilingualism, akan diterapkan dalam makalah ini. Dalam hal fungsi alih kode, hanya empat dari enam fungsi yang akan dianalisis meliputi: fungsi referensial, fungsi direktif, fungsi phatic, dan fungsi metalinguistik. Data penelitian ini diambil dari novel“One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You”, yang ditulis oleh Ardelia Karisa yang diterbitkan pada bulan Oktober 2012. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah studi kepustakaan. Data jenis dan fungsi alih kode dianalisis dengan memeriksa dan mengkategorikannya berdasarkan masing-masing jenis dan fungsi alih kode.

Kata kunci : alih kode, jenis, fungsi

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Code switching occurs when a speaker alternates between two or more language and language varieties in the context of a single conversation. Generally, code switching occurs in informal situation that the characteristic are relaxation and habitation of the speaker in the use the language. If a person mix the code in relaxation when he or she

speak to his or her friend, therefore that person usually slip one code to the other code intentionally because any purposes.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

  • a.    What types of code switching are found in the novel entitled One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You?

  • b.    What are the functions of code switching used in the novel entitled One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • a.    To find out the type of code switching that are found in the novel entitled One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You?

  • b.    To find out the functions of code switching used in the novel entitled One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You?

  • 4.    Research Methods

In conducting a research, we must adopt a certain scientific procedure. Methodology is the scientific procedure in establishing a scientific writing. To write a scientific paper, certain academic procedures must be followed. The methodology used in analyzing the data collection in this paper includes the following points: data source, data collection and data analysis.

  • 4.1    Data Source

Data source is where the data were taken from the novel entitled “One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You by Ardelia Karisa. This novel was published in October 2012. It has 250 pages. This research use primary data. The functions of using code switching were found out through questionnaire, which was sent by e-mail to the writer.

The novel was chosen because there are many words that switch from Indonesian into English that used in the novel and it is awarded The Child Achievement Grace 2010 for category the best novel in Jakarta in the year 2010. The data were taken from the dialogue and brief story which contain code switching.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method that was used in collecting data is library research. The first step, the novel was read carefully, which is used as data source. The second step the data were chosen, underlined, determined and classified by note taking. The last step the data were fixed to the types and function of code switching.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively based on the theories of code switching. First the data were classified according to the types and function of code switching. Finally, the results were explained one by one based theory proposed by Poplack (1995) regarding to the type of code switching and Apple and Muysken (1987) regarding to the function of code switching.

  • 5.    Analysis of the Code Switching in the Novel “One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You” by Ardelia Karisa

    • 5.1    Types of Code Switching

Code-switching is the alternate use of two languages or more languages in the same utterance or conversation. The switch can happen within words, clauses, or sentences.

As proposed by Poplack (1995) code switching includes: tag switching, Inter-Sentential Switching, and Intra-Sentential Switching.

  • 5.1.1    Tag Switching

Tag switching involves an exclamation, a tag, or parenthetical in English then the rest of the sentence or text in Indonesian. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasize. It is also a word or phrase usually used to emphasize something or express some kind of feeling as a sudden surprise, or added as an extra explanation or idea in passage.

  • 5.1.2    Inter-Sentential Switching

Inter-Sentential Switching occurs between sentences as their name indicates. Inter-Sentential Switching involves a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where language of each clause or sentence is in one language or another.

  • 5.1.3    Intra-Sentential Switching

Intra-Sentential Switching involves arguably, the greatest syntactic risk, maybe avoided by all but the most fluent bilinguals. This type of intimate switching is often called code mixing. It occurs within the clause or sentence boundary and also within word boundaries.

  • 6.    Function of Code Switching

According to Apple and Muysken (1987:118-12) there are six functions of code switching. The functions for using code switching in this study were analyzed based on questioner, which was sent to e-mail Ardelia Karisa the writer of the novel "One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You". According to the writer there are four function for using code switching in the novel “One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You ",

they are: referential function; directive function; phatic function; metalinguistic function. Four of six functions for using code switching.

  • 6.1    Referential Function

Referential function occurs when there is a lack of knowledge of one language or a lack of facility in that language on a certain subject. Certain subjects may be appropriately discussed in one language and the explanation of such subjects can lead to a switch.

  • 6.2    Directive Function

Directive function involves the hearer directly. This being directed at the hearer can take many forms. One is to exclude certain persons present from a portion of the conversation or to include a person more by using her or his language. The opposite is to include a person more by using her or his language.

  • 6.3    Phatic Function

Phatic function this function is to indicate a change in tone of the conversations. It can be seen from the stand up that tells the whole joke in a standard variety, but bring the punch line in a vernacular type of speech.

  • 6.4    Metalinguistic Function

Metalinguistic function of code switching comes into play when it is used to comment directly or indirectly on the languages involved. One example of this function is when speakers switch between different codes to impress the other participants with a show of linguistic skill.

  • 7.    Conclusion

For the discussion of the findings above, it can be inferred that the result concerning the types of code switching proposed by Poplack (1995) and functions of code switching purposed by Apple and Muysken (1987). Code switching found in the novel “One Meaning Thousand Ways I Love You” by Ardelia Karisa. There are some points that can be proposed as the conclusion of this paper. I suggest that preliminary investigation on the level of proficiency of the participants be carried out in an attempt to compare the proficiency of participants and maybe predict the types and functions of code switching they make more frequently. Also, more patterns on possible switching sites should be developed in future research, by using the theory of the latest and collected more data.

  • 8.    Bibliography

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