
Desak Putu Inten Dewi





Komunikasi adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Dalam komunikasi, bahasa merupakan hal yang paling penting karena bahasa merupakan sarana komunikasi yang digunakan dalam bidang bisnis, media masa, maupun dalam berkomunikasi dengan sesame manusia. Ketika manusia berkomunikasi dengan sesame, secara tidak sadar mereka seringkali menggunakan bahasa asing seperti bahasa inggris maupun bahasa asing lainnya. Kita seringkali mendengar penggunaan dua bahasa atau lebih yang lebih dikenal dengan bilingualism ataupun multilingualism menjadi hal yang biasa. Dan hal ini dikenal dengan istilah code switching. Code switching telah menyebar hampir diseluruh aspek kehidupan, seperti dibidang ekonomi, tekhnologi, sastra, hukum, dan begitu pula dengan dunia hiburan. Oleh karena itu, beberapa artis - artis di Indonesia terkadang menggunakan code switching dalam aktivitas komunikasi mereka. Seperti apa yang mereka lakukan di social media seperti twitter. Mereka biasa menyisipkan istilah – istilah dalam bahsa inggris dalam tweet mereka. Dan melalui twitter mereka bisa tetap menjaga hubungan dengan para penggemar mereka dengan memposting tweet di akun twitter. Dalam hal ini ada delapan orang artis yang diakan diteliti mereka adalah Nadia Mulya, Ibnu Jamil, Gita Gutawa, Vidi Aldiano, Bunga Citra Lestari, Tora Sudiro Dewi Lestari, dan Raditya Dika. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja fungsi code switching yang sering muncul dalam tweet mereka yang menggunakan teori dari Appel and Muysken (in Fong, 2011) dan apa alasan mereka menggunakan code switching yang menggunakan teori dari Malik (in Muthusamy, 2009). Setelah melakukan analisis dari enam fungsi code switching hanya ada lima fungsi yang muncul, dan dari sepuluh alasan menggunakan code switching hanya ditemukan tujuh alasan.

Kata kunci : code switching, bilingualism, twitter

  • 1.    Background of the Study

The use of code switching has spread in almost all aspects of social life in Indonesia, such as economy, science, technology, law, literature, and as well as entertainment. Therefore, many Indonesian artists sometimes use code switching in their communication activities as the mark of modernization. Today, the Indonesian artists usually share their stories and their activities through the social networking. One of the favorite social networking is Twitter. Twitter helps the Indonesian artists to communicate with their friends or their fans by posting something in it.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background mentioned above, the problems can be formulated as follows:

What are the functions of code switching used by Indonesian artists in Twitter?, Why do Indonesian artists use code switching in their Twitter?, Which one of the profession is more frequently in using code switching among the Indonesian artists in their Twitter?

  • 3.    Aims of Study

The aims of this study are based on the problems above are:

To describe the functions of code switching used by Indonesian artists in Twitter, to analyze the reasons of Indonesian artists switch the code in Twitter, to identify and classify the frequency of specific profession in using code switching among the Indonesian artists’ Twitter.

  • 4.    Research Methods

This part of study consists of three elements. They are data source, method and technique of collecting data, and method and technique of analyzing data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

This study used the data that was directly taken from the Twitter. In this case the eight Indonesian artists’ Twitter which is different by profession, specifically between female and male are grouped by their profession. They are: Nadia Mulya, she is a presenter & MC (master of ceremony) and Ibnu Jamil, he is a sport presenter and also an actor; Gita Gutawa, she is an Indonesian singer and Vidi Aldiano, he is a singer anda songwriter; Bunga Citra Lestari, she is an Indonesian female singer & multi-talented actress and Tora Sudiro, he is an actor and a comedian; And then the last group is Dewi Lestari, she is an author, a singer and a songwriter and Raditya Dika, he is a writer and an actor. They are chosen because they often post their tweet and they are very active in using social media especially twitter.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The method of collecting data in this study was observation method. And the technique of collecting the data in this research was by downloading the tweets of eight famous Indonesian artists, they are: Nadia Mulya, Gita Gutawa, Bunga Citra Lestari, Dewi Lestari, Ibnu Jamil, Vidi Aldiano, Tora Sudiro, Raditya Dika.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data is analyzed qualitatively based on code switching theory, functions of code switching by Appel and Muysken (in Fong, 2011), and reasons of code switching by Malik (in Muthusamy, 2009).

  • 5.    The analysis of the functions and reasons of code switching in Indonesian artists’ twitter

There are five functions of code switching and seven reasons of the use of code switching found in Indonesian artists’ twitter. The theory used are proposed by Appel and Muysken (in Fong, 2011), and Malik (in Muthusamy, 2009).

  • 5.1    Referential Function

It occurs when there is lack of knowledge of one language or lack of facility in that language on a certain subject. Hence, bilingual speakers switch code when they do not know the word or when a certain concept is not available in that language. Language is chosen because it is more appropriate or suitable to be used for a particular topic.

Tweet from Nadia Mulya

“Trenyuh baca kisah2 Mama yg dilemma memilih antara jd full time mom vs wanita karir. Memang a/ dilemma hmpr semua wanita bekerja@LactamilMama.”

From the second tweet which was posted on 2nd August, the phrase “full time” has the referential function. This artist chose this English phrase rather than translate it into Indonesian because it is more proper to emphasize the message of the speaker.

The reason of this artist used code switching is because the expression is more familiar to be spoken rather than the Indonesian expression “penuh waktu”. It belongs to lack of facility. This artist showed her opinion on the mothers who choose to be a full time mom or a career mom.

  • 5.2    Directive Function

Directive function in this function, this participant-related function of code switching aims to include or exclude a person from a part of a conversation such as by using a familiar or foreign language to that person.

Tweet from Ibnu Jamil

“saat paling indah adalah saat dimana lemak lemak mulai menangis,,,!!!Keep healty,,lets run.”

In this tweet which was posted on 1st August the directive function is applied. Ibnu jamil used code switching in this tweet in order to make an interaction with his followers. He wanted to give support to choose a healthy life by saying “keep healthy, lets run” to all his followers. In other words, he involved all of his followers in this tweet.

The reason of this artist used code switching is to emphasize a point. In this tweet the switch was at the end of an argument not only helps to end the interaction with his followers but may serve to emphasize a point. “Keep healthy, let’s run” is a form of invitation to more aware with the health by choosing a healthy life and this is showed to all his followers.

  • 5.3    Expressive Function

In this function, speakers use more than one language to stress their selfidentity or feelings to others in conversation.

Tweet from Nadia Mulya

  • “@F3NNI thanks for the support. Krn dana msh sisa kita mau lanjut bikin sesuatu yg lebih permanen, spr tmn bacaan., insyaalah.”

In the last tweet which was posted on 5th August, an expressive function is used. This artist started her tweet in English to show her feeling and said thanks to @f3nni of her support. In this case @f3nni has joined in Nadia Mulya’s program and it means that @f3nni has given a support for the success of her program.

A habitual expression is the reason of this artist switched the code in this tweet. This artist said thanks to @f3nni for her support is a habit of people after

receiving a help of others. In this case, this artist said thanks to one of her follower @f3nni for her help on the artist’s project.

  • 5.4    Phatic Function

Phatic function, in this function code switching is used to show a change in tone and emphasize parts of a conversation that are of importance.

Tweet from Tora Sudiro

“Pinginya sih ontime…Tapi kalo si tepat waktunya ngga pengen di pinginin gimana dong.”

In the tweet that posted on 6th August, the word “ontime” has the phatic function. This tweet showed the phatic function because there is a repetition of one word first in English “ontime” and then Indonesian “tepat waktu” to emphasize that on time is the important things in this tweet.

The reason of this artist used code switching in tweet is to make the highlight in his tweet. Well, the focused in his tweet is about “ontime”. From the tweet we can see that although he has tried to be on time but there is still a reason to be late.

  • 5.5    Metalinguistic Function

The metalinguistic function of code switching refers to giving of comments directly on the language involved. Based on Mayers-Scotton (1979) asserted that speakers sometimes switch code in order to comment on another language.

Tweet from Bunga Citra Lestari

“Efek nonton “The Fault in Our Starshttp://instagram.com/p/qo9G6ENE3/. “

The tweet on 5th August, the code switching “The Fault in Our Stars” has the metalinguistic function. “The Fault in Our Stars” here is the title of film, so it is impossible to change it into Indonesian.

The reason this artist switched the code in this tweet is to make sure that her followers know what to highlight in this situation. She wanted to show something happened to her is the effect of watching “The Fault in Our Stars”.

  • 6.    Conclusion

In this study, the most function applied in this study is directive function, referential function, metalinguistic function, expressive function, and the last one is phatic function. And there are seven reasons of the use of code switching that found in twitter such as the most reason is to emphasize a point, lack of register, lack of facility, to attract attention, habitual expression, and the last one is to address a different audience.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Aldiano, Vidi. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/vidialdiano.

Appel and Muysken (2006) in Fong, C.W. 2011. ”Functions and Reasons For Code Switching On Facebook”. Faculty of Arts and Social Science: University of Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Dika, Raditya. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/radityadika.

Gutawa, Gita. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/gitagut.

Jamil, Ibnu. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/ibnujamilo.

Lestari, B.C. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/bclsinclair.

Lestari, Dewi. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/deelestari.

Malik (1994) in Muthusamy, P. 2009. “Communicative Functions and Reasons for

Code Switching: A Malaysian Perspective”. Malaysia: University of Putra Malaysia.

Mulya, Nadia. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/ nadiamulyabbb.

Sudiro, Tora. 2013. Tweets available on https://mobile.twitter.com/t ORASUDI_ro.