



Skripsi dengan judul “The Analysis of Characters in “The Impossible” Movie Based on Humanity Issues”bertujuan untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur intrinsik yang terkandung dalam film; menemukan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang terkandung di dalamnya; dan mencari tahu seberapa luas nilai kemanusiaan mempengaruhi karakter-karakter yang ada pada film The Impossible.

Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari film yang berjudul“The Impossible”. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan teknik pencatatan, dan kemudian data-data tersebut dikategorikan berdasarkan teori-teori yang dipergunakan.

Data yang sudah terkumpul dan terklasifikasi dianalisis secara kualitatif dan deskriptif dengan menggunakan Theory of Literature yang ditulis oleh Wellek and Warren (1962). Data ini juga dianalisis kembali dengan menggunakan teori pendukung lain, diantaranya adalah: Self Actualization, The Fully Functioning Person, dan Personality Development yang diajukan oleh Carl Rogers (1959)

Berdasarkan analisis dan pemaparan ditemukan bahwa karakter utama yaitu Maria digambarkan sebagai karakter yang protagonis dan dinamis. Selain itu dalam istilah persoalan kemanusiaan, Maria mempunyai kemampuan aktualisasi diri yang luar biasa. Tambahan lain, Maria juga dikategorikan sebagai seseorang yang berfungsi sepenuhnya, hidup eksistensial, percaya terhadap perasaannya, kreatif, dan hidup seutuhnya. Sementara itu, dalam hubungannya dengan pengembangan kepribadian diri, dia menganggap dirinya berharga, mampu melihat kebaikan di dalam dirinya, dan mempunyai kepribadian yang ideal. Kualitas nilai kemanusiaan yang tinggi ini juga diwariskan ke anak sulungnya, Lucas, sebagai karakter kedua dalam film ini.

Kata Kunci: humanity issues, humanity values, characters

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Literary work is considered a beautiful writing which is fulfilled with human’s feelings. It makes value of art and expresses many aspects of life, by using language as a medium, which offers pleasure and splendor. Literature can also be defined as the creation of human consciousness and inspiration which is communicated by the character into a concrete form (Wellek and Warren, 1932: 3). Drama is a part of literature which can be a simple way to tell a story

Analyzing a drama through the characters can be more specific into humanity issues, because in psychological aspects, humanity could influence the character themselves. Humanity aspect can influence their social life, daily attitudes, experiences, or might when they adaptation in the situation which they have never felt before.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

The problem in this research can be formulated in the form of questions as follows:

  • 1.    What are the intrinsic elements of “The Impossible” Movie?

  • 2.    What kinds of humanities discovered in the main character of “The Impossible” Movie?

  • 3.    To what extent the humanity values influence characters around the story in “The Impossible” Movie?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To find the intrinsic elements in The Impossible movie.

  • 2.    To find out kinds of humanity in the main character in The Impossible movie.

  • 3.    To grasp the influences and find meanings of humanity values on characters

in The Impossible Movie.

  • 4.    Analysis and Result

    • 4.1.    Self Actualization

Self-actualization could be found in this conversation, which made her son, Lucas, change his mind and going to help the boy:

Daniel: (shout) Dad! Dad! Dad!

Maria: Wait, did you hear that?

Lucas: Mom. There is nothing we can do.

Maria: Wait!

Lucas: We are almost there mom. We have to get safety.

Maria: (firm) No, we have to help that poor

Lucas: (speak loudly) Mom! If another wave catches us down here, we will die. We have to climb that three, right now! Come on!

Maria: (shout) Where are you? (ask the boy loudly)

Lucas: (speak loudly) Mom! Look at you! We need help! We can not risk it. We can not risk it Mom!

Maria: Listen! What if that boy was Simon or Thomas? What if they need help? You want someone to help them, wouldn’t you? (asking and convince Lucas)

Lucas: (shout with crying) Simon and Thomas are dead!

Maria: (slowly) Even this the last thing we do.

It is defined that humanism value is more important than our ego. Apart from her background as a doctor, serving people, her conscience spoke up, too. Although in a bad condition when she got bad injuries and her son could not wait to climb a tree for safety. She, as a mother, asked him to help each other and show her actual behavior (self-image) to what she is supposed to be.

  • 4.2.    The Fully Functioning Person

  • a. Open to Experiences

One moment when Maria was show her tough heart to his son could be proved in this conversation below:

Lucas: Mom…

Maria: What? (look back when she is in front of him)

Lucas: you are bleeding Mom (He saw his mother’s foot flesh)

Maria: Oh My God! Oh! It’s Okay. (shocked)

Lucas: I can’t see you like this mom (scared)

Maria: It’s Okay (she is taking something to cover her injuries and convincing lucas)

Lucas: I’m Sorry Mom.

Maria knows the situation which her son’s faced off, then she has accepted positive or negative emotion from Lucas.

  • 4.3.    Personality Development

a. Self Worth

Self worth is affected by how we think about ourselves. In this case, Maria as the main character trust her feelings and be a person that has good confidence. This can be seen when she decides to help the boy (Daniel) while she was escaping from tsunami and tried to find safer places with her son, Lucas. But after she heard the boy calling his dad she was stuck at the moment, then insisted to help that boy rather than to climb the tree suggested by Lucas. The following is the statement stated by Maria with respect to her choice to help the boy:

“Listen! What if that boy was Simon or Thomas? What if they need help? You want someone to help them, wouldn’t you?” (Maria is convincing Lucas when Lucas didn’t want to help the boy)

“Even this is the last thing we do.” (Final statement that made Lucas agrees and aware of the meaning of his mom’s speech)

It might have been formed when she was a child by having daily interaction with her mother, father, or people around her. However, it reappeared when she got bad situation as a mother that has an obligation to help her son, Lucas to raise his humanity worth, and help the boy who needs it. Maria realized that, we as humans have self value which is equal to other’s. It simply depends on how we see ourselves and our valuable life.

  • 5.    Conclusion

Based on the foregoing analysis and discussion, the following points can be drawn as conclusion:

Firstly, in ‘The Impossible’ movie, there are two intrinsic elements that have been analyzed, they are plot and setting. Plot describes how the way of Maria Bennet

and her family live their life in the middle of disaster. All aspects under analysis cover: Exposition, complication, crisis, falling action, and the last is resolution or denouement. Meanwhile, settings are described through the setting of place and setting of time.

Secondly, the type of character represented by Maria Bennet is described as protagonist and dynamic character. Protagonist refers to adorable person and the hero who gave good influences to other characters. Dynamic character refers to a character that exhibits some kinds of changes in attitude, purpose, and behaviors as the story progresses.

The writer presents the Main character in terms of humanity issues, which is the aspect of psychological approach; self actualization, the fully functioning person, and personality development are as follows; self actualization of Maria Bennet which is incredible, because she is kind, always sees the opportunity in bad situation, could motivate herself, and has a strong intention to be a better person. Maria as the fully functioning person always accepts both positive and negative emotions (Open to experience), able to fully appreciate the present, never regrets of what happened before or in the past (Existential living), trusts her own feeling in deciding some choices (Trust feelings). Besides, she also has creative thinking and brave to take risks, aware that humans do not stay safe all the time (Creative), and she always tries to be grateful although situation seems impossible in all directions (Fulfilled life). Personality development of Maria is connectedness from one part to the others, such

as: self worth, self image, and self Ideal; It means that Maria has good confidence in view point of herself, affects people, and survived in the passed situation.

The last is the Impact of Maria’s heart to secondary character, Lucas. Lucas has changed after he lives his life through the disaster with his mother. Lucas has become a better person, dare to choose risky things, helpful, and becomes a brave boy for his mother. All of the good impacts are because of good values of human aspects of his mother which are imparted to him.

  • 7. Bibliography

Rogers, C. (1959). A Theory of Therapy, Personality and Interpersonal Relationships as Developed in the Client-centered Framework. In (ed.) S. Koch, Psychology: A Study of a Science. Vol. 3: Formulations of the Person and the Social Context. New York: McGraw Hill.

Sudjiman, Panuti. 1988. Cerita Rekaan. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1962. The Theory of Literature. London: Cox and Wyman Ltd.

Maslow, A. H.1943. A Theory of Human Motivation in Psychological Review. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.