
Penelitian ini mengunduh judul “ Terjemahan Kata Depan For Dalam Novel The Witch Of Portobello Pada Sang Penyihir Dari Portobello. Dalam mempelajari bahasa asing terutama bahasa inggris, pengertian mengenai ilmu terjemahan sangatlah dibutuhkan. Karena pada dasarnya, ilmu terjemahan itu menjadi patokan dari segala aktifitas penerjemahan baik kata ataupun kalimat. Dalam penelitian ini, novel menjadi media yang akan diteliti terutama mengenai kata depan for yang muncul dalam kalimat pada novel. Kata depan merupakan kata penghubung dari dua kata yang dimana mempunyai fungsi dan makna yang berbeda ketika kata depan diterjemahkan dalam bahasa lain. Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Catford (1965) yang merupakan teori utama dalam penerjemah dan Quirk (1985) yang merupakan teori utama dalam preposisi atau kata depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kata depan for yang diterjemahkan pada bahasa Indonesia memiliki beberapa arti seperti; selama, untuk, dalam, agar, supaya, bagi, terhadap, karena dan dari. Kata depan for yang telah diterjemahkan tersebut mempunyai beberapa fungsi seperti penanda durasi, tujuan, penerima, target, sebab dan asal. Dalam hal penyelesaian analisis data penulis mengacu pada kedua teori utama tersebut.

Kata Kunci: Terjemahan dan Kata Depan.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

In learning another language, translation is needed to understand in order to reach the meaning of the sentences. Theory purposed by Catford (1665) state that translation is an activity of enormous impotence in the modem world and is subject of interest not only to linguists, professionals or amateur translation. Translation

becomes very important to study in order to translate especially the English language preposition as a source language to Indonesia language preposition as a target the language correctly.

According to the theory purposed by Wills (1982:112) explained that translation is a procedure, which leads from a written source language text to an optimally equivalent target language text and requires the syntactic, semantic, and text pragmatic comprehension by the translator of the original text or source language.

In translating preposition it is needed special treatment, and has to be careful when it is used in the sentence, because the same form of preposition can express different meanings, it means that a preposition may have more than one meaning. A preposition is a word used to show the relationship of a noun to something else, usually a location in space or time. Prepositions are used to express a number of relationships, including time, location, manner, means, quantity, purpose, and state or condition. According to the Quirk, in the most general term of preposition can be described as the following: ‘ A preposition expresses relation between two entities, one being that represented by the prepositional complement, the other by another part of the sentence’ (Quirk et.al.,1985).

According to Harman, preposition is a particle (word or word-equivalent use with noun or pronoun (and usually placed before it) to form a phrase, which phrase usually performs that the function of an adjective or an adverb. (1950:174).Definition about preposition was proposed by Home and Horse, state that showing the relation between grammatical units is the primary function of preposition.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

There are two problems of the study the first one is “What are the translations equivalence of the preposition for in English novel entitled “The Witch of Portobello” into Indonesian “Sang Penyihir dari Portobello”?”. The second problem is “What are the functions of preposition for which implemented in translating the English novel entitled “The Witch of Portobello” into Indonesian “Sang Penyihir dari Portobello”?.

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

This research was about the translation of preposition for and there are two aims of this writing, such as; to identify the preposition for into Indonesian and to analyze the function meaning of prepositions for will be translated into Indonesian based on the usage or equivalence meaning.

  • 4.    Research Method

Research method is a scientific procedure to collect and classify the data as well as the analysis and description of the data. Research method is seen in terms of three aspects, namely data source, method and technique of collecting data and method and technique of analyzing data, each of which is elaborated below:

  • 4.1.    Data Source

Data source were important thing to support the analysis of the study. The data of this study were taken from two novels, The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho, originally was published in hardcover May 2007 by Harper Collins. And the Indonesian version entitled “Sang Penyihir dari Portobello” translated by Olivia Gerungan and published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama2009. This writing used these two novels because in the novel could be found the use of preposition for and its translation in Indonesian so that we could analyze the equivalence and function. Most of all, the story of the novel is interested so that could motivate the writer to analyze the data.

  • 4.2.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data would be collected from two novels in different languages. The methods that were applied to this study were reading and note taking. The data would be collected through some steps. The first step was the writer had to read the novels to have a good understanding of the story. The next step was to find out the preposition for which occurred in source language then compare with the target language. The process would continue with the identification. The identification was important in order to collect the data, which were appropriate for this study. The last step was the selection of the data.

  • 4.3.    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The data were analyzed by comparing the preposition for from source language into target language. The data were analyzed descriptively. The analysis was made by giving description of the functions of preposition for and their translation in Indonesian. Afterward, the data were qualitatively analyzed in translation meaning. Then, the preposition was classified in terms of their structure and their meaning. After classifying the data, on the theory using the description of the prepositions such as for was presented and supported by some examples taken from the data and explained the equivalent meanings and the functions of prepositions for found in examples. Qualitative descriptive method was used to analyze the data.

  • 5.    Analysis of The Translation of Preposition For in the Novel The Witch of Portobello into Sang Penyihir dari Portobello

The analysis is discussed about the English preposition for which found in the novel and its equivalence in Indonesia and their function. The writer found that preposition for is equivalent into selama, untuk, agar, teradap, supaya, karena, bagi, dalam, pada, and dari. There are some functions of reposition for that found in the analysis such as a marker of time, purpose, recipient, goal and target, cause and source.

  • 5.1.    Preposition for as a marker of Duration or Time

Theory purposed by Quirk stated that a prepositional phrase occurs as adjunct or post modifier. Phrases of duration answer the question How long? Duration is usually expressed by for. In this paper I found that preposition for is equivalent into some meaning after it is translated into target language. Here, the preposition for is equivalent into selama, dalam and untuk. The reason how those Indonesian prepositions also could be a marker of duration or time is because they followed by a noun phrase or noun that indicate duration or time.

  • 5.1.1.    The English Preposition for is Translated into selama

One of the functions of preposition for is a marker of time or duration, which is translated into selama in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition selama is also has a function to state time or duration.

  • 5.1.2.    The English Preposition for is Translated into dalam

One of the functions of preposition for is a marker of time or duration, which is translated into dalam in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition dalam has two functions as a marker of place or content. The other function is as a marker of time or particular time. In this case, the preposition dalam has a function to state time based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.1.3.    The English Preposition for is Translated into untuk

One of the functions of preposition for is a marker of time or duration, which is translated into untuk in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition untuk has some functions, such as state recipient, cause, purpose or meaning, and time or duration. In this case, the preposition untuk has a function to state time based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.2.    Preposition for as a marker of Purpose

The English preposition for is found as a marker of purpose in this paper. Usually the preposition for that followed by noun phrase or clause that indicates of doing something or creating something is indicating purpose. In this paper the preposition for is equivalent into untuk, agar and supaya.

  • 5.2.1.    The English Preposition for is Translated into untuk

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of purpose is translated into untuk in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition untuk has some functions, such as state giving something for someone, cause, purpose or meaning, and time or duration. In this case, the preposition untuk has a function to state purposed based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.2.2.    The English Preposition for is Translated into agar

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of purpose is translated into agar in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition agar has a

function to state hope and purpose. In this case, the preposition agar has a function to state purposed based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.2.3.    The English Preposition for is Translated into supaya

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of purpose is translated into supaya in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition supaya has a function to state purpose. In this case, the preposition supaya has a function to state purposed based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.3.    Preposition for as a marker of Recipient

The preposition for could be a marker of recipient. The theories purposed by Quirk stated that when for is followed by noun phrase denoting person or animal the meaning is intended recipient. In this paper the preposition for is equivalent into pada and terhadap. In the Indonesian preposition pada and terhadap is followed by noun phrase or clause that indicate person or animal whether it is direct or indirect object.

  • 5.3.1. The English Preposition for is Translated into pada

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of recipient is translated into pada in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition pada has a function to state recipient and position. In this case, the preposition pada has a function to state recipient based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.3.2. The English Preposition for is Translated into terhadap

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of recipient is translated into trehadap in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition terhadap has a function to state recipient. In this case, the preposition terhadap has a function to state recipient based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.4.    Preposition for as a marker of Goal and Target

The preposition for that usually becomes a complimentary to the verb is intended goal and target. In this paper, the preposition for that denoting goal and target is equivalent into bagi.

  • 5.4.1.    The English Preposition for is Translated into bagi

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of goal and target is translated into bagi in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition

bagi has a function to state purpose and goal or target. In this case, the preposition bagi has a function to state goal and target based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.5.    Preposition for as a marker of Cause

The preposition for is also has a function as a marker of cause. If the preposition for followed by noun phrase or clause that indicate reason of something it means that the preposition for has a marker to indicate cause. Regarding to the cause spectrum that purposed by Quirk, preposition also expresses either the material cause or the physiological cause (motive) and usually preposition for is used to express motive. In this paper the preposition for that indicates cause is equivalent into karena.

  • 5.5.1.    The English Preposition for is Translated into karena

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of cause is translated into karena in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition karena has a function to state cause. In this case, the preposition karena has a function to state cause based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 5.6.    Preposition for as a marker of Source

The last analysis of preposition for in this study is analyzed the preposition for as a marker of source. In this study the preposition for is equivalent into dari which is in Indonesian language preposition dari is indicate the marker of source or origin.

  • 5.6.1.    The English Preposition for is Translated into dari

One of the functions of preposition for as a marker of source is translated into dari in the target language. In Indonesian language the preposition dari has a function to state source or origin. In this case, the preposition dari has a function to state source based on the usage in the sentence.

  • 6.    Conclusion

According to the discussion on the previous chapter about the analysis of preposition for in the novel The Witch of Portobello into Indonesian Sang Penyihir dari Portbello, it is concluded that the preposition have a number of varieties function and equivalent in the target language. Using the read and note taking for method of collecting data, the writer found that preposition for occurs in the novel even it is not

much as a much as other preposition. After that the writer analyzed the data descriptively and found some equivalent and function of preposition for that also be a major problem of study.

Based on the first problem study about the equivalent of preposition for, the writer found some equivalent meaning after it is translated into target language. The writer found that the preposition for is equivalent into selama, untuk and dalam as a marker of duration; untuk, agar and supaya as a marker of purpose; pada and terhadap as a marker of recipient; bagi as a marker of goal and target; karena as a marker of cause and dari as a marker of source. The theories purposed by Catford and Quirk that become the main theory is solved the first problem.

By seeing the background, the aims, the scope of discussion, the problem study, and the analysis in following chapter, the writer found that the preposition for has some function such us state the duration of time, purpose, cause, goal or target, recipient and source. The writer also descriptively analyzed on how it could be a marker of duration, purpose, cause, goal or target, recipient and source based on the theory purpose by Quirk that become a main theory of preposition to solve the second problem.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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Coelho, Paulo. 2007. The Witch of Porobello. USA: Harper Collin.

Gerungan, Olivia. 2009. Sang Penyihir dari Portobello. Jakarta: PT GramediaPustaka Utama.

House, Homer C, Harman, Susan Emolyn. 1950. Descriptive English Grammar.

Larson, Mildred L. 1984. Meaning Based Translation. Maryland:

University Press America.

Quirk, Randolph, et al. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. New York: Longman Inc.

Alwi, Hasan. 2007. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.