Kadek Indah Mayoni

English Department Faculty of Arts, Udayana University


Studi ini membahas tentang tipe-tipe tindak tutur dalam film yang berjudul “Paranorman” berdasarkan dimensi langsung-tidak langsung serta dimensi literal-nonliteral. Tipe-tipe tindak tutur yang muncul dalam film tersebut diklasifikasikan dan dianalisis dengan teori tindak tutur yang dikemukakan oleh Parker (1986). Selain itu, beberapa teori lain juga digunakan untuk memperkuat analisis, antara lain: teori komponen tindak tutur oleh Austin (1962) dan teori kata kerja ilokusi oleh Leech (1983).

Hasil studi menunjukkan, dari empat tipe tindak tutur yang diajukan oleh Parker, keeempat tipe dapat ditemukan, yaitu tindak tutur literal langsung, literal tidak langsung, nonliteral langsung, dan nonliteral tidak langsung. Tipe-tipe tindak tutur yang muncul tersebut dapat dikelompokkan dalam kategori “assertive”, “directive”, “Commisive, “Expressive”, dan “Rogative”

Kata kunci : tindak tutur, dimensi langsung-tidak langsung, dimensi literal nonliteral

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Even though a language provides its speaker with expressions which have definite meaning and rules to construct those expressions, the speakers themselves are able to decide whether they want to make use of the expression provided and observe the rules or they may ignore those two cases. Thus, they are not only able to perform literal or direct speech act but also non-literal and indirect ones. Furthermore, they may combine one type of speech act with the other, namely: literal direct speech act, literal indirect speech act, non-literal direct speech act, and non-literal indirect speech act. In relation to this phenomenon, movie entitled “Paranorman” was used in this study as the data source. Movie is considered appropriate data source since it contains various types of utterances needed for the study of speech act.

  • 2.    Problems

Based on the phenomenon about speech act mentioned in the background above, the problems of this study can be formulated as follows.

  • a)    What types of speech acts are found in the Movie of Paranorman related to direct and literal dimensions?

  • b)    What functions and meanings of speech acts occuring in the Movie of Paranorman?

  • 3.    Aims

The aims of this study correspond to the problems mentioned above. Specifically, they can be formulated as follows.

  • a)    To identify and classify types of speech acts found in the movie of “Paranorman” related to direct and literal dimensions

  • b)    To explain the functions and meanings of speech acts that occur in the movie of “Paranorman”

  • 4.    Research Method

The data used in this study was obtained from some utterances in the dialogue of the movie entitled “Paranorman”. It was collected by applying documentation method and analysed by using qualitative descriptive method with simple quantitative model to find out the most frequent data occurring in the movie.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

All types of speech act proposed by Parker (1986) were found in the movie. However, the most frequent type is literal direct. The utterance in the movie representing each type is presented below.

  • a)    Literal Direct Speech Act

Literal direct speech act is the interaction of literal and direct speech act. Parker (1986:19) states that literal direct speech act constitutes utterance that means like what its speaker says and has syntactic form that corresponds to its function. The underlined utterance below indicates this type of speech act Neil         : He’s around here somewhere. So does everyone come

back as a ghost?

Norman : No. My grandma told me it’s usually people who still have stuff to figure out or sometimes it’s the ones who died suddenly, or in a bad way.

The underlined utterance above is considered to be literal direct since it expresses as what the speaker Neil actually means and uses the form corresponding to the function of the utterance.

It is known from the movie that the speaker is curious of whether everyone who has died can come back as a ghost and his utterance represent his curiosity. Then, he says the utterance to fulfil his curiosity. Furthermore, the utterance is in interrogative (yes-no interrogative) which is the typical form of the act of asking and is uttered with rising tone which is one of the typical tones of interrogative form. Moreover, the addressee interprets the speaker’s utterance as a question. It can be proven by the answer “No” given by the addressee

From the component of speech act as proposed by Austin (1962:94), it can be stated that the speaker has performed locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutioanry act successfully. The locutionary act is the act of saying the utterance and in saying this utterance he wants to ask something and by saying this utterance he wants the addressee to provide an answer. This act of asking can be made explicit as follows

[I ask] whether everyone comes back as a ghost

According to Leech (1983:205), the word ‘ask’ belongs to rogative category. Thus this utterance is considered rogative which is the category indicating the act of asking, inquiring and questioning.

Another utterance representing literal direct speech act is presented as follows:

Courtney : Thank you for doing this Mitch. He means an awful lot to me. I love him like he was a brother.

The speaker of the underlined utterance above indicates that she means like what she says and uses typical form representing the function of the utterance. The locutionary of this utterance is the act of saying the utterance which has declarative form – even though its subject is left out since the subject is already

clear. The illocutionary act performed by the speaker is that in saying this utterance, she wants to thank the addressee, and the perlocutionary act performed by the speaker is that by uttering this utterance, the speaker wants the addressee realises how thankful she feels toward his help. This utterance used to express the speaker’s emotion toward the proposition. This indicates that the utterance belongs to expressive category. The word ‘thank’ in the utterance obviously shows that this utterance is the expression of thank.

From the movie, it is known that the addressee Mitch helps the speaker to look for her brother. Thus, the speaker express her thank toward the addressee by saying the utterance.

  • b)    Literal Indirect Speech Act

According to Parker (1986:20), literal indirect speech act indicates that what the speaker says corresponds to what he means; however, the syntactic form used to deliver does not fit its function. The underlined utterance below is the utterance found in the movie belonging to this type of speech act.

Neil         : You wanna play some hockey?

Norman : Mr Prenderghast appeared to me in the bathroom!

Neil         : Ew

Norman : No, his spirit! He says the witch’s curse is real and I have

to go up to the old graveyard to stop it! Before the sun sets tonight!

Neil         : So you wanna come play a bit later?

Norman      : Didn’t you hear what I just said?!

The underlined utterance above belongs to literal indirect speech act since what the speaker Neil says represents his actual meaning; however, the form of his utterance does not correspond to its function.

The locutionary performed by the speaker is the act of saying the utterance itself, which is the utterance in declarative form. However, the illocutionary act performed by the speaker is not the act of making proposition, yet the act of offering. Meanwhile, the perlocutionary act performed by the speaker is to make the addressee receive his offer. This utterance has the explicit form of “I [offer]

you to come to play a bit later”. The word ‘offer’ inserted in this utterance indicated that the utterance belongs to commisive category (Leech, 1983:205)

It is depicted that the speaker offers the addressee Norman to play hockey. However, the addressee seems to have an intention to do something; that is to go to the old graveyard. Then, the speaker once again offers the addressee to play hockey, not at that moment yet later. The response “Didn’t you hear what I just said?!” constitutes a refusal. The refusal can only occur if there is a previous utterance indicating something that can be refused and offer is something that can be refused. This is another proof that the speaker’s utterance is an offer.

  • c)    Non-literal Direct Speech Act

Parker (1986:20) manifests that a speaker performs a non-literal direct speech act when he does not mean exactly what his words say and the forms or structure of his utterance performs direct illocutionary act. The utterance“Great! I’m super psyched! This is turning into the most fun night ever!” below represents this type of speech act

Norman : Uh-oh

Courtney : Great! I’m super psyched! This is turning into the most fun night ever!

Alvin        : Man. Zombies take over the world and we lock ourselves in a

library. Are you kidding me? There’s an adult video store just across the street!

Neil          : This’ll be a piece of cake, you’ll see. Page... One... Okay, page


Mitch         : I really hate these places.

Norman : (trying to find information from a book

The utterance “Great! I’m super psyched! This is turning into the most fun night ever!” does not represent what the speaker really means. The locutionary act performed by the speaker indicates that she feels very excited. However, what exactly she means is just the opposite of her utterance. The illocutionary act performed by the speaker is that she wants to assert her feeling and perlocutionary act performed is that she wants to persuade the hearers. However, it seems not all the hearers are successfully persuaded.

If this utterance is changed into a more explicit form, it becomes I [assert] that [It’s not] great. I’m [not] super psyched! This is turning into the most [-fun/boring] night ever! The insertion of word ‘assert’ in this utterance indicates that the utterance belongs to assertive category

The movie reveals that the speaker Courtney, along with other participants, needs to find a piece of information about the witch burial spot among a number of references and it seems impossible to find out the information quickly. This situation is far from excitement. It can be used as an indicator that the speaker’s utterance is not what she exactly means. Furthermore, when she says the utterance, she counterfeits enthusiasm she does not feel and uses fake smile and unhappy expression.

  • d)    Non-literal Indirect Speech Act

According to Parker (1986:20) non-literal indirect speech act is performed when the speaker does not mean like what he says by using particular structure that does not correspond to its function. The underlined utterance below is the utterance representing this type of speech act Sandra       : Hi, Whatcha watching in there?

Norman      : Sex and violence

Sandra        : Oh, that’s nice

Norman      : (silent)

The utterance above is considered to be non literal indirect since what the speaker utters is not the same as what she actually means and its form does not correspond to its function.

The locutionary act performed by the speaker indicates that she feel pleased. However, what she means is just the opposite of what she says. Furthermore, the illocutionary performed by the speaker indicates the act of commanding and the perlocutionary performed is that she wants the addressee to stop doing something.

It can be seen that this utterance is declarative in form; however, it contains a directive function in which the speaker implies that she wants the addressee to stop watching an inappropriate movie for his age. However, it seems that she achieves intended effect since the addressee just stays quiet.

The more explicit form of this utterance is I [command] [you to stop it] [since] that’s [not] nice. This indicates this utterance belongs to directive category.

It is known from the movie that even though the speaker does not express her feeling literally, it still can be understood that her utterance is the opposite of what she means. It can be seen from the way she utters the utterance. While, nice conventionally associates with pleasant thing, the expression of the speaker when she says it does not reflect that she is pleased.

  • 6.    Conclusion

It can be concluded that, in accordance with the four types of speech act proposed by Parker (1986), all types – literal direct, literal indirect, non-literal direct, non-literal indirect - were found in the movie of Paranorman. Yet, the most frequent type of speech acts that occurs in this movie is literal direct speech act. This can be related to the genre of the movie. This movie belongs to horror animated movie. The movie reveals that the participants involve in many urgent situations. In this kind of situation, literal direct speech act is more effective to perform to avoid misunderstanding.

The meaning and functions of those speech acts can be found from the insertion of the illocutionary act verbs. As the result of the insertion, the speech act found can be categorized into assertive, expressive, commissive, directive and rogative

  • 7.    Bibliography

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Leech, G.N., 1983. Principles of Pragmatics, Longman linguistics library, Longman, London; New York.

Parker, F., 1986. Linguistics for Non-linguists, Department of English Louisiana State University, London.

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