Kadek Sri Agustiani Pratiwi

English Department, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University


Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial dan sebagai makhluk sosial mereka memerlukan kegiatan sosial untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Namun dalam berkomunikasi, manusia sering kali mengganti kode dalam bahasa lain selain bahasa pertama yang digunakan oleh pembicara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis alih kode yang digunakan dalam buku harian KambingJantan ditulis oleh Raditya Dika, untuk menjelaskan apa fungsi alih kode dalam buku harian KambingJantan ditulis oleh Raditya Dika dan untuk menganalisis alasan dari penggunaan pengalih-kodean. Data penelitian ini diambil dari buku harian itu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumenter. Data dikumpulkan dari dokumen tertulis sejak penelitian ini menggunakan buku harian sebagai sumber data. Data kualitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan untuk memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang jenis, fungsi dan faktor kode switching. Penelitian ini terutama didasarkan pada teori yang diusulkan oleh Poplack untuk jenis alih kode, teori yang diusulkan oleh Apple dan Muysken untuk fungsi alih kode, dan kemudian teori yang diusulkan oleh Hoffman untuk alasan penggunaan alih kode. Hasil didasarkan pada analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ada 3 jenis alih kode yang digunakan oleh penulis, tag beralih sebagian besar terjadi pada awal kalimat. Kemudian, intra-sentensial switching terjadi di awal atau di tengah atau di seluruh kalimat. Yang terakhir intra-sentensial switching terjadi antara kalimat. Dari teori, ada empat fungsi ditemukan, Referential Function, Directive Function, Phatic Function, dan metalinguistic Function, dan tiga alasan penggunaan alih kode; berbicara tentang sesuatu yang khusus, membuat pembaca berempati dan untuk mengekspresikan identitas.

Kata Kunci: alih kode, tipe, fungsi, alasan

  • 1.    Background of the Study

English is an international language that plays an important role in this second millennium. English in Indonesia is taught as a foreign language which needs to be learned by students in schools, people who work in tourism, etc. Many people master more than one languages therefore, they have ability to switch from one language to

other languages. This is why the phenomenon of code switching happens not only between local languages and Indonesian language, but also between local languages, Indonesian and English.

Code switching is potentially the most creative aspect of bilingual speech. The feature of bilingual speech such as interference, code mixing and code switching are normal phenomenon because bilinguals often find it easier to discuss a particular topic in one language rather than another. This situation may be the basic reason why people do code switching in their speech. The result of using these several languages is that people tend to switch from one language to another, which is called code switching. Code switching is the alternate use of two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation or it can be of any length weather it is a word, a phrase, or a sentence. Speakers usually switch to manipulate or influence or define the situation as they wish and to convey nuances of meaning and personal intention.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

  • 1.    What types of code switching that are used in the diary KambingJantan?

  • 2.    What are the functions of code switching that are used in the diary KambingJantan?

  • 3.    What are the reasons of the use of code switching?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To identify types of code switching that are used in the diary KambingJantan written by Raditya Dika.

  • 2.    To explain what the functions of code switching in the diary KambingJantan written by Raditya Dika.

  • 3.    To analyze the reasons of the use of code switching.

  • 4.    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

To support the data analysis, this study used the documentary method. The use of documentary methods refers to the analysis of documents that contain information about the phenomenon we wish to study (Bailey 1994). The data of this study were collected from written texts/documents since this study used the diary as the source of the study. It was collected by reading intensively the KambingJantan and underlying the clauses. This study used the note taking technique. The data were noted by typing them in the laptop. Then the data were tabulated and classified or categorized into the types, and functions of code switching.

  • 5.    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

Qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials - case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts - that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in individuals' lives. Accordingly, qualitative researchers deploy a wide range of interconnected methods, hoping always to get a better fix on the subject matter at hand. (Denzin and Lincoln, 1994: 2).

  • 6.    Result and Discussion

    Analysis of Types of Code Switching

The analysis of types of code switching in this part is based on the grammatical perspectives. From grammatical perspectives, code switching can be divided into three: those are tag switching, intra-sentential switching, and inter-sentential switching. Tag

switching occurs when a tag of entirely different language inserts an utterance in other language. It may involve a tag, an exclamation or parenthesis. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence for emphasis. Exclamation is a short sound, word, or phrase expressing sudden surprise, pain, etc. Parenthesis is a word, phrase or sentence, which is inserted as an extra explanation or idea in to a passage, which would be complete without it. In writing it is usually separated from the rest by brackets, dashes or commas. Inter-sentential switching occurs at a clause or sentence boundary. This kind of switching may also occurs between the speaker turns. It can since major portions of the utterance must conform to the rules of both languages. Intra-sentential switching can be divined as a switch, which occurs within a sentence or clause boundary and may include mixing within words boundaries. In other words, this switching is performed in either words or phrases.

Functions of Code Switching

Code switching performs several functions (Zentella, 1985). First, people may use code-switching to hide fluency or memory problems in the second language (but this accounts for about only 10 percent of code switches). Second, code-switching is used to mark switching from informal situations (using native languages) to formal situations (using second language). Third, code-switching is used to exert control, especially between parents and children. Fourth, code-switching is used to align speakers with others in specific situations (e.g., defining oneself as a member of an ethnic group). In this study, the analysis of functions would be based on Apple and Muysken functional model. Code switching in the text on the diary KambingJantan written by Raditya Dika has some functions, however only four of six functions proposed by Apple and Muysken are applicable in this analysis, referential function, directive function, phatic function, and melatinguistic function.

The Reasons of the Use of Code Switching

The reasons of the use of code switching is taken from the theory proposed by Hoffman (1991), Based on his theory, there are several reasons for bilinguals to switch or mix their language.

Talking About a Particular Topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in another. Sometimes a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express their emotional feelings in a language that is not their everyday language.

Being Emphatic About Something

Usually, when someone who is talking using a language that is not his native tongue suddenly wants to be emphatic about something, he/she either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his second language to his first language.

Expressing Group Identity

Code switching can be used to express group identity. The way of communication of academic people in their disciplinary groupings, are obviously different from other groups. In other words, the way of communication of one community is different from the people who are out of the community. As we know that Raditya Dika is a son from a rich family, he is a writer, comedian, and he studied in Australia for some years, so he may called an educated person, and so that’s why he mostly switched the code into English.

The other reason is the use of foreign language can also give the higher status for the speaker. As it is mostly used, it also affects the speaker to do so. Therefore here, the speaker tried not only to deliver humor, but also to remind us of the assimilation happening in our culture.

  • 7.    Conclusion

According to the analysis, there are number of code switching found in the diary KambingJantan by Raditya Dika. These functions of code switching are apparently

applied to the selected data. This study also found the reasons which caused the writer to switch code. Indonesian-English is a common phenomenon in diary KambingJantan. It covers three types: tag switching or an exclamation or parenthesis, inter-sentential switching or a switch at a clause or sentence boundary where each clause or each sentence is in one language or another and intra-sentential switching or a switch of different language (English) within a clause or sentence boundary. Intra-sentential switching mostly occurred. It resulted from counting directly. Not all of the elements were found in this diary. There were only 4 functions from 6 functions of code switching found, that are: referential function, directive function, phatic function, and metalinguistic function. And also there were only 3 reasons from 7 reasons of code switching found, that are: talking about particular topic, being emphatic about something, and expressing group identity. The writer switched the code because of he wanted to talk about a particular topic, since the writer feel free and more comfortable to express his emotional feeling, and also he tended to make the reader emphatic about him. Besides, code switching occurred in the diary KambingJantan because of his sense of humor as an actor and also comedian to make the articles more interesting. Not only that reasons but also he want to express his identity that he is an educated person and studied in Adelaide, Australia relatively for long time, he can switch the code in other language every times he want.

  • 8.    Bibliography

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