
Jurnal ini berjudul “English Noun Phrase Found in the The Vampire Diaries”. Jurnal ini difokuskan pada analisis struktur dari frasa kata benda yang ditemukan pada novel The Vampire Diaries. Kemudian, analisis difokuskan pada fungsi dari frasa kata benda yang ditemukan pada novel The Vampire Diaries. Datanya adalah frasa kata benda pada nove The Vampire Diaries yang ditulis oleh L.J.Smith. Oleh sebab itu, data tersebut diharapkan menjadi representative. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif menunjuk pada teori yang digunakan pada jurnal ini. Data didapat dengan penelitian perpustakaan yang mana jurnal ini menggunakan buku – buku atau literatur – literature sebagai sumber data. Teori yang digunakan pada jurnal ini secara umum berdasarkan dari teori frasa kata benda yang dibuat oleh Leech and teori fungsi dari frasa kata benda yang dibuat oleh Rodney Huddleston(2001)

Struktur dari frasa kata benda bahasa inggris dipresentasikan berdasarkan pada komponen utama dari frasa kata benda. Frasa kata benda secara umum terdiri dari empat kompoonen dinamakan; kepala, determinatif, pra-modifikasi, pasca-modifikasi. Tapi, terdapat beberapa frasa – frasa kata benda yang tidak memiliki semua komponen tersebut. Frasa kata yang pra-modifikasi terlihat lebih sering pada novel ini. Frasa kata benda bahasa inggris pada jurnal ini memiliki beberapa fungsi diantaranya; sebagai subjek, object, predikatif pelengkap, dan pelengkap pada struktur frasa preposisi. Frasa – frasa kata benda bahasa inggris yang berfungsi sebagai sebuah objek pada sumber data terlihat lebih sering.

Keywords: Noun phrase, Structure of noun phrase, Functions of noun phrase

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Words are classified into eight parts of speech, namely verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. However, phrases are also categorized based on the words that form them. One part of speeches is noun that learner must clearly know in learning language. Thus, noun phrases are also definitely important that learner must understand. After mastering the language structure itself, the learners are expected to comprehend considerably the function of noun phrases in particular. By that understanding, the learners are expected to avoid the use of ill-formed noun phrases.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is really interested in the study of English noun phrase found in The Vampire Diaries by using theory of noun phrase because noun is very effective in the process of learning a new language both oral and written. It is proved by its existence in every sentence and phrases. In summary, it is a must for the learners of a new language especially English to study the structure and the function of noun phrase more deeply.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the statements of the problems are formulated as follows :

  • 1.    What are the types and structures of English noun phrases found in The Vampire Diaries?

  • 2.    What are the functions of English noun phrases found in The Vampire Diaries?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

This study is intended to fulfill some proposed aims. The aims of study are as follows :

  • 1.    To give clear description of English noun phrase types and structures found in The Vampire Diaries.

  • 2.    To identify the functions of English noun phrases found in The Vampire Diaries.

  • 4.    Research Method

During the process of conducting a research, an appropriate methodology is necessarily required. In this study, there are three kinds of research methods used including determination of data source, method and technique of collecting data, and the last is method and technique of analyzing data.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data were taken from a novel entitled “Vampire Diaries” written by L.J.Smith. Therefore, it is appropriate to be used as the data source since it provides the data that can be analyzed and identified to elaborate the structure and function of noun phrase.

  • 4.2    Method and Techniques of Collecting Data

Library research was used in this study, since the data were taken from some literature that comprehensively support the problems of the study above.

Some steps were done to obtain the data as follows: first, finding the data which is Vampire Diaries; second, reading The Vampire Diaries to understand the whole content of the verses and the structure in it; third, choosing randomly the English complex noun phrases in the novel; fourth, writing down the selected English noun phrases found in The Vampire Diaries, and finally selected English noun phrases were analyzed in terms of their structures and functions.

  • 4.3    Method of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method classified based on the theory applied in this study. The identified data were elaborated using the main theory and supporting theory to complete the analysis.

After obtaining the data, the syntactic patterns were analyzed using the steps as follows: first, classifying the noun phrase using the theory proposed by Leech; second, analyzing the English noun phrase based on the surface structure using the Leech’s theory of English noun phrase and describing the structure; third, finding the functions of the noun phrases using Rodney Huddleston’s theory and finally, concluding the result of analysis of noun phrase in The Vampire Diaries.

  • 5.    Noun Phrase Found In The Vampire Diaries

    • 5.1   The Structures of English Noun Phrase

      • 5.1.1  Pre-modified Noun Phrase

Data 5 : Each of the individuals around the table took the piece of paper. P 38

It shows that there is a noun phrase namely the piece of paper with paper as the head of the phrase. It was categorized as a pre-modified noun phrase because it consists of pre-modification including determiner the and an adjective piece and those modifiers that occurred before the head to modify the head.

  • 5.1.2    Post-modified Noun Phrase

Data 3 : The door at the very top opened and Stefan’s head came out. P.40

It shows that there is a noun phrase namely The door at the very top with door as the head of the phrase and with the as the determiner of the phrase. It was categorized as a post-modified noun phrase since there are postmodifications placed after the head including prepositional phrase at the very top and the modifier occurred after the head.

  • 5.1.3 . Multiple Modification Noun Phrase

Data 2 : It certainly felt like a tiny mosquito bite on the back of his neck. P7

It shows that there is a noun phrase namely a tiny mosquito bite on the back of his neck. with bite as the head of the phrase. It was categorized as a multiple noun phrase since there are post-modification and pre-modification placed after and before the head. The pre-modification consists of determiner a, adjective tiny, and noun mosquito. The post-modification consists of prepositional phrase on the back of his neck.

  • 5.2    The Function on English Noun Phrase

    5.2.1    The Function of Noun Phrase as an Object

Data 16      : He sent one stealthy query of power around him. 124

In the data above, the NP functions as an Object, because it occurs in the end of the sentence, after the verb sent. It also can be analyzed using the formula what + S + P? The elaboration is as follows :

Sentence     : He sent one stealthy query of power around him.

Formula      : What did he sent for ?

Answer      : one stealthy query of power.

Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that the noun phrase one stealthy query of power functions as an object, to be exact direct object.

In other way, the object of the sentence He sent one stealthy query of power around him can be checked by changing the sentence above into passive sentence. An English noun phrase in a sentence can be said to function as an object if the object can be changed into subject in the passive.

Active Sentence     : He sent one stealthy query of power around him

Passive Sentence     : one stealthy query of power was sent by him.

In this case, the object one stealthy query of power can be changed into subject in the passive sentence. It means that, the noun phrase one stealthy query of power functioning as an object.

  • 5.2.2    The Function of Noun Phrase as a Complement In PP Structure

Data 15      : Maybe we just saw it at a weird angle. 115

In the data above, there is a noun phrase, namely a weird angle. In the sentence, the underlined part functions as a complement, it can be seen that the noun phrase a weird angle functions as a complement because it is used to complete the object. Besides, there is a prepositional phrase at placed before the noun phrase. It can also be proved that a prepositional complement is a word, phrase, or clause that directly follows a preposition and completes the meaning of the prepositional phrase.

  • 5.2.3    The Function of Noun Phrase as a Predicative Complement

Data 6 : He said in a very low voice. 76

In the data above, there is a noun phrase, namely a very low voice. In the sentence, the underlined part functions as a predicative complement. It can be seen that the noun phrase a very low voice functions as a complement because it

used to describe about what are the subject is, usually proved by an auxiliary placed after the subject. It can usually be proved that complement is a word, phrase, or clause that follows a copular, or linking, verb and describes the subject of a clause. The terms predicate nominative and predicate noun are also used for noun phrases that function as predicative complements.

  • 5.2.4    The Function of Noun Phrase as a Subject

Data 22      : The tiny old woman had stopped eating and was watching her

intently. 291

In the data above, there is a noun phrase, namely The tiny old woman. In the sentence, the underlined part functions as a subject, it can be seen that the noun phrase The tiny old woman functions as a subject because it usually occur in the beginning of the sentence. Besides, it can be seen that a subject is a word, phrase, or clause that performs the action of or acts upon the verb.

  • 6.     Conclusion

From the previous analysis in the chapter 3, it can be concluded that the noun phrase generally consist of four components, namely the head, the determinative, the pre-modification and the post-modification. But, there are several noun phrases which do not have all of the elements. The head served as the identify of noun phrase is certainly a noun. The structure of the noun phrases represented by the internal structures of the sentences. From the fifty six data analyzed randomly in the previous chapter, pre-modified noun phrase appears most frequently based on the structures of noun phrase.

The noun phrase in sentences or clauses explained in this journal realized several functions, such as noun phrase as a subject, as an object, as a predicative

complement and as a complement in PP structure. From the fifty six data analyzed randomly in the previous chapter, the function of noun phrase in the data source functioning as an object appears most frequently.

  • 7.     Bibliography

Leech, Geofrey. 1992. Introducing English Grammar. Clays Ltd, St Ives plc.

Leech, Deuchar Hoogenraad. 1982. English Grammar for Today. Macmillan Publisher Ltd.

Smith, L.J . 2009.The Vampire Diaries: The Return : Nightfall: Harper Teen

Rodney Huddleston.2001. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. London :Cambridge University Press

Yule, George. 1994. The Study of Language. London: Cambridge University Press.