I PUTU ARIF GUNASA 091 835 1089

Non-Regular Program

English Department, Faculty Of Letters And Culture

Udayana University



This paper is entitled “Form and Function of Noun Phrase with special reference of Cesar Millan”. The reason of choosing this topic is that noun phrase plays an important role in the construction sentence. To find out the data the data source was read carefully, then underlined them and quoted them based on the types of them. It was analyzed qualitatively based on the previous theories expressed above and the tree diagram theory was adopted from Brown and Jim Miller in their book “Syntax, 4 Linguistic Introduction to sentence to Sentence Structure (1982).

The aim of this paper is to find out and identify the form of The English complex noun phrase and the tree diagram. The concept of the form of noun phrase structures in was proposed by Quirk and Greenbaum in their book entitle “A University of English Grammar (1973)”. The book was chosen after considering that there are many complex noun phrases applied in the sentences, which are needed as the data.

Based on the analysis, it was found that a lot of complex noun phrases occur in the book of Cesar Millan. The form of complex noun phrases are divided into three categories, which are pre-modification noun phrase, post-modification noun phrase and multiple-modification noun phrase. Lexical and Syntactical forms of the noun phrases are descriptively analyzed in order to get a better understanding of lexical and syntactical form.

Key words : Noun Phrase,Modified, Structure.

  • 1.    Background of the study

Studying a language meaning understanding how it works, achieving any particular matters, understand its meaning and having the ability how to use it in communication. Linguistically, the study of a langguange is divided into four main branchers, they are: morphology, phonology, syntax and semantics. Syntax is the study of the sentence structure. It is the study of word, phrase or clause combinations forming a sentence. It also can be defined as the rule for making senstences cut of words and phrases.

Phrases are divided in terms of two components, the head as the lexical category and the projection as the phrasal category. Pharasal categories are headed by the lexical categories. A phrase might consist of a head and one modifier or a head and more than one modifier. In the present context, the head of a noun phrase is a noun; it is the virtue of the fact that it is headed by a noun that the phrase is a noun phrase. Similarly, a verb heads a verb phrase, and so do the adjective and adverb. Phrase is said to be a projection of its head.

Among the five diffrent types of phrases in English, namely, noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective pharses, adverb phrases and prepositiol phrases, noun phrases are the most common playing various syntacic functions in the sentence and clause structure : object, object and complainment. They are used to refer to things that people want to talk about

: people, objects, concepts, processes, and all kind of entitites.

The types of English noun phrase structure were chosen as the topic because noun phrases play an important role in the construction of a sentence.

In English, learners could not produce comprehensible sentences. In addition, the internal structure of the English noun phrases are shown if form of a hierarchically drawn tree diagram is used. The analysis of both those cases will show a clear description of the English noun phrase components and their structures.

This writing is focused on the syntactical analysis of the English noun phrase structure found in“Be the Pack Leader” by Cesar Millan with Melissa Jo Peltier ( Use Cesar’s Way to Transform your dog and Your Life), Cesar Millan is the most popular dog behaviorist and host a popular TV show called Dog Whisperer. The book was chosen in this study after considering that there are enough complex noun phrases applied in it. Noun phrase is the major components of a sentence . Its structure involves the head noun, premodifiers, post-modifiers and typically functioned as a subject, object, complement of sentences, and as complement in preposition phrase ( Quirk, 1985:59).

  • 2.    Problems of the study

The analysis of the English noun phrase stuctures appear several problems that were analyzed as problems, they are:

  • 1.    What forms of the English noun phrase structures are found in the text of “Be The Pack Leader”

  • 2.    What function and syntactical forms of the English noun phrases are found in the text of “Be the Pack Leader”

  • 3.    Aims of the study

Every research has a certain aim that want to be received by the writer. This paper is intended to fulfill at least some proposed aims. The general purpose of this writing was to apply the available linguistic theory in practice in the field of syntax, such as:

  • 1.    To indentify the form of English noun phrases structure that can be found in the text of “Be the Pack Leader”

  • 2.    To analyze the constituent of the English Noun Phrase that can be found in the text of “Be the Pack Leader”

  • 4.    Research method

Research method explains how we do the research. It can be defined as the procedure or the method used in writing a scientific paper,which, in this case, includes the method of determination of the data, of how the data will be analyzed and how conclution is drawn, which shows the findings of

the research.

And the research method of this study consists of data source, method and technique of collecting data and method and technique of collecting data.

  • 4.1    Data source

The data of this study were taken from the book of “Be the Pack Leader”. This is a book focused in developing the skills necessary to become the solid pack leader for our dog and transforming us and our dog for the better. This study use the book because it contains many noun phrases in its sentences.

  • 4.2    Method and technique of collecting data

The method that were used to collect data for this study was documentation method by reading a number of times the whole data source, continued by collecting and identifying the language text which contained noun phrases. They were taken by applying the notetaking technique and used as a primary data of this study, and next, the collected data were classified in accordance with the types of noun phrase structure.

  • 4.3    Method and technique of analyzing data

The data of the complex noun phrases from data sources was analyzed descriptively. The analyzed data were classified on the basis of the scope of discussion based on the theoretical framework to

indentify their types and structures. The process of analysis involve

the introduction, explaination of the types and constituent structure, identification of noun phrases found in the data, analysis of their types and presented them on tree diagram as well as presentation of the conclution from analysis.

  • 5.    Form and Function of Noun Phrase With Special Reference To Cesar

    5.1    Form of Noun Phrase

Pre- modification, The head noun human is modified by determiner and adjective

A Healthy     Human

D   Pre-modification Head Noun

The pos-modification, restrictive finite clause is shown by the use of who as a relative pronoun

A person, who loves dogs

Head Noun Post-modification

Multi-modification noun phrase, complex noun phrase formed by adjective as pre-modification and –ed participle as the post-modification

A calm



balanced by Cesar Millan

D Pre-modification Pre-modification Head Noun Post-modification

  • 5.2    Function of English Noun Phrases

Tree diagram, pre modification noun phase, in which it is modified by determiner and genetive.


Det         N



Det N

The pack leader

  • 6.    Conclusion

From the previous analysis, it can be concluded that forms of English noun phrase structure were found in the text of “Be The Pack Leader” By Cesar Millan with Melissa Jo Peltier (Use Cesar’s Way to Transform Your Dog and Your Life).

First, the forms of complex noun phrase were divided into three categories, namely pre-modification, meaning that the head noun is modified by various pre-modification, adjective, participle, noun, genitive or adverb and placed before the head other than determinatives; post-modification,

meaning that the head noun is modified by many kinds of post - modification and positioned after the head noun and multiple modification noun phrase. This type includes the noun phrase which has more than a single premodification or post-modification. This type usually consists of the head noun, the determinative, the pre-modification and the post-modification. The pre-modification could be more than one as well as the post-modification.

Second, the analysis of noun phrase structure is focused on the internal structure of the English noun phrase, it is function and the interaction with other constituents using the tree diagrams.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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Quirk, R. and Sidney Greenbaum. 1981. A University of English Grammar.Longman : English Language Book Society

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The book of “Be the Pack Leader” by Cesar Millan with Melissa Jo Peltier ( Use Cesar’s Way to Transform your dog and Your Life)