Ni Putu Estri Rusthiana

Non Regular Program of English Departement

Faculty of Letters and Culture

Udayana University


Penelitian ini berjudul "Analisis Kode Yang Ditemukan di The Novel High Society oleh Sarah Mason. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan fungsi alih kode yang digunakan oleh novelis.

Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari seluruh bab novel berjudul "High Society" oleh Sarah Mason. Pertama alih kode yang terjadi dalam novel diidentifikasi dan kemudian jenis-jenis dan fungsi alih kode diklasifikasikan.

Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan dua teori, teori pertama dengan Poplack sebagai teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, teori ini digunakan untuk menganalisis tiga jenis alih kode, yaitu: tag switching, inter sentensial switching, dan intra sentential switching. Teori kedua oleh Appel dan Muysken digunakan untuk menganalisis fungsi alih kode. Mereka membagi fungsi menjadi enam kategori, yaitu: fungsi referensial, fungsi direktif, fungsi ekspresif, fungsi phatic, fungsi metalinguistik, dan fungsi puitis.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan semua jenis alih kode seperti tag switching, inter sential switching dan intra sentensial switching. Tapi dari enam fungsi alih kode yang diterapkan, hanya ada empat fungsi alih kode yang ditemukan dalam novel yaitu fungsi referensial, fungsi direktif , fungsi metalinguistik dan fungsi phatic.

Kata kunci: Alih Kode, tipe, dan fungsi

  • 1.    Background

Language is used as a means of communication in our daily life, we cannot communicate with each other without it. Language, both written and spoken has different characteristics which are influenced by different cultures therefore, the ability of using a language must be improved by studying it developed. Wardhaugh (1986:94) proposes that in many parts of the word an ability to speak more than one languages in daily life or daily conversation is needed.

There are many languages in the world, it makes easy to find the people who switch from one language to another . Wardaugh (1986:86) suggests that when you open your mouth, you must choose a particular language, dialect, style, register or variety that is a particular code. So, in this case the language choice in bilingual society is a common issue and we cannot avoid making choice.

Code-switching is the practice of switching between languages or linguistic dialects. Sociologists, linguists and educators study code-switching to analyze cultural interactions and educational techniques.

Code-switching performs several functions (Zentella, 1985). First, people may use codeswitching to hide fluency or memory problems in the second language (but this accounts for about only 10 percent of code switches). Second, code-switching is used to mark switching from informal situations (using native languages) to formal situations (using second language). Third, code-switching is used to exert control, especially between parents and children. Fourth, codeswitching is used to align speakers with others in specific situations (e.g., defining oneself as a member of an ethnic group). Code-switching also ‘functions to announce specific identities, create certain meanings, and facilitate particular interpersonal relationships’ (Johnson, 2000, p. 184).”

English as an international language, so it is not a new thing that English penetrates into the activities or daily life of people around the word. In daily life we can see that English plays an important role in technology, mass media, economy and education, therefore peoples need to master it. In Indonesia, when people study English as a second language they tend to switch some Indonesian words into English. People in conducting a communication tend to switch from one code to another, which can involve words, phrases or involves several sentences, called code switching (Grossjean,1982:146). This phenomenom is not only used in daily communication but

it also found in printed media such as novel. The use of code switching in literary works tends to make the readers more interested and more able to comprehend what the writer tells about this works.

Code switching can be found in the occasion of conversation, speech, lectures or other kind of communication delivered in both written and spoken forms. People in conducting communication switch from one code to other codes involving words, phrases or sentences as well. Code switching is an extremely common characteristic of bilingual speech and some bilingual writers reflect this in their work (grosjean, 1982; 146).

In the High Society novel, the use of more than one language, especially in the form of Indonesian to France and Indonesian to English code switching,is quite common. This phenomenon happens because of the fact that English has been given a status as that most important international language which can give a feeling of prestige to the speakers themselves.

  • 2.    Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, some problems of the present study can be formulated as follows:

  • 1) .What types of Indonesian – French and Indonesian- English code switching are used in novel “High Society” ?

  • 2) .What are the functions of Indonesian – French and Indonesian – English code switching in the novel “ High Society” ?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the problems of study there are some aims in this research :

  • 1) .To identify the type of Indonesian – French and Indonesian – English code switching used in novel “ High Society”

  • 2) .To analyse the function of Indonesian – French and Indonesian – English code switching used in novel “ Hihg society”.

  • 4.    Research Methode

The data of this study were taken from the all chapters of the novel entitled High society by Sarah Mason and published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, April 2007. This novel was chosen as the data source because it almost represented the phenomenon of code switching in Indonesian – French and Indonesian – English. The data in this study were primary data because the data were collected directly from the novel.

The data of this study were as collected by reading intensively the novel and notes down all information related to the topic of discussion. The method used in collecting data for this study is documentation method. This method is a way of collecting data taken from notes, transcription, books, magazines, internet. The process of collecting the data was divided into several steps. First, the data were collected manually by reading the data source thoroughly and then note-taking the narrations and conversations that contains code switching related to the problems. Finally, the data which were categorized as code switching were classified based on their types and function of code switching.

The analysis of this study was descriptive qualitative method.

  • 5.    Analysis

    Analysis of the Types of Code Switching

There are three types of code switching, those are: Tag Switching, Intra Sentential Switching, and Inter Sentential Switching. Among the three types of code switching only two of those the types were applicable in this study.

Analysis of Tag Switching

Tag switching involves the insertion of a tag in language into an uttrance which is otherwise entirely in the other language, e.g you know, I mean, etc

Data 1

  • “    Wow!!! Ema mau menikah! Dia tidak bilang apa-apa pada kami.”(P.83)

The code switching in the data above is classified as a Tag Switched into the sentence using Bahasa Indonesia. In the data above the word “ Wow” is classified as tag because it showed a surprise expression. The writer switched an English tag as an expression of a character in the novel which is followed by his explanation of why the character in the novel expressed that word.

Analysis of Intra- Sentential Switching

Intra sentential switching is a type of code switching where the switching occurred within a sentence or a clause where the phrase or a word of another language is inserted into the language being used in the discussion.

Data 2

  • “    Aku selesai melahap sandwich dengan gaya profesional menjilat jemariku.” (P.159)

The data is classified in code switching because the writer put English word in it. It is classified as Intra Sentential switching. The word “ sandwich” is familiar in Indonesia because there is no special word in Indonesian language to describe that.

Analysis of The Function of Code Switching

There are six functions of code switching , those are : referential ,directive, expressive, metalinguistic, phatic and peotic function. Among the six function of code switching only four the function were applicable in this study.

  • 2.1    Analysis of Referential Function

This function of code switching occurs when there is lack of knowledge of one language or lack of facility in that language on a cetain subject.

Data 1

“ Aku selesai melahap sandwich dengan gaya profesional menjilat jemariku.” (P.159)

From the function of code switching it is classified as Referential function where the writer can not find any suitble word in Indonesian language to describe “ sandwich” in Indonesian language and this word simple and good when it is uttered.

Analysis of Directive Function

This directive function involves the hearer directly. It is being directed at the hearer, which function to exclude certain person is presence from portion of conversation or to include a person are more using her or his language.

Data 2

“ Sam memberi salam riang “ a bientot!” lalu menarik ku dari lobi.” (P.359)

Regarding the function of code switching, the switching of the France word in the data above is classified as directive function because in the text the writer wants to inform the reader that the dialogue happens in a hotel in France and she want to show his skill in French language.

Analysis of Metalinguistic Function

This function refers to the giving of comment directly or indirectly on the language involved.

Data 3

“ Kami berpapasan dengan Madame di tangga, Sam memberi salam “ Bonsoir!” dengan riang, sementara aku tidak sanggup menatap wanita itu.” (P. 353)

The data above is classified as code switching used in Metalinguistic function where the speaker wanst to show his skill in using another language which is French language. This word is switched to make his writing look attractive for the reader , therefore, the reader became interested in reading this novel.

Analysis of Phatic Function

It often serves to indicate a change in tone of the conversation.

Data 4

Damn!!! Bukankah mestinya aku berada di Paris.”(P. 106)

According to the function of code switching, it serves a function as Phatic function where the writer showed that the character in the novel would like to change the tone in conversation which has begun by a surprised expression.

  • 6.    Conclusion

In “ High Society “ novel, there are only two types of code switching found, those are : Tag switching,and Intra-sentential switching. Tag switching involves a tag, an exclamation, or a parenthesis in one language into an utterance, which is otherwise entirely in the other language. From the collected data, it was found that the switches are placed in the beginning of sentence, in the middle of sentence, and at the end of the sentence.The intra-sentential switching can be placed in the middle, and at the end of the sentence. The Intra sentential switching is the most dominant occurrence in the novel.

Among the six functions of code switching proposed by Appel and Muysken in this study there are only four functions of code switching found in the novel. Those are: Referential function, Directive function, Metalinguistic function and Phatic function . Most the functions of the code switching accurs as a Referential function.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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